An Interesting Bit of Philosophy

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Guess who I am!

"Urg, I'm gay! God exists and I'm a dumbass! Durrrrrrrrr..."

It's simple. You see because 9 + 2 = B, he doesn't believe in god. And as long as 9 + 2 = B he will never believe in god.
I finished my last class of philosophy yesterday, and them you ****s must bring it back up. Great.
This looks like a new thread of Kamikazi + Pressure arguement, with the ending looking like Pressure throwing out the usual Christian "12 year old insults". What happened to intelligent debate, or did that die with Jesus?
Nah, they kept repeating the same boring crap, but when I asked them for proof of their evolutionary theory they couldn't give any. Other than that their arguments were weak and didn't disprove anything. However, I did prove that God does exists.
Nah, they kept repeating the same boring crap, but when I asked them for proof of their evolutionary theory they couldn't give any. Other than that their arguments were weak and didn't disprove anything. However, I did prove that God does exists.
What are you talking about evolutionary theory? Not every atheist believes in it. I could care less about it being true or not.

And no you have not proved got exists. You have proved your god exists just as much as you have proved the hundreds of hindu gods exists, the chinese teapot in space, the flying spaghetti monster god.

I am thinking about joining the flying spaghetti monster church, i mean there is so much proof behind him. He has obviously showed he exists by making spaghetti and giving it to us man. He gave us an awesome food that is great for our bodies. The truth has been found my friends!

Also this is the off topic forum, and religion debate is actually to be dealt with in the politics forum. On that note, where's mechagodzilla been?

Other than that their arguments were weak
Yet yours is and was even weaker.
Pressure, I see where you're coming from, but I fail to see how you PROVED Gods existence. Much like the evolutionary theory, which hasn't been proved. The one way we will know the truth is when we see either one of them in action with our own eyes. Until then, it's just a theory. I'm just sick of each side spouting their mouths like it's the truth, when there is no truth to behold. You can have your beliefs, but quit throwing it in our face like we can't see physical matter.
Pressure, I see where you're coming from, but I fail to see how you PROVED Gods existence. Much like the evolutionary theory, which hasn't been proved. The one way we will know the truth is when we see either one of them in action with our own eyes. Until then, it's just a theory. I'm just sick of each side spouting their mouths like it's the truth, when there is no truth to behold. You can have your beliefs, but quit throwing it in our face like we can't see physical matter.

theres actually a great deal of evidence for both micro and macro evolution.everything from observed evolution in bacteria to vestigial structures in animals.
i've always wondered how creationism explains vestigial organs ?.
Pressure, I see where you're coming from, but I fail to see how you PROVED Gods existence. Much like the evolutionary theory, which hasn't been proved. The one way we will know the truth is when we see either one of them in action with our own eyes. Until then, it's just a theory. I'm just sick of each side spouting their mouths like it's the truth, when there is no truth to behold. You can have your beliefs, but quit throwing it in our face like we can't see physical matter.

*Points to Darwin's Finches*

Fine, fine, you can't PROVE evolution, let's stop trying to understand the universe.

Pressure, I see where you're coming from, but I fail to see how you PROVED Gods existence. Much like the evolutionary theory, which hasn't been proved. The one way we will know the truth is when we see either one of them in action with our own eyes. Until then, it's just a theory. I'm just sick of each side spouting their mouths like it's the truth, when there is no truth to behold. You can have your beliefs, but quit throwing it in our face like we can't see physical matter. a college student going into microbiology, I have seen evolution in action every week. As I study antibiotic resistance, I have seen it appear in cultures all the time. The trick is to make sure there is enough antibiotic added to kill most, but not all, of the bacteria. You let the population recover, then add a larger dose. Keep doing this until none of the bacteria die, and you will have a strain completely immune to the antibiotic you used. In about a week, you can get a completely unique subspecies of, say, E. Coli.
"Leon Lederman, the physicist and Nobel laureate, once half-jokingly remarked that the real goal of physics was to come up with an equation that could explain the universe but still be small enough to fit on a T-shirt. In that spirit, Dawkins offered up his own T-shirt slogan for the ongoing evolution revolution:
Life results from the non-random survival of randomly varying replicators."

And if anyone says the words "Just a theory" once more, I will explode with rage.
Just a theory... an ignorant thing to call evolution!
I know evolution has a MUCH MUUUUCCHHHHHH higher chance of being real than a God, but in large scales, we've got no clue. We've seen small versions of evolution take place, like what Baratos has stated, but we haven't seen a Monkey evolve into a human, or anything of that matter. that's what I'm referring to when I call it a theory. It's a theory until the final product is pushed in your face, shoved down your mouth, and kicked out your ass.

Trust me, I'm one of you guys when I believe Evolution over anything else.
"One of you guys" = believer in scientific process = apply a critical eye to everything! Including your posts!

What you say is broadly true except I think it's misleading: there is no practical difference between micro and macroevolution. Micro just goes faster because the microbes live faster. There's no magic threshold where an ape turns into a human, or where microevolution turns to macro.
I know evolution has a MUCH MUUUUCCHHHHHH higher chance of being real than a God, but in large scales, we've got no clue. We've seen small versions of evolution take place, like what Baratos has stated, but we haven't seen a Monkey evolve into a human, or anything of that matter. that's what I'm referring to when I call it a theory. It's a theory until the final product is pushed in your face, shoved down your mouth, and kicked out your ass.

Trust me, I'm one of you guys when I believe Evolution over anything else.

And even when it's pushed in your face, shoved down your mouth, and kicked out your ass, Einstein's theory of relativity may well replace your so-called 'Law' of Gravity. > >
the reason you do not see a half monkey half man species is because they failed to survive. we killed them because they looked funny, always walking around with their knees bent and overly hairy bodies. not to mention it was hard to tell the women from the men, so obviously they couldn't reproduce fast enough "oh I love you, lets do it!....OMG YOUR A MAN!" they were also pacifists so it was really easy to take them out "can't we all just get along? *boot to the head*" they were just weird.
That is a big question. When should the greater good be strived for.

I guess whatever comnes natural. Whatever we feel is the right choice. Collectively, humans will advance regardless.


/nuclear war