Anyone hyped for Wolfenstein?

Of course the PC guys will be pissed off.
Wolfenstein was born and bred on the PC, if there's any signs of consolization... there'll be riots.
Looks decent, magically mutated SS officers? I'm sold.
Loved W:3D, didn't care for RTCW

So, not really.
I really want to get excited for this but I find myself not feeling anything like that. And I LOVED RTCW too. Man, it sort of makes me sad. Maybe it will still kick ass!! :(
If you can mod this game, this is going to be a real favorite of mine. I guess for it to get a really strong mod community, it probably needs to have a great multi-player component.
Thing is though, singleplayer and multiplayer run on different engines.
Nvm I don't like the multiplayer because it's not fully based on Enemy Territory.
Never heard of it. Didn't even know it was in production.

And what the hell. Is that Wolfenstein or doom. All my memories of Wolfenstein 3d and Return to Castle Wolfenstein weren't supernatural at all. I mean yeah they touched on the supernatural a bit, but maybe my memory of those moments are expunged.

I rememeber big ass electric guns and muscled up nazi giants who had machine guns for hands D:
Sigh, I never got far in RTCW. I got to the part were your are going through the different buildings and gave up.
Idiots will pay for what they have paid before twice??? Let's capitalize on that!!!!
What is that about Cornerstone? Pay for what twice?

I think I bought a used copy of the one on Xbox [1], without realizing it was online only. Anyway, I think they gave away the PC version for free eventually.
Not really, no. It looks like an average shooter to me. I liked Enemy Territory very much but i was never really a fan of the rest of the series. WW2 based shooters need to be put to rest already. At least for a couple of years. Enough is enough.
Woah.... More like COD does because ever since they decided to put that series on consoles, they began to ruin the genre. Enemy Territory was the first shooter I ever played and became my favorite one, but now the game is just messed up for some reason. It's just not the same. Either way WW2 is still very capable, it's just the stupid developers who decided to be redundent and make their sequals so repetative that it gets boring. Wolfenstein strays from that and made WW2 a very unique genre.
Well at first I didn't care much, but that was before I saw the movie. Looks interesting.
Not really, no. It looks like an average shooter to me. I liked Enemy Territory very much but i was never really a fan of the rest of the series. WW2 based shooters need to be put to rest already. At least for a couple of years. Enough is enough.

How the hell can you compare this to a standard ww2 shooter? Games that are run and gun shooters with a wide verieties of weapons and enemies/good single player are the best shooters. Think unreal and half-life. These games are certainly not avarage by any means.
There's leaked beta footage of the multiplayer floating around and now i'm torn. It looks like the original - similar classes/objectives/guns/movement/art direction - but it now has iron sights, which I hate. More MoH and CoD like and less twitch aimy/fast paced.
I think I'm pretty sure that RCW (Not W 3D) is the game that gave birth to FPS fans. Mind as well, RCW MP is where almost every FPS online gamer first learned to shoot.
The first FPS game I ever bought was MOHAA. but the first game that taught me how to shoot online was SF2 MP. But nonetheless, RCW could also be the one which could hook me online if by chance I played it first instead of MOHAA.
The FPS fans (Cream of the crop,) are those RCW fans, anyone who became good at playing FPS MP is because RCW.
I loved that game (RCW) and it has a huge place in my heart, and because of that, the only thing this new upcoming game can do is to disappoint me. That's, unless this game takes a new and different route like COD4.
The main villain Hitler was seeking to awaken has been killed forever, so they must find a new villain that we missed. Germany has lost the war for good (Both in reality and in Games) and no one likes to play WWII based games anymore, so they must get us out of there (1940) as quickly as the first couple of levels. The weapons look mediocre and old except for two (Particle and Tesla) and still the same old 1940 types, must introduce new modern type weapons. enemies are the same old regular except maybe two or three new ones. If Raven depends on the Vail too much to carry the game, remember FEAR"s slow-mo; that thing was new but could any carry the game once.

