Another Doom 3 Review: 96/100

Sparta said:
Well everything i've heard, from everyone whose playtested the latest build of the game (Not talking E3 Hands-on Previews that is) The game looks just as good as it plays. And from what i've heard, the gameplay is as good as it gets

Not to mention that flashlight screenie released last week is awesome

Then again, valve really never aimed for pre-rendered CG style like D3. Their main aim was photo-realism and they've accomplished most of this with shaders, subtle specular effects and ultra-high detailed models. Unfortunately, most people don't seem to notice this approach - you'll see more people say that D3 looks much superior because it's the closeset thing to pre-rendered pixar style CGI, while HL2 tries to use drab textures to make realistic drab and gritty environments - not something out of a pixar film.

None the less, both games are going to rock! :cheers:
I pre-ordered Doom 3 the other day, and it was a 'special packaging' version....what is so special about the packaging?
Murray_H said:
I pre-ordered Doom 3 the other day, and it was a 'special packaging' version....what is so special about the packaging?
It comes with its own little portal of hell
lans said:
I'm pretty sure many people will count the polies
Well, Doom 3 actually has less polygons per model... not counting the normal maps, which both games support.

The only thing it has over Half-Life 2 in the graphics department is the unified lighting system for every pixel. Rick Ellis said that you could make a HL2 mod having the light sources cast shadows instead of having them come from one direction, but I'm not sure if it would allow objects to cast shadows on other objects or on themselves (someone should send another email asking if you could do that in a mod), like in Doom 3. I wonder how long it will be before someone makes a little mod to have multiple shadows coming from the right directions in HL2 SP.
Don't turn this into a Doom 3 vs. Half-Life 2 thread, you know how those end up.
OCybrManO said:
Well, Doom 3 actually has less polygons per model... not counting the normal maps, which both games support.

The only thing it has over Half-Life 2 in the graphics department is the unified lighting system for every pixel. Rick Ellis said that you could make a HL2 mod having the light sources cast shadows instead of having them come from one direction, but I'm not sure if it would allow objects to cast shadows on other objects or on themselves (someone should send another email asking if you could do that in a mod), like in Doom 3. I wonder how long it will be before someone makes a little mod to have multiple shadows coming from the right directions in HL2 SP.

That was just a figure of speech. "count the polies", that is.
I said don't turn this thread into 'Doom 3 vs. Half-Life 2', so, posts deleted.
I saw the shotgun strip a zombie of it's flesh in a video somewhere, (prolly on tv)
now thats ****ing cool.
(you blow chunks of them off, leaving their skeleton... really visceral and gory)

man I gotta admit, for not having an ounce of anticipation for Doom3, Im wetting my pants with it now.

anyone with an xbox PLAY RIDDICK NOW!! you wont be sorry :)
Moto-x_Pat said:

LOL classic :D
Mr. Redundant said:
anyone with an xbox PLAY RIDDICK NOW!! you wont be sorry :)
I agree, Escape from Butcher Bay kicks ass. The lighting is great, the hand to hand combat is awesome for a FPS game, you can go in guns blazing or you can hide in the shadows and slit their throats, the plot is good, and having Vin Diesel and Xzibit in the game gives it an authentic feel (it makes it feel a lot more like one of the Riddick movies).
OCybrManO said:
I agree, Escape from Butcher Bay kicks ass. The lighting is great, the hand to hand combat is awesome for a FPS game, you can go in guns blazing or you can hide in the shadows and slit their throats, the plot is good, and having Vin Diesel and Xzibit in the game gives it an authentic feel (it makes it feel a lot more like one of the Riddick movies).

I couldnt believe what a good game it was.... took me two days on HARD to beat it, I practiced stealth, shooting out lights and snapping necks/slitting throats/disarming guards and shooting them with their own weapons.

have you beat it yet? I LOOOOOOVED the ending, (and more importantly the last section of the game) wow what a surprise, and ooh the mech things were done SO DAMN WELL.

"may I make a suggestion?... do not walk into things"
"enemies detected around the next corner"
"may I make a suggest?... conserve ammo by walking over minor threats"

man what a blast
Deadline said:
96/100 and they cant find anything wrong with it...? Does not make much sense.

It does actually.

They cant review a game and not compare it to another game, therefore while it might have super wicked guns, X game has better but they are'nt going to add

Cons - X game has better guns.
no plot + poor monster design + no plot = no buy without USERS saying it's good. Shoot, Unreal 2 got good reviews too guys. So did Far Cry, and you guys have no trouble bashing those titles.
A2597 said:
no plot + poor monster design + no plot = no buy without USERS saying it's good. Shoot, Unreal 2 got good reviews too guys. So did Far Cry, and you guys have no trouble bashing those titles.

It has a plot + it has the most well known monsters known to mankind + it has a plot. FarCry got good reviews because it was an outstanding game regardless if its name was'nt half life. ****ing hell some people, there is just no winning, you know after all this im kinda hoping HL2 will ****ing suck because i want to see people like yourself cringe up and go back into your little corner.
Unreal 2 was just awful. FarCry was pretty good, but not great. Neither of these games stand out, and will soon be forgotten. Whether they got good reviews or not matters little. I don't think i'm alone in expecting far more from Doom 3 - and couldn't care less what reviewers think.

As for plot, do all games need, or even require, a complex plot. I don't think so ..... infact the best games I can think of have very little, or no, story/plot (including HL)

Whether you like the monster design or not is subjective - I think they look fine :) (far better than the efforts in, say, FarCry or Serious Sam)
FarCry had fancy graphics. Everything else about it was mediocre.
true, Far Cry did not deserve it's was just another shooter however, I think Doom3 and Half-life 2 will both be excellent, mainly because of the intense amount of develpment and detail going into each game by their developers
Oh no, I just read from that Doom III will only work on Windows 2000 and XP! I have Windows ME, do you think it'll work?
Seppo said:
Oh no, I just read from that Doom III will only work on Windows 2000 and XP! I have Windows ME, do you think it'll work?

ME is the worst windows.. I don't know why you haven't upgraded yet, but if that's what it says, then you probably won't be able to play it.
Sedako said:
ME is the worst windows.. I don't know why you haven't upgraded yet, but if that's what it says, then you probably won't be able to play it.

****, that's just great. I thought a new video card would be enough, never even thought of upgrading Windows.
This is all I have to say...BFG 9000. I'm looking forward to August 3rd =)
:O HL2.. gets 98 % in PC gamer US, and 99% in UK pc gamer :smoking:

for - kicking ass

Doom III = I want
csmighty1 said:
This is all I have to say...BFG 9000. I'm looking forward to August 3rd =)

I've seen some magazine scans with an M16 and AK-47 as selectable weapons. I don't know what is up with that, but they wouldn't really fit in Doom 3.
Maybe they came in with the shipment of chainsaws and jackhammers?
ElFuhrer said:
Maybe they came in with the shipment of chainsaws and jackhammers?

There were no jackhammers, only chainsaws! Although using a jackhammer as a weapon sounds kinda fun.
I was playing Jedi Outcast today, and i was thinking about how cool a lightsaber would be as a weapon in doom 3. Could create some nice lighting effects with that! :D
Sedako said:
I've seen some magazine scans with an M16 and AK-47 as selectable weapons. I don't know what is up with that, but they wouldn't really fit in Doom 3.
Those were from another game featured on the same page as the Doom3 section. As in they had weapons from many games in the same box.