Audio Problems with HL2

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Hahaha that comic is so freaking right on the money. That EXACT same thing happened to me at that exact same scene, on the stairs. That's great.

Anyway, I'm not sure about the "loading sounds" problem, but my problem is just plain static-y sound effects. Bunch of pops and crackles. Not just with Half-Life 2, but with CS:S as well. Oddly, it works fine when I go from 5.1 sound to 2-speaker or Headphone sound.

I'm using a Soundblaster Live! 5.1 card by the way. If anyone else is having similar problems, let me know so I can be reassured that it's just not my PC.

I've been keeping a website of all the stupid HL2 stuttering bug images I've been making each day: Half Arsed 2

Yeah I have plenty of time on my hands. :)
From doug labotomy himself -

"...release date for the patch is September 30, 2005 - you will need to authenticate it online, then patch the patch a year later to get it to work (which will also require authenticating)"
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your inquiry...

This problem is systemspecific and either caused by certain codecs on your system (don't know which, yet, Valve are working on that) or by a bug in the game. We have experienced it on a few systems so far.

Set your speaker selection to "2 speakers" for now and you will get normal, "bareable" sound.

Sincerely yours,

Vivendi Universal Games / Support-Team

P.S. In order to be able to comprehend what has already been sorted out, please leave previous emails attached in further communications.

mausse said:
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your inquiry...

This problem is systemspecific and either caused by certain codecs on your system (don't know which, yet, Valve are working on that) or by a bug in the game. We have experienced it on a few systems so far.

Set your speaker selection to "2 speakers" for now and you will get normal, "bareable" sound.

Sincerely yours,

Vivendi Universal Games / Support-Team

P.S. In order to be able to comprehend what has already been sorted out, please leave previous emails attached in further communications.

:bonce: Pretty helpful support. :bonce:
i guess it's delayed another day according to

We're working on it. The stuttering is actually three different bugs. Two of them are fixed and should (hopefully) be out tomorrow. Still working on the third one which only happens on NVidia cards/drivers.

Gary McTaggart (Valve)

this message is dated 11/24/04 12:56:45 PM GMT (that is 85mins prior to this post)
mattexxo said:
knoc knoc, is anybody in valve at work?

Its currently 5:00 in the morning at VALVEe, they are 8 hours behind us.

By the way people. This is the latest update on:

11/24/04 12:56:45 PM GMT
Gary McTaggart has made a series of posts on Shacknews discussing the changes in the upcoming stuttering patch:

We're working on it. The stuttering is actually three different bugs. Two of them are fixed and should (hopefully) be out tomorrow. Still working on the third one which only happens on NVidia cards/drivers.

Gary McTaggart (Valve)
Gary has several more posts in that thread, view the whole thing here.

I assume that quote was taken from a post yesterday and the patch isnt going to be delayed ANOTHER day right?

Edit: Yeah i just checked, that post was made yesterday so the patch is still due today.
arkanis said:

I've been keeping a website of all the stupid HL2 stuttering bug images I've been making each day: Half Arsed 2

Yeah I have plenty of time on my hands. :)

My GOD u have NO LIFE!!

70 some odd pages of people bitching about their problems playin HL2.....get over it...patch will come.
RipSaw said:
70 some odd pages of people bitching about their problems playin HL2.....get over it...patch will come.

You're missing the point. Over a week after the game was released the game is still unplayable in a state that is satisfactory.

But you're alright jack so that's ok then.

One day a game will be released that has no bugs and conditions and issues - oh wait, I'm just thinking of games up until 7 years ago.
Sounds like they are going to release a patch with two bugs fixed and then another one later on for the nvidia cards... I want one patch today with all three fixes please!!
Edit: Yeah i just checked, that post was made yesterday so the patch is still due today.
?? I don't understand... the post is from 11-24-04 (GMT... all the worldwide the same time) on the site, isn't it?
3 different bugs, lol no wonder the game lags like shit. but good they are gonna solve all 3 :)
Uh I'm sure this is something that has been brought up before, but I will say it again; surely these issues with sound and graphics should have been caught in the final testing of the game before release????
CreamyG said:
Uh I'm sure this is something that has been brought up before, but I will say it again; surely these issues with sound and graphics should have been caught in the final testing of the game before release????

It wouldn't suprise me if it was. TBH having worked in QA it is not usually that end of the dept to blame, a lot of issues will HAVE to be put off to make the submission/master date (and shipping). As long as no class 1 (hangs/crashes) are present the company may decide to ship it and patch it later (if it is on a patchable format), obviously they are not going to put something like that in Known issues.