Oh! And the MP... Please don't get me started on RCW MP.

This game would be nothing but an epic flop, unless we find secrets we were never told.
Mind as well, RCW MP is where almost every FPS online gamer first learned to shoot.

I would argue Quake MP taught more people how to aim. Sure I played RCW but I didn't touch the multiplayer until 2006. Anyway you're making too many assumptions in that post and I insist you stop making them.
I think I'm pretty sure that RCW (Not W 3D) is the game that gave birth to FPS fans. Mind as well, RCW MP is where almost every FPS online gamer first learned to shoot.
The first FPS game I ever bought was MOHAA. but the first game that taught me how to shoot online was SF2 MP. But nonetheless, RCW could also be the one which could hook me online if by chance I played it first instead of MOHAA.
The FPS fans (Cream of the crop,) are those RCW fans, anyone who became good at playing FPS MP is because RCW.
I loved that game (RCW) and it has a huge place in my heart, and because of that, the only thing this new upcoming game can do is to disappoint me. That's, unless this game takes a new and different route like COD4.
The main villain Hitler was seeking to awaken has been killed forever, so they must find a new villain that we missed. Germany has lost the war for good (Both in reality and in Games) and no one likes to play WWII based games anymore, so they must get us out of there (1940) as quickly as the first couple of levels. The weapons look mediocre and old except for two (Particle and Tesla) and still the same old 1940 types, must introduce new modern type weapons. enemies are the same old regular except maybe two or three new ones. If Raven depends on the Vail too much to carry the game, remember FEAR"s slow-mo; that thing was new but could any carry the game once.

Oh! And the MP... Please don't get me started on RCW MP.

This game would be nothing but an epic flop, unless we find secrets we were never told.

I would argue Quake MP taught more people how to aim. Sure I played RCW but I didn't touch the multiplayer until 2006. Anyway you're making too many assumptions in that post and I insist you stop making them.

M'key sir. Quake! RCW! has always been the argument between Quake and RCW fans. But even them flamboyant Halo gay fans would agree RCW is the Godfather of FPS? And don't be coming out wagging your finger at me about the amount of assumptions I made; I'm just telling you, WWII games are hard to sale nowadays.

Good Day.

Yes!... YES!!!
Generalising based on your own experience Barney? Not everyone plays the same games as you do or had the same experiences as you did.
My first FPS was Heretic 1, and my first multiplayer FPS experience was with Quake 2. I've never played RTCW MP or Enemy Territory, and probably never will.
Learned to fps on Wolfenstein3D and then Doom, and then Doom II, and then Quake. Or was it Quake then Doom II?
Not everyone plays the same games as you do or had the same experiences as you did.
Neither do you. And I'm not generalizing based on my own experience Remus.
Wolfenstein 3D 1992. Heretic (Not Heretic 1) 1994.

And if you never played RCW or Enemy Territory, you have no say in here.

Good Day.

Learned to fps on Wolfenstein3D and then Doom, and then Doom II, and then Quake. Or was it Quake then Doom II?

That's what I'm talking about. Doom is also one of the greatest original games.
Neither do you. And I'm not generalizing based on my own experience Remus.
Wolfenstein 3D 1992. Heretic (Not Heretic 1) 1994.

And if you never played RCW or Enemy Territory, you have no say in here.

In a previous post you stated that RCW, not W 3D, gave birth to the FPS fans

You said:
I think I'm pretty sure that RCW (Not W 3D) is the game that gave birth to FPS fans. Mind as well, RCW MP is where almost every FPS online gamer first learned to shoot.

Please stop contradicting yourself.

Also, Doom was the dawn of online FPS gaming. Its also regarded as one of, if not the, most influential game in the genre.
Wolf3D was my very first FPS, by the time I played RTCW I had already played several games online and had plenty of experience with them.
My first online FPSes were probably Dark Forces 2 and Starsiege Tribes.

Anyways, stop derailing the thread.
In a previous post you stated that RCW, not W 3D, gave birth to the FPS fans

Please stop contradicting yourself.

