August 6th, 2005 -- Nukes planned to Detonate in America

The city that I live in doesn't have a high Jewish population (A few Israeli students mainly), neither is it in the US :D

Oh..ummm... your the winner then....I think. :|
SimonomiS said:
"In other news, Hell has frozen over and Elton John has announced he's straight."
WHAT!? Elton's not straight!? Dear god, what IS the world coming to?
gh0st said:
i don't want my glorious American saccule in his mouth. I'd just spank him with the bible, that'll show him to **** with Jesus.
Nobody ****s with the Jesus.
jabberwock95 said:
'Seperate compartments'? They have obviously never read anythng about nuclear weapons.

Well, I actually thought that's how it works. When the content of the compartments get's mixed there's a boom! At least that's what I heard.
stinger.aim92 said:
Well, I actually thought that's how it works. When the content of the compartments get's mixed there's a boom! At least that's what I heard.

Die Hard 3, yo.
Foxtrot said:
Nobody ****s with the Jesus.
I DO! WIth the Baby Jesus Buttplug! Guaranteed to with-hold anything you find discomforting. Available in Blue, Red, and the brand new brown! Get yours today!

*EDIT* @Icarusintel: Send me a pic of you so I can get the drawing of the statue ready.
Don't worry there is a contengincy (sp?)

We will simply nuke the middle east until humans can no longer inhabit bin ladens "mecca" ...


stinger.aim92 said:
Well, I actually thought that's how it works. When the content of the compartments get's mixed there's a boom! At least that's what I heard.

Nope, you have to allow the nuclear material to reach critical mass, it's not like a chemistry reaction at all. It's either Uranium or Plutonium (highly enriched) unless you yourself have discovered a way to distribute a controlled neutron flux transfer from Uranium to Plutonium.

Good night out like.
The only realistic thing there is the whole machine gun thing in schools and centers and stuff...that is entirely possible provided they have a gun and someone willing to risk their life for their retarded version of "Allah". Good thing I go to a Jewish school...if anything happens our 80 year old guard with a glock will protect all 800 of us.
cyberpitz said:
I'll sit here, and when the day hits...I'll still be sittin here, having NO Idea whats going on out in the real world. I live in teh boonies..100's of miles from the next big city *Kansas City* so I think I'm somewhat safe.
Radation might affect you or crops. I doubt this though. 9 Nukes... really? That would basically cause America to become the land of radation, the most deadly part of the nuke IMO.
It is far safer to over-estimate your enemy than to under-estimate them. I can believe some of it but not all of it.

Could they have nukes already in the US? I have no doubt about it. Do they have 40? Probably not that many but just one will be more than enough.

Are they organized enough to do this? Again maybe not 40 nukes but they are certainly capable of doing at least one which once again would be more than enough.

Is this fear mongering? Perhaps. However out of the fools reading this I have to say the bigger fools are the ones who will dismiss it outright completely. Be they extreme American patriots who believe their government will protect them from everything or people who completely believe this is just a government ploy in trying to scare the public into being fearful, doesn't matter. They are both the worst of the fools in my book.
jabberwock95 said:
No Nuclear weapons (suitcase or otherwise) contain Uranium and Plutonium. Uranium or plutonium is used, never both.
you are wrong.
You shouldn't be afraid of the nukes. It's very hard to confirm such info, so it's mainly on sh!tty websites, and not on CNN and such. When all USA's defense is going to be concentrated on August 6th, the terrorist will strike when and where most of the defense is absent. Perhaps striking a day earlier or a day later. But not with nukes. That would be an irrational and a wrong move. Definitely not with nukes...

Somebody is simply trying to stir up the hive amongst the citizens. And to get the Pentagon busy.
The Mullinator said:
It is far safer to over-estimate your enemy than to under-estimate them. I can believe some of it but not all of it.

Could they have nukes already in the US? I have no doubt about it. Do they have 40? Probably not that many but just one will be more than enough.

Are they organized enough to do this? Again maybe not 40 nukes but they are certainly capable of doing at least one which once again would be more than enough.

Is this fear mongering? Perhaps. However out of the fools reading this I have to say the bigger fools are the ones who will dismiss it outright completely. Be they extreme American patriots who believe their government will protect them from everything or people who completely believe this is just a government ploy in trying to scare the public into being fearful, doesn't matter. They are both the worst of the fools in my book.

well said
Also, these backpack nukes are Soviet, which means there is a significant chance they are junk and will not work.

A crude generalization or are the Soviets infact really horrific engineers?
I hope it to not be true

also all this remind me of 24
Why would they do something like this for a start, i mean if they do the basically f*cking themselves anally if they do, cos no ones gonna stand for it and it'll probly end up with a nuclear winter, then we're all screwed and we'll all float about aimlessly in the ether.

Reaktor4 said:
you are wrong.
Damn, I knew it.... :dozey:

Is there any more to your argument?

AFAIK, there are two ways of detonating a nuclear device. One is the compression method, that uses a sphere of uranium or plutonium surrounded by 'lenses' high explosive. When the explosive detonates the fissable material is compressed to a high enough density to form a supercritical mass that can sustain a chain reaction.

