Another day another mod..

Wha that's old school mod.. havnt seen that in year's o_o! Woot im surpised how good some of them map's look considering i made them.. lol >_<! and i didnt get on well with the joint leader of that mod is name was kom.. and he had allway's planed to take the mod off me.. And made many diffrent attempt's in the end i gave up because i lost intrested in a dragonballz type mod after all the one's that were around. So i gave up on that kom took it and got or someting took the hole team 2month's later no work was done and the mod had died. .I never ever would rip someone's mode;s or work of any kind due to i could do it my self.. and would have no need to rip it.. :D but thank's for the olddd memory's of that mod.. man.. that was a fun time for a while.. :)! I never released it in the end either.. /sob should of kept all the work n stuff n finshed it off my self.. >_< but didnt know as much then as i do now about moding.. plus it was the ut 2003 engine.. and shit... so.. :p lol anyway imah get back to maping and tryin to get this player model ingame. post some screenie's soon.
I've got to say, I take Sulk's word over yours. Do you have any proof that they are your models?
LOL.. do i have proof i made them that's proof anoth to be fare .. if you dont beleave me that's your problem.. but as long as i know what's going on i wont be bothered think what you desire to think ill just carry on anyway.. doesnt change a think in my book's tbh.. its not really a fan related mod anyway or ill would have made a site posted forums everywere.. its just some shit im doing for fun.. if you really dont beleave me... and realllllly want proof next model ill make in a video for you.. >_>
To be fair it's not my word. But a member of your old team claiming that you were kicked out of three different mods for stealing models? I find it slightly suspicious. Plus how would a video really prove anything? You could download someone else's model and make a video with it.

The other thing is this. You don't seem to be making a mod here. You don't seem to have any coherent idea, concept or plan. You're just showing us random models, as if you thought 'I think I'll make a mod. Okay. Car, M4, pistol, airport map...that's everything!'
I have an additional two seperate sources backing up that you've been fraudulent in a lot of your work. One of them states that one of the models was originally created by one of his friends, and is rather angered that you've ripped it from his work. The other's gone and had a conversation with the people you've stated as employing you, and allegedly, they have no record of you being contracted to work for them.
Its just the consistency of your modelling that really strikes me as off. Stylisticly, a lot of them are very different. Nobody models similar objects in different styles.

I'm sorry, but without some STRONG evidence that you've gone and created those models yourself, I'm going to be siding with Sulkdodds.

-Angry Lawyer
Ywan's :/ some people just try n reck others mod's sad sad sad people >_> ow well done bother me tbh.. Only reson i was making a FREE Mod for people to play was so they had something to do but if you sooo dont want me to its fine ill **** off and get payed for my work your loss. Bye
Its not that we don't want you modding - its that we have seen rather compelling evidence of plagerism of models.
Modding is good. Plagerism is theft.

-Angry Lawyer
Sulkdodds gives some good points, but why in the bloody hell would he map an airstrip, or some random streetcorner? I don't think he ripped that off as well, because it seems just a bit too much work just to make some random things work well together. As he said, he's doing this for fun, and I believe him. If he did this for popularity, he would have made a basic scheme and keep himself to it. He's just a guy that likes to screw around with Source and play it, and if he thinks it's good enough to be released over the internet, he does so.
Sulkdodds didn't claim that he ripped the maps off. A number of art assets are of much lower quality than the rest. But its the existance of this huge diversity on quality that suggests that Sulkdodds' source is right, and that some of the models have been pilfered.

-Angry Lawyer
He's just a guy that likes to screw around with Source and play it, and if he thinks it's good enough to be released over the internet, he does so.

But if he has stolen the models (likely but not completely certain) then it's rather sad and certainly the people he stole them from would not be happy. I don't think could have stolen the maps since they look like they were made in five minutes. :dozey:

EDIT: Jas can mod all he wants. I certainly can't and am not stopping him. But I think people have a right to know the facts, namely that you apaprently don't work for Epic and that a member of your old mod team claims you rip models.
I think it isn't quite importent to me who made this models. Importent is the we hopefully see sometimes the full MOD.
With, Modeling, Texturing, Mapping, Coding, and all that sh**.
1Luc1 said:
I think it isn't quite importent to me who made this models. Importent is the we hopefully see sometimes the full MOD.
With, Modeling, Texturing, Mapping, Coding, and all that sh**.

