Are you a Virgin?

Are you a Virgin?

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I am not a virgin. I've been with my girl for a little more than 4 years. Once you meet a girl, keeping your hands off is quite difficult. But I was a virgin until the age of 18 though.
Ecthe|ioN said:
I am not a virgin. I've been with my girl for a little more than 4 years. Once you meet a girl, keeping your hands off is quite difficult. But I was a virgin until the age of 18 though.

I'm 20.
Ecthe|ioN said:
I am not a virgin. I've been with my girl for a little more than 4 years. Once you meet a girl, keeping your hands off is quite difficult. But I was a virgin until the age of 18 though.
I was under 18 for mine...illegal;)
Well if we're picking years.. 16 for me, with an 18 year old girl.. blonde actually, funny considering I only mostly date brunette's since heh

(16 is legal in the UK too so ha!)
The Dark Elf said:
Well if we're picking years.. 16 for me, with an 18 year old girl.. blonde actually, funny considering I only mostly date brunette's since heh

(16 is legal in the UK too so ha!)

Older girls are better for having casual sex. And yeah, brunettes and auburns rock.
The Dark Elf said:
Well if we're picking years.. 16 for me, with an 18 year old girl.. blonde actually, funny considering I only mostly date brunette's since heh

(16 is legal in the UK too so ha!)

I'm the opposite with hair color, only date blondes...
I'm gonna wait till I get into a deep deep relationship or get married.

Hell I date any hair colored girl.
Spartan said:
What does hair colour matter?
Not a damn thing...I don't believe in that hair color crap or skin color or race.Love is matter what/who you are...I do like asian girls more tho...
The Dark Elf said:
Well if we're picking years.. 16 for me, with an 18 year old girl.. blonde actually, funny considering I only mostly date brunette's since heh

(16 is legal in the UK too so ha!)

Wow...You know that post could really be seen as trying to show off :P

Oh and hair colour matters as much as anything else really. its all part of being attracted to someone physically. For instance, I generally don't find myself attracted to black or asian people. Its got nothing to do with being "racist" I just find myself attracted to other things.

Also, there are studies suggesting that women with light hair are more "sexual". It was on the Discovery channel so it must be true :O

(The evidence was tenuos at best, but things like hair getting dark after certain ages and after/during pregnancy were interesting.)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Wow...You know that post could really be seen as trying to show off :P

Oh and hair colour matters as much as anything else really. its all part of being attracted to someone physically.

Also, there are studies suggesting that women with light hair are more "sexual". It was on the Discovery channel so it must be true :O

(The evidence was tenuos at best, but things like hair getting dark after certain ages and after/during pregnancy were interesting.)


Gotta love them blondes :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
Also, there are studies suggesting that women with light hair are more "sexual". It was on the Discovery channel so it must be true :O

If that's the case, then why is Europe having such a difficult time with the 'battle in bed'?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Wow...You know that post could really be seen as trying to show off :P

Oh and hair colour matters as much as anything else really. its all part of being attracted to someone physically. For instance, I generally don't find myself attracted to black or asian people. Its got nothing to do with being "racist" I just find myself attracted to other things.

Also, there are studies suggesting that women with light hair are more "sexual". It was on the Discovery channel so it must be true :O

(The evidence was tenuos at best, but things like hair getting dark after certain ages and after/during pregnancy were interesting.)
I'm sandy blonde and i'm not into sex that I guess that study was correct. :|
Tr0n said:
I'm sandy blonde and i'm not into sex that I guess that study was correct. :|

Well I'm sure you guessed I was being sarcastic when I said it was true (let alone the bracketed comment afterwards)
MadHatter said:
Europe and Russia's birthrates are pathetic.

Interesting.. that doesnt mean people arent having sex though
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well I'm sure you guessed I was being sarcastic when I said it was true (let alone the bracketed comment afterwards)
Well I sure as hell noticed. ;) But really it is possibly true.Like most of the light blonde hair people are the outgoing very romantic type...the sandy dark blondes are the shy ones.Only noticed that in my area tho...most be a southern thing. :| Oh and can't tell it through text. ;)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Oh and hair colour matters as much as anything else really. its all part of being attracted to someone physically. For instance, I generally don't find myself attracted to black or asian people. Its got nothing to do with being "racist" I just find myself attracted to other things.[/qulte]

I only look at the big picture. Invidivual parts of a person don't mean anything.
MadHatter said:
Europe and Russia's birthrates are pathetic.

You could have just said low.

The birthrate is as it is because people are
A. Using birthcontrol more frequently
B. They simply don't want babies as much because the benefits are not as great as they might have once seemed. You have to spend a lot of money on children, and they no longer bring in any income like they used to when you could send them to the workhouse.

