Are you proud over your nationality?

Are you proud over your nationality?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 20 22.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 12 13.3%

  • Total voters
more dated slogans, numbers you're like some propaganda spewing caricature ..I put no one in front of my family entire nation can die a horrible death if it meant saving my family for all I care.
CptStern said:
more dated slogans ..I put no one in front of my family entire nation can die a horrible death if it meant saving my family for all I care

Agreeeeed. Though I think most people think this way. I don't care if my country was destroyed, as long as every last member of my extended family survived it.
Mr Stabby said:
Overall I'd say Britain did more good then harm, although a substantial amount of harm was done.

Now that the UK is steadily declining into a shit hole, I'm not overally proud of it, but I still have a degree of national pride, it's not perfect but a lot better then most countries.
You would?
I wouldn't, so many attrocities, masacares, hangings...
Solaris said:
You would?
I wouldn't, so many attrocities, masacares, hangings...

That's like every country before the 20th Century though.

Not that it's excusable. Except in the Mongolian empire's case. Now those attrocities by the Hordes were justified.
Raziaar said:
Agreeeeed. Though I think most people think this way. I don't care if my country was destroyed, as long as every last member of my extended family survived it.

Have fun with the incest then :D Well maybe you could get away with second and third cousins...
Raziaar said:
Don't you care about life and family... having a happy family without putting your country first in your thoughts?

That is really a problem. According to the old guys, piety = loyalty. I'm not too sure about my family, but I wouldn't care if I died so that the entire nation would survive.

I do care about my family, but the nation must come first, it seems.

What exactly was the point in making that comparision? Are you really simple enough to regard population and military size as something to denigrate another country over?

Kind of....
Zeus said:
Have fun with the incest then :D Well maybe you could get away with second and third cousins...

Who says we'd need to mate? It's not like all the people on the world were destroyed, just our nation.
I am very proud of my nationality, I love my country.
I would defend it and the people that live within it if necessary,I suppose I would even die for it, if it was threatened.
In the same token I would not wish my country to oppress other countries nor threaten other countries or even invade other countries.
I have never understood the widespread belief that I should have special feelings about people in my family merely because we happen to share some DNA. I hold my family to the same expectations as everyone else on Earth.
I on the otherhand have never understood the self-survival instinct.

My importance is only equal to each other person on this earth, so I spend as much time on myself as I would any other person.
I have never understood the widespread belief that I should have special feelings about people in my family merely because we happen to share some DNA

Really? Do you have a son or daughter? Can you look him/her in the face and tell yourself that you dont have "special feelings" towards him/her and he/she just shares your DNA?

You hold your 6 month old offspring to the same expectations as everyone else in the world?


You dont have to answer any of these questions. Just wondering.
I have never understood the widespread belief that I should have special feelings about people in my family merely because we happen to share some DNA. I hold my family to the same expectations as everyone else on Earth.
My importance is only equal to each other person on this earth, so I spend as much time on myself as I would any other person.
I try to live by both these principles, but I find it nearly impossible. Only human, after all :)
Yes, i'm proud of my nationality, although there are dark periods in my nations history of what i'm not proud of.
I like being British, and we've an interesting history but I really don't care that much. Meh. No, I can't say I'm 'proud'.

Raeven0 said:
I have never understood the widespread belief that I should have special feelings about people in my family merely because we happen to share some DNA. I hold my family to the same expectations as everyone else on Earth.

I pretty much disagree with everything you ever say, except this, to an extent. I had an absolutely massive fallout with my parents during their divorce, and I had to grow up quickly and soon formed my own opinions. Now I'm not too fond of either, but I'm always told "Yeah, but its your mam and dad though."

So? Yes, they brought me into the world, but regardless of whether they are my mam or my dad it doesn't excuse their faults. I know people who aren't related to me that are far better people than they will ever be, but I'm expected put them ahead of my mam and dad simply because they are exactly that, my mam and dad, or my cousins and grandparents? Hmm, its a complicated issue for me anyway.
I guess I'm proud to be an american, but only because everyone else around me is american, too.
I've got a strange familial situation, because I'm about as close to my parents as possible. They treat me like an adult- no curfew, friends can come over whenever, etc. In return, I don't do anything stupid, and can tell them anything. It's a really good situation. However... my little brother is the polar opposite. He's adopted, and, while I try as hard as I can to love him, I fail sometimes. He has attachment disorder, meaning he has a really screwed-up concept of the "family" (along with a billion other developmental issues) and as such is REALLY hard to live with. Oh well :/

Er, anyway, I dunno if I'm proud to be an American or not. I'm certainly not proud of where America is headed, though...
Raeven0 said:
I have never understood the widespread belief that I should have special feelings about people in my family merely because we happen to share some DNA. I hold my family to the same expectations as everyone else on Earth.

I completely agree. You can choose your friends, but not your family.

I still love my whole family though, they're all awesome.
Well, since honesty seems to be the norm here - I have some real issues with my parents, starting with being humiliated every single day. Being blamed for any and all problems that might affect my parents. Being told constantly how I don't match up with my father, who is a role model to every creature that breathes... *ramble, ramble*
But you still love them because they mean the best for you and it's ethically right, right?

btw, What is with you people hating/disliking your parents? Impiety is the worst crime that you can commit, along with treason. Its simply the opposite of ethical.
I love them because they love me and in their own "special" way, look out for me.

I didn't mean to derail the thread :(
The most polite thing I can think to say to you, Numbers, is that people come from different cultures and so we don't all think the same, and that you shouldn't try and impose your own values on others. And that's biting my tongue.
But you're imposing your value of not imposing your values on others by saying not to impose my values to others when it is my value to impose my value to others so that your value of not imposing your values is not one of my my values and therfore violates my value of helping people see righteousness.... :rolling: :p

Yeah, sorry there. :)
15357 said:
But you're imposing your value of not imposing your values on others by saying not to impose my values to others when it is my value to impose my value to others so that your value of not imposing your values is not one of my my values and therfore violates my value of helping people see righteousness.... :rolling: :p

Yeah, sorry there. :)

No I'm not. I'm saying be courteous. That's not a cultural value, that's common sense for a message board.
I don't think that has anything to do with what we're talking about here.
15357 said:
I don't think that has anything to do with what we're talking about here.

What are you guys talking about? I was responding to the original post.

And surely you didn't read the entire thing within the three minutes you gave to respond to my post.
Uh huh, and it still doesn't have anything to do with it. This thread isn't about psychological marketing. :)
Sure it does. Just because you belong to a group of people who share some insignificant attribute doesn't mean you should feel any way inclined to your country in anyway. I understand everyone has their own right to believe what they believe, I just simply believe in myself and no one else, and I would feel the same way if I were born in some unknown country with no great past or future at all.
Yeah well, its kinda hard not to feel proud of your country when you recite "For the eternal glory of the fatherland and the nation, I swear in front of our proud flag to sacrifice my body and my soul and achieve loyalty to the Country." every day. (Not that this is brainwashing or anything, this is just like the pledge of allegiance in America; it makes you feel proud, even more)

And no, you wouldn't feel the same way in different cultures where you are taught the proud history, the proud achievments, the proud attributes of your people ect. Its just wrong to assume that you would be the same in different circumstances.
Well of course it's impossible to tell who I'd be in a different circumstance, but me, being born and raised in the heartland of The United States of America, I know a thing or two about patriotism and nationalism.

I have nothing against you, I envy any devotion, but my devotion does not lay in the political boundaries of this country.
Alright. I didn't say that you had something aginst me, btw. :p