Are you a Virgin?

Are you a Virgin?

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Neutrino said:
Ah ok.

Though in a world of 6,000,000,000 people I don't think it is necessary or even desirable to have a balanced birth rate. There is no shortage of humans and some argue that there are indeed too many already. We can't even feed everyone we've got, so cutting back on the population a bit over time is not exactly a bad thing and in fact may be rather good.

I don't know. I find it somewhat interesting and I think overpopulation is a serious concern in the world, which means birthrates are an important consideration.

...or maybe I just took that question way to seriously.

I know. My point I was trying to make is: Countries whos birthrates become crappy / low find themselves being 'gobbled' up by other countries and cultures. I think my previous diction wasn't wise with the word "healthy". If Europeans are down with the Middle Eastern way of life, then hey, whatever sinks their battleship or floats their turd.
The Dark Elf said:
I'd say anything sexual with another person

I guess lol

No, you have some people who think felattio is a form of devirginizing.
MadHatter said:
I know. My point I was trying to make is: Countries whos birthrates become crappy / low find themselves being 'gobbled' up by other countries and cultures. I think my previous diction wasn't wise with the word "healthy". If Europeans are down with the Middle Eastern way of life, then hey, whatever sinks their battleship or floats their turd.

Our culture in the UK and England in particular has always been changing, and always adapting to new ways of life. Its a much more cosmapolitan country than people assume and immigration has actually always been an influence in our culture.

Having said that, many second and third generation immigrants of the "recent" tide have adapted greatly to the culture in this country. So, in a sense we have taken on board what we like such as the ever famous "curry" and they have adapted also to our way of life.

I wont say its perfect though, as I'm sure we know.
MadHatter said:
No, you have some people who think felattio is a form of devirginizing.
Yeah, usually 16 year old guys trying to get lucky ;)

oooold tactic.. Used to use the same line myself when I was younger :p
MadHatter said:
I know. My point I was trying to make is: Countries whos birthrates become crappy / low find themselves being 'gobbled' up by other countries and cultures. I think my previous diction wasn't wise with the word "healthy". If Europeans are down with the Middle Eastern way of life, then hey, whatever sinks their battleship or floats their turd.

Ah I understand what you mean now. I agree that is a possibility in the long term from an evolutionary/genetic standpoint.

But I wonder if there aren't other factors present in today's world that may offset that. Hmm, I might have to look into this more. Though I suppose we'll never really know for many decades, if not centuries to come and by that time the cultures may have changed to such a degree as to make it a moot point.

MadHatter said:
By the way, you like to debate, don't you, Neutrino? ;)

Who me?

No, never. :angel:
Neutrino said:
Ah I understand what you mean now. I agree that is a possibility in the long term from an evolutionary/genetic standpoint.

But I wonder if there aren't other factors present in today's world that may offset that. Hmm, I might have to look into this more. Though I suppose we'll never really know for many decades, if not centuries to come.

Very true. Many things can come into play. It's sort of impossible to foresee the outcome of this subject... So yeah... my toe itches.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Our culture in the UK and England in particular has always been changing, and always adapting to new ways of life. Its a much more cosmapolitan country than people assume and immigration has actually always been an influence in our culture.

Having said that, many second and third generation immigrants of the "recent" tide have adapted greatly to the culture in this country. So, in a sense we have taken on board what we like such as the ever famous "curry" and they have adapted also to our way of life.

I wont say its perfect though, as I'm sure we know.

So the UK is like America then? Okay. I wasn't trying to say it could be for better or for worse. Just saying what can happen if the current birthrates for many countries remained on their current track.

Scary thought: In future centuries, blondes might be a rare sight.
They are already in fact a dying breed, as blonde is the less dominant gene.
Of course...blonde people seem to to be everywhere at the moment because its fasionable. I honestly am not attracted to fake blond hair colour in any way.

Maybe in the future things will have changed though, so that immigration doesn't happen as much or in fact goes the other way.
Oh noes!No more blondes.... :( Well at least I'm happy knowing I am unique with blonde hair... :P
No. I've never been one for casual sex either. It's not something to be done willy nilly, it can have serious consequences. I've only had sex with those who I have loved and at the time thought I was in a long term relationship.

Too many young peeps use it like bragging rights these days "Dude! I banged <InsertHottie'sNameHere> last night" etc etc. It's why we have such a high number of extremely young mothers and fathers here in the UK. I think the LEGAL age should be raised to at least 18, 16 year olds are too damn hormonal to be sensible, and the penalty for "doing it" made more severe, especially if it results in preganancy.
Farrowlesparrow said:
They are already in fact a dying breed, as blonde is the less dominant gene.
Of course...blonde people seem to to be everywhere at the moment because its fasionable. I honestly am not attracted to fake blond hair colour in any way.

Maybe in the future things will have changed though, so that immigration doesn't happen as much or in fact goes the other way.

Yeah, I don't like bottle-blondes that much.

I dunno, I just thought about it at the spur of the moment. Blonde isn't ALWAYS the weaker gene. Sometimes blonde is the stronger gene. I have a strong blonde gene in my family. I think blondes will never fully disappear, but rather become watered down and simply less common. That's IF things remain on the same track as they are now.
Tr0n said:
Oh noes!No more blondes.... :( Well at least I'm happy knowing I am unique with blonde hair... :P

Here you go, little Tr0nie, a nice, pretty sticker.

Now give me a brownie.
Virgin! Maaaaaaaaake way!