Games have been known to ship with hangs in them, under certain conditions, not obvious places but they are there and someone must call the shots on whether the code ships or not and often it IS better to get it out than delay again as that could cost highly. And after all they are a business and if they don't make money, we don't get HL3. :(

Looking forward to the patch -though my Game has improved greatly with a few of the tweaks and I have played for over 10 hours now. Much better without the stutters (and just better in general after the first chapters)
For a game that was delayed SO long, I am amazed that Valve let this slip through the cracks. Very poor! Regardless, it is nice to know this patch is going to be out soon. I have the same problem... I am going to wait until the patch is released until I play again; it is very annoying and can make the game difficult to play.

But honestly, there's no excuse for this glitch... 3 bugs? WTF were you doing while the game was delayed, Valve?
CR0M said:
You're missing the point. Over a week after the game was released the game is still unplayable in a state that is satisfactory.

But you're alright jack so that's ok then.

One day a game will be released that has no bugs and conditions and issues - oh wait, I'm just thinking of games up until 7 years ago.

No....YOUR missing the point...all the bitching and complaning wont get the patch released sooner. Not 1 game I have, has been perfect upon release. Different rigs demand different fixes. a better system son.
Gish05 said:
For a game that was delayed SO long, I am amazed that Valve let this slip through the cracks. Very poor! Regardless, it is nice to know this patch is going to be out soon. I have the same problem... I am going to wait until the patch is released until I play again; it is very annoying and can make the game difficult to play.

But honestly, there's no excuse for this glitch... 3 bugs? WTF were you doing while the game was delayed, Valve?

Well, yes in this case it may be true that they could have fixed it before release (after all the patch has come out *fairly* quickly for it). I guess there is no subsitute for a million users world wide devouring your software to hilight all the glitches... a free Q.A procedure if you will, with the obligatory patch.

Considering the depth and , in places, complexity of the game (from a code point of view) they have done a pretty solid job I think.
I like how console games have to be PERFECT on release but pc gamers allow glitches because patches will be out....the game should be PERFECT! Just my opinion. Right now i feel like i got screwed out of 50 bucks....
RipSaw said:
No....YOUR missing the point...all the bitching and complaning wont get the patch released sooner. Not 1 game I have, has been perfect upon release. Different rigs demand different fixes. a better system son.

My guess is that your game works fine, RipSaw?

If so, what the f*** are you doing in this thread?

Go play your "better" system. Son. :LOL:
bah, 74 friggin pages! :bonce:

I'm not having any stuttering problems, but I DO have a constant echo, making alot of the sounds a little strange. Someone suggested it was due to EAX effects enabled in HL2, but I can't find any way to disable it.

The stutter thread at steam forums has over 3500 posts and 320,000 views.
It'll be released to coincide with the release of 'Duke Nukem Forever'.
well, valve f_uc_ked us again! we should be used to it, don't we?
come on patch, patch is better than BUMP

come on , say PATCH!, noT BUMP!




Why cant you relax ? we all who have theese problems want it fixed but no one wants a patch that fixes shit ? just wait and the problems soon will be over, and im sure valve will release is very soon because now they know for sure its alot of users with this problem, not just few as they stated first.
Sorry but SOON is BEFORE a game get gold!
SOON is NOT one week AFTER the game is RELEASED!!!!!

I can't believe it... I have it here... to years waiting... and I can't play it! :eek::eek::eek:
I want this ************************** patch N-N-N-N-O-OW!!!!!
RipSaw said:
No....YOUR missing the point...all the bitching and complaning wont get the patch released sooner. Not 1 game I have, has been perfect upon release. Different rigs demand different fixes. a better system son.

Firstly, judging by your attitude and the use of your grammar I'd say i'm probably old enough to be your dad, and secondly, there is nothing wrong with anyone's system here - it's a bug. Or several bugs to be precise.

So go and shake your rattle elsewhere.

CR0M said:
Firstly, judging by your attitude and the use of your grammar I'd say i'm probably old enough to be your dad, and secondly, there is nothing wrong with anyone's system here - it's a bug. Or several bugs to be precise.

So go and shake your rattle elsewhere.


LOL :thumbs:

one up for us oldies.
wals9331 said:
I like how console games have to be PERFECT on release but pc gamers allow glitches because patches will be out....the game should be PERFECT! Just my opinion. Right now i feel like i got screwed out of 50 bucks....

Making games for consoles and making games for PC's is a whole different ball game. With PC games you will ALWAYS get bugs and different kinds of compatibility problems.

I can't even be bothered to explain to you why this is as it's pretty obvious.
It's suprising the newb rush that has happend on this board.
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