Are you proud over your nationality?

Are you proud over your nationality?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 20 22.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 12 13.3%

  • Total voters
15357 said:
Not that this is brainwashing or anything, this is just like the pledge of allegiance in America

Yeah.. also brainwashing. Sorry, America.
I'm a Chinese born and raised in America. To be truthful I am more proud of America than China. Sure neither country deserves applause, but if it came time to lay down one's life for a land, it'd be America.
Well, yes, why wouldn't I! Ireland, the humble, peacful, neutral country with not many enemies and real problems... apart from the STINKIN S***LOAD OF DEBTS TO THE E.U! The country is a nice place to live, apart fro the city which is, quite frankly, f***** up. America, Africa, and Australia, the 3 A's, some of the best countries to live, but then again, who'd listen to a fun lovin' Texan with the power to destroy the world at the touch of a button!? EVERY country in the world has a problem or two, and eventually they resolve it, with any means necessary. We had a war in Ireland, the "1916 Rising" on Easter, when the irish got fedup of the English trying to take their land, so they fought with hardly any arms just for the dream of a FREE Ireland, no "Black and Tans", no English. We finally got Ireland back, BUT we lost the north of the country to them. Some sacrafices have to be made to result in peace.

As if anyone, truly, cares!
I am proud to be a American. Why you might ask? I don't know I guess cuz I live in America!
British - Britain itself, yes. Due to the history, landscape etc etc etc

Britain's people? Hell no. Football football football. Beer beer beer.
madmarco245 said:
Well, yes, why wouldn't I! Ireland, the humble, peacful, neutral country with not many enemies and real problems... apart from the STINKIN S***LOAD OF DEBTS TO THE E.U! The country is a nice place to live, apart fro the city which is, quite frankly, f***** up. America, Africa, and Australia, the 3 A's, some of the best countries to live, but then again, who'd listen to a fun lovin' Texan with the power to destroy the world at the touch of a button!? EVERY country in the world has a problem or two, and eventually they resolve it, with any means necessary. We had a war in Ireland, the "1916 Rising" on Easter, when the irish got fedup of the English trying to take their land, so they fought with hardly any arms just for the dream of a FREE Ireland, no "Black and Tans", no English. We finally got Ireland back, BUT we lost the north of the country to them. Some sacrafices have to be made to result in peace.

As if anyone, truly, cares!

Hehehe :LOL:

I didn't get what you're on about, but I guess that's why you're madmarco!
Not proud of my country, not a single bit, sometimes I just say that I am a World citizen instead of a Venezuelan...
rAdIOhEaD said:
Not proud of my country, not a single bit, sometimes I just say that I am a World citizen instead of a Venezuelan...

I like that idea. I'm a world patriot! :cheese:
Humans have ****ed up this planet more than any individual nation has!
"Each country is like a particular person. America is like a belligerent adolescent boy. Canada is like a mature, intelligent 35-year-old woman. Australia is like Jack Nicholson. It comes up to you and laughs in your face in a highly threatening and engaging manner.' - Douglas Adams, Salmon of Doubt
Australia is like Jack Nicholson. It comes up to you and laughs in your face in a highly threatening and engaging manner


No. I see no reason for it. Im just proud to be me :D
Raziaar said:
Humans have ****ed up this planet more than any individual nation has!

Uh...... that is so fundamentally obvious a point I can only assume that the thought slimed its way from your brain out through your nose and somehow managed to transmit itself onto this thread.

Nations are groups of humans. The total of humanity > any one nation. So yeah, humankind will have had more of an impact than an individual nation has. Amazing insight there.
I think his point was that to think of yourself as a 'world citizen' or just as a member of humanity is not to buy into any more noble an idea than if you think of yourself as the proud citizen of one particular country.
Uhuh... I am being quite dense today, it's the heat.
But most really bad stuff humans have done are in the name of a particular state or shared belief, by regarding yourself as a world citizen you could be exonerating yourself from all that stuff...