Anyone lost interest?

I think I'm more level headed about it now. This time last year I'd really bought into the hype and was ready to order it from Steam. Now, I'll probably still pick it up (after reviews), but what looked amazing a year ago is a bit pedestrian now. Sooner it comes out, the better.
I havnt loss interest in the game but Im definitly not as hyped as I was this time last month.....the only thing thats gonna get me "really" hyped again is a gold announcement to be honest! :smoking:
i used to be like obsessed with half life 2 and check these forums several times a day and read everything on other websites too. then after the fools gold thing and finding out that the game probably isnt gonna be released until november or december... possibly even later... i just kinda lost interest one day.

right now, im really really excited about this game called guild wars. it looks so awesome. anyone whos a fan of mmorpgs should check it out. theres no monthly fee either. its great but it hasnt come out yet and you will still have to pay retail.
blackhawk762 said:
i used to be like obsessed with half life 2 and check these forums several times a day and read everything on other websites too. then after the fools gold thing and finding out that the game probably isnt gonna be released until november or december... possibly even later... i just kinda lost interest one day.

right now, im really really excited about this game called guild wars. it looks so awesome. anyone whos a fan of mmorpgs should check it out. theres no monthly fee either. its great but it hasnt come out yet and you will still have to pay retail.

Yes off topic, but I was a beta tester for that game it was really fun and I hated mmorpgs untill I beta tested guild wars.
guys ... first of all ... i think we're gonna be most impressed by the way half life 2 looks ... we havent really seen ANYTHING new except for that collection of like 15 screenshots ... and those were SWEET ... dont underestimate ... have some faith ;)
I do have to say that I am starting to lose interest. I think it's time to release the game... Valve needs to stop talking (July 30th RC, August RC, etc) and start delivering.
Platinum said:
... dont underestimate ... have some faith ;)

Why? I had faith until the 4th or 5th time I was let down by delays... :hmph:
KagePrototype said:
I pretty much have the same level of interest as I did back when HL2 was revealed in PC Zone.

I'm just patient. :)

Heh, I think I just unwittingly played CS:S with you a couple of hours ago...
yes, i've lost some interest in it, it seems it'll be just a good fps, nothing revolutionary except in terms of story
pingu said:
I used to be a complete HL/HL2 fanboy and I cant beleive im actually saying this, but Ive now lost complete interest in the game, it doesnt even look that good anymore and I really have no excitement about it whatsoever, hopefully when it comes out my attitude will have reversed, anyone feel the same?

Very tragic. Next.
As I said earlier in this thread; I lost a bit of the hype that I got after E3 2003, but I'm still looking forward to the release. I'm not just exited about HL2, but of course CSS and all the other ports, and best of all, the mod-community will surely bring alot of good things our way. I think we have a lot to look forward to over the next years.

I atleast can't wait to see the potential of modding css. I guess the superhero mod will be alot better on source than it is on cs 1.6 :)
yeah i've lost alot of interest as well. I suppose its a good thing because if i had maintained that same level of excitement the game would never meet my expectations. Now i'm just kinda, meh
Ecthe|ioN said:
I atleast can't wait to see the potential of modding css. I guess the superhero mod will be alot better on source than it is on cs 1.6 :)

Wc3x > Superhero hehe ;)
I think a lot of people have grown tired of Valves yoyo marketing campaign. And i agree it is a tiresome thing to experience especially since it's been going on for almost 18 months.

I'm personally still looking forward to the game, solely to end this waiting!!! I exist to wait for this game.
People are tired of Valves shit thats all. HL2 itself you can't say you've lost interest in because A. You've never played it. B. You know as soon as you hear the gold announcement your going to shit your pants. C. The engine and game itself will more than likely be the best PC game experience we'll have.
I have not lost much interest in the game, although some of it has faded away.
But now I am not so excited about the game as I was when saw the E3 2003 movie, but still pretty excited.
I have to say that i'm probably still just as excited by the game, if not more so than i was a year ago. Graphics arent my thing anyway, so what little shortfallings the engine has in that repect now, compared to other engines that have shown up since source was first shown, dont bother me in the slightest. Its the story and the general atmosphere/feeling of the game i'm looking forward to, and imo none of those aspects of the game will have suffered from the delays, probably the oppsosite in fact.

