Are you proud over your nationality?

Are you proud over your nationality?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 20 22.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 12 13.3%

  • Total voters

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
You you proud to be a Brit/American/Canadian/Korean/Brazilian/Italian/Irish/whatever?

If Yes, why?
If No, why?

Britain has an amazing history, industrial, inventions, class and military domination. I'm very proud of what it has achieved over the hundreds and thousands of years. :)
Yes, even though Canada is nowhere near perfection, I enjoy the liberty I have, in comparison to North Korean for example. I guess I'm just happy to be in a liberalist country.
No, not really. It's not that I'm ashamed of it it's just I was born here, I don't hate the place and I don't love it over anywhere else. I think the word I'm looking for is 'meh'
well proud to be canadian (somewhat) ..but I cant say I'm nationalistic ..if my country ****s up I wont hesitate to criticise
I'm proud of the things that deserve pride. I see no point in being cynical.
I'm not blindly proud, and accept criticism of my country's horrific past acts (and indeed current acts).
I am sure I would be happy in any free democratic country. I can't say I am proud of America right now though. Its done some amazing things in the past, but some awful things as well, like most countries. I am happy to live here, but when some one says, "I'm proud to be a ______," my ass begins to twitch.:O
ríomhaire said:
No, not really. It's not that I'm ashamed of it it's just I was born here, I don't hate the place and I don't love it over anywhere else. I think the word I'm looking for is 'meh'
yes. Although I'm not too happy with the current leadership, America is a place where people of all types of political, religious and ethnic backgrounds can come and enjoy a high standard of living. All I can hope is that the current state of affairs will be worked out, and our nation will overcome that challenges that face us currentley.

But whenever I visit another country, I am definatley not proud of my country. Especially going to a European country and seeing that they are so far ahead of us in so many fields.
I'm proud of my countries of origin and where I come from. I'm not Nationalistic in the traditional sense, but I support Catalan separatists..
what? /me throttles Comradebadger

catalan separatists have had ties with terrorism (in spain)
Because Belgians rawk. I don't care what they did years ago, unless that wrong is still at hand. But currently, we're just merrily producing chocolate, fries (aka chips) and beer for all. :p
No. Because my country is FUBAR;( .
I thought the more FUBAR a country, the more proud people are of it?
CptStern said:
what? /me throttles Comradebadger

catalan separatists have had ties with terrorism (in spain)

Not really. That's the Basque region's seperatists.

My grandfather was exiled by Franco for helping to keep the Catalan language going. But he managed, and is largely responsible for the language staying alive.
I'm proud to be an American due to our Freedoms and culture(s).

ComradeBadger said:
Not really. That's the Basque region's seperatists.

My grandfather was exiled by Franco for helping to keep the Catalan language going. But he managed, and is largely responsible for the language staying alive.

edit: wtf @ genre "rap"
Proud? Derived from Pride... and Pride is the opposite of Shame?

I'm not sure. I'm unfamiliar with pride and shame.
I'm proud to be Scottish. But I hate a lot of our chav culture, which is unfortunately about 50% of the entire population...
I echo Riomhaire's sentiment. I don't understand being proud (or ashamed) of where you come from, a place and it's past achievements or misdemeanours are down to individuals and groups of individuals, not the land or the nation as a whole. If you want to be proud of something, do something yourself to be proud of, perhaps even have a hand in contributing to what it is about your country that you're proud of. Don't just take self-esteem from other people's achievements.

You don't choose where to be born, and how can you be proud of something you don't control?
I'd draw a parallel: I'm glad to be tall, but as it's not something I've had to make any effort to to be, I'm not 'proud' of it, because it's not an achievement. I think it's the same with national pride - I didn't make Britain a democratic, stable, safe and pleasant country, and apart from paying taxes, voting and doing the occasional bit of volunteer work I don't really contribute anything to keeping it that way, so why should I be proud about being born here? However, I AM happy to live here (the rain and chavs aside). But being happy about something isn't the same as being proud about it.

I really think it's like being proud when the sun shines.
I'm proud of my countries of origin as Comrade said. No real pride in being American or anything. I do love America's history, shaping, and the values of the founding fathers, but that's about where it stops. Would I die for it? Depends for what.
I think national pride is a valid notion. As a citizen of a certain country, between oneself and all the other citizens there is the idea that you're carrying on a legacy set in motion by those lived and formed that country before you. Even if it's only notional, I don't see anything wrong in feeling pride in being associated with the idea of that country.You can also claim to feel a sense of kinship with your forebears, and feel pride in what they have done.

Atrocities aside, and god knows there's been a few, I think I'm proud of being British, and English. I'd like to think that Britain's 'legacy' can be defined as one of tolerance, personal and political freedom, innovation, cultural diversity, honour and integrity. I also like the fact that British people are often well-liked abroad as long as they are kept away from 1) football and 2) alcohol.

However, I think the current state of this country has strayed from a lot of the principles upon which it was formed. We a relatively authoritarian government despite our pride in its transparency and the machinery of Parliament, so personal freedoms are getting more and more eroded. The current rulers also claim to worship equality and multiculturalism but then shovel all migrants into the very poorest areas, sardines style, and pour a bucket of political correctness on top of the whole mess when there is any dissent or friction with the established community. Black kids hang out with black kids, the asian kids hang out with asians, the white kids turn into chavs and boy racers, and everyone reads the Daily Mail (with their index finger) while screaming OMFG TERORIZTS, BURN TEH PEDOFILES & WHATEFER GAYS GET UP TO ON THEIR OWN IS THEY OWN BUSINESS I JUST DONT LIKE TEHM FALNTING IT. There is certainly no sign of the fabled British stiff upper lip in the crowds of manwhores and lad-ettes that go tumbling round pissing in our city centres on a Friday night. And what more needs be said about our foreign policy? So no, I'm not proud of being associated with the image that Britain conjures in my mind in recent times, inasmuch as I haven't done (and can't do) anything to improve the situation. I'm hoping it's just a transitional period (if not, then this country's dead, I'll be out of here).
Yeah im proud to be an American. Sure many nations dislike us but hey, i'm still proud. I'm proud to be part of a nation where American means so many different people, cultures, and ideas all mixed togeather.
ComradeBadger said:
Not really. That's the Basque region's seperatists.