Also, Doom was the dawn of online FPS gaming. Its also regarded as one of, if not the, most influential game in the genre.

Read my post thoroughly before I reply and make silly out of you, which will be in about... Now.

W 3D is the Grandfather of FPS (The Genre), and RCW gave a freaking birth FPS fans. Now you got it?

Life is one big road with lots of signs; so, when youre driving through the roads don't you complicate your minds.

Good Day sir.
RTCW was my first online shooter, before that I usually LAN'd with Quake / Quake 2. I liked RTCW because it was the first fp game to break away from regular deathmatch by introducing team play and classes - much more challenging and fun. I can't play regular deathmatch anymore as it's just plain boring to me, and it's all the fault of RTCW.

I will probably get the new Wolfenstein just for single player as my next favoured onliner is set to be BF1943, but may have a wee multiplay of it for old times sake...
W 3D is the Grandfather of FPS (The Genre), and RCW gave a freaking birth FPS fans. Now you got it?

So noone liked Wolf 3D, Quake, Half-Life, Halo, the Tribes series or any of the other FPS games to come out before November 19 2001?

Wow, its amazing that an entire Genre managed to survive over 9 years with numerous games that sold into the millions without a single fan of that type of game! Truly amazing!
Good Day.

Good day to you too. Come back when you pull your head out of your own ass.

Bob_Marley said:
So noone liked Wolf 3D, Quake, Half-Life, Halo, the Tribes series or any of the other FPS games to come out before November 19 2001?

Wow, its amazing that an entire Genre managed to survive over 9 years with numerous games that sold into the millions without a single fan of that type of game! Truly amazing!

So noone liked Wolf 3D, Quake, Half-Life, Halo, the Tribes series or any of the other FPS games to come out before November 19 2001?

Wow, its amazing that an entire Genre managed to survive over 9 years with numerous games that sold into the millions without a single fan of that type of game! Truly amazing!
[/sarcasm] Fixed!

Sigh! OK, This concludes our "Debate"
Halo came out in 2001, so we'll forget about Halo for now.
Though Wolfenstein 3D is the game that started all, the popularity of FPS in 92, at that time PCs were still hard to come by, but whoever lucky enough to own a PC and played the game, loved it. When PC became easier to own (Thanks to AMD), in the late 1990s, and RCW's release, were almost instantaneous, making it the father of Multiplay. There are other types of Multiplay stuff that RCW started, some of which CROM have already mentioned. Also, RCW's 3D graphic was pretty advanced for it's time. Nonetheless, Wolfenstein 3D is one of the few (If not the only) game which is ported across the board, almost every platform and OS. You will find a version of Wolfenstein 3D even for your iPhone today. Lemme see you say that about Quake... :p I mean legally.
Also when Wolfenstein 3D first came in MS-Dos it used to go around in floppy disks, thereby full of crappy viruses.
So, I didn't say that those games have no single fan; they do. what I'm saying is that: The vast majority of die-hard FPS Multiplayers out there, old-timers like me, were playing Wolfenstein 3D before when you were five and Remus was six. And We Are The RCW Originals. OK, I'll add Quake and Doom here too, 'cause I'm fair, and they whine too much.
Everyone else is wanna-bees; except for Half Life....Half Life is cool wanna-be, but it didn't start FPS.

Also Counterstrike is gay.

Good day.

Good day to you too. Come back when you pull your head out of your own ass.

lol Remus, why you got to be like that?
Stop calling it RCW it's RTCW.

Duke Nukem, Doom, Quake, Half-Life and Goldeneye were all successful FPSs long before RTCW came out.
RCW looks all wrong. RTCW please :)

I agree about RTCW being the daddy of multiplayer - it's still the most balanced and best example of class/objective based gameplay seen in a shooter.
[Sarcasm][/sarcasm] Fixed!

