Are you romantic?

I would advise anyone to stay way the hell away from giving gifts on a first date, or spending money on her. By doing so, you're basically telling her that you don't think you're worthy of her company and you're trying to even things up a bit by buying her stuff.
Sure, buy a cup of coffee or something, but don't make a big deal out of it. She's the wrong girl for you if she thinks she's entitled to fancy things just for agreeing to go on a date with you, and she soon will be the wrong girl if you do that kind of thing because it screams weakness. The message you want to communicate is that you have higher value and status than her, and she's the privileged one to be spending time with you - to communicate the opposite is a mortal sin.

Also note that you can be on equal terms with her during the date, you don't need to be "of more worth".
Also note that you can be on equal terms with her during the date, you don't need to be "of more worth".

Being of more worth makes you more of a catch. Why do you think women are more attracted to guys who are already attached?
Of course, you don't want to overdo it so that she's intimidated by you, but you don't want to be too available either or do things for her that she doesn't deserve.
Being of more worth makes you more of a catch. Why do you think women are more attracted to guys who are already attached?
Of course, you don't want to overdo it so that she's intimidated by you, but you don't want to be too available either or do things for her that she doesn't deserve.

Last year I was single, but two years ago I gave my girl a card that I made with some calligraphy and a rose that pops out kinda like one of these doo-dads but a flower. Total cost of about 2 dollars for some heavy paper and an exacto knife. She still sends me messages now, which isn't so cool anymore.
I would advise anyone to stay way the hell away from giving gifts on a first date, or spending money on her. By doing so, you're basically telling her that you don't think you're worthy of her company and you're trying to even things up a bit by buying her stuff.
Sure, buy a cup of coffee or something, but don't make a big deal out of it. She's the wrong girl for you if she thinks she's entitled to fancy things just for agreeing to go on a date with you, and she soon will be the wrong girl if you do that kind of thing because it screams weakness. The message you want to communicate is that you have higher value and status than her, and she's the privileged one to be spending time with you - to communicate the opposite is a mortal sin.

Not necessarily. Depends on how you do it.

You are just asking to be friendzoned though if you do give something.
Being of more worth makes you more of a catch. Why do you think women are more attracted to guys who are already attached?
Of course, you don't want to overdo it so that she's intimidated by you, but you don't want to be too available either or do things for her that she doesn't deserve.

I didn't say it wouldn't work, just saying you don't always have to pretend to be so "out of her league".
Not necessarily. Depends on how you do it.

You are just asking to be friendzoned though if you do give something.

And getting coffee and splitting the bill isn't something you get friendzoned for? It's a cultural norm to spend money on women. We just get screwed more these days because most women don't come with dowries anymore.
Splitting a bill is poor form and is recognised in european cultures as being the mark of a coward and of a person in who can't afford to fit bills. So always as a rule, front for the cheque and always pay cash when out with a chick... it looks flashier. If the gal you're courting wants to pay, make her fight hard for it...

me and the missus get physical sometimes and start wrestling for each others purses in the line for coffee... we made a few friends that way he he

...but don't let her pay if you can't help it and never ever split a check in polite company.
You know, reading all of these "rules" makes me think that if a certain female requires you to follow all of them, then she is just pretty much not worth your efforts. Such fickle garbage.

It isn't about rules, it's about cultivating a personality that's attractive to women.
Some people make "rules" (often completely wrong) out of an ultimately very simple concept, but the point is having a way of being, rather than a way of doing.
If you want to tell a woman you're a useless waste of space not deserving of any respect, go ahead and buy her a gift on the first date. Bribe her into spending time with you with big expensive dinners. Reward her acting like a bitch by buying her flowers to show her you care. Let her control everything.
That kind of behaviour is not attractive to any woman, no matter what they may tell you.
... I'm having trouble figuring out if you're agreeing with me or insulting me again.

He's saying that if you develop a certain personality you will be more attractive to women. These are not rules, but a way of being that women generally find attractive.
... I'm having trouble figuring out if you're agreeing with me or insulting me again.

Neither of the above?
I'm not entirely sure on where I insulted you the first time, for that matter.
I'm quite romantic. Leave sweats/choccies in places where the misses will find them, or silly messages/pictures laying around. She loves it (which means I love cause we get to **** like dirty pigs more often).
I'm quite romantic. Leave sweats/choccies in places where the misses will find them, or silly messages/pictures laying around. She loves it (which means I love cause we get to **** like dirty pigs more often).

Oh jezus, I lol'd. Sorry Sulkdodds, you're getting the bump.
I used to be very romantic, and not in the stupid cheesey typical way, but the really clever thoughtful/unique way, now I am more moderately romantic. It really depends how much I like you. To much romance spoils the hell out of people, then they take it for granted.

I'm not gonna sift through all 11 pages, but this sums me up perfectly.
Wait till they've medications to simulate love in a relationship!

Would divorce rates go down?