Are you a Virgin?

Are you a Virgin?

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sublidieminal said:
JeZ-, =)PoLo(=, Adidajs, aeroripper, ailevation, Alientank, AmishSlayer, archfiend, AudioRage, AzzMan, B3@$T, bgesley426, BirdMan, bliink, BrainSt0rm, burner69, BWMASTER, c0nduMp, Chiefi, ComradeBadger, cookieman, CptStern, craig, Dedalus, Dem0nEgg, DiSTuRbEd, Dr. Freeman, Dunc, Ecthe|ioN, Element Alpha, Erestheux, Evil^Milk, f0rked, Feath, Fish, FoB_Ed, f|uke, gh0st, gizmostripe, Griz, Gunner, Hazza, He_Who_Is_Steve, Homer, Icarus, Icarusintel, Incitatus, jaguar_987, jonw15, jsc230, Kabukiavenger, kaf11, Kifpe, KiNG, kirovman, KurtCobain, LGs0pHT, Lil' Timmy, Loserflip, Matthias, Mattigus, Mr.Reak, nicrd, nietzsche, Orchin, PeeWee, Pi Mu Rho, pingu, Pogrom, poksmote, Prone, Raziaar, Reaktor4, Reckless, Revisedsoul, RoyaleWithCheese, ShanBoi, sickbits, SirOsisOfLiver, sNaX, Someone, Spiffae, sublidieminal, S|<E|E+0N, The Dark Elf, The_Monkey, Toffee, Tork, Warpten, wowyouareacow, Wraith, Xstacy, ytinupmi, zer0kewl, ^Ben

Are all super irresistable chick/dude magnets :D
I bet. :P
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
he's right, dude. i get ALL the dude/chicks. hey, didn't you go to bed?
Couldn't freakin sleep. :(
I feel tired, but I can't sleep...Maybe I should stay awake for a 3 or 4 more hours and I'll eventually pass out.
Tr0n said:
I feel tired, but I can't sleep...Maybe I should stay awake for a 3 or 4 more hours and I'll eventually pass out.

Have some good ol intercourse, then you'll sleep.

Read that 100 times and you will pick up a hooker.
sublidieminal said:
Have some good ol intercourse, then you'll sleep.

Read that 100 times and you will pick up a hooker.
Just did...still no hooker. :|
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