Sigh! OK, This concludes our "Debate"
Though Wolfenstein 3D is the game that started all, the popularity of FPS in 92, at that time PCs were still hard to come by, but whoever lucky enough to own a PC and played the game, loved it. When PC became easier to own (Thanks to AMD), in the late 1990s, and RCW's release, were almost instantaneous, making it the father of Multiplay. There are other types of Multiplay stuff that RCW started, some of which CROM have already mentioned. Also, RCW's 3D graphic was pretty advanced for it's time. Nonetheless, Wolfenstein 3D is one of the few (If not the only) game which is ported across the board, almost every platform and OS. You will find a version of Wolfenstein 3D even for your iPhone today. Lemme see you say that about Quake... :p I mean legally.
Also when Wolfenstein 3D first came in MS-Dos it used to go around in floppy disks, thereby full of crappy viruses.
So, I didn't say that those games have no single fan; they do. what I'm saying is that: The vast majority of die-hard FPS Multiplayers out there, old-timers like me, were playing Wolfenstein 3D before when you were five and Remus was six. And We Are The RCW Originals. OK, I'll add Quake and Doom here too, 'cause I'm fair, and they whine too much.
Everyone else is wanna-bees; except for Half Life....Half Life is cool wanna-be, but it didn't start FPS.

Also Counterstrike is gay.

Good day.

You said:
I think I'm pretty sure that RCW (Not W 3D) is the game that gave birth to FPS fans. Mind as well, RCW MP is where almost every FPS online gamer first learned to shoot.

How can FPS fans be around before they came into existance? Eh?

Also, Counter-Strike, gay or not, is both older and more popular than Return to Castle Wolfenstien.

Halo came out in 2001, so we'll forget about Halo for now.

But still before RtCW. Again, a Genre defining game that is older and more popular.
I've been playing the mp beta a little tonight and it feels like RTCW diluted with COD. The basics are there, but it's all a little dumbed down. You can't select a grenade or special item without using it instantly (this works great in Halo, not so much in RTCW) and sprinting stops you aiming with accuracy. The pace is slower and the inclusion of iron sights make me feel this isn't going to be the fast, skill/reaction focused game the original was. Basically it's RTCW with some of the Quake 3 taken out and some COD put in its place.

//edit - I don't like it :/ The more I play the more it feels like a half arsed rtcw mode for COD2. It even has the little cross hit detection that cod uses. So great, they've taken the one ww2 game that stood out from the sea of generic ww2 shooters and plunged right in with the sequel.
That's not good news :(
I liked CoD2 for a while but mindless spray 'n pray gets boring.
I've been playing the mp beta a little tonight and it feels like RTCW diluted with COD. The basics are there, but it's all a little dumbed down. You can't select a grenade or special item without using it instantly (this works great in Halo, not so much in RTCW) and sprinting stops you aiming with accuracy. The pace is slower and the inclusion of iron sights make me feel this isn't going to be the fast, skill/reaction focused game the original was. Basically it's RTCW with some of the Quake 3 taken out and some COD put in its place.

//edit - I don't like it :/ The more I play the more it feels like a half arsed rtcw mode for COD2. It even has the little cross hit detection that cod uses. So great, they've taken the one ww2 game that stood out from the sea of generic ww2 shooters and plunged right in with the sequel.


I hate that term and I hate that it's actually fitting in this case. does it at least have the same classes and class playing mechanics?
Classes are fine - medic, engineer and soldier. All doing the usual thing (engineer does ammo this time). While it has been consolised to some extent, this isn't where the damage is. It's been CoDised :flame:
no the classes are NOT fine, where's the Lieutenant? <runs away sobbing>

He's been absorbed by the engineer. The trade off is the soldier being viable now - if the new, bigger weapons are good, that is - he was only ever picked in rtcw for the panzer. It works out as the same no. of classes. If I remember right you liked MoH, Stern? In that case you might like this weird hybrid, in a dirty kind of way.

Oh, the engine sucks. It's got that same weird feelng ET:QW has - like you're not actually shooting anything and levels have this messy, cluttered look.