AntiGravity devices. Better than games?


Nov 8, 2003
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AntiGravity devices. Better than games? (this is amazing! and very important)

Its real , since the 1950's John searl created a device that could generate electricity by an anomylous effect now know as the searl effect , the device also looses it weight as it is started, and demonstrates antigravity effects, so much so that it repels itsself away from the earth at high speed!, if it is not controlled.

the material lying around, (books , internet etc) on the device is enough for any specialised group of people to experiment and work to build one themselves, and maybe an upset for large buisness and governments putting all there efforts into oil and gas. as the device will be self sustainable and built to power a home for long periods of time, (anything electrical).

ive included links, and i feel strongly that the rest of the population of this planet becomes aware of this as it may well spell the end to rocket powered space flight, and paying for electricity bills.some of the old material John searl had, returned to legitimate sources
Hah that's a Hoax, like the perpetual motion machines or the idea that a black Michael Jackson used to exist. It's hard to believe that such an important and groundbreaking technology would only have a couple of Geocities quality sites with only a little (scetchy) informaion on it.

Inside each of these IGVs there is a powerful 3-ring SEG which provides levity to the craft through a combination of magnetic, electrostatic and flywheel effects, many of which I freely admit are beyond my comprehension.

That's from the site, so he admits that he has no idea how these things are supposed to work, and he also only knows it does work from a bunch of old photographs.
true, but umm,, its been supressed for 5 decades or more.. and governements and momentum of thought add towards people thinking like you do, (perhaps being a little narrow minding seeing as ive seen a smaller version of one working away :p) besides there building them today, nomatter if we understand it or not, it can be used. I mean we dont truly understand Electricity we can explain it fundementally but we cant explain what it truly is
No, there are laws that cannot be broken. You cannot create energy and you will always have to put more energy into something than what you will get out of it. So how could something working againt gravity, and air resistance "Fly" under its own free will without a source of continous energy.
Letters said:
That site doesn't explain it very well...

i agree with your confusion, I was asking the same questions at first, however, anyone heard of the vaccum matrix? Zero point energy, it doesnt actually break these laws, it just we cannot visibly or in any means measure the source it is coming from , so it seems as if it is coming from nowhere where as infact its coming from the zero point vaccum, that contains infinately recharged energy in some form, that this device, somehow accesses to power itself,.the Russians are in on it too, very detail modern day testing, (this explains alot)

as for the air resistance, another anomylous effect, it Ionises the air around it, to a point where it is eventually repelled, and creates an airless vaccum around its moving body, results in barely any friction atall, which also means running tempratures are no concern
WTF happened to my post? :(

Oh well, nice find Clarky. Interesting, yet confusing read :p.
I dont learn more advanced physics for two more years, I'll post back here then. Keep my seat warm
Basically, then, it supposedly pulls energy from a mostly-invisible background energy source that exists throughout the universe...
Brian Damage said:
Basically, then, it supposedly pulls energy from a mostly-invisible background energy source that exists throughout the universe...

Brian also knows, alot :). I felt I should tell more people Brian, not enough know about this Marvel, I dont want those fools in Big buisness to have an easy time riding off people, and this is the perfect way to upset the apple cart. they are the worlds only pure Evil
I dont learn more advanced physics for two more years, I'll post back here then. Keep my seat warm

Its not advanced physics its really simple to understand if your mind is open to this sort of thing,
I've personally never seen one of these in action, but I'm not as much of a doubting Thomas as most... after all, I doubt they'd make all those parts and so on if they didn't have evidence that this worked...

I just wonder why nobody's started a company to make these things...

Oh, and another good site for this kind of stuff is ...
Interesting find... it should make for an interesting read later on when i have time.

Also remember that the "laws" of physics are not set in stone. A lot of people believed that the earth was flat but later on studies proved that it wasn't... science advances all the time. Laws are just theories that have been tried and tried again and proven true all the time but if a single experiment ever gets to break that law then the law itself is unproven and obsolete.
Brian Damage said:
I've personally never seen one of these in action, but I'm not as much of a doubting Thomas as most... after all, I doubt they'd make all those parts and so on if they didn't have evidence that this worked...

I just wonder why nobody's started a company to make these things...

Oh, and another good site for this kind of stuff is ...

oo but Brian they have started one here in England, however John Searl has resigned due to legal implications, but his team have supposidly stolen his idea,, again why would they do that if it was'nt genuine?I bet they see it as being all as big as searl saw it. this is his american company, I believe he is still with them., afterall Searl is the only man who understands everything he did to make this, so I believe only he can make another

great quote, sums it up perfectly

Also remember that the "laws" of physics are not set in stone. A lot of people believed that the earth was flat but later on studies proved that it wasn't... science advances all the time. Laws are just theories that have been tried and tried again and proven true all the time but if a single experiment ever gets to break that law then the law itself is unproven and obsolete.
Well, I'd rather fly a small personal saucer than drive a car.

