Audio Problems with HL2

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"I like how console games have to be PERFECT on release but pc gamers allow glitches because patches will be out....the game should be PERFECT! Just my opinion. Right now i feel like i got screwed out of 50 bucks...."

Well, keep in mind that console game developers are developing a game which will be running on the same machine no matter where. same specs, same everything.. PCs individually different. Every PC has its own specs and "personallity" which makes it hard for developers to come out with a "bug-free" game.. btw, sorry for any english mistakes, I'm form Israel.. :)
P A T C H ! ! ! !

I work in a job where customers depend on instant gratification sometimes with repairing stuff, so I know that Valve is probably busting tushy to get the patch out to us, and it will be well worth it!!!!
wasted said:
this page needs a picture !!!

This is all I can think of

tdarkjedik said:
Nov 24th, 2004 01:57:59 is the date of the post, isn't it???

Yeah sry. I was looking at the wrong date. But that was 1:00 in the morning, if those times are not PST and like GMT (which is quite likley) then they did actually post it on the 23rd (their time).
I wish people would stop buggering on about what soundcard they've got - it is OBVIOUS that this problem CLEARLY isn't just related to any particular hardware manufacturer.

Personally, I believe it is caused by some conflict with windows SP2 and something else - my counter-strike beta was flawless audio-wise, but after installing SP2 I would get about 3 seconds in game before all sound cut out completely (for the record this didn't affect anything else on the computer running simultaneously like iTunes or DivX).

I reported this to valve at the time, but have never had any response.

I have since tried two other manufacturers cards and had the same effect.
Boaz said:
P A T C H ! ! ! !

I work in a job where customers depend on instant gratification sometimes with repairing stuff, so I know that Valve is probably busting tushy to get the patch out to us, and it will be well worth it!!!!
Well said.

P.S. this is the biggest post i've ever taken part in. I ****ing rule, couldn't have done it without you guys ;) lmao
So, uhhh, it solved yet? All the bug fixes? Wheres this patch?

Should I return this new Geforce6800 for an ATI?

Or will they ever fix this geforce bug, that seems to have been known about in one form or another months ago when the Geforce was losing out to ATI in the HL2 starting to wonder why this game and geforce dont mix so well!
GeForce 6 series user here. I will *not* return my video card for another brand, period. Not to play HL2 or for any other game. Nothing at all against ATI (I'm an nVidia fan, but I certainly acknowledge ATI makes great cards), but if they don't fix this, that's simply unacceptable.

A game shouldn't require one brand of hardware to play, especially if you're talking about *MAJOR* brands.

I think they'll fix this. The question is when...
The changes in this release are directed at reducing the problem some users are experiencing with sound stuttering. The sound stuttering is not indicative of a sound problem, sound stuttering is only a symptom of texture thrashing on your video card or AGP memory. For information on how to reduce texture thrashing visit this link on our support site:

This update will fix sound stuttering that users were experiencing that would last for longer than a few seconds during normal gameplay. This update will also eliminate this same behavior following a quicksave or autosave. There will still be a short pause while the autosave happens, but not the more drawn out stuttering behaivior.

We are still investigating another performance problem on some hardware, which will manifest where the game is getting into a state where performance drops to less than 5 fps and does not recover or crashes.

Next week we will be releasing the Source SDK, along with a surprise for the community.
Well the fix didn't fix a god damn thing on my machine. I guess I'll have to hope the Nvidia patch thing works... stupid 6800.
no benefit here either - in fact, the problem's much worse now. and there seems to be no way whatsoever to revert my copy of the game to the previous version.

not happy. :rolleyes:
arkanis said:
Well the fix didn't fix a god damn thing on my machine. I guess I'll have to hope the Nvidia patch thing works... stupid 6800.

I have an 9800Pro with latest drivers and stuff and it did nothing. I don't think it will be fixed this month tbh.

Welcome to the Valve world.
No change here either, but with lots of added graphical weirdness such as corrupt textures, text and frame rate loss. As for the stuttering...

The same.

Miles Sound System still remains the most likely problem, and let's face it, it will be for the foreseeable future.
the patch has made my game worse. My pc just crashed with the sound loopin lol
Fans of The X-files might get a laugh out of this one. Well I know I need a laugh because this is a ****ing joke.

Time for an image...

Figured I'd try to make my first post a good one...