Edit: Imigration is also a big thing nowadays, which means the shortfall in that could be caused by low birthrate, is filled.

Also, we are living post baby boom so relatively speaking the birthrate will be low.

Spartan said:
Farrowlesparrow said:
Oh and hair colour matters as much as anything else really. its all part of being attracted to someone physically. For instance, I generally don't find myself attracted to black or asian people. Its got nothing to do with being "racist" I just find myself attracted to other things.

I only look at the big picture. Invidivual parts of a person don't mean anything.

Well thats good for you. If you are done trying to make me look bad, I'd be grateful.

Physical attraction is nothing to be frowned upon. Its all part of why you like someone in the first place.
Tr0n said:
Well I sure as hell noticed. ;) But really it is possibly true.Like most of the light blonde hair people are the outgoing very romantic type...the sandy dark blondes are the shy ones.Only noticed that in my area tho...most be a southern thing. :| Oh and can't tell it through text. ;)

Well, I use to be such a light blonde that my hair was practically white. But now I'm a much darker blonde.

Crap, I'm having an identity crisis here.
The_Monkey said:
Are they? It's not impossible. You got a source?


Russia. Russia is getting some what better though. They predict it is, atleast.

That's just a quick search on the net. I'm trying to find a more demographical-like table or something.
Farrowlesparrow said:
You could have just said low.

The birthrate is as it is because people are
A. Using birthcontrol more frequently
B. They simply don't want babies as much because the benefits are not as great as they might have once seemed. You have to spend a lot of money on children, and they no longer bring in any income like they used to when you could send them to the workhouse.

Edit: Imigration is also a big thing nowadays, which means the shortfall in that could be caused by low birthrate, is filled.

Also, we are living post baby boom so relatively speaking the birthrate will be low.

Okay, maybe I should have said low.

Truth is, a country's birthrate and fertility rates usually determines a country's overall health.
MadHatter said:

Russia. Russia is getting some what better though. They predict it is, atleast.

That's just a quick search on the net. I'm trying to find a more demographical-like table or something.
What is the US birthrate?
MadHatter said:
Okay, maybe I should have said low.

Truth is, a country's birthrate and fertility rates usually determines a country's overall health.
there is nothing wrong with a low birthrate
MadHatter said:
Okay, maybe I should have said low.

Truth is, a country's birthrate and fertility rates usually determines a country's overall health.

Hmm, what exactly are you basing that on? It's also known that more developed countries have much lower birthrates than less devoped ones. It is not uncommon for devoloped nations to have birthrates below 2 such as 1.8 or 1.9. But other countries such as India for example can have birth rates as high as 6. The US is actually somewhat unsual for being a highly devoloped nation yet maintaining a birth rate around 2.2 to 2.3 last time I checked.

This can be linked to numerous reasons, a big one being that peole in developed nations have less time to devote to child rearing. Another strong factor is that women are more likely to have equal rights and thus spend more time out of the home with their careers than their counter parts in countries where they are expected to stay home.
Yes, and i'm 21. I don't want to lose it to some one night, one i lose it, it will be to someone very special to me.
Neutrino said:
Hmm, what exactly are you basing that on? It's also known that more developed countries have much lower birthrates than less devoped ones. It is not uncommon for devoloped nations to have birthrates below 2 such as 1.8 or 1.9. But other countries such as India for example can have birth rates as high as 6. The US is actually somewhat unsual for being a highly devoloped nation yet maintaining a birth rate around 2.2 to 2.3 last time I checked.

I know all about developed countries having lower birthrates. Yes, a low birthrate isn't necessarily bad. But, lets just say they're not even meeting their replacements.
MadHatter said:
I know all about developed countries having lower birthrates. Yes, a low birthrate isn't necessarily bad. But, lets just say they're not even meeting their replacements.

Exactly, the population is staying the same in the Uk only because of immigration.
MadHatter said:
I know all about developed countries having lower birthrates. Yes, a low birthrate isn't necessarily bad. But, lets just say they're not even meeting their replacements.

Ah ok.

Though in a world of 6,000,000,000 people I don't think it is necessary or even desirable to have a balanced birth rate. There is no shortage of humans and some argue that there are indeed too many already. We can't even feed everyone we've got, so cutting back on the population a bit over time is not exactly a bad thing and in fact may be rather good.

bliink said:
really... who cares about birthrates? :p

I don't know. I find it somewhat interesting and I think overpopulation is a serious concern in the world, which means birthrates become a very important consideration.

...or maybe I just took that question way to seriously.
Hey...out of interest...what is the "technical" definition of being a virgin..
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