Are you upgrading for HL-2?

Are you upgrading for HL-2?

  • Yes

    Votes: 144 76.6%
  • No

    Votes: 44 23.4%

  • Total voters


Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
If so, what components are you upgrading?

I've already purchased an additional 512 MB DDR RAM, and am going to be getting a Radeon 9800 Pro soon.
I already got a new motherboard and processor and RAM. Now all I need to do is get a Radeon 9800 and I'm set.
I am on a P3 800mhz, so I am going to just build a new computer. Going to get 2.4 Gig P4 with HT, 512mb RAM, ATI Raedon (either 9600 pro, 9800, or 9800SE if it's out by then).
Partly upgraded. Got my ASUS A7V8X-X w/ an AMD Athlon XP 2800+ 333fsb and 512 mb DDR PC 2700 Atlas Precision. Now all I need is my GeForce FX 5900 Ultra 256 mb.(Wow, that's a mouthful)
Im gonna update my Gf3 ti200 but i dont know if i should stay with nVidia or get an ATI
im also getting another stick of 512 ddr ram so i have a cool Gig of ram while im staying with my AMD 2500+ which i over clocked to a 2800+
I've just uhmm.. an addition 512 mb DDR Ram chip... and uhm... im on a pentium 4 2.2 ghz... processor.. i meant processor... and i dunno... i think i'm all set, but im never sure, I'm a website developer, and i've been hired by Dola Automotives to do thier website (thier local) so thats going to pay for my... radeon 9800 pro... and yeah... geez, i talk to much
got a new tower and moniter

ati 9800 128mb, asus motherboard (can't remember the exact name), 200 gigs, 1 gig of ddr ram, AMD athalon 2.8 ghz, and a new cd player/burner and a new dvd player
i might get a new mobo and 512mb ddr ram before hl2's released, ATM i am running sdram and underclocking my athlon :-/
im building a new comp

amd 3200+
radeon 9800 pro with 256meg
1gig pc3500 ram
100gig harddrive
16x dvd rom
52x24x52x cd burner
case - thermaltake xaser 3
dont know what mobo yet, just someting with an nforce 2 in it
logitech z-680 speakers, dont need a sound card with these guys :)
I already have a kick ass system (custom built) that will kick Half-Life 2 in the ass at max detail & resolution :D

Windows XP Pro SP1
Asus A7N8X Deluxe 2.00 nForce 2
Athlon XP 1700 @ 2.4 GHz (11x220) on SLK800A
Corsair XMS 512 MB DDR PC3200 @ 420MHZ (gonna add another 512)
60+40GB HDD 7200RPM
Radeon 9700 Pro overclocked to 9800 Pro
21" Samsung monitor
6 speaker surround sound by Panasonic w/Dolby, DTS & THX.

other stuff:
TDK CDR-W 52x24x52
DVD player
No floppy
Full tower (Antec 1080 + 6 fans)
i want to get the radeon 9800 , but it's too expensive, steal one maybe... hmm good idea: go to work part time in ati then steal one and leave.
ATI 9700 Pro

Gamers if you upgrade your CPU/Motherboard before your video card you are just stupid.

If youra gamer make sure you get a VERY good video card and then mid range CPU. No need to spend money on the CPU. :D
Your all a bunch of wankers, lol, in the gabe interview he said all graphic settings can be cranked if u have a p4 2.0 ghz and a 9700 and u can expect 40 fps. I think i overkilled it.
processor will be upgraded (1700+ now), and maybe gfx card (ti4200 now)

If you have £2500 to spend go to alienware. ( i wouldent do it myself, overpriced really).

because you can now get a 2gbram, 3.2ghz P4, 80gb 7200rpm 8mbcache hard disk, 256mb graphics card TANKA of a PC. :D:D:D:D lol
hmmm. NO.

2gb ram - NO
256mb card- NO, not yet.
my gf2 gts is old.. deff going for upgrade. dunno what, dont wanna look till i need to. i have trouble choking down the price tag on the radeon 9800 and other top of the lines so i doubt i would. i've rationalized it up too a 9700 if i bought now. something DX9, anyway.

i HAD a 966 p3, but it's no longer stable at that speed (mobo issues i think) and is at 650 :)(), so i'm springing for new cpu too. id like to get hyperthread but i dont know if they'll be cheap enuf by then... other than that... old parts. got 4 HDDs already, but a DVD-RW might be nice. new sound card maybe. audigy pricey but the features look nice.

