Are Men Being Reduced To Servitude?


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
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Grab a drink and sit back, this is for the tl : dr lovers.

Ever had one of those fights over maps or which road to take with a girlfriend of way-back-when, whats-her-name or a current lady figure making you look like more of a catch right now?

Apologies for the rather cheesy-insurance-type-intro where those guys walk in from odd angles across the screen on TV these days, ignore it if you wish.

Anyway, drifting again. I'm bringing this up because I'm personally getting sick of the whole 'battle of the sexes' thing, especially when it comes to women's opinions; because they dont seem to realise that they will become superior at some point through the natural time of evolution.

I've just read a news article about % differences between female workers and men in CEO positions etc, which has lead me to share my thoughts on the differences between men and women in today's society.

Let me explain either way.

To link back to the evolution angle; what's happening right now is important ONLY in the context of our continuing evolution as a species.

So when a woman complains about you taking the wrong turn when it clearly shows on the map we should be going the other way, and we men acknowledge our mistake, we should rip the map away from her and refuse to let her even look at any map in the future.

This should apply to all women; stay the ***k away from maps. The future of the species depends upon it.

Why? Because when men say they wish a woman could read a map properly, they disregard the primary importance of utility in human relationships.

Man's ability to read maps, to navigate, makes us useful. So we should be discouraging any woman from even looking at a map.

(Woman's so-called 'inferior' sense of direction is for another debate, so lets not dwell on that; its just an example.)

You see, as throughout history, the female will respond to a male who displays the most utility. By honing those skills that make you useful as a man, you stave off your inevitable obsolescence.

Now that doesnt mean you should sit at home honing your ability to program a DVD player. Driving manual, lifting heavy things and air guitar are among others.

Women may be laughing at those things, but I say go ahead a chuckle. Until women evolve the ability to move objects telapathically, and they certainly will, physical strength will remain a primary utility.

Then there's sex of course, just to dangerously swerve away from the previous angle. Are men necessary these days? You sure?

A couple of years ago, if memory serves (forgive me if it's wrong), a group of scientists announced their intention to fertilise an egg without the use of sperm cells.
If you were paying attention in Biology at school, you'll know that every cell in the human body contains a copy of the genome pattern.
The only reason that sperm cells have all the fun is that up until now, they were the only ones with access.

Within most of our lifetimes here on this forum for example, artificial insemination will render sperm as useless as an assembly line worker in Detroit.

However, we must not forget that women also have sex, make love or however you wish to see it, because they enjoy it, and not just to procreate.

But I ask again; are men absolutely necessary?

Think of the structure of the female genetalia, without getting childish.

What is the most sensitive part of the vagina? It's....I hope you know this one guys....the clitoris, first discovered by Renaldus Columbus in 1559 (first he thought it was India).

The crown of the clitoris contains 8,000 nerve fibres, it's a far greater concentration than in any part of the male body, even our fingertips. It is the most efficient pleasure delivery system ever devised by nature.

So now ask yourself; why didnt the clitoris end up inside the vagina? So that sex would be naturally, compellingly and constantly pleasurable for a woman?

One could argue that in primitive times, women died of childbirth, so for intercourse to be too pleasurable wouldn't make sense from a Darwinian standpoint. Feel free to stick with your own explanation of course, be it scientific fact or something you scribbled in a book one day.

What does that tell us though? That evolution is looking out for women?

Maybe. Or maybe it tells us that for women, intercourse and sexual fulfillment were never intended to intersect.

New technology just makes it official; future generations of women will evolve clitori (clitorati?) that are larger, longer and even more sensitive.

And a woman's ability as well as her desire to self stimulate will increase exponentially, as intercourse becomes robbed of its procreative utility.

Anyone confused or frightened should be. The species isnt static, we're in a constant state of flux. 2 genders has been the default setting for one reason, and one reason only; so far its been the only way to propagate the race.

So where does this lead us? Equality? Equality, what is that? Is that a principle of nature? We all sit around reading maps together? No, of course not.
Natural selection. Now that my friends is a principle of nature; selection, something has to lose. Something has to be defeated in order for something else to be selected. So, what does this mean?

It means that in 10 or 15 generations from now, men will be reduced to servitude;
Technology and evolution will have combined to exclude sperm from procreation, and men's final destiny will be to lift couches and wait for that day when telepathy overcomes gravity, and our gender's last remaining utility is lost forever.
Why does the toilet seat have to be left down? What about the guys? We need it up. Why don't men yell and bitch about the seat being down all the time? Because we are not women, that's why. I hope you sit down and fall in.

EDIT: Oh, god damn it. I just complained didn't I. I'm just pointing it out. Oh well, where do you want this couch, dear.
Why are television husbands/boyfriends and some movie husbands/boyfriends such buffoons?

It's such a prevalent cliche.
I like maps:bounce: Please don't anyone take my maps from me!
So you're terrified of women basically? Good for you.
Ahh yes, I set the trap and FOOM, I pulled away the rug and you fell in.

So you're terrified of women basically? Good for you.

Confused as to how you came to THAT conclusion.
We're fine. Why? Bitches hate each other more than they hate us.

I will never let a woman control me.
But lesbian!

You know...there's a reason women were repressed for millenia. Men were afraid women might supersede them.

