Are You Mad At Valve For Lyeing About The Counter-Strike Source Preloading?

Are you angry at Valve for delaying CS:Source Beta preloading?

  • Yes! I was really looking forward to it!

    Votes: 72 40.7%
  • No. They did what they had to do.

    Votes: 105 59.3%

  • Total voters


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
Now that it has been announced that Counter-Strike Source is not really going to be preloaded on August 5th, are you mad at Valve?
Dude. This thread is nothing but flame bait (in my opinion).

People being mad at VALVe for delaying anything is downright retarded.
Now I respect that your a long time member, but you know as well as any others that Valve does this with everything! They don't deserve to be treated like gods. They are human to you know.
Nope. I didn't pay for CZ to play source for two weeks when I could just wait and play it when it comes out with HL2.

It's an added bonus and they can take as much time as they want. I'm exited, but im not going to curse them for not giving us our free gift on time.
Kschreck said:
Now I respect that your a long time member, but you know as well as any others that Valve does this with everything! They don't deserve to be treated like gods. They are human to you know.

I just don't believe people have the right to be angry, per se. Disappointed, yes. But, in the end, the customer gets a higher quality product.

Would you be upset if HL2 had artifacting issues like D3? What about random crashes on alot of ATI chipsets under certain driver revisions?

All these things are likely to be ironed out because VALVe is anal about stuff like that (but in a good way). I personally believe being angry is dumb. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to action. People send hate mail to VALVe. How bad would that feel, if you were VALVe?
Either way I don't care to much more about the delays. I just wish they would release the game already. It will be 6 years in development (Or So They Say) this September. I just don't see why they have to delay everything and thats not even an understatement. They make good software, but their PR is horrible.
They didnt lie, they just arnt ready to release it yet. They didnt say that they will release it on that day no matter what. That was the day they hoped it would be ready. Obviously somthing went wrong. im sure they would release it if they could.

Im tired of people getting angry because they missed a deadline. Shit happens. they didnt do it deliberatly to piss you off. There not lieing to you.
Shuzer said:
I just don't believe people have the right to be angry, per se. Disappointed, yes. But, in the end, the customer gets a higher quality product.

Would you be upset if HL2 had artifacting issues like D3? What about random crashes on alot of ATI chipsets under certain driver revisions?

All these things are likely to be ironed out because VALVe is anal about stuff like that (but in a good way). I personally believe being angry is dumb. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to action. People send hate mail to VALVe. How bad would that feel, if you were VALVe?

I agree, take as long as they need to make a high quality product, but they shouldn't say that the game is going to be released *** when it's not. They said it was going to be released September and didn't delay the game until 3 days before September 30th. Then they say they thought their game was going to be ready then. If thats was true then it would not take a whole nother year to finish. They never intended a September 30th 2003 release. They just wanted to start the hype and lie to the fans and you don't think thats at lease a little wrong?
Shuzer is right.

Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. - Yoda

Seriously though, do you know how cool Valve is? To pay for a 20 dollar game (Half Life) and get so many cool stuff in return without another cent (CS, DoD, Specialist).

Kschreck you are right too, Valve's team is only human, their doing their best so dont treat them like they should be Gods who can give you whatever you want whenever you want.

It does suck that their dates change, but like you said their only human.
hegele said:
Shuzer is right.

Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. - Yoda

Seriously though, do you know how cool Valve is? To pay for a 20 dollar game (Half Life) and get so many cool stuff in return without another cent (CS, DoD, Specialist).

Kschreck you are right too, Valve's team is only human, their doing their best so dont treat them like they should be Gods who can give you whatever you want whenever you want.

It does suck that their dates change, but like you said their only human.
yes......... cuz VALVE created counter strike, DOD, and specialist, not the fans. you actually think that valve is being "cool" by doing this? i personally am not angry at valve cuz i have come to expect this sort of thing from them. i just wish they didn't act so stupid all the time
cuz VALVE created counter strike, DOD, and specialist

I honestly don't know where you got your info from. Some (if not most) of the people who worked on CS and DOD now work for Valve.

and The Specialists is still a third-party mod. Valve hasn't bought that yet, nor do they intend to.

Anyway, I think that it's not the end of the world. I'll just continue playing my CZ, TFC and other games and patiently wait for the Source beta to come out.
All Valve did was give an estimate of the preload and playable dates for CS : S.

