Are you stuck? Post in HERE!


May 15, 2004
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If you are stuck post in here, and I'm sure everyone will be...happy to respond and help ye out.
>>> That's been answered

Care to show where, mr friendly?
Either way, I think one thread is better than seeing 500 "help me.." threads..

Especially when I'm trying to figure out the speculation threads from the aforementioned threads..
Megalomaniac said:
Help, I don't know what to do after the credits are done :p
Sleep until Half-Life 2: Episode 2 is here. Alternatively, ask Gman to put you into stasis.
didn't really get stuck on any of the puzzles, the monster fights are the hardest parts imo.
I got stuck in the elevator. When one of the big things came down to crash it. It took me at least 20 reloads before I managed to get it to fly in the right direction.
What's the best tactic to survive the battle during the wait for the elevator in the carpark area??? I just can't survive that long standing in front of that crappy elevator!!!

Help would be most appreciated
Slickerik said:
What's the best tactic to survive the battle during the wait for the elevator in the carpark area??? I just can't survive that long standing in front of that crappy elevator!!!

Help would be most appreciated

I mainly ran around like a chicken with my head chopped off, launching propane canisters and flares at the fast-approaching Zombies with the gravgun. Worked wonders, actually.
Ok, nice thread...

After the dark room with the water, i get to the next dark room. Then alex asks me to make the elevator run or something or find the eletrical flow...what should i be looking for from me looking directly at the elevator...I dont knwo what i am loking for!
RX7God said:
Ok, nice thread...

After the dark room with the water, i get to the next dark room. Then alex asks me to make the elevator run or something or find the eletrical flow...what should i be looking for from me looking directly at the elevator...I dont knwo what i am loking for!

There's a wire leading from the elevator. Follow it and you'll find a door, open it, flip the switch and prepare for a shitload of zombies to attack you before the elevator finally arives.
Ive found the do i open it? Everytime i try to open it. it says locked.
Remove the piece of wood in front of it with the Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator.
Slickerik said:
What's the best tactic to survive the battle during the wait for the elevator in the carpark area??? I just can't survive that long standing in front of that crappy elevator!!!

Help would be most appreciated

Alright. There's a flare in the room where you turn on the power. Grab that with your gravity gun, but DON'T head for the lift. Instead, run half of the distance, and a few bunches of zombies should attack. Run to each zombie and light them up with the flare. Just a touch will do. You probably won't need your flashlight yet. Alyx should be a great help, so make sure she's there and can see the zombies.

For the Zombines, you'll want to light them up immediately, and they probably won't grenade you when they're lit. If they do take out a grenade, either run away a short distance, drop your flare, pick up the grenade and shoot it away, or blast it off with the shotgun and then run a very short distance away.

Don't worry about what time to leave, as the zombies'll swamp you. Once they're all dead, head to the elevator. There'll be three flares there. My advice is to light two up, and use one of the two to light zombies. Three works, but you might find trouble at a later time. DO NOT put your back to the elevator; you've got to stand further out. As before, light zombies with flares, run away from that Zombine and KEEP MOVING AT ALL TIMES. When the two flares go out, pick up the last one, but don't light zombies with it. Use your shotgun this time, and don't use your alt-fire. If you spot any Zombine with a grenade, RUN LIKE HELL.

If and when it runs out, you need to have a different tactic. Use your shotgun, and watch out for any Zombine. If you see one, rush up to it and alt-fire it in the head. It'll need one more normal shot to die in Hard. Another tactic is to let the zombies 'live' for a while, and let the Zombine take out their grenades. In this case, RUN and MAKE SURE Alyx follows. Then, when the elevator arrives, run back while blasting zombies as best as you can. There.

Other tips:

- Alyx may get in trouble and get surrounded. Blast the crap out of those zombies if that happens.

- Sometimes, you've got to run away and leave Alyx behind for a while. Make sure she isn't in a tight spot. She can take a few explosions, but don't push her too hard.

- Don't let fasties chase you too far away.

If you can't succeed, then try lowering the difficulty level. I've been able to replicate a few times in Hard, although I die quite a few times. :LOL:

Parsifal said:

Need screenshots.
taken from that thread:

Ok, I have been jumping off the spinning core thing - completed the area where you shoot the balls at the 3 power "lines"...

Now after trying 10 times to finally jump to the "next" area - all there is - this stupid elevator which only goes down when I am not near it. If I go forward it comes up, preventing you from getting to what appears to be the next hallway. Ive tried everything including spamming energy balls in hopes of hitting something

argh! Help!

