Anti-newbie rage

I still feel like the new guy here.. It's been over a year guys!
I never experience anti-newbie rage.

Unless they were a girl!

But I've changed.

I love all of our new brethren.
Any one who isn't a spam bot or completely offensive.
I whould still be insanly cool even with an 09 join date.
Post count don't matter. Join date does.

Exept for me, who whould be cool even with a 2010! join date.
oh gawd join dates...

please don't be like Facepunch and the whole join date elitism please.

Who cares what you think, Scanner. More like, Scabber. Amiright?

No but join dates and post count don't really matter. Besides, most of the new accounts here are old banned members anyway.
oh gawd join dates...

please don't be like Facepunch and the whole join date elitism please.


It still happens here, but from all I've experienced it's nothing severe. You will get picked on as a newbie by many people here, but let it roll off your back and you'll have a place to fit right in.

I never understand the people picking on the newbies, because they are the fresh blood that we need. And many of them have stayed and really become quite cool regular members.

Anyway, just keep a thick skin, try not to step on many toes, and you'll do fine here.

I like the name by the way. Heh.
I don't think there is any one here who actually dislikes people just for being new. Cool people generally find their place and fit in quickly while annoying people just get hated on forever.
I don't think there is any one here who actually dislikes people just for being new. Cool people generally find their place and fit in quickly while annoying people just get hated on forever.
Aye, it's just that newbies are easy targets and some members can restrain themselves from making an (attempt to a) humorous comment.

I, for one, have no desire to kill any of you. Yet.
Newbies aren't automatically bad, but we must winnow out those who are.
The guy who had that Goomba for an avatar, anyone remember him? Glad he aint around anymore. ****ing asshole.
Oh hush Rizzo. Even you think you're an asshole.
For the new people, think of human relations as faction.

Posts that are not annoying, offensive to the reader, or exceptionally boring will generally gain you faction. People subconsciously make a mental note after reading your posts that classifies each of you.

So if you annoy people all the time, you'll get no quarter, and I'm not talking about money. But also money.
Is 'faction' an MMO term or something?
a number of persons combined for a common purpose

Also, just to clarify, the definition of quarter as I used in the sentence above: a place where you belong, where you can stay, where you are welcome.
We don't take kindly to you Goombas 'round here.
I was going to say something about "goomba" being slang for Italians, and then I started thinking: you ever notice how Mario, an Italian, goes around stepping on the heads of goombas? There's some kind of social commentary in there.
Nintendo was established on the back of a racist game concept? Nintendo's darkest secret of the past, and nobody noticed it - until now.
It's sort of a cannibalistic racism to. So that's pretty hilarious.
I was going to say something about "goomba" being slang for Italians, and then I started thinking: you ever notice how Mario, an Italian, goes around stepping on the heads of goombas? There's some kind of social commentary in there.

no, goomba is slang for friend, buddy, pal used by italians living in north america. in negative sense it's someone who's slow, but my italian coworker reassures me it's usually "buddy". anyways I doubt that was nintendo's intention when they created mario and the goombas
isn't goomba used in the sopranos to refer to their girlfriends?
It's still an interactive portrayal of social advancement through the increasingly conservative ideals of the working class.

Or you're a plumber who moves right and gets the princess. I forget which.
A goomba is a certain kind of Italian-American, probably born on the east coast- New York, New Jersey, Boston, Rhode Island - probably third-generation from the old country. He's not a gangster. He's not a wise guy, or a made man, or a good fella, or a member of the Family - but he knows those guys, or guys like that, and some of them know him. He's Italian through and through, but he's a special kind of Italian-American hybrid. He's not old country Italian. There are no goombas in other countries, even Italy. There may be some kind of equivalent- some kind of tough guy from Iceland or Russia or somewhere - but the only true goomba is your Italian-American goomba.

hmmm, i guess that makes sense.