No lightposts to crash into :E.
Brian Damage said:
Well, I'd rather fly a small personal saucer than drive a car.

No lightposts to crash into :E.
Jeebus...Imagine the kind of havoc that Brian could cause if he had a small flying saucer...*shudders*
We must stop him from aquiring one, otherwise we will all die!

On Topic: Seems interesting, and I hope it's true. Guess time will tell, eh?
Well, I'd post a scathing reply as to why this is just another dumb myth, but the site is down, so I'll hold my opinion until I can fully read about this amazing new device. Anyone have another link?
I've seen video of an anti-gravity belt, it could only support the weight of the belt though.
I read somewhere that the Searl disc is a truly working device, but to build even for only a few people would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. A cheaper alternative is the David Hamel Anti Gravity device.
I would like to build a Hamel device, but right now I'm tight on funds :(

p.s. The thing about an infinite source of energy contained within a zero point in space, everywhere throughout the universe- isn't that what you could call God?
At this point, it levitates, completely enveloped in a perfect vacuum. Without control, it will accelerate up away from the Earth and disappear off into space, never to be seen again. To control it, a powerful radio frequency emitted nearby is required. If the same RF is transmitted as the AC frequency used to magnetise the rollers, they will completely stop. This acts as an ideal control gate, preventing the loss of costly generators.

What a load of complete BS.
Please state why if you believe it to be so, Neutrino.

I'll admit that the guy in the first link doesn't seem to be very good at explaining it, but that's no reason to ballyhoo the entire idea.
actually i've seen the searl disc in motion, i saw it a couple of days ago on the evening news... It works, they were using a small disc, smaller than a table, but larger than a dinner plate, it was weird looking.
I read somewhere that the Searl disc is a truly working device, but to build even for only a few people would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. A cheaper alternative is the David Hamel Anti Gravity device.

remember Searls disc has unique applications despite its costly construction, it could well exceed silly speeds!. and could be implicated to break the speed of light. Scary prospect, but couldnt Star Trek be real? why not. just because we think it cant because its Sci fi is quite small minded. like people say 'we never thought we would one day land on the moon'
What a load of complete BS

that so called BS is real mate, just because you havnt witnessed it doesnt give you the right to dismiss it like that
If it were true antigravity it wouldn't just go up in the air, it would appear to those on the earth that the object would begin traveling west. The longer it stayed in 'anti gravity' the faster it would "appear" to be traveling west when in acuallity it would be standing still but the earth would continue to rotate thus making it look like the object was moving.
Its just a levitating device, wich works with magnets, it's using almost the same principle as the finnish dude who levitated his magnet.
alehm said:
If it were true antigravity it wouldn't just go up in the air, it would appear to those on the earth that the object would begin traveling west. The longer it stayed in 'anti gravity' the faster it would "appear" to be traveling west when in acuallity it would be standing still but the earth would continue to rotate thus making it look like the object was moving.

Well, it would still be moving in the direction it was moving when it ceased to be affected by the earths gravitational field. Hence, from the point of view of anyone watching, it'd actually move slightly counter to the Earth's rotation and upwards. That's what would happen if gravity were nullified.

However, to me, Antigravity means a form of opposite gravitational force. Ie: a push instead of a pull, which is technically somewhat different to gravity nullification. With gravity nullification, there is no action of gravity upon the object in question; with Antigravity, there is gravitational action, but there is also a repulsive field emitted from the object, like a giant invisible spring.

Generally there would be a similar effect between the two processes, but an Antigrav field would exert pressure on anything near the craft, whereas gravity nullification wouldn't.

It's a thorny subject.

MaxiKana said:
Its just a levitating device, wich works with magnets, it's using almost the same principle as the finnish dude who levitated his magnet.

I'm afraid that's not quite correct. That magnet was levitated (if you are talking about the Meissener efect, which I believe you are) due to a, well, let us say a conflict between the magnet's field and the magnetic impermiability of the superconductive material it was hovering over.

The Searl effect works on somewhat of a different principle. Unlike Superconductiing Electromagentism/The Meissener Effect, the Searl effect, if it does indeed work, involves gravity...
If your concept of gravity is some sort of invisible force pulling you towards the center of the earth, it's easy to believe it can be reversed. If you actually understand general relativity (based on observation) or even better string theory (not based on observation), it seems impossible.

There are anti-gravity devices that can be made with tin foil and balsa wood and powered by extremely high voltages that work on the same principle as what you stated above. They work off a phenomena called "ionic currents" which uses eletromagnetic currents to propel itself. The problem is they do not function in vacuums, so they are not true anti-gravity machines.

