Anime Sucks

Ghost in the shell is really the only japanese animation thing I like. That was very well done.

Also, I have an unbelievable hatred towards 'card' anime series for kids. Like card captors, yugioh, and all that crap. There's like 5 million card cartoons and they're all so dumb! I used to detest when I had to watch my cousins and they'd watch that stuff.

"But I play this card, which has this and this, which destroys blah blah blah"

"Hahahahahahahahahaha, but I will play this card which will...."

Bah, you get the damn point. Stupid. And I thought I was geeky back in the day when I played Magic: The Gathering. lol
Ooh, this thread is brought up again. :O
To the subject then: Yu-gi-oh is crap, Pokemon is crap, Sailor Moon is crap, Digimon is crap. Many anime series are crap, but at least there are genious anime out there too, just like any other damn movie!

Can we please drop the subject? If you hate it, fine, be my guest, but why bother making a big scene out of it? All we will get out of it is a fight between those who like it and those who don't and no one's opinions will be any different.

My bet is that most people who dislike it probably just got off on the wrong foot or something. Go see some good anime instead.

Here are some tips:

Escaflowne - My personal favorite
Neon Genesis Evangelion - I don't like it myself but many others do
Trigun - F*cking hilarious, great comedy
Fullmetal Alchemist - This one was just amazing
Love Hina - For people who likes to jerk off. (j/k)
Hellsing - This one I strongly recommend, best action anime ever

And here are anime you should not see:

Sailor Moon
Ghost in the Shell (Nah, just kidding. ;))
I saw Cowboy Bebop on cable the other day here, it was actually pretty good. I liked their version of how a futuristic city on Mars would be, and the animation was great! :)
3, 2, 1 let's jam!


I know someone with the Cowboy Bebop boxset; I may have to acquire it. Though I think he might be reluctant to do so, he's been lending it to everyone he knows. :D
I find a lot of people who hate anime are basing it off shows like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Hamtaro, Digimon, and other crap like that. That's like hating all cartoons because you saw Dora the Explorer and hated it. There are good shows like Cowboy Bebop and such out there but you have to be willing to give it a chance. Most people just hate anime for the drawing style since it's so different compared to what most are used to. If you actually try to be a little more open-minded you might find something you like. Just refusing to watch any because of a few bad ones is just being narrow-minded. Hey, you can hate it all you want I don't care.

As for Cowboy Bebop, it's one of my favorites :). I guess it's because of the the main character of the story, Spike Speigel. He is different from most other cartoon protagonists. He doesn't have any super natural powers and he's not the best fighter in the world. That tends to bring him more down to Earth as a character than being the most powerful man in the world. You find he gets his ass kicked in a lot of episodes lol. He is also a likable character in the sense of his personality. He has a very laid back attitude and he's kind of a smart ass in a funny way. You'll find each character has their own unique personalities but Spike is by far my favorite.

As for the story, it was very simple but a good one. Four bounty hunters just trying to make a living until Spike gets involved with people from his past. I won't go into details because I don't wanna ruin anything for anyone who hasn't seen it. It isn't the most original story ever but I still enjoyed it. Also, they didn't throw the story down your throat every episode. There were a lot of random playful episodes, which is one thing I liked most. There is plenty of action in this show and that combined with great animation styles makes this show very attractive.

For those who liked the show but haven't seen the movie, "Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door", you should. It was beautifully done and well worth taking the time to watch it.

Cowboy Bebop isn't the best show I've ever seen but it's a damn good one. I love almost all of the episodes with a few exceptions, I didn't like the Full Metal Queen one or whatever it was called. My two favorite episodes would have to be the last two, which I think are called The Real Folk Blues part I and II.

Overall this show is a must see for anyone who likes actions shows/movies. The hero is a believable character and it has other unique characters like Jat, Faye, Ein and Ed. The shows is full of comedy, which I see as being a plus. I would recommend this show to anyone, except for young children due to all the violence.
I like most anime. Can't stand most of the half hour brainwashing ad sessions disguised as kids cartoons, though. Reminds me of G.I. Joe.
mmm.... **molests the anime thread for all it's worth**

necrophilia is goooood.

but on a more serious note, yeah i'm going to have to agree with several other posters and re-iterate my own opinion that anime is just like everything else, there is good anime and there is bad anime, it's like judging all of television solely on reality tv shows or something.

bottom line is, keep an open mind, don't judge a genre based on one or two bad parts, and feel free to voice your opinion. provided you can string more then two words together. examples such as "anime sucks" or "penis wang" will not be acceptable.
Dunno if I replied to this when it was first posted, but this is what I would've said.

Saying Anime sucks, is the same as saying movies suck or music sucks. You can't just sum it up so easily, as there are many different types, and you're bound to like one of them.

I only watch 2 anime (not including movies like Wonderful Days, Akira, Ninja Scroll etc etc). Naruto and Bleach. Naruto is awesome, Bleach is OK.

Naruto is the Dragonball Z killer when it eventually comes to the west, so if you want to start watching anime, start with Naruto.
DarkStar said:
Watching Anime over the years, hearing the psuedo philosophical nonsense they spout for no aapparent reason has gotten REALLY annoying.

You took the words right out of my mouth....except with the "aapparent" word.
The main reason why most-anime haters hate anime is because they're still stuck in the EARLY ninties, and LATE eighties. I mean, honestly, do some of you REALLY think that Evangalion is... new??? And I'm not even talking about 2k5 new, I'm talkin 96' new. Well I say HA!!! Anime has really changed since the "sailor moon" days guys.