Hope you liked it.
Erm, the patch made mine WORSE on the intro. Before I was just getting a slight stutter when G-man faded in and out, now it stutters a lot more and i get static noise. Great. My saved game in Ravenholm seems unaffected by the patch, however it is still stutterring when there is a big explosion. Dammit!

I have an ATI graphics card so it cant be a problem with nVidia graphics, although i have onboard nVidia sound? Whats going on?
The problem in the intro with the G-Man has been completely fixed for me. There is still *MINOR* stuttering when it first loads the train station but not nearly as bad as it was. Additionally, the stuttering still occurs from time to time but the frame rate doesn't drop anymore. "Follow Freeman" is actually playable for me now. :thumbs:

It will most likely take multiple patches before this is fixed for everyone. Anyone who thought otherwise clearly needs to get a reality check.
G-Man intro was smooth but the rest was exactly the same....

Pick up the trash trash trash can ect!!!

What an earth are they playing at, if you're going to fix something might as well do it properly. I suppose it's good that there's at least some news.... It's just such an awe awe awe awef f full thing ng ng ng ng.

It happens every time a new sound is loaded that's for sure. So it's not just texture related. Severely f***ed of with it all now!!

Why have they released this update, it's done nothing. Things in life are simple, 1+1=2. If you say you have fixed something, that you would assume would mean that what was broken is now fixed. But with valve it's a case of 1+1=0!!!
patch did nothing for me either. just tried hl2 and cs source and both have the same lockup then stutter. bummer i was hoping to play over thankgiving holiday.

same symptoms. game locks up for 10 seconds and audio loops for 1 or 2 seconds before things move again. does not happen for 5 minutes then it happens 3 times in a row. the game is totally useless to me...

I haven't tested mine yet but the stutterring wasn't really severe for me, just noticeable.

Alot of people are reporting that this fix lessens the effects but doesn't erradicate it completely, food for thought that this was merely a masking attempt.

Not that I would ever accuse valve of such a heinous act but I'm thinking they are trying to brush the "Miles audio" issue under the rug. Whether this fixes things or not, an option to use directosund as opposed to miles should be released in future patches simply because it is prone to these kind of stuttering problems in other games and in mp3 playback.
Did I miss something. What they posted was not a patch. It just was a suggestion with changing settings in the game.
Flippin A man,

patch didn't fix mine, but it hasn't seemed to get worse, actually it may have improved, but the juries still out on that one.

I was wondering if I should take out the fixes that have already been put in, to put it back to "default". Like cv_smooth 0 and sndmix-ahead 0.8...

Anyone tried it vanilla?

For cryin' crimminy, Valve - way to get our hopes up, right before Thanksgiving too. Thanks for an awesome, stuttery game. It's like seeing greatness through a cracked glass.
Yea this is bs. And the fact that it worked for some people is only gonna make Valve care less about fixing it for the rest of us in any timely fashion.
Are we supposed to put our settings back and keep our hardware acceleration down?
Welp... I assume that it wasn't a patch... merely a suggestion of how to fix the problem it actually suggests what I've done many times already and had the same exact problems. I've actually noticed the problem getting progressively worse as I go through the game, which I Have not finished because every 10-30 minutes the game will lock up entirely. This happens after I've spent the entire time fighting through the stuttering. I guess we're just at the whim of Valve at the moment. Maybe they'll patch it or maybe they'll just keep telling us it's our fault.
Something is not right here...

I just talked to someone that has a 2400+, 9800 Pro 128mb, cheap Asus mobo, 512MB of dual channel, hdd with 8mb cache, generic 480W PSU. I have the SAME THING, except my mobo is an A7N8X Deluxe and I have an Antec TruePower 400W. He doesn't experience the stuttering, I do. Same settings: textures, high. Models, high. 2x FSAA, 2x Aniso.

Its either my power supply (I doubt this) or Valve hates nForce2 motherboards.
Is their a reason why you guys are acting like those suggestions are the patch that Valve has been working on the last few days??
The patch is out AHH I see, I fell asleep with steam running. Would it have DLed auto????
josh7485 said:
Is their a reason why you guys are acting like those suggestions are the patch that Valve has been working on the last few days??

Half-Life 2 did update on Steam. It's just that the update doesn't work!
after I downloaded the patch, I started a new game and the audio stuttering was nearly gone. I still get minor audio stuttering... Its bearable, but valve needs to finish fixing this problem.
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