Anime Sucks

Warbie said:
You got to admit that Metropolis looked fantastic, though :)

Yeah, the animation was a whole lot better than the majority of Anime. It was really almost Disney quality stuff. It still had the garbled, psuedo-philosophical hack writing that pervades so much of Anime though.
:) I liked Metropolis, it was cool, it was sly, it was gravy, but most of all it was gangsta.

Now Jin Roh was just all around dopeness. The "Little Red Riding Hood" story re-told, it was great... the action was tight(even though it lacked that much action scenes) but still great film.
Yes, anime blood 'n' guts is always fun, fun, fun!
I just watched Hellsing and loved it. I'm depressed because it's only 13 eps. That's criminal. I wanted a big showdown with Andersong. I really liked the characters as well. I hope they do 13 more eps, but alas - it's probably never going to happen.
Majestic XII said:
I feel like im the only one watching comedy and love/drama animes here :)
Those are the only ones I watch! Well, besides Hentai. ;)

I especially like Chobits and Azumanga Daioh.

I also own the mangas for them! :D
i kind of like cowboy bebop because it's more western than standard anime.
i think it's funny how japanese anime is becoming more westernized, and american cartoons are becoming more easternized. the irony...
when i make my anime it's going to kick your asses to mars.
Finished watching Hellsing and actully there is one thing that constantly attracted my attention to it.

The attention to detail. Take for example the British Army at the end of it. I expected them to come out with MP5's or some other generic weapon and was kinda suprised to see them appear with the standard issue SA-80. Its just small touches like that and that detail (Picadilly Circus was pretty much accurate) and its cool.
Venmoch said:
Finished watching Hellsing and actully there is one thing that constantly attracted my attention to it.

The attention to detail. Take for example the British Army at the end of it. I expected them to come out with MP5's or some other generic weapon and was kinda suprised to see them appear with the standard issue SA-80. Its just small touches like that and that detail (Picadilly Circus was pretty much accurate) and its cool.

Ah yeah, Hellsing, that anime was so fun to watch.

The crazy undead zombie SAS type soldiers were awesome.
I've been slowly buying the "Licensed by Royalty" series and damn theres a nice mixture of comedy, action, etc
FictiousWill said:
I just watched Hellsing and loved it. I'm depressed because it's only 13 eps. That's criminal. I wanted a big showdown with Andersong. I really liked the characters as well. I hope they do 13 more eps, but alas - it's probably never going to happen.

Actually they're thinking of making, I guess you can call it another Season of Hellsing. Dunno if they actually will though.
I've been talking to the writer behind Hellsing... maybe ill ask him about it :)
Ask him how the kids are, I haven't seen him in years.
Pressure said:
Actually they're thinking of making, I guess you can call it another Season of Hellsing. Dunno if they actually will though.

They left it off so perfectly for a sequel.

I really hope it happens.
Some anime does suck, but i love the reality style anime, like the stuff in Kill Bill.
Yes.. Stuff like Sailor moon with exaggerated emotions and weird stuff makes me sick.
CrazyHarij said:
Yes.. Stuff like Sailor moon with exaggerated emotions and weird stuff makes me sick.
I'll give em credit, however, for having that many schoolgirls and not even one tentacle.
Just out of curiousity ....

Why in the world does almost every forum I have ever visited have someone start a thread saying "Anime Sucks" (or some variation thereof) ?

Does anime pop out and grab you by the short and curlies and FORCE you to watch it, or jump out from the dark alleys and nag you all the time?

People, some like anime some don't, nothing wrong with either side but it becomes tedious when one side goes out of his/her way to trash the others opinion.

Original thread starter - You don't like anime....good for you, because I am not going to drop dead, nor quiet enjoying my harmless anime because YOU think it sucks.
CyberSh33p said:
I'll give em credit, however, for having that many schoolgirls and not even one tentacle.

True dat. :naughty:

Morlack - Lucid Dreams
What are we talking about here?
*Looks at topic name*

Uhh, sooo....
We are all off topic here, aren't we. :s
I like the fighting anime with cool action scenes. Can't be arsed to watch them though, but I won't run to the nearest bathroom vomiting.