I am a little disappointed that they didn't make it but they would have their reasons. I'm sure they don't intentionally and maliciously keep their products back just to annoy people.

So I am disappointed but not mad. It will get here eventually and Valve never lied, they just didn't make the date.
TonicBH said:
I honestly don't know where you got your info from. Some (if not most) of the people who worked on CS and DOD now work for Valve.

and The Specialists is still a third-party mod. Valve hasn't bought that yet, nor do they intend to.

Anyway, I think that it's not the end of the world. I'll just continue playing my CZ, TFC and other games and patiently wait for the Source beta to come out.
what the hell are you talking about? what does your response have to do with my response? i got my info from myself btw.......... it's not exactly a secret that you can download cs, dod, and specialist for free :dozey:
Not angry at all.. in fact, they can cancel it for all I care. I am not buying CZ just to play CS:S.
I don't even own Condition Zero. I had not plans to participate in the beta for Counter-Strike Source, it's just the fact that they keep on lyeing to their fans.
Absolutely not

Have the balls to tell it like it is!!!

I hope they never give another date for a product

Just deliver the product,if they set dates they should make the dates Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4
Missing a deadline is absolutely not the same thing as "lying"
yes i am, they allways lie about dates and such, i hate them for that.
no lying here - and i really expectet it, so no disappointment either :)
I can't really say I am "mad" about it, but I am sure annoyed with their manner of giving unrealistic release dates, and informing us just hours before or a couple days after, as which I believe happened with Half-Life 2 during the 03 fiasco. I personally would prefer silence, rather then stringing us along for one missed date after another.
*Sigh* I am getting VERY tired of these sort of threads, so I will explain it slowly using small words so everyone can understand...

You do not have the right to be mad. Got it? Right.
You are entitled to nothing except what you have paid for. Got that? Good.
Your only right as a potential consumer is the right to not buy thier products. Good.
Why do you push for a release date, forcing valve to guesstimate, then bitch and moan when they don't make it???

If the above was to much for you to understand, just read and follow the following. Do not question it, it is fact.
Do not think you have any rights to valves free products, nor may you demand accurate release dates.
this is a stupid ass thread and the only reason i dont flame the shit out of you is because i cant stand to see girls cry.
Link said:
*Sigh* I am getting VERY tired of these sort of threads, so I will explain it slowly using small words so everyone can understand...

You do not have the right to be mad. Got it? Right.
You are entitled to nothing except what you have paid for. Got that? Good.
Your only right as a potential consumer is the right to not buy thier products. Good.
Why do you push for a release date, forcing valve to guesstimate, then bitch and moan when they don't make it???

If the above was to much for you to understand, just read and follow the following. Do not question it, it is fact.
Do not think you have any rights to valves free products, nor may you demand accurate release dates.

Flamings not aloud! I don't think you want to start a flame war because I will tear you apart. Fortunately for you I'm a civil guy and I actually follow the forum rules. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and no one is going to change that. There is no problem for a company to delay their product once or even twice, but when they intentionally do this with everything:

Half-Life 1 (Delayed A Year)
Half-Life 2 (So Far Delayed A Year)
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (Over 6 Months)
Team Fortress 2 (Over 5 Years)
Counter-Strike: Source Preloading Period (Delayed, Time Unknown)
Steam Updates Last Year (Many Delays In Updates)
Bink Videos (Last Year They Delayed Them Months And They Just Recently Released The Last 3 "Taking About 7 Months)
-There are many other instances of delays as well. I even think they caused the delay of Codename Gordon!

I think I have made my point. From what I can tell they have delayed everything that they have ever planned to release. Sorry for those who don't agree with me, but I'm not going to change my opinion. They do these things on purpose. NO one can mess up every time!!!
I voted yes, I am a little dissapointed in VALVe's continuous inability to meet deadlines. But they didn't lie to us about it as such.
What a pathetic poll. There is no option for us people with more than 3 brain cells!
They didn't lie. It's called a delay, i'm sure your mind can comprehend the concept, just try your best! I'll even go as far as to edit your poll for you :)

Kschreck said:
Either way I don't care to much more about the delays. I just wish they would release the game already. It will be 6 years in development (Or So They Say) this September. I just don't see why they have to delay everything and thats not even an understatement. They make good software, but their PR is horrible.

