Avatar: FernGully 2: Pocahontas Dances With Smurfs In Space In 3D On Ice

Like others have said, the first half is pretty slow. For a while, I was wondering why I decided to go to the midnight showing when I had to get up at 8 in the morning, but as soon as the point of no return happens, I was locked in my seat for the rest of the movie. The battle sequences and drama that followed were spectacular.

Cameron did a good job at making me feel very empathetic towards the Na'vi. The facial animations, in particular, were the most lifelike I have seen in an animated movie.

When their great tree was taken down, and they were all screaming because they lost their spiritual and physical home of centuries, I started to tear up a bit.

The final battle scene was one of the best I've seen in sci-fi film.

Even though the Na'vi's traditions can easily mirror popular media's view of Native American traditions, Cameron did something unique with the Na'vi and how everything is interconnected with nature, and in a scientifically possible way.

With a half billion dollar budget, I was hoping for the visuals to be a little more believable when the humans were mixed in with the CG, especially the mechs and gunships, but the Na'vi and the forest world both look amazing on their own. I loved the amount of detail that went into the fauna, even though some of the creatures looked like animals from Earth except with an extra pair of legs, though that's unfair to say considering their anatomy is different in other ways, including the way they breathe and the color and texture of their skin.

I wouldn't say this is Oscar-worthy except for visual effects and anything else technical like that. However, if you are a fan of sci-fi, this movie is a must-see.
a michael bay terminator would have been inifnitely better than the POS we got this year :(

I thought what we got was pretty much Michael Bay does Terminator. Either way it was ****ing terrible. Worse than Crystal Skull and Episode 1 combined.
I'm thinking of going to see this some time next week but the nearest IMAX theater is over 2 hours away.
Has anyone seen it in a regular theater?
I did in 3d. Dont know how it compares to imax as I have never seen a film in imax yet :|

I thought what we got was pretty much Michael Bay does Terminator. Either way it was ****ing terrible. Worse than Crystal Skull and Episode 1 combined.

yeah kind of but I would rather watch a ****ing bay marathon (but I like the rock :) )than that putrid bile again :flame:

TBH I think it was still better than ep1 but very close to indy 4.

IMO the rock>almost any bay movie>Ep1>t4>indy 4
I'm thinking of going to see this some time next week but the nearest IMAX theater is over 2 hours away.
Has anyone seen it in a regular theater?
I saw it in a small theater with no 3D. It still looked great, but there were so many parts that would have been more exciting if I was seeing it in 3D.
To be honest, i saw it in 3d, it was good, but i truly don't think it was necessarily, sure the field of dept was pretty cool, but after the first 30 mins, the 3d starts to get less noticeable, but the jelly fish plant thing scene in 3d was pretty impressive.
Yeah the 3d effect was cool at first but was not necessary at all and as the film went on you just didn't notice it. I think cameron just has a big ***** for spending money in unbelievable ways (3d in avatar the game? come on >_>)
Alright, cool.
Just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be missing anything extraordinary by seeing it on a regular silver screen.
I thought what we got was pretty much Michael Bay does Terminator. Either way it was ****ing terrible. Worse than Crystal Skull and Episode 1 combined.

But Micheal Bay does stupid action movies that have action and that was a stupid action movie without action!
I've never seen a movie in 3d before. Other than those old 3d glasses as a kid which never worked for me.
All things considered, Bay has good special effects, albeit too much at times. This Avatar film has special effects equivilant to a Pixar film, and its a live action film. Seeing the trailers, and what not.
Just got back from it. Oh my God. Easily one of the greatest epic movies I have ever seen.
Whoever compared it to a Bay film, go soak your head. This movie will probably go down as one of the greatest accomplishments of film making - ever. And not just because of the effects. I left the theater feeling I was living on the wrong planet.
Anyway, fanboy-esque rant over, go see it, go see it with an open mind, you'll love it.
From what I've heard it goes from 'decent' to 'HOLY **** THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER.'
Bay is generic.

Its just lots of explosions, a plot you dont really care about, characters you dont really care about. He just gets a budget and says 'right, how many explosions can we do with 99% of the budget'.

Yes his movies sell well, and as far as I can tell, its only because he throws in so-called 'hot' women (whats the appeal with Megan Fox anyway? She's a bitch apparently. I'd happily kick her out of bed in favour of another celeb. No attraction there at all for me. Not even a wiggle down there).


I've heard nothing but good things about this film, so I'm certainly going to be buying a ticket for the first time in what feels like years to see this film in its full effect.
Not as good as Star Wars/10

But still very, very good. The 3D.....

Lord of the Rings was made about a half decade too soon. :(
It would mostly consist of this

A Film Show said:
Avatar Review:

Sparta: Not a bad film. It was rather cliched, and I can guarantee everyone's seen this story in at least one form or another in the past two decades, but James Cameron's direction manages to make it none-the-less quite enjoyable. The real strong suit of the film is it's stunning CGI, which will surely take home the Oscar for it next year. Avatar is a well-paced, harmless action epic that's a sure-fire good-time. Three and a half stars out of five. Samon?

