Are you a Virgin?

Are you a Virgin?

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Oct 13, 2003
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I'm guessing alot of people will lie and say no...

I respect the people that have the courage to tell the truth.
Yes I am.Trying to abstain...note the "Trying".
I have two kids and a third on the way. All immaculate conceptions - of course I'm a virgin.
No, obviously, ffs 27 years old I'd have killed myself if I had been at this age lol
Yes. I don't see any good reason to have sex until I am married or atleast in some kind of permanent relationship.
si senor! if it werent for jerking off though, it would be a different story. fap fap fap

i think theres some unnecessary stigma that people think if you're over 21+ and still a virgin that you're somehow a wimp. but thats just pop-culture trying to dictate how people should live.
In the words of Bennett Brower "I have not had sex with a woman"
Neutrino said:
Yes. I don't see any good reason to have sex until I am married or atleast in some kind of permanent relationship.
I wish more kids thought like that.

But I've only had sex with people I've loved deeply.
The Dark Elf said:
I wish more kids thought like that.

I agree. I am not morally against sex before marriage by any means. I am not religious. However, I think too many people have turned it into something it is not. Namely, some way to judge oneself and others. It's like many kids and young adults think they need to have sex to be complete or something. Well, I'm 22, have never had sex, and I'm just fine.

Overall, I think too much importance is put on it in general. That's not to say it isn't important when it's with someone you love. But I just mean it's been turned into some sort of test almost. To me sex is not important because it is sex. Sex is important because of your love for your partner and to have sex without that love present would cheapen it for me.

Just my thoughts on it. But I wouldn't judge a person for disagreeing and having sex whenever they want to. That is completely up to them and everybody has their own ideas, morals, and values. The above is just what I think about it and how I apply it to my own life.
Neutrino said:
Yes. I don't see any good reason to have sex until I am married or atleast in some kind of permanent relationship.

You don't see any good reason? lmao!

Carnal pleasures young man.
Sex without love is an empty experience, but, as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.
Icarus said:
Sex without love is an empty experience, but, as empty experiences go, it's one of the best.

true.. but living with that lifestyle aint good.. :frog:
bliink said:
true.. but living with that lifestyle aint good.. :frog:


Well, I still think there is a big difference between sex and making love.
Icarus said:

Well, I still think there is a big difference between sex and making love.
There is.. but too much of one can still spoil the other.

Sometimes its fun to just have sex, sometimes its fun to make love. But its better to have a mix, never get bored..
Half passion
Half standing up in a hammock

Or for somepeople....
100% tape
Yes, and it's not like my goal in life is to lose it. :)
we11er said:
Yes, and I'm too embaressed to tell anyone :eek:
It all happens for differnt times for different people and means differnt things. some people will find the women of their dreams and lose their virginity to them when they are older, other guys or girls will sleep together from 13 odd and get pregnant or something stupid. so dont you worry, when the time is right for you, you'll do it and never look back (unless you are 13 and get someone pregnant ;)).
CrazyHarij said:
Yes, and it's not like my goal in life is to lose it. :)
Exactly.. heck you'll probably find most who have lost it, wish now, years later they had waited for someone else.. I know I have.
The Dark Elf said:
Exactly.. heck you'll probably find most who have lost it, wish now, years later they had waited for someone else.. I know I have.

I should say that I'm quite content in myself, it's just that all my friends etc aren't virgins, and I'm just not the type of person that can be open about it. I always feel uncomfortable when the topic arises, even though I shouldn't be...
we11er said:
I should say that I'm quite content in myself, it's just that all my friends etc aren't virgins, and I'm just not the type of person that can be open about it. I always feel uncomfortable when the topic arises, even though I shouldn't be...
I think you'll find a lot more of your friends are virgins than you think.. Their just saying they aren't cause they think it makes them look silly.. which is just silly.
The Dark Elf said:
Exactly.. heck you'll probably find most who have lost it, wish now, years later they had waited for someone else.. I know I have.
I'm lucky it wasn't with a girlfriend but a best friend(female)
No no, this isn't like high school. These guys have gfs etc etc bla bla, doesn't really matter.
Icarus said:
I'm guessing alot of people will lie and say no...

I respect the people that have the courage to tell the truth.

I am, since I feel that dating is pointless. And I've never understood why people feel ashamed for being virgins. Wake the hell up - it doesn't matter!
Maybe you shouldn't have made it a public poll. No, I'm not, but I can count the number of times having sex on my left hand.
The_Monkey said:
Maybe you shouldn't have made it a public poll. No, I'm not, but I can count the number of times having sex on my left hand.
but not on your right? Are you missing some fingers or something?
The_Monkey said:
Maybe you shouldn't have made it a public poll. No, I'm not, but I can count the number of times having sex on my left hand.
Well since there's nothing to be ashamed of.. there's no need it to be a private poll.
Father of 3, or atleast she tells me they r mine :O

so guess no...
The Dark Elf said:
Well since there's nothing to be ashamed of.. there's no need it to be a private poll.
Not really any respect if you hide it now is there?
No, I'm not a virgin. It's been a while though...
Icarus said:
but not on your right? Are you missing some fingers or something?

No, but if I would have said just "hand" someone might have thought I meant "hands", and would have been wrong.
If by virgin you the fruits of Champagne with a side of caviar on a Greek island with a name ending with "os". Then yes...I am a virgin.

I just haven't had the desire to have sex with a woman yet...Well, let me put it another way. There are the urges, always and when people make advances, it can be difficult but I always say no because
1.One night stands never work
2.Casual sex never really works
3.I don't really see a reason to have sex until I am married.

Also, I do not think sex is the be all and end all of a relationship. People nowdays put so much importance on sex, and if a couple isnt doing something new everynight for atleast 2 hours then they are looked on as weird and doomed to failure.
Farrowlesparrow said:
If by virgin you the fruits of Champagne with a side of caviar on a Greek island with a name ending with "os". Then yes...I am a virgin.

Ah, yes, the island of Lesbos. Great place. :thumbs:
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