If what he's referring to is what I think, I may have had a similar confusing moment during the core: I can't remember how many of the "beams" you need to activate, whether it's 3 or 4, but whatever it is, the last one involves going down where the beam "emittor" should have risen up and emerged from, grabbing energy balls from the "energy ball conduit" thing you just had to run through (which is now overhead via a hole in the "conduit's" floor) and throwing them into three energy ball "stations," the last one forcing you to stand on the emittor platform itself so you can rise out of where you just were. for whatever reason, here i just assumed i was done, and was frantically searching where to go next, backtracking, etc., until i realized i hadn't shot an energy ball into the "catcher" unit now above the emitter I just raised. once you do that, a door opens to your left leading directly back to where alyx was waiting. to get to this last "emittor" section, whichever number it is, you had to jump onto the spinning dampening field flaps and jump over to a platform, so it's the emittor section after you jump onto the dampening field flaps.
RX7God said:
Ive found the do i open it? Everytime i try to open it. it says locked.

you're probably not looking at the right door. to get to the proper door, face the elevator, and turn 180 degrees. go straight, and once you near a wall or a solid surface or whatever, to your left there should be what i think was double-doors, and they have a wooden plank placed through their handles to keep them from opening. use the gravity gun to remove the plank, enter, and open the box to restore electricity.
Ok, I think im stupid...

Ive passed the door thing, im up in the next room from the elevator. I need to open that gate,
RX7God said:
Ok, I think im stupid...

Ive passed the door thing, im up in the next room from the elevator. I need to open that gate,

go back toward the elevator. you should see, to the left of when you came out of the elevator or in front of you if you're going back toward it, another, more dimly-lit gate, this time with a wheel next to it. turn the wheel, rummage around the boxes with the gravity gun, and behind most of them is the missing wheel you need. grab it, go back toward alyx, place it where it was missing for the gate blocking your way, turn, voila.
I think im super retarted...

Now, ive opened the door and there are do i deactivate or go around em? can i duck?
By lasers you surely refer to tripmines, so shoot the source of the laser beam from a decent distance.
Ok, now, im in the second set of do i get onto the other side so i can open the door?
RX7God said:
Ok, now, im in the second set of do i get onto the other side so i can open the door?

screenshot? And you really should try to persevere a bit longer if you get stuck. it's much more satisfying to complete these games by yourself than requesting hints all the time! :)
Slickerik said:
What's the best tactic to survive the battle during the wait for the elevator in the carpark area??? I just can't survive that long standing in front of that crappy elevator!!!

Help would be most appreciated

I got it running fastest as I could, following the wire to the room with the switch. After switching the power on, I just stayed there in the room, taking advantage of the bottleneck created by the doorway, and at the same time guarding my back(no zombies inside the room). Stayed there shooting sombies and zombines in the head(mostly) with the shotgun untill Alyx says that the elevator is there. Then I ran like crazy to the elevator, got stuck with a couple of zombines and a fast zombie, got inside the elevator, and left a lot of monsters behind(just trying to escape and not stopping for shooting)... One thing I don't remeber though... the room with the switch has light after you switch the power on? If it has, it's even easier... hope it helps:)

I'm stuck in the engine(?)-room #3 just at the beginning of Chap 2 "Direct intervention". Ok, the machine is malfunctioned and you jump down below to fix it. So long, so good. Machine is ok again, but then what? Can't find a way out of here.
AndreasAA said:
I'm stuck in the engine(?)-room #3 just at the beginning of Chap 2 "Direct intervention". Ok, the machine is malfunctioned and you jump down below to fix it. So long, so good. Machine is ok again, but then what? Can't find a way out of here.

Repeat what you did in the other two engine rooms. Put another orb into the big blue/green power thing on the wall to turn the machine on.
I think he means he is stuck down in that area with the three tubes. Take an orb out of the left most tube, the elevator should go down and the forcefield drops. Get onto the elevator and shoot the orb into the left tube again.
Question on Direct intervention: After extending both bridges and crossing to the center section and climbing the ladder...I can't seem to figure out how to extend that short power bridge to the window across the way. The obvious powerball catchers I see are for the 2 previous bridges below. So what am I missing? thanks
I think you need to bounce it behind the window, try it knock it in that way.
slayer101 said:
Question on Direct intervention: After extending both bridges and crossing to the center section and climbing the ladder...I can't seem to figure out how to extend that short power bridge to the window across the way. The obvious powerball catchers I see are for the 2 previous bridges below. So what am I missing? thanks

incorrigible said:


That was the last thing I tried...and failed but I'll give it another go though it seems hella far :) .....thanks.
hi all - stuck in hospital

Hi everyone

i just got to the hospital, fallen down a hole and landed in water. i am just lost on what i have to do next.

do i use one of those sucker things hanging from the roof to get me up to the next level? cause if so once i get onto one as i kill it it just drops me back into the water i cant direct the fall onto the next level.

thanks in advance for your help
simobuford said:
Hi everyone

i just got to the hospital, fallen down a hole and landed in water. i am just lost on what i have to do next.

do i use one of those sucker things hanging from the roof to get me up to the next level? cause if so once i get onto one as i kill it it just drops me back into the water i cant direct the fall onto the next level.

thanks in advance for your help
Put the blue barrel under the bridge that goes down in the water when you step on it, turn on the power to open the door on the opposite side of the room. Now jump bridge, bridge, pipes and... uh... ex-home of the poison headcrab. Run around and go in the door, up the stairs...
I am really very stuck right now...Im in the same boat as the other in a different position...I killed the headcrab and moved the table underneath the airduct...i then went into the airduct and am stuck now...please helpo...attached are pics of where i am stuck.


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