Yes it might be true that men are just the carriers of genes and nothing else and that technology will make us obsolete. (what was that movie again? where some guy ended up in an all female future)

And it's not entirely true that the most sensitive part is the clitoris, some women are quite cold there. Some have it barely visible.
It's true that women can satisfy themselves more than men, but from experience they are not willing to give up a hard unpredictable cock.
But i might be wrong.... *shudders*
I think your hypothesis is wrong Dynasty. Men are stronger, more aggressive and will always be in a position to overpower women as a whole. It's been that way since our species came into existence. Eventually, technology will allow human beings to be created without a woman altogether so their place in the world seems like it would be deteriorating faster than a man's would.

Sex will go from a necessary way to propagate the species to a strictly pleasurable activity.

Long story short, women still have boobs and we like boobs and boobs are awesome.
Good lord, no.

I actually read that when i was making a sociology presentation on religion at high school years ago.
Men excluded women from religion because they were afraid women might become more passionate at it than them.
I say we genetically alter females while they're in the womb to be more dependent. Give them t-rex arms or something.
This doesn't concern you anyway, dog.
I was hoping for a good ol' fashioned misogyny thread and here I got "The sky is falling! Men will be obsolete generations upon generations from now WHEN WE'RE ALL DEAD." People've been saying that shit for years now. It doesn't won't matter to you, anyway. Or me. Or any of the other men posting in this thread. We'll all be long dead before women begin developing clitorises 8 inches long and 2 inches wide, and start having their test tube babies and reading our maps.

Besides, if men are even still around during that time I bet we'll have gone all post-apocalyptic, even while women live in their idyllic, matriarchal paradises. Dudes, shunned and bitter, will roam the land in scrap vehicles cobbled together by our own hands, eating food we've killed ourselves and wearing the creatures' hides. Men will backlash so hard against our dwindling dominance there will be an explosion of testosterone never before seen, not even in the times when man was a lowly savage. The man of tomorrow will never be a slave, he will rebel. He will grab some guns, some beer, and ride off into the desert with his bros.

And he will need no maps.
I was hoping for a good ol' fashioned misogyny thread and here I got "The sky is falling! Men will be obsolete generations upon generations from now WHEN WE'RE ALL DEAD." People've been saying that shit for years now. It doesn't won't matter to you, anyway. Or me. Or any of the other men posting in this thread. We'll all be long dead before women begin developing clitorises 8 inches long and 2 inches wide, and start having their test tube babies and reading our maps.

Besides, if men are even still around during that time I bet we'll have gone all post-apocalyptic, even while women live in their idyllic, matriarchal paradises. Dudes, shunned and bitter, will roam the land in scrap vehicles cobbled together by our own hands, eating food we've killed ourselves and wearing the creatures' hides. Men will backlash so hard against our dwindling dominance there will be an explosion of testosterone never before seen, not even in the times when man was a lowly savage. The man of tomorrow will never be a slave, he will rebel. He will grab some guns, some beer, and ride off into the desert with his bros.

And he will need no maps.

Amen brother!
I was certain that was a jverne post, even after seeing the name of the poster.
I was going to find an old film made by the GNAA (Some troll group my brother used to be in) where a bunch of gay negro aliens chew their fingernails nervously while shouting about "Female Creatures"

But alas, can't find it on youtube.
Well everyone's entitled to an opinion.

I couldn't expect anything less from the legendary crew.

BUT, could the silver lining be that theories like that, when told right, will help us all get laid.
No, seriously. Hacking people's accounts to post drivel is bad.
If it isn't jverne doing this it must be either dog-- or dragonshirt.
Besides, if men are even still around during that time I bet we'll have gone all post-apocalyptic, even while women live in their idyllic, matriarchal paradises.

o_O "The Shore of Women" (1986) by Pamela Sargent? That whole paragraph is essentially the theme of that book. It sucked.
Or maybe it tells us that for women, intercourse and sexual fulfillment were never intended to intersect.
Listen, I feel like it would be too easy for me to make a crack about your sexual performance, but really now, have you considered testing this by actually having sex with women?
I couldn't be bothered to read the OP. I tried, even after ignoring the part he told me to skip it still rambles on and on and on. So I will say this:

Sex is way over rated. Sure it's seems great when you aren't getting any. But anything above 4 times a week is overkill and becomes like work for guys. Guys want sex a lot more when they aren't having it. Women want it more when they are already having it.
Sex is way over rated. Sure it's seems great when you aren't getting any. But anything above 4 times a week is overkill and becomes like work for guys. Guys want sex a lot more when they aren't having it. Women want it more when they are already having it.

Obviously anything one writes about subjective stuff like sex is clearly their own (humble) opinion, but perhaps this statement really does need 'IMHO' in front of it, as its owner is clearly crazier than a sack full of cats
Guys want sex a lot more when they aren't having it. Women want it more when they are already having it.

This is an eternal truth. Women who are conquered become less appealing over time. There are of course always exceptions but usually they are few and far between.
Sex is way over rated. Sure it's seems great when you aren't getting any. But anything above 4 times a week is overkill and becomes like work for guys. Guys want sex a lot more when they aren't having it. Women want it more when they are already having it.
You guys need better girls. I could **** all the ****ing time.
I'd say an equal relationship is the ideal. Trying to assert superiority, whatever sex you may be, can lead to unpleasant and sometimes abusive relationships.

And I'd say taking the map is pretty immature; along the lines of flipping the table when you lose at checkers, and refusing to ever play with your opponent again.