My grandfather was exiled by Franco for helping to keep the Catalan language going. But he managed, and is largely responsible for the language staying alive.

the basques have ETA ..there have been catalan separatist terrorist groups like Terre lluire that carried out terrorist attacks on spaniards and foreigners. Most famously in 1987 when the US consulate was bombed in barcelona ..also a bar frequented by US servicemen in which one died. Granted their are radicals in every separatist group ..even canada is no stranger to separatist terror


edit: why is the terrorism knowledgebase censored? replace the missing letters with ". t k" < no spaces
I love my country. Mostly proud to be an American, but I certainly am not proud of the government, or the people. I just love the country. I love the spirit of it, and I love the land. I've been on trips to most parts of it, and particularly out West, it's just an unbelievably beautiful place.


Camping out here was incredible. We didn't see anyone else for three days; hour and a half from the nearest town, and the sky at night was wonderful.
CptStern said:
well proud to be canadian (somewhat) ..but I cant say I'm nationalistic ..if my country ****s up I wont hesitate to criticise

Same here.

If my country ****s up, you won't hesitate to criticise.

I think it's ". t k" to filter out www.gsand . t k websites rather than the terrorist databases.

Dont know why they want to filter out freewebs sites in the first place though, it's only caused problems because countless times people try to post the terrorism database links.
pomegranate said:
I echo Riomhaire's sentiment. I don't understand being proud (or ashamed) of where you come from, a place and it's past achievements or misdemeanours are down to individuals and groups of individuals, not the land or the nation as a whole. If you want to be proud of something, do something yourself to be proud of, perhaps even have a hand in contributing to what it is about your country that you're proud of. Don't just take self-esteem from other people's achievements.

You don't choose where to be born, and how can you be proud of something you don't control?
I'd draw a parallel: I'm glad to be tall, but as it's not something I've had to make any effort to to be, I'm not 'proud' of it, because it's not an achievement. I think it's the same with national pride - I didn't make Britain a democratic, stable, safe and pleasant country, and apart from paying taxes, voting and doing the occasional bit of volunteer work I don't really contribute anything to keeping it that way, so why should I be proud about being born here? However, I AM happy to live here (the rain and chavs aside). But being happy about something isn't the same as being proud about it.

I really think it's like being proud when the sun shines.

I pretty much agree with this. I think its illogical to be proud of a country's achievements in the past, as you had nothing to do with them - its essentially saying 'I love this arbitrarily designated area of land because some guy who was born in the same patch of land did great things 200 years ago!'.

I have nothing in common the Daily Mail reading ultraconservative Nationalist who lives up the road from me. I feel a greater affinity with the people in Madrid, New York and Tokyo who share the same beliefs and values as I do. For me, beliefs are more important than geographical proximity.

Although I find it illogical to be proud of something that you have no part in creating (if you did something useful/beneficial to your country then I guess its understandable), and that you are only part of because you were born in one set geographical area rather than another one a few miles away, I am glad to live in a country with a democracy, good education system, NHS etc. 'Proud' isnt the right word though.

Cpt Stern said:
the basques have ETA ..there have been catalan separatist terrorist groups like Terre lluire that carried out terrorist attacks on spaniards and foreigners. Most famously in 1987 when the US consulate was bombed in barcelona ..also a bar frequented by US servicemen in which one died. Granted their are radicals in every separatist group ..even canada is no stranger to separatist terror


Careful there Sterny, just because Badger supports the idea of Catalan nationalism does not make him a supporter of terrorism. Being a supporter of Irish nationalism does not make you a supporter of the IRA, and supporting palestinians does not make you a supporter of suicide bombings - the same applies here.

It may not be the best place in the world, but I love it just the same, because there's no other place like it. :)
I'm more happy having been born an American, than I probably would be a member of any other country. I think my life here in America has been overall much better than if i'd been born anywhere else. Thus... I have a fond attachment to the country, but I don't know if i'd say i'm proud or not. Proud within reason, maybe.
Mutley said:

Britain has an amazing history, industrial, inventions, class and military domination. I'm very proud of what it has achieved over the hundreds and thousands of years. :)
This military supremacy you're proud of killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Whole cultures were wiped out.

I am not proud to be British.
Solaris said:
This military supremacy you're proud of killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Whole cultures were wiped out.

I am not proud to be British.

Hope you're not proud to be human either.
I am, and always have been, proud to be an Australian.
Raziaar said:
Hope you're not proud to be human either.

Why would anyone be? The same I said before applies: I'm glad to be able to use abstract thought, to be able to use complex tools and be part of an incredibly complex society that protects me from the elements and nature's fickleness, but why should I be proud of something I had no part in choosing or achieving? Human beings cause by far the most harm of any species that ever existed. That's regrettable, but I'm not ashamed of it, because it's not my fault.
Be proud of what you do with what you are given.
gick said:
Careful there Sterny, just because Badger supports the idea of Catalan nationalism does not make him a supporter of terrorism. Being a supporter of Irish nationalism does not make you a supporter of the IRA, and supporting palestinians does not make you a supporter of suicide bombings - the same applies here.
I support and would like to see a soveirgn Palestinian state WITH Israel. just man that some want to blow the **** out of them and pus hthem into the sea.