The inherent force within seemingly empty space is a very real physical property of vacuums, which suggests that their is no such thing as a true vacuum. Quantuum fluctuations occur constantly within seemingly empty space. Particles and anti-particles are spontaneously created together, travel for a little bit, then annihilate each other. This causes little bursts of electromagnetic energy (forces) to occur from what looks like empty space. The forces come in equal quantities of positive and negative force, that can be seperated and measured. But, the net force created in vacuums is always zero, because it is always equal parts positive and negative.
iamironsam said:
If your concept of gravity is some sort of invisible force pulling you towards the center of the earth, it's easy to believe it can be reversed. If you actually understand general relativity (based on observation) or even better string theory (not based on observation), it seems impossible.

There are anti-gravity devices that can be made with tin foil and balsa wood and powered by extremely high voltages that work on the same principle as what you stated above. They work off a phenomena called "ionic currents" which uses eletromagnetic currents to propel itself. The problem is they do not function in vacuums, so they are not true anti-gravity machines.

Yup. They're called Lifters. And I'm not too certain of your reasoning; do they actually push against the Earth's surface?

Remember, iamironsam, part of the current theory about the nature of the universe contains ideas about a long-range antigravitational force...

But, in the end, it's all just theory. It'd be cool if it all worked, though.

iamironsam said:
The inherent force within seemingly empty space is a very real physical property of vacuums, which suggests that their is no such thing as a true vacuum. Quantuum fluctuations occur constantly within seemingly empty space. Particles and anti-particles are spontaneously created together, travel for a little bit, then annihilate each other. This causes little bursts of electromagnetic energy (forces) to occur from what looks like empty space. The forces come in equal quantities of positive and negative force, that can be seperated and measured. But, the net force created in vacuums is always zero, because it is always equal parts positive and negative.

That all depens upon what your perception of "Negative" is. In numbers, it refers to any number less than zero. In physics, I personally take it to mean "Opposite of Positive", and "Positive" means "Opposite of Negative" :E. They're really just a way of telling the difference between one thing and its counterpart. After all, a negative electrical current (say, a flow of electrons) has no less charge than an equivalent positive one (say, a flow of ionised hydrogen nuclei, which is to say, protons) , it just has the opposite sort...
Well, the current particle theory of the universe doesn't prove or disprove the existence of antigravity, it just really isn't very concerned with it because it hasn't been observed yet. This is (sadly) the way particle physics progresses.

String theory does indeed include antigravity. The concept of gravity in string theory is a current of messenger strings (kinda like particles) being tossed back and forth between matter (and to a lesser extent energy) called gravitons. These gravitons are very small, but able to interupt the vibrational pattern of matter and energy strings just enough that they budge in the opposite direction that the graviton came from.

The anti-graviton is a string that is indeed present in string theory, but they appear much less in nature than the graviton. This is for the same reason that we see electrons and protons all over the place, but anti-electrons and anti-protons can only be seen in particle accelerators. It all has to do with chance during the chain of events directly after the last big bounce (string theory doesn't have a big bang). We have never seen gravitons or anti-gravitons because they're almost completely massless (nothing is completely massless in string theory).
its easy to get too envolved with the theories, the facts are far more important and the one intresting factual piece is that his device can be propelled in any direction using a control method which restricts magnetic energy on points of the device, letting the stronger forces inbalance the rest moving it in any direction you want at high speed,(almost instantanious point to point movement. because of no air friction)
Thank you for clarifying, iamironsam :thumbs:.

Big bounces... is that the same as in brane theory? My string's a little rusty.
clarky003 said:
ive seen a smaller version of one working away
You were there when John Searl demonstrated his tech in the sixties? :rolleyes:
According to
this webpage, John Searl and his team made the only working prototypes in the sixties and they were all lost later on. There are currently no working prototypes in existence, unless I'm missing something. Where and when did you see this demonstration?

Of course, I can't proof that it's all BS, but I have some serious doubts about this until they actually build a working device (verifyied and all by some independent university and/or the US Patent and Trademark Office).
in the future.. we'll have sticks that we tie a rope that leads to our flying cars so they wont fly away insted of a garage...
I thought, wouldnt I die because of G-force stresses? if I was traveling in a device constructed for space flight. Another anomylous effect demonstrates the space within the field created occupies a different relationship to the outside space, infact I heard no matter how fast you accelerate the inside measured G force only ever reached 2!, Ill post the information on here when I refind it, It was written by one of John Searls project helpers,
House for sale: Five bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, livingroom, three car mooring post...
You were there when John Searl demonstrated his tech in the sixties?

a few of my dads engineering mates built a small one that pulls off very low amounts of current, but consistent as it is its not really aplicable to these wop off 12 foot devices they build :angel: , it was built based on the law of the squares , ill say no more :P
three car mooring post...

lol why would you need that, youd just power it down . or switch it off.. :P