Apparently im an asshole.

Yeah, you're an asshole.

Yeah, you're an asshole.

You're just an asshole.

Yep, total asshole.

you're a f*cking asshole.

Class A asshole

I just think he's out of control, like a lot of teenagers can be. But he's not a teenager any more, so I'd say drugs and alcohol are fueling the problem here. A person with a bad temper, and when combined with alcohol, completely loses control. I always hate when I lose control because I'm no longer in control. And I like control.

I had to give up some of my vices in order to be back in control of my life. You may find that you are much better off without drinking. It might take some time in jail before you realize you are better off without it, and from the sound of it, it won't be long before you spend some time there.
You had to be told that you're an asshole? Seems rather self-evident.
God I'd love to watch him pick a fight with someone and get the shit kicked out of him.

ps - Does that make ME an asshole, or is it just a more direct sense of justice? :P
I don't think you beat anyone up, enjoying getting drunk and angry. Alone.
Bah, im sober now. My head is ****ing killing me thou. I think so Llama. The justice part.
Last night was not a very good moment and i feelt preety bad. So I was just thinking of some of the bad shit i have done. Wich today, i don't feel so bad about. Really, the thing about stealing, not so serious as it sounds. I mean, walking home from work at 4 in the morning, and fining an unlocked bike at the side of the road? Or taking some stuff from the lost and found? Meh, i don't really know why i said that.
And the dog was justified, runing around, barking at me. Made me feel uneasy. Plus, it was an

They could be dangerous, right?

Hey, that's me!
Thanks for your blog post..

Haha anyway it's hard to give advice when you don't even tell us what you said to that first girl. But if you're upset about it enough to post a forum thread it's probably safe to say you haven't got it in you to be a real asshole.
Thanks Rakurai.
But that's all i do thou, posting about it here, anonymous on the internet. Noone here knows me, or know what i look like. I can be honest and get an honest reply. I don't really go out of my way to write those posts ya know.
Pray we never meet in real life, because if we do, so help me God, I will hurt you. Asshole.
Yes, your a grade "A" Tosser.

Also I agree with what "MiccyNarc" said, I`m suprised no-ones knocked you down a peg or two yet.
So none of you have ever goten into a fight over a girl? Cman!
I've never beat up a girl-I-didn't-know's best friend because he was "being annoying" when I was trying to talk to her because she was hot and I was "being nice" by trying to convince her to let me put my cock in her. If that's what you mean.
lol yeah agreed with lefty, that's seriously ****ed. Gonna be hilarious when you get the shit kicked out of you, karma imo
You're not an asshole, just a fucking dick.

Well, you know what they say..

"you are what you eat" :dozey:

Anyway, you're defined by what you do, not how you view yourself.. (OP is a dick)
I think so... You'd have to be there.

Man, im an asshole...

Say that three times to yourself in the mirror, and you will automatically become prince charming..... or bloody mary may appear and say the same thing that you have been telling yourself
You're an asshole, but not for the reasons you listed. Whether or not that bullshit is true - you're an asshole because you thought it was "cool" and posted it on the internet because that's how you want people on a videogame forum to think of you.

Maybe pathetic is a more appropriate term.
ok thanks. I have been waiting for a final verdict.
Shut up.
I was drunk, feelt sad, don't really feel comfortable telling people irl about these things. I know im an asshole, and drunken asshole wanted to share that and what not. I didn't expect any other reaction then those that i got. Of course i care what this videogame forum thinks of me, i have been spending alot of time here. But seriously, no one here knows me, so i can tell you shit i whouldn't tell anyone else.
But you scott, toke it too far. I whould love to meet up and get to know you.
ok thanks. I have been waiting for a final verdict.
Shut up.
I was drunk, feelt sad, don't really feel comfortable telling people irl about these things. I know im an asshole, and drunken asshole wanted to share that and what not. I didn't expect any other reaction then those that i got. Of course i care what this videogame forum thinks of me, i have been spending alot of time here. But seriously, no one here knows me, so i can tell you shit i whouldn't tell anyone else.
But you scott, toke it too far. I whould love to meet up and beat you up.

You're an asshole, but not for the reasons you listed. Whether or not that bullshit is true - you're an asshole because you thought it was "cool" and posted it on the internet because that's how you want people on a videogame forum to think of you.

Maybe pathetic is a more appropriate term.


The guy is just an idiot, ignore him.