The other method uses a 'gun' that fires a slug of uranium or plutonium into another mass of the same substance with enough force to produce a supercritical mass.

I am not including anthing about depleted uranium neutron deflectors or thermonuclear devices (which contain deuterium) for the sake of simplicity.

Oh, I forgot:

U R T3H WR0NG0R!!!11! :E
D.L said:
Why would they do something like this for a start, i mean if they do the basically f*cking themselves anally if they do, cos no ones gonna stand for it and it'll probly end up with a nuclear winter, then we're all screwed and we'll all float about aimlessly in the ether.

ummm... they're terrorists, they don;t give a shit about human life... i mean they kill kids for chirst's sake.. and they're so scattered they're not too worried about being completely destroyed

though it would wake the motherf*ckers up if we just started nuking the middle east
it's times like these i'm glad i live in alabama...if they nuked us, it would be out sheer boredom.
Not me...I still hate living here ether way.
I basing my predictions on the game Act of War. First it was that Refinery in Texas (although it was an accident of somesort in real life), then targets in London (which is happening right now).

So I guessing any type of attack will be taking place in San Fransisco in a couple of weeks
This kinda stuff is just needlessly scary and pointless. It's designed to get people worried. It wont happen.

That said, the scariest thing is that it can't actually be that hard. I mean, couldn't they just strap a nuke to a bi-plane or something? there are so many ways it could happen; but I'll take comfort in knowing that it's never hapenned before. Terrorism has been going on scince civilisation has started, and so far the only large scale disasters have been linked in with goverments and militiaries. So far, all terrorism has done is stir terror, like the name implies. Until a bomb is developed that can fit in the palm of your hand yet wipe out a continent with a button press, I think we're safe :D
those news articles are basically terrorism- they are terrorizing people, But that is what the media people do, feed on human misery

(lols conan)
Suicide42 said:
This kinda stuff is just needlessly scary and pointless. It's designed to get people worried. It wont happen.

That said, the scariest thing is that it can't actually be that hard. I mean, couldn't they just strap a nuke to a bi-plane or something? there are so many ways it could happen; but I'll take comfort in knowing that it's never hapenned before. Terrorism has been going on scince civilisation has started, and so far the only large scale disasters have been linked in with goverments and militiaries. So far, all terrorism has done is stir terror, like the name implies. Until a bomb is developed that can fit in the palm of your hand yet wipe out a continent with a button press, I think we're safe :D
What could be called terrorism in various forms brought the Roman empire to its knees a few times in history, and im not talking about any foreign countries military either.

I have no doubt the Soviet Union hid a few nuclear devices in the US and I have no reason to doubt that a few ex-soviet agents would be willing to devulge their location for a price. It is also well known that Soviet Union nuclear weapons even in Russia have gone missing: (note the date the article was written too.)

Smuggling things like that into the US is not difficult at all really. Sea ports right now are not very good for security and all it would take would be a private ship operator who works for a terrorist organization (Al Qaeda does have its own ships) to take it over to a US sea port and chances are it would not be caught, in fact you could just do it by hiding it in a cargo container on just about any ship. Heck people have smuggled stolen cars into and out of US seaports in the past. Sure they have new technologies being implemented at seaports now but they won't do much good for things already in the country.

Once a device is in the country there is almost no hope of finding it unless it was being tracked anyway. Once its in the country and authorities have no leads on where it may be or whether or not it is even in the country then you can just trust to blind luck that these people screw up and are found before they can do anything.

Even if the article is just meant to scare people you really should know that we aren't nearly as safe as you would think. I knew all this before 9/11 happened and I am pretty sure the government knew before it too.
Sorry for bumping an old topic, but it's only one day left until the alleged attacks are supposed to take place. Although reading the rest of the links and "news" on that site doesn't exactly give it credibility. I think this is just sensationalist news.
vetebulle said:
Sorry for bumping an old topic, but it's only one day left until the alleged attacks are supposed to take place. Although reading the rest of the links and "news" on that site doesn't exactly give it credibility. I think this is just sensationalist news.

Apology not accepted for helping the fear-mongers!

Ack! Now I did it too! :O
Actually, I'd be surprised if there actually was any substance to these threats, or if the threats are even genuine and not frabricated. I guess we're about to find out though. :|
aw, man, better go repent, or something... *grumble*
Doesn't this belong in the Political forum? (Just wondering)

9 nukes can pretty much kill nearly half of the US of A.
If somehow, they were able to just launch one nuke, the frenzy that would cause would be ungodly. You'd have nearly every 18 year old joining the Army, Air Force, Navy and what not, and we'd go apeshit nuking every suspected terrorist uphold. They wouldnt dare.
Would be cool though. Heh. Stupid americans have no idea I'm Osama. I mean. Hell, terrorists nowadays.
Uriel said:
If somehow, they were able to just launch one nuke, the frenzy that would cause would be ungodly. You'd have nearly every 18 year old joining the Army, Air Force, Navy and what not, and we'd go apeshit nuking every suspected terrorist uphold. They wouldnt dare.

I dont think they are too bothered about the payback. Besides who on earth would hijack 4 airliners and perform a combined attack in the heart of America..thats just in the movies right!?