Apparently im an asshole.

Let's see,
1. Punshed a dog, it barked at me and i thought it was aggressive.
2. I asked a fat girl " Where did you get that body, Mcdonalds?"
3. I threw a glas at a bartender for changing the chanel on a tv.
4. Asked a girl at a the register at mcdonalds the same as nr 2
5. Some fights for no reason whatsoever other than them having more money then me. They usaly show it
6. Calling the cops on a friends party for not inviting me.
7. Bitchslaping a guy for cuting in line. He ran away and everybody looked at me.
8. Stolen phones, cash, bikes. If i have had the oppertonity i have taken it.
9. Pissed on a guys leg at a urinal. He got angry.
10. Puked in a girls handbag and put it back where i found it.
11. Showed up uninvited to a party with some girls, got greated well, and then trashed fridge, microwave, and broke his stereo.
12. Telling ugly girls they are ugly.
13. Slaped a security guy at an emergency clinic for not letting me take a wheelchair. Didn't really need one.
14. Smashed a window on said emergency clinic.
15. Threw a guys cell phone into the ocean.
All this happend pretty recently.

F***ing rofl. After reading that I'm not surprised people were calling you an asshole!!!
Rizzo you're such an asshole you sound borderline sociopathic. Acts of violence with no reasonable provocation. No, "the dog was barking" or "this guy was talking to his female best friend" aren't reasonable excuses.

I still don't care.

Thanks for telling us that for the third time. Makes it even clearer how little you care...
You act like you do around this area and you would be decked instantly. And I would openly spectate, because all people like you need is a battering, blaming it on alcohol or whatever just shows how pathetic and weak you are.

Have a nice day.
Rizzo, please stop trying to cover up for yourself. You blatantly stated that you did these things, and it did not seem like you regretted it. Frankly I don't think you are an asshole, I think that you are a dick. So what if you were talking to a girl, and her friend that just so happens to be a boy, tries to keep you away from her? You beat the everliving shit out of him and his other friend who didn't do anything? If you were drunk at that time, and you obviously shouldn't have been, maybe he thought you might do something to her? I could just go ranting about your exploits, but I am too disgusted at how you think being drunk can cover up for that.
This threads very existence is an anomaly. I am glad though.
Wait a second, I forgot what this thread was about.

Edit: Oh yeah, Rizzo's an asshole.
rizzo is a pretty cool guy. eh is an asshole and doesn't afraid of anything.

You knew it was coming.
rizzo is a pretty cool guy. eh is an asshole and doesn't afraid of anything.

You knew it was coming.

There's a girl a grade younger than me named Kashmir.

She has got to be THE sexiest thing alive...
I don't. Though I'm frightened at the eyeballs-rolled-back-in-your-skull thing.
It's like some kind of Toaster-Demon that will eat my head if I were to move and it's toasty-sense would detect me and I'd be killed.....
Wtf are you guys on about..

And no your not ugly Toaster, for the record lol.
I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. :D
rizzo is awsome. if you need a wingman hit me up. well **** some shit up!!
I doubt he really did all that stuff. Seriously, he's probably just attention whoring for teh lulz.

So either way: Rizzo is a dickhead. Unless possibly he really does feel bad about it, which I doubt.
Rizzo is a C-C-cOMBOBREAKER!

Thread close for instant assholeness!
Rizzo you hilarious! :D

But maybe lighten up a bit when havin a drink? No?
Different girl, different time, i buy her drinks, im trying to be nice. I really am. She's so ****ing cute/hot/sexy im really going out of my way to be a nice guy, which, i think i am.
But her annoying "best guy friend" keeps getting in my way. So i end up beating him and his friend up and im the asshole. WTF!? I only regreat that she saw it, but man it feelt good to kick his ass. I did however apologize to them. But she never want's to see me again. Go figure.

Woww, yes, I would say that was a terrible move. For future reference, don't be the guy that beats up the best friend of the girl you want to get with. The best friend was "getting in your way" I'm sure because he recognizes that you are just some drunkard trying to bone her.

Andddd what did you expect?
Anyways, I am suspicious this is a jest.
You know what loves assholes?


Big gummy cocks.
Toasters a girl? What do you say you and me get shitfaced and then see where it goes from there? Leave your friends.

Cheddarrrr can come too.
Lol, congrats, you're a dickhead. Wanna impress a girl? Be confident, nice, and hint at a sexual attraction. Not beating up her friends helps too.