I'm not upgading if I can help it, mainly due to lack of money. I'll just have to wait and see what the benchmark has to say about my PC.

I've got an Athlon 1800+, 512MB DDR memory, plenty of HDD and broadband for multiplayer - all of which should be enough. The only thing that will cause problems is the graphics card (the original Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO - 2.5 years old!) so if it turns out really bad I'll have to get a 9600Pro I guess.
I have now :

Athlon XP 2800+
NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X
512MB DDR400
KD7-G(VIA KT400-8235)

I will be upgrading my GeForce4 to a radeon 9800 or even a 9900

i have a Pentium IV 3GHz 800FSB,

512MB Corsair XMS,

Geforce FX 5900,


All on a Asus P4P800 Deluxe

Yep, going to switch mobo+cpu with my dad's computer, he just bought a new 2200+ and Asus blablaX-X, which has 8x agp, which is wat I need for the 9800 Pro I'm going to buy. Perhaps, if I'm in a spending mood I'll also buy Audidy 1 and some 5.1 speakers from Creative. I've got a 2.1 system with a SBLive and Labtec speakers, and it's nice but could be alot nicer with the 5.1 hehe. /rant
P4 3.06 ghz 800fsb
1024mb ram 333
MSI 875 neo 800
tower thermatake xaser III v2000a with 7 silent fan inside
thermatake subzero fan for my p4
geforce ti 4600
screen 19
creative inspire 5300 5.1
Creative audigy
heh, i was just sugesting it Ridic, i wouldent advise on it like...........

but hell if i had that kinda money. :(

atm i got a geforce TNT2 32mb ram 1.3ghz 640mb ddr ram PC.
It is getting on a bit. But my bro just got a 3.06ghz laptop with 512 ram and the ati M9 64mb graphics.
Its sweet!

Makes me wana puke lol
hhee, i came from this

p4 1.8 ghz, geforce 3 ,512 mb ram

now i have this couse i wanted to play all games coming this year at full deatil,

p 4 3.0 gh
512mb ram
ati radeon 9800 pro 256 mb ddr2 ram :cheers:

i dont wanna brag sure not, i think its only needed to have rhis kinda pc is u are a real gamer!
I spent a little over $400 on a new motherboard, cpu, ram, which are in my sig. I'm gonna hang on to my TI4400 for a while longer though, I just dont think spending $300 on a new card is worth right now.
i got a p4 3.2 and an Asus P4C800-E mobo and some s-ata hard drives :) a video card will come soon eathir a radeon 9600 with 256 mb or a 9700 pro if i have the money. and for gamevoodooo why would you quit a job at ati ????? i know i wouldent

Edit: i also got a 512 stick of kingston pc3200 hyper X
The only upgrading I've done is go from a 1GHz CPU to a 1.33GHz which happens to be the fastest my motherboard will support. I don't have enough money at the moment for a new motherboard, so I'm going to have to be happy with this set-up for a while. Still, with a Geforce 4 Ti4200, it's a pretty competent system. I figure I'll be able to play Half-Life 2 at medium to medium-high details, so I'm cool with it.

If you want the skinny on hardware requirements, check out this article which gives you a detailed break-down of what to expect on different hardware.
yes :) im currently picking a whole new system
Mountain Man, link not working...addes .asp at the end, still doesn't work.
I might, probably not though:

Processor = 2ghz XP - check
Ram = 512 (might get a gig for the heck of it) - check
Video = 9800 Pro - check.

Should run max details at 1152 res and I am all set !
I'm gonna buy the latest hardware possible. I need to make sure the system i upgrade to now will last as long as possible because i don't really have the money for another full upgrade any time in the near furture.:cheers:
im getting a 486
8MB ram
14" 2 color monitor
god, if only i had the cash for that eh.

heheheh, :p

EDIT: You would be lucky to get 8mbram lol. more like 1
nah, not upgrading.. I will get average graphics with my box anyways.. I'm not so picky :)

my specs (if someone would like to know):
AMD Athlon XP 1700+
GeForce 3 Ti200 128MB DDR RAM (with tv-out wich I never use :) )
Hercules Game Theater XP 6.1 soundcard*
4.1 EAX speaker system

* I got the 6.1 card cos it was cheaper then the 5.1 card(!!)