I think its quite important that original artists get credited for their work. The end here doesn't justify the means. Its also rather illegal to plagarise.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm intrigued by a couple of things:

1) The quality of your models varies from near-commercial quality (i.e. the M4) to amateurish (the Citroen), which is somewhat odd for a professional modeller.

2) My contact at Epic says that he's not aware of anyone in the UK contracting for them.

So, can you shed any light on this?
Pi, tell your contact at Epic to hire me as a janitor because I live right next to them and I'd kill to go through those doors.
specialmax said:
so uhh any one up for a doughnut?
Great timing bro :)

But yeah, i really don't believe him, being able to make that m4 so fast and so good.. He just seems fake through all of his posts..
If he can make models so incredibly fast, let's make this interesting.

Jas, model a paintball gun like this one:

Let's see if it's the same quality or even the same style as the M4.

I'm betting it won't even look close or he'll decline this opportunity to prove himself.
Surely this is a simple and effective way for him to salvage his reputation.

Unless you've got a better plan?
I smell a ripping sh*thead! And cake... so he must not be lying if he's baking the cake, right?

BTW - I am a 3d modeler (high quality, not low-poly game models) and his work on the citroen is horrible, and the airplane is even worse. The handgun is decent (but way oversized) and the m4 is very pro; what gives?
Hmm intresting well i got to go out today its my mate's bday so ill do it tomoz morning laterz
NSPIRE said:
I smell a ripping sh*thead! And cake... so he must not be lying if he's baking the cake, right?

BTW - I am a 3d modeler (high quality, not low-poly game models) and his work on the citroen is horrible, and the airplane is even worse. The handgun is decent (but way oversized) and the m4 is very pro; what gives?

Roger that, buddy. It really is like what the hell? Some of his work is just very bad , and some of it is very good. As part of this whole industry, id say that is very inconsistant, because you tend to either do slightly worse or slightly better than your standard. What gives with the changing styles anyhow? That's another strong point, why would someone make all that random junk? Would a proffesional designer really do that? I doubt it.
Grammar- I have never seen a single game designer who uses net speak with his work, it just looks bad.
So id be willing to bet that he is a fake.
Jas said:
Hmm intresting well i got to go out today its my mate's bday so ill do it tomoz morning laterz



Give up, your pwned:x .

lol i just got home nigga's what u wineing about now
Kitire said:
Give up, your pwned:x .
Actually, I was talking to him before he posted here, and he indeed had to go to a mate's birthday.

Guess you're pwned :p
Beerdude26 said:
Actually, I was talking to him before he posted here, and he indeed had to go to a mate's birthday.

Guess you're pwned :p

Or.. he just lied to you.. pwned :rolling:
BF2slut said:
Some of you take this internet stuff way to seriousily :imu:

I just think it's unfair someone should get praise or compliments for someone else's hard work and effort, internet or not.

Also, it's spelt "seriously". :imu:
lol u guys are just sooo sad it makes me.. feel so sorry for you
^^ That guy is not ****ing Epic. You cannot pursuade meh n3Whb.

epic is definitely cooler than you.
Eh, I bet nobody doubts here that he's full of sh*t.

All the proof mentioned and the fact that he still hasn't made the request, obviously if it had been easy to make all those models, a paintball gun wouldn't be a challenge. It's just tubes and a handle = \.

Why the hell would anyone pose as a modeler when they're not, I do not know. What's the point? If someone hires you it will become apparent what a fake you are. I think the more important thing is the ability, not your social standing. If you value it that much, the person deserving pity isn't us, it's you.
The socially deprieved idiot. What a freak show.
lol u guys are just sooo sad it makes me.. feel so sorry for you

I feel sorry for you. Ever since that lawnmower accident that left your hands mangled stubs of flesh, you've apparently had to type by banging your stubby cauterised arm-endings against the keyboard. :(
CookieCuttah said:
Eh, I bet nobody doubts here that he's full of sh*t.

All the proof mentioned and the fact that he still hasn't made the request, obviously if it had been easy to make all those models, a paintball gun wouldn't be a challenge. It's just tubes and a handle = \.

Why the hell would anyone pose as a modeler when they're not, I do not know. What's the point? If someone hires you it will become apparent what a fake you are. I think the more important thing is the ability, not your social standing. If you value it that much, the person deserving pity isn't us, it's you.
The socially deprieved idiot. What a freak show.

Yes, what he said:D