Samon: You are a worthless peasant who is beneath even my contempt for considering such a low-bro piece of "moving imagery" enjoyable. This film could've been written by a monkey with a typewriter. Actually, I take that back, as that is an insult to monkeys with typewriters and their previous works such as "Norbit" and "Baby Geniuses 2". Any film with a narrative element named "Unobtainium" automatically qualifies the filmmaker and his family a way ticket to the centre of the sun. A single gravity well of stupidity and unoriginality out of five. Sparta.

Sparta: Uh, Ok, sure, it's cliched like I've said so it's certainly not original, but do you really consider it that appalling?

Samon: Yes. It is an abomination upon the nature of creativity itself.

Sparta: The special effects didn't impress you?

Samon: I've seen better.

Sparta: Where?

Samon: In other films.

Sparta: What films?

Samon: Others.

Sparta: Righto... Our next film...
You forgot the obligatory mention of Lost in Translation.
Lost in Translation has some kickass special effects.
really miccynarc? i thought the dialogue sucked and i knew pretty much every plot point in the story about 10 minutes into the movie. I didn't really think about anything during the entire movie except "wow that looks cool" or "he has scars on his face" or "humans are dicks". ****ING SEXY VISUALS THOUGH, THEREFORE 10/10 IN MY BOOKS.
Well, it looked delicious and Weaver, by all accounts, is very good at her job. But that's about all I have to say on the positive end of the spectrum.
I went to see it in IMAX3D they were sold out for all shows that night. So I ended up seeing it in regular 3D. There was defiantly depth and like layers to the 3D but it seemed like anything that was supposed to be 3D was very blurry. Did anyone else have this effect? Was it not as blurry in IMAX3D?
Are people complaining about Ribisi's use of the word 'unobtanium' to describe the mineral they were after? I thought the character was using it to talk down to the soldier, not because the director was at a loss for a creative name for the mineral (or because he was trying to be funny), but because it implies that the value of that mineral was worth more than the soldier's life (and apparently anything else on that planet). The word unobtanium has been in use since the 1950s, and has more than one meaning ascribed to it.
I went to see it in IMAX3D they were sold out for all shows that night. So I ended up seeing it in regular 3D. There was defiantly depth and like layers to the 3D but it seemed like anything that was supposed to be 3D was very blurry. Did anyone else have this effect? Was it not as blurry in IMAX3D?

Same here.

Just saw it last night, and I must say I was a bit disappointed. There were some cool moments here and there, but the story was very predictable and a lot of details were left unexplained - a visually attractive film, but very cliche storyline and characters. Very much a popcorn flick.
Just saw it today in 3D. Was it predictable? Yes. Was it cliche? Yes. Was it entertaining as hell? **** yes. This is how 3D should be used in movies. Many of the scenes were stunning. Definitely won't win any awards for dialogue though. Also, if you do see it make sure you bring a female if possible. This is the kind of movie that you can enjoy AND will get you laid.
Are people complaining about Ribisi's use of the word 'unobtanium' to describe the mineral they were after? I thought the character was using it to talk down to the soldier, not because the director was at a loss for a creative name for the mineral (or because he was trying to be funny), but because it implies that the value of that mineral was worth more than the soldier's life (and apparently anything else on that planet). The word unobtanium has been in use since the 1950s, and has more than one meaning ascribed to it.
I heard people behind me snickering at the word. I was about to hit them with a stick.
Avatar - 9/10

I liked it. There, I've said it. I quite liked it. I saw it in 3D, and the effects were nicely done. The colors were vivid, although the 3D goggles prevented me from taking all of their glory in directly. The Na'vi were actually OK, for CG beings. They were actually well rendered, with believable expressions, emotions, etc. It was awkward at first, but I got used to that soon enough. People complained about it's nearly 3 hour of runtime, but I think that without it being that long, the story would have been vey very choppy - much like the first golden compass movie. Also, I do love a good long movie. Like the Lord of the Rings.

Howver, there were certain shortcomings in the movie. For example, the Colonel (who I very much liked, very badass) was portrayed very shallowly, very flat, with only one type of personality. I guess it appeals to the immature - the bad vs the good thingy, but I have to say, it is mankind that is good, and the xenos that must be purged.

If I had my way, the ending would have looked like this:

The exploitative corporate powers wipe out the entire Na'vi resistance, via high altitude bombing runs and VX gas. Along with napalm. Lots and lots of napalm. Jack Sully is arrested and tried for multiple counts of first degree murder, sabotage, destruction of private property, dessertion, treason, and finally beastiality. He is found guilty of all charges.

The Na'vi are then rounded up in reservations where tourists from Earth can stare at them. The mining operation is a complete success, and humanity ushers in a new era of prosperity, ready to fight and annihiliate the next sentient alien race for the glory of mankind, in a war for dominance of the universe.

To add certain new things: "Get some!" was actually nicely done. Albeit overdone.

The ending was very..... distressing. I could see that many people in the theatre were disturbed by the sight of mankind's warriors defeated and shattered - much like in Starcraft: Broodwar.

I loved the movie. Come get some. :p