Ummm..the game hasent been in development in 6 years(and they never said that). They have been working with/making Steam, Source, mods etc.

And can people please SHUT UP and stopp saying 'release the game already'!
They'll release it soon. Most likely withing 2-3 months.
And why so negative against VALVe just becuse they missed a date. Its not like they'll delay the CS:S beta a year or even 1 month.
Stopp complaining all the time! Kids! :flame:
im mad at valve cos they lied 2 me. i think they scuk now!1

Oh wait, they didn't lie.

At least they bothered to tell us this time !

Valve dont purposly set out to piss people off, there marketting skills may be a bit nieve somtimes, but as a human i couldnt do any better, by announcing release dates it forces everyone to push for that deadline, they often miss but they get more work done in the long run, i think everyone should be used to taking valve dates as estimates by now, also ive worked in a few places that demand deadlines for the public, and it can be extremely stressfull trying to meet them in time, and having to tell everyone you have screwed up once again is really demoralizing, more than any forum flaming could do to them.
Yeah, they "lied" about the preloading.

"Hey, let's announce a date for the CS:S preloading, but purposefully not do it on that day, just to **** with everyone! hahahaaha we are so evil and 1337."
Some people have no concept about the esoteric nature of software development, especially when it comes to deadlines.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Some people have no concept about the esoteric nature of software development, especially when it comes to deadlines.

Then they should say we release it when its done, instead of dissapointing people over and over again with not making release dates.
CS:S beta is a privilage, especially that so many poeple are allowed to download and play it. The fact that valve are publicly testing any part of the scource engine is good. So we shouldnt be mad at them.

but that said, i am starting to wonder how f*cking hard it is to make up a date and stick to it. especially when its this close, surely they can ACTUALLY make a correct date? give themselves enough time? if they had actually said preloading on the 10th and play on the 15th it would have been fine.

and like pi mu rho said, it probally is really hard to make a deadline (i admit i have no idea), but surely they can just NOT give a date instead of dissapointing fans.

and at the end of the day its probally valves way of fixing everything and making the game as good as possible / bug free that causes delays, so we should probally be glad we're getting a great (free) game late instead of buggy and crap, but early.
Kschreck said:
Flamings not aloud! I don't think you want to start a flame war because I will tear you apart.
Are you serious? First, that post hardly counts as a flame, unless your over sensitive, which 14 year old boys often are, so if we want to talk about who is starting a flame war, you should be looking in your own direction.

Second, if as I suspect, your idea of a flame war thrasing is using the best "Your mum" insults on someone, then yes, you may well win, as I'm not in the least bit interested in that sort of thing.
However, the real winner of a flame war is the person who actually address the issue of a debate most accuratley and points out the other person is wrong. As you are in fact wrong, it is not I who will be torn apart. I'm not into the whole flame war thing, but if you really must persist I guess I can spend a few moments making you look like a fool, if you really insist.

Third. You did not actually address a single point in my post, instead resorting to threats. This weakens your (non-existant) point even further by making you look like an idiot. Besides, you are inherintly threatening someone smarter than you. Not a good move, trust me.

Now, I will address your post...

Kschreck said:
There is no problem for a company to delay their product once or even twice, but when they intentionally do this with everything
Point 1 There is no problem with them doing this with every product they ever create. They can even delay it repeatedly and then cancel it, should they so choose. It is their product to do with as they wish. The only right you have is to not buy the product when it is released. That is your consumer power.

In plain language, until you own said product, it is up to the company that made it as to what they do with it. That is the second time I have had to explain that point, I do not wish to have to do it for a third.

Kschreck said:
Half-Life 1 (Delayed A Year)
True, but they hardly made a big show of announcing it before the delay. Also see point 1.

Kschreck said:
Half-Life 2 (So Far Delayed A Year)
They admitted just before 30/9/03 that they were going to miss the date, accepted that they had cocked up and appologised for it. Also, see point 1

Kschreck said:
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (Over 6 Months)
6 Months is not that long for a game delay these days, and again, see point 1

Kschreck said:
Team Fortress 2 (Over 5 Years)
Very true, they utterly utterly missed thier release date...except they never gave one. They announced they were making it, but never gaver a date. Also, see point 1. Also your a monkey.