I think it's obvious that the one's who think all anime is crappy animation have never seen Helsing, or Hack// Sign.
Sir_Rule said:
The main reason why most-anime haters hate anime is because they're still stuck in the EARLY ninties, and LATE eighties. I mean, honestly, do some of you REALLY think that Evangalion is... new??? And I'm not even talking about 2k5 new, I'm talkin 96' new. Well I say HA!!! Anime has really changed since the "sailor moon" days guys.

I think it's obvious that the one's who think all anime is crappy animation have never seen Helsing, or Hack// Sign.

I've seen Helsing (as well as a ton of other "new" anime.) Still has the same central problem that plauges all anime, TERRIBLE WRITING.

Did anyone here see the new Ghost in the Shell movie? My God, I could barely finish it.
Hey, check it out. I'm posting in the anime sucks thread, 'cause I heard that's the cool thing to do.

All joking aside, personally I love anime. Not all anime series of course but majority of them. For instance I spent all of last night/this morning rewatching the "rasengan" chapter of Naruto, but I can't be bothered to pop in the Saber Marionette J DVD that's sitting on my desk. Borrowing that from a friend who swears by it, but it's not my style. To echo what's been said a hojillion times in this thread, some anime you like some anime you don't. Some people don't like anime at all, and some people are crazy wapanese otaku. Depends on the person.

Hey Stardog, you watch Bleach? That's a great show, especially the last episode. You can just tell Urahara's a closet badass. That's a good show to watch. Good animation, good storyline, great music. And it's funny.

Also, going through this thread I noticed everybody talking about hentai anime. Hentai anime sucks. Doujinshi is where it's at, you H-n00bs. Hentai no Kami hath spoken.
:| I really enjoyed Ghost in the Shell: Innocence, although it was missing the Major most of the time- which is a big MISS.
I used to watch astroboy as a younger lad, and a little of DragonBallZ. I now hate it all with a passion, don't know or care why but I just do :)
NeonSpyder said:
i'm going to have to agree with several other posters and re-iterate my own opinion that anime is just like everything else, there is good anime and there is bad anime, it's like judging all of television solely on reality tv shows or something.

bottom line is, keep an open mind, don't judge a genre based on one or two bad parts, and feel free to voice your opinion. provided you can string more then two words together. examples such as "anime sucks" or "penis wang" will not be acceptable.
Quoted for truth.

Before you declare an entire art form to be complete in its lack of quality, at least watch/view/experience some genres and sub-genres of said art forms. Case in point: People claiming that all of Anime sucks because Pokemon, Digimon, Dragonball Z and Yu Gi Oh are crap. You can at least be bothered to watch some less mainstream, preteen-demographic-targetted anime. There's tons out there, and it's not all hentai. Ghost In The Shell, Gundam Wing, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and (apparently the one that started the North American market for anime) Akira. Go immerse yourself in more mature themes, more developed plotlines, and more original IPs. Only then may you return and tell us of your valid opinions.
I hate anime. Most of it takes itself way too seriously. The rest is just plain stupid. I also hate final fantasy. I enjoy cheescake, however.
stigmata said:
Go immerse yourself in more mature themes, more developed plotlines, and more original IPs. Only then may you return and tell us of your valid opinions.
I have seen several of those "more mature" animes, and They all suck. When I say anime sucks I mean It. I didn't base my judgement solely on pokemon as you people seem to assume that everyone who has said they hate anime does
Anime in general is very cliche and the stories are all extremely similar. I have seen Lain, I have seen ghost in the shell and akira, trigun, gundam wing, vampire hunter d(?), naruto, cowboy bebop, and unfortunately Tenchi(ughh perverted animators) And I HATED them all. I had a friend who became obsessed with that and He tried to make me like them to.
cereal said:
I hate anime. Most of it takes itself way too seriously. The rest is just plain stupid. I also hate final fantasy. I enjoy cheescake, however.
Dude, are you me?
Kommie said:
I have seen several of those "more mature" animes, and They all suck. When I say anime sucks I mean It. I didn't base my judgement solely on pokemon as you people seem to assume that everyone who has said they hate anime does
Anime in general is very cliche and the stories are all extremely similar. I have seen Lain, I have seen ghost in the shell and akira, trigun, gundam wing, vampire hunter d(?), naruto, cowboy bebop, and unfortunately Tenchi(ughh perverted animators) And I HATED them all. I had a friend who became obsessed with that and He tried to make me like them to.
Now this is what I call a valid opinion. You've seen a bunch of the better animes (not just Pokemon, DBZ, etc), and you think they all suck. I disagree completely, but hey, it's a [mostly] free world, so more power to you.
I didn't have anything against anime but sometimes the plot is just damn stupid :P
Only anime I have ever watched and really liked is cowboy bebop, FLCL was okay.

I also used to be a pokemon fanatic when I was little.....
Personally i love anime such as evangelion and "bobobo-bo-bobo" (google it, download episode one and prepare to be seriously f**ked up.) Anime is tied with some great emotional chains, and the fact it's animation means they can be really ambitious.
I liked anime for two years and then grew up

and now I just play video games. :E
Brian Damage said:
Amen to the sentiments about Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki. Pure genius.

I actually just read a big profile on that dude in the latest New Yorker. The man is kinda insane.

Anyway, his movies are about the only anime I can stand TBH.
I feel I should comment on this.

Anime is SO sucky. I got put in a group with these anime shitheads at college, and they are the most uncreative, smelly kids I've ever laid eyes on. Our assignment is to create a board game. These retards ripped off warcraft so badly, it's like the same thing. There are virtually no differences. What they fail to understand, is that warcraft and starcraft were BASED off of those fantasy nerd board games of the 80s. They told me they drew all their inspiration for the board game from anime.
hahaha gundam wing!
the perspective changes, like one minute theyre the size of a bus, the next they look as big as a huge building