I loathe the trying to be funny/cute animes. You know, those high school animes where the sexually frustrated animators can express their most sick fantasies on schoolgirls in short skirts. They're never funny, once you've seen one, you've seen 'em all. With the typical 'guy runs into boobs of girl' joke, ITS NOT FÜCKING FUNNY! IT NEVER WAS! or those retarded facial expressions.
There are exceptions however, like that (I don't know it's name any more) anime on a high school where you sometimes see Freddy Mercury and with the robot that doesn't know he's a robot.

And then there's of course the animes that are completely boring, like Last Exile. Yawn.

Animes I like are for example Full Metal Panic (Fumoffu is annoying though), Cowboy Bebop and from what I've seen of it, Hellsing. And Naruto seems to be pretty cool too.
Murray said:
What are we talking about here?
*Looks at topic name*

Uhh, sooo....
We are all off topic here, aren't we. :s

Um, tentacle sex is a major part of anime and stuff you know :naughty:
I love facial expressions :) Like in Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, Mahoromatic, CardCaptor Sakura, Excel Saga, the list goes on and on... i love it!
CrazyHarij said:
Um, tentacle sex is a major part of anime and stuff you know :naughty:
Uhh, yeah, but the topic doesn't say "I LOVE TENTACLE SEX!"
Murray said:
Uhh, yeah, but the topic doesn't say "I LOVE TENTACLE SEX!"

No, in a way it says I HATE TENTACLE SECKS.

That new Ghost in the Shell movie has wicked animation, I love it.
CrazyHarij said:
No, in a way it says I HATE TENTACLE SECKS.

That new Ghost in the Shell movie has wicked animation, I love it.
In that case, in a way, it says "I am an idiot, because I think all anime is about tentacle secks and I hate tantacle secks!"
Murray said:
In that case, in a way, it says "I am an idiot, because I think all anime is about tentacle secks and I hate tantacle secks!"

True dat. :naughty:

Ah, the joy of prejudice.
Majestic XII said:
I've been talking to the writer behind Hellsing... maybe ill ask him about it :)

That is very cool. I would love another 13 (or 128) eps of Hellsing.
WAhT YUU say Mr. PhAt TooNYone!?!? Guud fer BrainZ! UZ jUst LuV the TENTaCle SexXxes, But duN wANNA admit iT!!!

But in reality, after a while, all anime starts to get similar, just watch a few good series then be done.
everyone is intitled to their opinion, some people like anime, some people like motercycles, come people enjoy soap operas, some people like reading books. some people like some things some of the time. no one likes everything all of the time. and only some people like nothing none of the time.

in "my" opinion anime's can be great, now i say 'can' because like everything else nothing is always good. there are bad animes. just like there are bad movies, and comic books or what have you.

we can keep on going back and forth saying "anime sux" or "anime 0wnZ you" and it will do nothing to reinforce a point or change the mind of anyone reading. all it would accomplish is make a half-assed list of the anime supporters on the HL2 forums (which seems to be the majority, even though most of you couldnt care less).

now that thats been takin care of. personally my favourite anime would have to be the Neon Genisis Evengelion series, but that's just me. I prefer the sci-fi action thrillers, but i also enjoy all aspects of anime (and hentai :D)

another point i was going to make was about the fact that most of the people who dont like anime complain about its plot. either calling it too complex, or not even entertaining or "the same b.s. over and over". now, before i go any further on this point, it is imperitive that you understand the fact that "95%" of English Dubbed (voice over) anime has the conversational qaulity and comprehinsibility of a 9 year old with a speech impediment. this is due in fact by two reasons. the first reason being that most english dubber's like to synchronize the words being spoken to the lip animations of the characters, and this leads to some fundamentally different conversations, especially when you have to get the point across within the limited time the characters' lips are moving, and this creates another problem considering more (or less) can be said in japanese in the time it takes to say the equivelent in english.

this brings me to my second point. "subbing" (subtitles) of animes yeild much better results, yet many people either. a). can't read the subtitles fast enough to understand what was said. b). dont want to be reading while all the pretty stuff happens higher up the screen. or c). cannot enjoy listening to people speak japanese, or are distracted to much by it.

and not being able to enjoy a subtitled version seriously detracts from the beleivability, complexity, depth, or subtleties of the anime's plot.

now, on the matter of "the same stuff over and over", this can be seen everywhere. tell me, how many movies (block-busters) have you seen that dont have the same bloody plot as each other, or anime's for that matter. for movies it is always the same, hero finds out there is a problem, hero proceeds to rectify the situation (goes on quest) hero encounters difficulties. hero finds love. hero saves love (optional). hero saves day. hero gets girl. end of movie. at least animes like to spice it up and have random characters die to throw us off balance :D, and all sorts of varying themes of the same subject, (right now im thinking of FF7's plot, and i dont know why, but it was cool).

ok, i cant think of anything else to say on this matter at the moment, my brain has sort of slipped.

if you can think of anything i forgot please bring it up in a post. this is a "Discussion" forum peoples!

