Apparently im an asshole.


Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
So, yeah.

Im out with some friends. Some girls join us, we talk, and im trying to be nice. I really am. But one of the girls just, well, she's an idiot and im a drunk basterd. She leaves crying. And i have no idea that i made her sad. This was like 2 weeks ago, or last week, whatever. I saw her walking down the street the other day, and said hi. She hugs me and sais hi too. I had no ****ing idea that she was pissed. She then tells her friend who i meet later that im an asshole for not apologize for what i did when i met her. WTF.
I mean, I have no idea what i said to her, and she seamed happy when i meet her.

Well her friend tells me what's up and what i apparently said. And if i acctually said that, im sorry. Really am.

Different girl, different time, i buy her drinks, im trying to be nice. I really am. She's so ****ing cute/hot/sexy im really going out of my way to be a nice guy, which, i think i am.
But her annoying "best guy friend" keeps getting in my way. So i end up beating him and his friend up and im the asshole. WTF!? I only regreat that she saw it, but man it feelt good to kick his ass. I did however apologize to them. But she never want's to see me again. Go figure.

Meh. Today was pretty much the same. I ****ed up. It's not that im an angry guy, but damn it, they keep pushing me.

I think i spelled this pretty good thou. Better than my "post here if your drunk thread."
We should really have one of those. Like the Miscellaneous, only awesome.
I think so... You'd have to be there.

Man, im an asshole...
You beat her best friend up.

Yeah, you're an asshole.
Maybe if you act like an asshole outright those girls would sleep with you, then get into a self-deprecating relationship with you where you constantly insult them, yet they never leave you for a real nice guy.

Yeah, you're an asshole.
Let's see,
1. Punshed a dog, it barked at me and i thought it was aggressive.
2. I asked a fat girl " Where did you get that body, Mcdonalds?"
3. I threw a glas at a bartender for changing the chanel on a tv.
4. Asked a girl at a the register at mcdonalds the same as nr 2
5. Some fights for no reason whatsoever other than them having more money then me. They usaly show it
6. Calling the cops on a friends party for not inviting me.
7. Bitchslaping a guy for cuting in line. He ran away and everybody looked at me.
8. Stolen phones, cash, bikes. If i have had the oppertonity i have taken it.
9. Pissed on a guys leg at a urinal. He got angry.
10. Puked in a girls handbag and put it back where i found it.
11. Showed up uninvited to a party with some girls, got greated well, and then trashed fridge, microwave, and broke his stereo.
12. Telling ugly girls they are ugly.
13. Slaped a security guy at an emergency clinic for not letting me take a wheelchair. Didn't really need one.
14. Smashed a window on said emergency clinic.
15. Threw a guys cell phone into the ocean.
All this happend pretty recently.

Im gonna stop there. But some things where justified. Like the bitchslaping the guy cuting in line thing. And out of context, most things sound worse then they are. But making a list like this really puts things in perspective for me.

From this day forward, im gonna change. No more pissing on guys legs.
Even if it's hilarious.


16. Oh! And i like sharks.

Some people are justified assholes. Vigilante assholes. You're just an asshole.
You seem like a pretty nice guy we should hang out someti- No no, you're a f*cking asshole.
Some people are justified assholes. Vigilante assholes. You're just an asshole.

This. I didn't think of you as much of an asshole until that list, but now you've changed my opinion, and that is the most difficult task anyone can ever attempt to do.
This. I didn't think of you as much of an asshole until that list, but now you've changed my opinion, and that is the most difficult task anyone can ever attempt to do.

Quoted for truth?

The best thing about the internet is hiding how much of an asshole you are.
I don't think you need to change, Rizzo. You're perfect just the way you are.

If girls don't like you, it's their problem for not seeing what a catch you are.

Toaster, Toaster, Toaster... Always the optomistic one aren't we?

Rizzo! Is Toaster ugly?
No one cares, Rizzo.
That's the cold, hard truth.
Rizzo's version of being nice:

"Hey, you're decent looking. Probably a 6 out of 10. Wanna ****?"
Rizzo's version of being nice.

"Hmm I see an opportunity to be nice but I'll have to go out of my way to do it. I don't usually do this but she's ****ing hot. Oh well. Gosh, I'm such a nice guy!"

But like, I'm not joking because that's what his quote implies :|
Maybe you should stop going to bars with your friends?
Maybe that's the problem?
Or you're just an asshole in general?

p.s. i rly dont care
You are what we call an "angry drunk".

Nobody likes to party with an angry drunk. Ever.
Let's see,
1. Punshed a dog, it barked at me and i thought it was aggressive.
2. I asked a fat girl " Where did you get that body, Mcdonalds?"
3. I threw a glas at a bartender for changing the chanel on a tv.
4. Asked a girl at a the register at mcdonalds the same as nr 2
5. Some fights for no reason whatsoever other than them having more money then me. They usaly show it
6. Calling the cops on a friends party for not inviting me.
7. Bitchslaping a guy for cuting in line. He ran away and everybody looked at me.
8. Stolen phones, cash, bikes. If i have had the oppertonity i have taken it.
9. Pissed on a guys leg at a urinal. He got angry.
10. Puked in a girls handbag and put it back where i found it.
11. Showed up uninvited to a party with some girls, got greated well, and then trashed fridge, microwave, and broke his stereo.
12. Telling ugly girls they are ugly.
13. Slaped a security guy at an emergency clinic for not letting me take a wheelchair. Didn't really need one.
14. Smashed a window on said emergency clinic.
15. Threw a guys cell phone into the ocean.
All this happend pretty recently.

Im gonna stop there. But some things where justified. Like the bitchslaping the guy cuting in line thing. And out of context, most things sound worse then they are. But making a list like this really puts things in perspective for me.


I'll just let karma deal with you Rizzo.

Shouldn't someone report his IP to his local police? He admited to stealing property? Get him jailed, i'm sure further investigation will find out he's commited worse crimes than that.

Mods? Seriously...

I'll just let karma deal with you Rizzo.

Shouldn't someone report his IP to his local police? He admited to stealing property? Get him jailed, i'm sure further investigation will find out he's commited worse crimes than that.

Mods? Seriously...

Are you ****ing serious?

I nominate this for most pathetic post on, ever.
They're not going to report his IP, lol. Where have you been during the countless drug and "wat illegal thingz hav u dun" threads, Fusion?
yes you are.

hope that cleared it up for you.

You shouldn't beat people up, mkay?

You beat her best friend up.

Yeah, you're an asshole.

Maybe if you act like an asshole outright those girls would sleep with you, then get into a self-deprecating relationship with you where you constantly insult them, yet they never leave you for a real nice guy.

Yeah, you're an asshole.

Some people are justified assholes. Vigilante assholes. You're just an asshole.

Yep, total asshole.

You seem like a pretty nice guy we should hang out someti- No no, you're a f*cking asshole.

This. I didn't think of you as much of an asshole until that list, but now you've changed my opinion, and that is the most difficult task anyone can ever attempt to do.

oh shit survey says wut