Are you a Virgin?

Are you a Virgin?

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I was a virgin a few pages ago... but yesterday was something i've got to re-vote
Fat Tony! said:
Are you saying that guys are constantly desperate for sex? Count me out
Not desperate, just saying if it was offered, you wouldn't say no.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
excuse me?
i don't read the big words so good

(person == 17) --> person thinking about sex all the time

(He_Who_Is_Steve == 17) --> Steve thinking about sex all the time
He_Who_Is_Steve not thinking about sex all the time

does not compute!
we11er said:
(person == 17) --> person thinking about sex all the time

(He_Who_Is_Steve == 17) --> Steve thinking about sex all the time
He_Who_Is_Steve not thinking about sex all the time

does not compute!
actually, i'm 18...and i do think about sex a great deal of the time. right. i tend to think that teenage guys who don't think about sex at least a few times over the course of a day are few and far between
Still you can't just say "I'm a guy, I can't help it" that’s just an excuse. It's BS. You have to realize you aren't just some animal, and have some self control. Believe me, you'll enjoy it more. Besides guys lack of self control, and girls giving in EQUALLY lead to teen pregnancies and STDs.
ComradeBadger said:
Sorry, but if you haven't been in that situation, you can't say.
I'm not sure who you are talking about, cause if you just mean the virgins, I don't count. But I've been able to refuse before...admittedly it takes a lot of self control, but it's very possible. Read my above if you don't think so.
ComradeBadger said:
Sorry, but if you haven't been in that situation, you can't say.

So I cry bullshit :) :P

Lol, no I mean it. It's my belief sex is something that should be shared with someone you truly love... not some stupid "thing to do in my life".

I'm just saying... what I said is true. In my case, at least.
ComradeBadger said:
Not desperate, just saying if it was offered, you wouldn't say no. i'm usually quite horny...but if some random woman (hot or not) just came up to me in a bar or whatever and propositioned me, i'd have to say no. just not right.
Not desperate, just saying if it was offered, you wouldn't say no.

Clearly a poor arguement. Why wouldnt you say no? Cant you control your sex drive?
He_Who_Is_Steve said: i'm usually quite horny...but if some random woman (hot or not) just came up to me in a bar or whatever and propositioned me, i'd have to say no. just not right.
I didn't mean just randomly. I mean after an evening or something :)

And fair enough SubK then.

FT: I'm saying you would want to do it. Nothing to do with sex drive, I'm saying, oppurtunity arrises, and you would take it.
Why would I? Of course Id consider it but I would think hmm if I do this ill regret it badly. Therefore Id say no.
Fair enough.

We'll see what happens when it happens.

It'll be Geneva's crazy old lady saying 'BUY ME A BEER' all over again ;)
ComradeBadger said:
I didn't mean just randomly. I mean after an evening or something :)

And fair enough SubK then.

FT: I'm saying you would want to do it. Nothing to do with sex drive, I'm saying, oppurtunity arrises, and you would take it.
No..I wouldn't.I can control myself...kinda...
ComradeBadger said:
I didn't mean just randomly. I mean after an evening or something :)

And fair enough SubK then.

FT: I'm saying you would want to do it. Nothing to do with sex drive, I'm saying, oppurtunity arrises, and you would take it.
I've been in that situation before, and I've been able to control it every time.
lol badger got owned :( poor badger. Very funny. Are we in the same context here. Are we talking girl who is girlfriend, been out for a day or so and had a romantic meal or something like some random girl chats to you and stuff in a bar and you go and bring her back to your pit.
Not some random girl. Someone you know.

Anyway, remember the Anna thing.. I didn't do anything there :P

So, yeah.
"the anna thing" was because you didnt realise she wanted it and then moaned about it when you realised it later :p
ComradeBadger said:
Fine, but I doubt you'd say 'no' to a fit lass who wanted it.

Sorry, but that's just the way.
well badgy, you're not exactly the mold from which every other human was made.
ComradeBadger said:
Not some random girl. Someone you know.

Anyway, remember the Anna thing.. I didn't do anything there :P

So, yeah.

Cause you didn't know she wanted to
Hah you know about that too icarus? Badgy you really shouldnt spread stuff around about yourself around when people can use it against you :P
ComradeBadger said:
I didn't mean just randomly. I mean after an evening or something :)
see, that's different. but it would still depend on how well the evening went...and if it was the first date, it would have to go VERY well
What the hell is that in comradebadgers avatar? I think I know what it is, but i'd get in trouble for saying it :o
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
see, that's different. but it would still depend on how well the evening went...and if it was the first date, it would have to go VERY well
Which is a VERY rare thing now'n days... :(
Raziaar said:
What the hell is that in comradebadgers avatar? I think I know what it is, but i'd get in trouble for saying it :o
I think it is him flipping off the camera....
Tr0n said:
I think it is him flipping off the camera....

<laughs> you might be right! At least I didn't say what I thought it was yet! hahahahahahaa. :laugh:
Raziaar said:
<laughs> you might be right! At least I didn't say what I thought it was yet! hahahahahahaa. :laugh:

He is right
yes, but hey im 14 years old.
Sadly there are many, many who i starting in this age
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
um...wait... you're 17, and you aren't constantly thinking about it.
what kind of twisted freak of nature are you?
Well i mean, we are, but we're not, at the same time. If that makes sense.

Like, we're not the kinda guys where its a massive priority to get laid, or to get a girlfriend either. We're just kinda like "meh"
Self control is a big issue, you should start youg, for example, I ca go for more than a month with out using my right hand, thats a start to learn self dicipline.

The most iportant thing, is to have control of yourself and Willy, specially when you have a GF or in some other cases you are married.
ComradeBadger said:
Not desperate, just saying if it was offered, you wouldn't say no.

If was someone I had just met I could easily say no. If it was say after the frist date, it would be somewhat harder but I would still say no without much difficulty.

The only case it would be really difficult for me would be if I had really liked someone for a long time before that point. Then I could honestly say I would be sorely tempted. However, I still think I have enough self control not to as waiting to have sex until I am married or in a permanent relationship is important to me and I would not easily throw that away.
Sparta said:
Well i mean, we are, but we're not, at the same time. If that makes sense.

Like, we're not the kinda guys where its a massive priority to get laid, or to get a girlfriend either. We're just kinda like "meh" it's like you're on fire...and you know you're on fire, but you accept the fact that no one is coming to put you out, ya? wow...that's like buddhist monk shit...
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Are all super irresistable chick/dude magnets :D
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