Are you gay?.....Take the test and find out!

Farrowlesparrow said:
Thats great! :laugh:

Although the mouth doesn't work brilliantly.

Feel free to use it any time you want to. :)

And yeah... I should have fixed the mouth...
Bad^Hat said:
:cheers: m8.

Yay! Cheers for me. Too bad I broke it off today.
It was too impersonal, and pretty much a crutch relationship.

What's cool is that it was mutual, we needed eachother at the time. The need disappeared simultaneously and now we're good friends again.
But i didn't really need a test for that.
Good waste of time though :thumbs:

Back to pr0n :naughty:
GhostValkyrie said:
Yay! Cheers for me. Too bad I broke it off today.
It was too impersonal, and pretty much a crutch relationship.

What's cool is that it was mutual, we needed eachother at the time. The need disappeared simultaneously and now we're good friends again.

Awesome, glad to hear it.

i proudly failed that test...

...not that there's anything wrong with that.
33% gay.
I think there are a few questions in there that should gaurantee a higher score. :cheese:

Do you have sex with Men? YES? fairly gay, safe to say
33% gay apparently. Nice accurate test (refering to the questions asked) :laugh:
30% gay.

By the way, was anyone else worried when it first showed the gay-o-meter (the screen before the one with your actual results) and it climbed up to 100%? I sure was.
CptHawkeye said:
By the way, was anyone else worried when it first showed the gay-o-meter (the screen before the one with your actual results) and it climbed up to 100%? I sure was.
Yes, I was. :P
And most people were, too.
43% Congragulations! You've scored right in the middleand are a happy and well adjustedhetero man!

The perfectly balanced man. Not too hardcore, too scare the ladies... and still not a poofter. :thumbs: hehe
16% apparently. which would mean that, according to my statistics.. let me see..
i need to have sex with about.. ~2 guys if i'm going to live up to that right now. well, any takers*?

*and believe me, you will be "taking"..
im 43%... hello there boys ;)

Nah, im a well adjested hetero man... so meterosexual then.
6% gay. 6% gay? Bullshit. I smoke marlboro reds. That should make me -4% gay, because that has to be worth 10%. The test is flawed.

*edit* oh shit, I just realised I have some djarum blacks in my apartemnt... I think that cancels out the reds. Back to 6% I guess.
MindCrafter said:
No one? Cool, I'm going to tell my friends that I'm gay...let's see if THEY care. Because if they care, your statement would be false.

Tron is not wrong. Your friends are just homophobes
Homer said:
*edit* oh shit, I just realised I have some djarum blacks in my apartemnt... I think that cancels out the reds. Back to 6% I guess.

Hahaha too funny. I used to smoke those djarums when I was younger... now I can't stand to smell of them, to the point that it makes me naucious.
WTF 30%

How the HELL, I think it might of been that lesbian pornography bit.
But wait I'm a guy, that should, wait.....

I'm still thinking.....

No, still have no clue
RipperRoo is 23% gay!

Loosen up straight mate! These days women like a man with softer edges to grab onto!

Grey_Fox is 13% gay

You're a walking, talking, red-blooded hetero guy. just way to straight for these modern times mate. ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
Wow, if people are worried that 36 is to strait where does that leave me? I guess I'm not exactly a 90s guy. or a 00s guy, or whatever.
Problem with these types of tests, is if you dispise gays, then they think you're gay yourself.