/me lugs his gargantuan testicles through the thread
two kids and a wife here but of course I'm a virgin like Pi Mu Rho :p
-JeZ- said:
No. I've never been one for casual sex either. It's not something to be done willy nilly, it can have serious consequences. I've only had sex with those who I have loved and at the time thought I was in a long term relationship.

Too many young peeps use it like bragging rights these days "Dude! I banged <InsertHottie'sNameHere> last night" etc etc. It's why we have such a high number of extremely young mothers and fathers here in the UK. I think the LEGAL age should be raised to at least 18, 16 year olds are too damn hormonal to be sensible, and the penalty for "doing it" made more severe, especially if it results in preganancy.

I'm not sure about the legal age for sex really so i wont comment. However most teenagers, and in fact people older than thst simply don't realise the consequences of their actions when they have unprotected sex. I'm not just talking about illness, but I'm talking about having babies. They might even want a baby, but they still don't really know what it means. In a blunt way of putting it, they think its something which will bring love but babies don't love you. You are just their food for the first year, and even after that they are too ignorant of things to understand what they are putting you through.
MadHatter said:
Here you go, little Tr0nie, a nice, pretty sticker.

Now give me a brownie.
No...My brownie... :(
but really, whats the definition? ...Do you have to..actually, i changed my mind, im not gonna go in to details on an offtopic game forum. :P
fuzzy_aus said:
but really, whats the definition? ...Do you have to..actually, i changed my mind, im not gonna go in to details on an offtopic game forum. :P
If it involves the genitals of either for the purpose of arousal, then its likely classed as sex of whatever sort.

The whole female thing about breaking the hymen is these days a bit of a silly one since any girl who's sporty can break it, hell just falling over or something can do it. I guess, I ain't a girl :p

How's that for completely frank :p
fuzzy_aus said:
but really, whats the definition? ...Do you have to..actually, i changed my mind, im not gonna go in to details on an offtopic game forum. :P is your friend.
fuzzy_aus said:
but really, whats the definition? ...Do you have to..actually, i changed my mind, im not gonna go in to details on an offtopic game forum. :P

Well, it has obvious physical consequences for females, though as The Dark Elf pointed out, even that is not necessarily an indication.

But for males I don't know if you can really create any objective definition as there is no physical change. Sure, there is the traditional definition which we all tend to agree on, but that is still a subjective view. Though I think it will suffice for our needs in this thread.
No need to hurry to lose it. I was 16 when I lost mine. It was more like "lets get over with this quickly". I didnt even know the boys name at the time and there was also alcohol involved!! :(
Oh well, it doesnt hurt to have some experience before you meet the right companion..
Toffee said:
No need to hurry to lose it. I was 16 when I lost mine. It was more like "lets get over with this quickly". I didnt even know the boys name at the time and there was also alcohol involved!! :(
Oh well, it doesnt hurt to have some experience before you meet the right companion..
*wonders how long before someone reads that and asks if your female or gay*

I give it the next post tbh lol
Farrowlesparrow said:
They are already in fact a dying breed, as blonde is the less dominant gene.
Of course...blonde people seem to to be everywhere at the moment because its fasionable. I honestly am not attracted to fake blond hair colour in any way.

Maybe in the future things will have changed though, so that immigration doesn't happen as much or in fact goes the other way.

funny though, Im originally blond but I usually dye my hair darker as my friends who are brunettes blonds their hair..must have always that what you havent got..
Not for a long time...but then I'm 37.

Good to see people with the "not until married or in an important relationship" attitude. I thought this was an all but dead value which is really sad.
The Dark Elf said:
*wonders how long before someone reads that and asks if your female or gay*

I give it the next post tbh lol

Im a female allright :D
Someone said:
Not for a long time...but then I'm 37.

Good to see people with the "not until married or in an important relationship" attitude. I thought this was an all but dead value which is really sad.
It's the first time I've seen guys say it in a very long time.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I have two kids and a third on the way. All immaculate conceptions - of course I'm a virgin.
ROFL :P :angel:
I'm still a virgin..but according to my girl thats going to change sometime soon :naughty: :naughty:
Bullseye said:
ROFL :P :angel:
I'm still a virgin..but according to my girl thats going to change sometime soon :naughty: :naughty:
awwww, have fun (like you need me to tell you that) lol
I was close to breaking the curse of virginity, then I found out my bird was not interested in sexual intercourse. Three weeks later, I dumped her due to a uneventful relationship.

I did get to 3rd base though :p
im not..but its such a sad story that i say i am a virgin..
Someone said:
Not for a long time...but then I'm 37.

Good to see people with the "not until married or in an important relationship" attitude. I thought this was an all but dead value which is really sad.

Why? Because of what religion told you?

Sex is natural, nothing wrong with it..and there is no reason at all to 'wait' until your married if your using a condom.
Xenome said:
Why? Because of what religion told you?

Sex is natural, nothing wrong with it..and there is no reason at all to 'wait' until your married if your using a condom.

Considering I dispise religion .. And never said there was anything "wrong" with it...nor did I say wait until married. Think you may have read into what I said a bit there ;)

It's just an old fashion value that has died over time and I think it's nice to see some teens/young adults hold onto their values rather than accept others through peer pressure...
I'm not, but I was until a short time ago. I'm glad I waited though, it really means something to me that my girlfriend is the first person I've slept with.
Does doing it with my boyfriend count?

Uh um, I mean Yes, Yes I am a virgin.
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