Anti-newbie rage

we had a lotta newbie-phobia over at hlf and now that place is a ghost town so id welcome new people if i were you.
hmmm, i guess that makes sense.

goombah, goomba, gumba: Sicilian slang for the Italian compare

compare: crony, close pal, buddy. Literally, "godfather" in Italian.

It's still an interactive portrayal of social advancement through the increasingly conservative ideals of the working class.

Or you're a plumber who moves right and gets the princess. I forget which.

this is funny <slow clap>

Kindness is weakness
This isn't a personal quote (well it is now, since I'm quoting myself here)...

Someone has a quote in their signature that says something like, "Violence is for the incompetent"

So I've been toying with this in my head for a week or two and I've come to the [perhaps hasty] conclusion that:

Kindness is a sign of physical or emotional weakness.

And aggression/anger/violence is a sign of mental or intellectual weakness.

Think about it:

-You're being passive or overly nice to people because you are physically intimidated by them, or because you are sad or lonely - emotionally weak.

-You're turning violent or becoming angry with someone because you don't have the vocabulary to match wits with them, or have the intelligence to outsmart them: mentally or intellectually weak.

Now granted this isn't always the case for either. For example, someone pisses you off because they are incredibly stupid or disrespectful and you don't have the will or desire to deal with them. Or, someone is really nice because .. they really like you.

Well what do you think about that shit.
Yeah, you have to take it on a case by case basis. It could be an indicator of -

On another note, body language is often a dead give-away on almost anything if you are an expert at reading it.
Just becouse you fight someone doesn't mean you have faild to match his wits or intelligence.
He might just be a dissrespectful ****ing retard with his head up his ass. Or Hitler.

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to fight. You should know this Virus.
Plus, it's in our genes.
Yeah, you have to take it on a case by case basis. It could be an indicator of -

On another note, body language is often a dead give-away on almost anything if you are an expert at reading it.

Then I must be thought of as a chronic masturbater :(
that's not the face I wanted to see!

common do it. pics of your mom, pics of your mom. lol I'll bet she is smokin' hot.
I think it's a case of the newbies are far too happy and positive for this forum, seems most of us are cynical bastards who've been around too long

Either way, **** happiness
I've been lurking since mid 2007 and I have to say that people like bar^5 and dabomb give all the other newbies a bad name which understandably creates hostility towards all of the new people. I must however thank the mods for making me sign up to view the forums so I can finally put that ignore function to good use. Now I guess it's back to lurking again with a somewhat cleaner forum than before.

And I wonder how many other lurkers like me, who don't post, there are out there!
I hate lurkers more than any number of dabombs. JOIN UP AND POST SO WE CAN HAVE GOOD TIMES.

Unless you're a dabomb, then stay as a lurker.
One of the main reasons I don't visit this forum so more is ANTI NEWB RAGE. Seriously, if this forum wants to live another ten years become more polite. New members started this community and they will perfect it day by day.
I've been lurking since mid 2007 and I have to say that people like bar^5 and dabomb give all the other newbies a bad name which understandably creates hostility towards all of the new people. I must however thank the mods for making me sign up to view the forums so I can finally put that ignore function to good use. Now I guess it's back to lurking again with a somewhat cleaner forum than before.

And I wonder how many other lurkers like me, who don't post, there are out there!
Cheers! These are the guys that I love.
You're joking, aren't you?
Either that, or he has too many chromosomes.
to tell you the truth...i don't really understand why people hate newbs? it's not like they gonna seize up control of the forum and make us sex slaves...although some people here might just like that idea. anyway, chill out and besides...G(ay)-man has a point you know.
stop being such hateful pricks...we were once newbs too you know
to tell you the truth...i don't really understand why people hate newbs? it's not like they gonna seize up control of the forum and make us sex slaves...although some people here might just like that idea. anyway, chill out and besides...G(ay)-man has a point you know.
stop being such hateful pricks...we were once newbs too you know

This is the way I always feel about it. I was in their shoes once. I knew I would have liked to be treated with dignity and respect. And so I try to give it to them.

Golden Rule my friend. Ethic of reciprocity.