Kschreck said:
Counter-Strike: Source Preloading Period (Delayed, Time Unknown))
God alive are you serious? See point 1 and remember while reading it that its bloody free

Kschreck said:
Steam Updates Last Year (Many Delays In Updates)
Its an auto update system. If you need me to explain why that is asinine then I doubt you can actually read my words anyway, so I won't bother. Oh, and see point 1.

Kschreck said:
Bink Videos (Last Year They Delayed Them Months And They Just Recently Released The Last 3 "Taking About 7 Months)
Free video. Not paid for. Given to your for free. I'm not sure which way I've got to say this to get you to understand.

Kschreck said:
I even think they caused the delay of Codename Gordon!
Yes, valve must be to blame for the release of a game they didn't even produce

Kschreck said:
There are many other instances of delays as well.
See point 1

Kschreck said:
I think I have made my point. From what I can tell they have delayed everything that they have ever planned to release. Sorry for those who don't agree with me, but I'm not going to change my opinion. They do these things on purpose. NO one can mess up every time!!!
Upon reflection I guess its possible. They may be delaying as a marketing strategy or something like that, so I have a suggestion as to what you can do about it. you can read point frikking 1 and stop bitching like you have a right to accurate release dates. You may want them, but I want a million quid and I don't get it. Deal with it

*Cue queen music* Duhduh-duh-duh, another one bites the dust...
Shuzer said:
Dude. This thread is nothing but flame bait (in my opinion).

People being mad at VALVe for delaying anything is downright retarded.

7500++ posts? WTF MAN! YOU HAVE ALREADY SPEND HALF-LIFE JUST POSTING HERE! get a job and move out of your parents house 30 year old gordon!
I suspect that unlike you, he is allowed to stay up after 7.00, so he can in fact work and post that much in the evenings.

Besides, say he is as you describe, living with his mother at 30. How is that even remotley your business? Or is it a case that you don't like his post because it disagrees with your views, so you resort to random insults?
acme420 said:
this is a stupid ass thread and the only reason i dont flame the shit out of you is because i cant stand to see girls cry.

Single best post ever! :thumbs:
Link said:
Are you serious? First, that post hardly counts as a flame, unless your over sensitive, which 14 year old boys often are, so if we want to talk about who is starting a flame war, you should be looking in your own direction.

Second, if as I suspect, your idea of a flame war thrasing is using the best "Your mum" insults on someone, then yes, you may well win, as I'm not in the least bit interested in that sort of thing.
However, the real winner of a flame war is the person who actually address the issue of a debate most accuratley and points out the other person is wrong. As you are in fact wrong, it is not I who will be torn apart. I'm not into the whole flame war thing, but if you really must persist I guess I can spend a few moments making you look like a fool, if you really insist.

Third. You did not actually address a single point in my post, instead resorting to threats. This weakens your (non-existant) point even further by making you look like an idiot. Besides, you are inherintly threatening someone smarter than you. Not a good move, trust me.

Now, I will address your post...

Point 1 There is no problem with them doing this with every product they ever create. They can even delay it repeatedly and then cancel it, should they so choose. It is their product to do with as they wish. The only right you have is to not buy the product when it is released. That is your consumer power.

In plain language, until you own said product, it is up to the company that made it as to what they do with it. That is the second time I have had to explain that point, I do not wish to have to do it for a third.

True, but they hardly made a big show of announcing it before the delay. Also see point 1.

They admitted just before 30/9/03 that they were going to miss the date, accepted that they had cocked up and appologised for it. Also, see point 1

6 Months is not that long for a game delay these days, and again, see point 1

Very true, they utterly utterly missed thier release date...except they never gave one. They announced they were making it, but never gaver a date. Also, see point 1. Also your a monkey.

God alive are you serious? See point 1 and remember while reading it that its bloody free

Its an auto update system. If you need me to explain why that is asinine then I doubt you can actually read my words anyway, so I won't bother. Oh, and see point 1.

Free video. Not paid for. Given to your for free. I'm not sure which way I've got to say this to get you to understand.

Yes, valve must be to blame for the release of a game they didn't even produce

See point 1

Upon reflection I guess its possible. They may be delaying as a marketing strategy or something like that, so I have a suggestion as to what you can do about it. you can read point frikking 1 and stop bitching like you have a right to accurate release dates. You may want them, but I want a million quid and I don't get it. Deal with it

*Cue queen music* Duhduh-duh-duh, another one bites the dust...