*Edit : Whoo! 5th post! *parties*
NeonSpyder said:
everyone is intitled to their opinion, some people like anime, some people like motercycles, come people enjoy soap operas, some people like reading books. some people like some things some of the time. no one likes everything all of the time. and only some people like nothing none of the time.

in "my" opinion anime's can be great, now i say 'can' because like everything else nothing is always good. there are bad animes. just like there are bad movies, and comic books or what have you.

we can keep on going back and forth saying "anime sux" or "anime 0wnZ you" and it will do nothing to reinforce a point or change the mind of anyone reading. all it would accomplish is make a half-assed list of the anime supporters on the HL2 forums (which seems to be the majority, even though most of you couldnt care less).

now that thats been takin care of. personally my favourite anime would have to be the Neon Genisis Evengelion series, but that's just me. I prefer the sci-fi action thrillers, but i also enjoy all aspects of anime (and hentai :D)

another point i was going to make was about the fact that most of the people who dont like anime complain about its plot. either calling it too complex, or not even entertaining or "the same b.s. over and over". now, before i go any further on this point, it is imperitive that you understand the fact that "95%" of English Dubbed (voice over) anime has the conversational qaulity and comprehinsibility of a 9 year old with a speech impediment. this is due in fact by two reasons. the first reason being that most english dubber's like to synchronize the words being spoken to the lip animations of the characters, and this leads to some fundamentally different conversations, especially when you have to get the point across within the limited time the characters' lips are moving, and this creates another problem considering more (or less) can be said in japanese in the time it takes to say the equivelent in english.

this brings me to my second point. "subbing" (subtitles) of animes yeild much better results, yet many people either. a). can't read the subtitles fast enough to understand what was said. b). dont want to be reading while all the pretty stuff happens higher up the screen. or c). cannot enjoy listening to people speak japanese, or are distracted to much by it.

and not being able to enjoy a subtitled version seriously detracts from the beleivability, complexity, depth, or subtleties of the anime's plot.

now, on the matter of "the same stuff over and over", this can be seen everywhere. tell me, how many movies (block-busters) have you seen that dont have the same bloody plot as each other, or anime's for that matter. for movies it is always the same, hero finds out there is a problem, hero proceeds to rectify the situation (goes on quest) hero encounters difficulties. hero finds love. hero saves love (optional). hero saves day. hero gets girl. end of movie. at least animes like to spice it up and have random characters die to throw us off balance :D, and all sorts of varying themes of the same subject, (right now im thinking of FF7's plot, and i dont know why, but it was cool).

ok, i cant think of anything else to say on this matter at the moment, my brain has sort of slipped.

if you can think of anything i forgot please bring it up in a post. this is a "Discussion" forum peoples!

*Edit : Whoo! 5th post! *parties*

I am not reading all that. I think there should be a rule if a post is a certain length they should put a one sentence summary at the bottom for lazy people like me :P.
Pressure said:
I am not reading all that. I think there should be a rule if a post is a certain length they should put a one sentence summary at the bottom for lazy people like me :P.

He had some good points though :)

Its kinda pointless to argue with people that already made up their mind. Some like it, some people dont. Simple as that.
oh please :hmph: , fine... sentance summary.. lets see....

anime = good, you = bad.

r u hapy now? is impossible to put what i said into one sentance, for the message carries a gravity far beyond the capacity of a few words to represent, but if i must.

"anime is not for everyone, people are free to like what they will, my only concern is that people are not giving credit where credit is due, and are having inapropriate experiences with anime."

*edit : its 5 frickin AM over here, you should be happy im capable of stringing two words together :D
why even bother arguing over the internet? you're not going to change each other's minds, 99% of the time.
adulus said:
why even bother arguing over the internet? you're not going to change each other's minds, 99% of the time.

Read the thread and you will see that youre the 4:th person saying just that... :)