Any childhood fears that you never got over?


Yeah. Not so much now though - I couldn't look it up on google images like this.

Also, wasps. Bee's are good if you leave them alone, they only attack if they feel threatened.
Wasps (and hornets) are just out to get me, i swear.
Both my grandfathers used to practice beekeeping as a hobby, so I'm used to bees. Only got stung once and that was because I stepped on one. :laugh:
Something thats truly always scared me for some reason, is blood. I can handle gore, and I can somewhat handle seeing intestines. But when I see blood, it gets to me. And broken legs. I just can't.
Parasites of any kind.

And I've had a couple of episodes with stinging insects. They don't really scare me, but I can't stand them.
I couldn't have been any more than 7 or 8 when I first saw this and it had me goddamn terrified for weeks. Especially the shower scene. D:

Oh, hey, what time is it?


Oh yeah.
Clockspider has made me wary when changing the clocks for daylight savings. In fact, my room clock is still an hour behind... but laziness also plays a part!
I really ****ing hate earwigs.

With a passion.

Oh christ.
when you think about it though, spiders have tiny feet so they're kinda ridiculous looking, lol.
Yeah, they look really ridiculous as they creep slowly and stealthily towards you before leaping at you, sinking their fangs into your nose and tap-dancing on your ****ing FACE, lol.
I couldn't have been any more than 7 or 8 when I first saw this and it had me goddamn terrified for weeks. Especially the shower scene. D:

Yeah, I was a young-un at the time, so I am screwed.

*EDIT* And Pi just gave me nightmares for the next week.
Yeah, they look really ridiculous as they creep slowly and stealthily towards you before leaping at you, sinking their fangs into your nose and tap-dancing on your ****ing FACE, lol.

Too bad they would be crushed under my boots before they have a chance to do any of that.
Clockspider has made me wary when changing the clocks for daylight savings. In fact, my room clock is still an hour behind... but laziness also plays a part!

Daylight saving time is RETARDED. The rest of the world needs to get on board with Arizona. We do NOT ever change our clocks time. We don't follow daylight savings time.

On second note looking at this map Australia is a much more progressive country when it comes to getting rid of stupid ass daylight saving time.

Blue = DST In Use
Red = DST Never Used
Orange = DST No longer in use

I just imagined stepping on an exposed "clockspider"... barefoot.
I stepped on a spider barefoot once, it was about 3cm in length and probably in width too. I was running on a stage packing up the amplifiers, wires and chairs when i stepped on something hard and wet. I only noticed that i squished the poor bastard so i took him by some tissue paper and threw him away.
It was wet. Really wet.
More morning car wrecks due to decreased light during the shift. It's proven not to save energy and it's a major inconvenience.
Spiders are my friends. I have at least four in various corners of my bedroom. In lieu of a mosquito net, spider webs work almost as well.

I do clear them out every so often. They don't get to stay long enough to lay thousands of eggs.
I have a fear of the Chicken Dance....

They made my kindergarten class do it at a city event.... I still shudder when I hear that damned song.
At night or strolling through the park?

None of those things, dude.

My shadow. The shadows. The bags under my eyes. The ebony onyx of a freshly murdered and half-burnt corpse laying under my bed. The emptiness of the sky. The nothingness which follows death, choking and infinite. The last moment of chaos I remember before falling asleep, staring blankly into my closed eyelids, wishing I was dead. The crumbled gritty pavement of the slummy shithole neighborhood I live in after the sun falls.

this forum layout
Guys with Hoodies. Ever since I got mugged by a guy in a hoodie I am a bit jittery when I see those people.
Flying. I've been in a plane four times, but I can't get over my fear of flying. I'm a nervous wreck every time. The idea that I have no control is too much for me to handle. On the way to and from Maui this past summer, I watched our airspeed, altitude, wind speed, and ETA the entire time. I wanted to make sure everything was okay.

On my way to Florida I was in line inside the jetway before boarding the plane. Just to be an asshole I creeped up behind a girl who was flying by herself and made sure she heard me tell my girlfriend that "this is the pilots first flight!". She turned around, "REALLY!?"

After landing in Florida the stuart got on the mic and asked us to congratulate the pilot on his first flight. So epic.

As for my fear, I've always been afraid of falling into an active volcano.
I only have that 'need to look over my shoulder' fear when im in a house with no lights on and I KNOW that Im alone.

If someone's in the house that I know, I dont feel any fear.

Have a fear of heights if theres nothing to stop me from falling. I could stand at the top of the Empire State Building all day and look down. Put me on a ledge however with no barrier or rope holding me, and Ill eventually start flapping.
I saw Aliens when i was 8, that ****ed me up for a few years, but i completely got over that by the age of 12/13... Scream, especially the mask of the murderer freaked me out for a few years... The grudge (I was 18 or so when i watched it) made me slightly twitchy when home alone... So bassicly a few movies slightly traumatized me.

And the idea of a stranger, junky, phycho, whatever, breaking in to my house and murdering me and my family has always scared me, still does. I now have a wakizashi, baseball bat and a knife nexto my bed. (And a ghilliesuit under my bed, lol. Stranger comes in my room, sees a moving bush with a small katana lurking in a shadowy corner of the room : D)
I now have a wakizashi, baseball bat and a knife nexto my bed. (And a ghilliesuit under my bed, lol. Stranger comes in my room, sees a moving bush with a small katana lurking in a shadowy corner of the room : D)
I sleep dressed in a monster costume every night. That way, if the monsters come for me, they'll be like, "oh, never mind, he's one of us!"

No, not really, but that's a really ****ing good idea.