Ive taken some of the delay time to teach myself XSI (i'm still crap at it though lol, its a very deep peice of software) so tbh, the wait has flown by really quickly for me. I'd like to see the game this side of christmas though, i'll admit that much lol

Oh and hello btw, this looks like a cool place, i like the forum design :thumbs:
While not losing interest I am starting to believe that I might be dissapointed when I do get the game. I thought that CSS would be an absolutely incredible game, but I haven't touched it since two days after the beta was released.
kenz1980 said:
hey that a true quote from gabe..or u just making it up..the one about 12000 email or something...the scary thing is i believe it..and no i havent lost interest ..seeing as how i come on here everyday for any scraps of just getting antsy..its been a long time coming for this game...and i cant wait to hear about the hl2 multiplayer...(hoping cs:s isnt it)oh myyy the possiblilities :angel:

It's real. :thumbs:
I;ve never been into Half Life 2 all that much. I've avoided all videos and screenshots so it wouldn't take anything away from the game. Im surprised many of the hardcore HL2 fans dont know all the secrets of the game by now. All I seem to see around is little iddy biddy details people seem to pick out. My game experience is going to be better than someone who knows all the small details of the game. This game was way over publiciced and that is going to ruin some people's game experience.
i almost lost interest but then the preloads started coming and i the excitment just came back iin like less then a second, also watching the bink videos do help a bit
ya im definetly not excited about this game anymore. i WILL buy it when it releases, but if it never released, i honestly, wouldn't care at all.
guinny said:
People are tired of Valves shit thats all. HL2 itself you can't say you've lost interest in because A. You've never played it. B. You know as soon as you hear the gold announcement your going to shit your pants. C. The engine and game itself will more than likely be the best PC game experience we'll have.

sadly the only person, but quoting myself for emphasis.
I think if the game went gold right now my reaction would be "meh". I've used up all my excitement.

I'll still buy it it though.

I wonder how may people are of the "meh" opinion and aren't buying it? Have potential customers been lost through the massive delay? I wish i had the answers....
Please, half the people in this thread saying they have no interest were jumping and spamming me with messages begging me to send them pics when i said i had new ones. People who are saying you dont really have any more excitement you either A - did it to urself by overhyping the game on ur own. B - are lying.
guinny said:
Please, half the people in this thread saying they have no interest were jumping and spamming me with messages begging me to send them pics when i said i had new ones. People who are saying you dont really have any more excitement you either A - did it to urself by overhyping the game on ur own. B - are lying.
Unfortunately, I dont fit into any of those categories you have suggested. I cannot believe it myself but I have completely lost interest for this game (at least for the time being). But I will probably buy it if I have enough time to play games during my first year in university. Right now it seems like I wont be able to fit anything else in after lectures, study, and exercise. I hope it turns out to be a good game though, since I got hyped like mad last year by the announcement of this game. Dont want that hype going to waste :sleep:
harhar said:
But I will probably buy it if I have enough time to play games during my first year in university. Right now it seems like I wont be able to fit anything else in after lectures, study, and exercise.
lol university is easy, you'll have PLENTY of time for gaming. That's a FACT HOMIE G FUNK SLICE SKILLET ON A PIE WEST WING LEFT FIELD STYLER.

anyways, on topic, the idea that people could lose interest in a GAME of all things simply because of being upset at the delays... is laughable... unless you're like 13 or 14 that is, i suppose. now if you've lost interest because you've been doing other things and it's just not important, meh that's something else.
Well, if you watch the videos and screenshots like 100000x times you certainly lose interest :P
Huge letdown definetly. There done and zero out most bugs but it takes them another 2 months to retail it. That's dumb marketing
It doesn't sound like many people are losing interest as much as they are losing patience.
Styloid said:
It doesn't sound like many people are losing interest as much as they are losing patience.
Quoted for emphasis

That ESPECIALLY goes for Mr Fusion
I've got patience to spare. To me, life is categorized as such: Education, Family, Work, Friends, Potential new girlfriend as on tonight, Half Life 2.

Get a girlfriend, guys.
Eon Blue said:
I've got patience to spare. To me, life is categorized as such: Education, Family, Work, Friends, Potential new girlfriend as on tonight, Half Life 2.

Get a girlfriend, guys.

education over family.. okay :O

yes girlfriend's are nice.. but as most sensible men realise, girl's are often too much trouble (talking about fling's here), and often enough majority wise you just end up thinking with your sausage.

people can put priority on whatever they want, its hardly a moral issue, not everyone's values are the same. Whats that..? not normal you say?,, heard that one before.(stating the obvious im sure family and friends are far more important to eveyone than HL2, why you thought not, i dont know ).

but seriously, you play life the way you want to, let others do it the way they want to, (its called freedom of choice, besides where all young here anyway, and games give people security and justification with satisfaction , just as much as maybe you find in whipping it out for your lass, or getting an A in judgementalist studies )