Anyone else Glad HL2 is delayed ?

Originally posted by PSX
yeah, I believe the fastest at the time was a Voodoo2 in SLI mode and a PII-450

Aye, I bought the top of the range gateway machine for just over 2k the week HL came out and thats the spec it got me .... single player looked lush .... but then i was never relaly interested in that and still havent finished it to this day :)

MP looked good and felt good at first but then as newer systems came out and the speed of the game increased (the speeds the game plays at now are nothing like what it was back when it first came out) you started to feel the pain and see the fps drops.

I now play HL MP on a XP2000 with TI 4600 which feels very smooth but I have friends who have had the same system and have upgraded to p4 3ghz and Rad 9800 from similair systems to mine and say they have even noticed an improvement in the smoothness of HL.

Bet were looking at a couple ofr even more years before systems are out that can max HL2 out for MP :)
I posted a list of reasons why I don't mind the delay, spent quite a while on it actually, unfortunatly it had the word 'delay' in it somewhere so it was deleted by the moderators.
uhhhhhhhhhh, ppl saying that they prolly couldt even play the game right now.... i dont think my pc will play hl2 high spec..just low spec...(building new pc when the XT arrives) if it was out today id still buy it and just be proud :D
i can't help but think of how selfish some of you seem.
"yes i'm happy because >I< can't afford a new pc for it.

Even if it wasn't delayed, would you have not got it now?
it wouldn't have made any difference to you if it was delayed or not.

most of you are just trying to turn a bad thing into a good thing by trying to rationalize what happened.
Something i realized in all the hype prior to the delay is that i wouldn't have even bought hl2 today with my current system.

Although its good enough in comparison to the min specs, the fact is i've been waiting for this game for so god damn i'm not willing to play a game of that quailty on settings which could only be described as "okay"

As luck has it, im in a position to make upgrades in mid october, i'm not an idiot who feels that i must have 100fps and the latest specs, but I would like to enjoy HL2 from start to finish.....and not worry about how the game might play at a snails pace.

So am i happy its delayed= no. But luckly there might be a bright side to it.
Lol .... whats selfish about just saying what you feel in relation to your own situation ...... maybe I should have also said how sorry for I feel for those people that have upgraded ready for this day ..... but then I would also have to admit that I think its funny that those people have upgraded already on the basis of a valve release date ...... some people must have short memories of previous valve releases tbh :)
in reference to the hardware/multiplayer point in the first post......

if it runs in SP then theres no significant difference to the mp side of things.

other than the speed of your modem mp should run just as smooth as sp.

sure there will be like 10% extra strain on your rig but i cant see that mutch of a hit to the games performance.

besides why would they make a MP part of the game if nothing could run it?
I was listening to hl radio earlier and they were saying how advanced the net code is and how servers can be setup.....for example you'll be able to play with a 56k modem no prob. The impression I got was that you'll get a better ping in hl2 than say cs.....which can only be a good thing.
Originally posted by Dilbert
Most people seem quite upset, on one hand I am a little dissapointed its not out yet ... but in some ways I am quite please because.

1. It means we can have another season of HL over at before many players desert to HL2

2. Both my main rigs at home arent up to a spec i would want for playing HL2 atm (P4 2.4 GF3 & XP2000 GF4) and if its delayed long enough I will be able to use some money from next years it budget for some upgrades.

3. Best hardware currently available will not give a fantastic perfomance for multiplayer with all the bells and whistles switched on .. imo.

4. hmmmmm .. I am sure i had some more reasons when starting this thread but they seem to have evaporated as I write :)

What kind of stupid question is this. NO I am not happy it was delayed, and I doubt many other people are happy either. :rolleyes:
NO I'm not glad HL2 is delayed, although if the games code isn't finished or such then It'll better be done by mid Oct.
Strangely I am quite glad that it's been delayed. Firstly, like a lot of other people I can use this extra time to save for a better graphics card, which will hopefully be cheaper by December than it is now. Also, I've just started university so I don't really have time to be sat around playing Half Life 2 all day :p. If they release it in December I'll have just finished for a month's holiday :bounce:
I'm with Daemon, school is in, so game time is down, and I too am looking forward to a cheaper 9800 Pro by Christmas, so the closer to Thanksgiving/Christmas the better for me.
Man, I just started university and with all this courseworks to do and programs to build I am ****ing bord. Bottom line is, I am sad that HL2 is delayed, and I wish I could get it right now.

By the way, halo is out and I just bought it two hours ago, I am going to play it now. BUT its not fun like HL2. Trust me on this.
I am glad because I have 3 tests in the next two weeks and I don't want to fail out this early in the semester :cheers:
Originally posted by Deljron
I played half-life on a cele 400 with 12Mb voodoo2 and it ran fine, I dont remember any problems.
Originally posted by Dilbert
Single player may have looked ok but multiplayer would have been very bad on that system .... you could expect single figure fps on that rig on some maps/situations....... although at the time HL came out that wasnt far off top spec :) Wouldnt be much fun trying to play it on that now though I assure yah

BAHAHAHAHA. I played HL Sp on a 233 with SOFTWARE rendering. My integrated card couldn't even do OpenGL or dir.x. 640X480 res and I dropped under 10 FPS if I used my flashlight much.

I played MP (tfc/cs) on a 300 MHz machine, software rendering. I played at **320X240** resolution.

You people know NOTHING of underpowered computers.
300mhz? thats hella fast, compared to how my 486 ran it. really its not admirable to see who played halflife with the lowest computer, that just shows how poor you are.
I played it in x86 emulation mode on my apple IIe on an amber 8inch monocrome monitor so hah!... err.. wait I suck :(
I think it's dumb that people want it to be delayed just so they can upgrade their rig. Why not play it now with details turned down, and have it look awesome later. That's what happened with me on my old 233mhz when HL1 came out. I had to play on the lowest resolution possible, and it still ran crappy but it was still an awesome game. When I got my new computer, I got to play it at highest rez and details.

The point is...HL2 is still going to be an awesome game whether it looks good or not. So why use the hardware excuse for not being upset with the delay?
I'm glad that I have the extra time now. Seeing as the components for my hl2 comp just came today (9/30/03) in the mail, I wouldn't have been ready. Parts I have so far, 9800pro 256, 2.8ghz 800fsb, 800fsb mobo. I have yet to buy ram or format one of my harddrive from the comp I'm on now. All and all, If it had been released today, I wouldn't have been playing it untill really late (if I worked on gettting the system up all night).

I'm also glad that it's delayed cause I have an assload of work to be doing. School, college apps, cross country, etc It's just piling up and putting hl2 in there won't help.
I actually heard from a friend that they're still encorporating Other Languages to the dialoge and that's the reason for delay. Bit uMM delay sucks and whoever thinks hl2 being pushed back is good should be shot with something. preferrably vegitable orientated
am I glad that HL2 is delayed?

in a word........................NO!