Avatar: FernGully 2: Pocahontas Dances With Smurfs In Space In 3D On Ice

Just got back from 3D IMAX. Nothing that happens is a surprise, but it's hard not to get swept up in it all. :)
Well I haven't actually watched the film yet, I just read the script a few months ago.

The story is bunk, but the Colonel rocks as the bad guy (some serious arms on the old dude as well...), and the visuals are top notch. See it now Eejit, the kad demands it ;)

There was a brief moment where in I think Michelle Rodriguez's left tit managed to completely mesmerise the male audience during the middle of a no doubt important plot piece, which kind of made me realise why they opted to go down the mongolian flatchested route with the Navi females. Tits in 3D = very distracting :rolleyes:

Also I kind of felt sorry for the submissive given that he was hardly in it, and they didn't bond his body to his Avatar (the gits).

Colonel rocks though
Hey, what do you know, it was a cliched-ridden yet amazingly entertaining movie.
The 3D was cool, but it wasn't as Earth-shattering as people have said it is. 3D technology still has a far way to go. There were too many blurry parts in 3D intensive parts and when things started to moving fast, it was hard to see what was going on.

The visuals were still spectacular on the second time through, but the 3D disappointed a little.
What 3D format did you guys view it in? I saw it in RealD, and for the most part it was a very clear picture. Supposedly the Dolby 3D does not work as well at odd angles or when moving your head around.
I actually wonder now, about the atmosphere:

Why is it that man cannot breathe the atmosphere of Pandora? Lack of oxygen? Doesn't explain the fire and combustion engines.

Is it poisonous gas? That doesn't explain how people recover from breathing outside air.

Carbon Monoxide or Sulphur Dioxide? Might explain it, but also recovery, as well as oxygen masks being oxygen masks and not filteration systems.

Too much CO2 compared to Oxygen? Explains the masks, but dunno about fire.

Looking at the fires and engines, there is Oxygen in the atmosphere. But humans need Oxygen masks - not filterted rebreathers. What prevents them from taking in the oxygen from the atmosphere? 2 minutes of no mask = unconsciousness, 5 min = death. Exactly like oxygen deprivation. But why?

Maybe I'm thinking too deep about this.
I actually wonder now, about the atmosphere:

Why is it that man cannot breathe the atmosphere of Pandora? Lack of oxygen? Doesn't explain the fire and combustion engines.

Is it poisonous gas? That doesn't explain how people recover from breathing outside air.

Carbon Monoxide or Sulphur Dioxide? Might explain it, but also recovery, as well as oxygen masks being oxygen masks and not filteration systems.

Too much CO2 compared to Oxygen? Explains the masks, but dunno about fire.

Looking at the fires and engines, there is Oxygen in the atmosphere. But humans need Oxygen masks - not filterted rebreathers. What prevents them from taking in the oxygen from the atmosphere? 2 minutes of no mask = unconsciousness, 5 min = death. Exactly like oxygen deprivation. But why?

Maybe I'm thinking too deep about this.

i thought it was implied that the air was poisonous to breath, for reasons not explained.

but how do you know the masks weren't filteration systems? it did in fact seem more likely that they were filteration masks, because i didn't notice anyone carrying a tank of oxygen while wearing a mask.

doesn't explain the recovery though. maybe they were treated with nearly pure oxygen afterwards, it just wasn't shown in the film as it wasn't really important.
i thought it was implied that the air was poisonous to breath, for reasons not explained.

but how do you know the masks weren't filteration systems? it did in fact seem more likely that they were filteration masks, because i didn't notice anyone carrying a tank of oxygen while wearing a mask.

doesn't explain the recovery though. maybe they were treated with nearly pure oxygen afterwards, it just wasn't shown in the film as it wasn't really important.

Actually, if I recall correctly, there were tanks - although they were small. Also, take a look at my avatar. It's a K51 Gas mask but with an oxygen tank attached. Filters are generally put at the mask itself, because the hose can get tangled. Of course, motorized filters have hoses, but they're normally used for hazmat suits.

You can see the transparent hose that goes from his mask to the thing lying on his lap.

Or I'm just being a nerd and prying at something not really important.
well then. it seems that I was wrong.

South-Korea wins this round
going to see this tonight with some friends....i still have high hopes
What 3D format did you guys view it in? I saw it in RealD, and for the most part it was a very clear picture. Supposedly the Dolby 3D does not work as well at odd angles or when moving your head around.
I saw it in RealD.
WUT?! My god cameron is clearly a master of the silver screen if he can convey subtle themes such as those which have obviously never been done before :O
No, movies have narrow and clearly defined messages about what is right solely in the context of the film.
just got back from seeing it. reminded me a lot of Star Wars Episode 1.

also from watching all the previews it kinda spoiled the movie a bit. i need to watch less previews and just go into a movie blind because the fun part is letting it all unfold. saw it in Real3D or whatever its called

overall 8/10
just got back from seeing it. reminded me a lot of Star Wars Episode 1.

I hope your just talking about the FX (which did kinda remind me of ep 1 too). Or are you talking about the story? Because, as faulty as Avatar's story is, its way better than ep 1. As is the acting. And the characters.

Anyway, I guess Cameron wants to make 2 more sequels. As much as I liked Avatar, I really don't see the need for another, nor do I see what more can be expanded on. Human's come back with more weapons? A different alien species invades perhaps? Or maybe humans will migrate to Pandora because earth is fubar? I dunno. Id rather see Cameron tackle Battle Angel next.
I hope your just talking about the FX (which did kinda remind me of ep 1 too). Or are you talking about the story? Because, as faulty as Avatar's story is, its way better than ep 1. As is the acting. And the characters.

Anyway, I guess Cameron wants to make 2 more sequels. As much as I liked Avatar, I really don't see the need for another, nor do I see what more can be expanded on. Human's come back with more weapons? A different alien species invades perhaps? Or maybe humans will migrate to Pandora because earth is fubar? I dunno. Id rather see Cameron tackle Battle Angel next.

in Star Wars: EP 1 it was a technological breakthrough at its time for being that massive of a movie with flowing CGI content and same with Avatar,
plus the whole destruction of Naboo's forest is pretty similar to the tree being knocked down in Avatar

but yes Avatar > EP 1
in Star Wars: EP 1 it was a technological breakthrough at its time for being that massive of a movie with flowing CGI content and same with Avatar,
but yes Avatar > EP 1

I definitely agree with the "breakthrough for its time", but with one major exception: every cgi character just looked too much like a "special effect" (jarjar, oto, and pretty much all the aliens). Every scene with one of them in it (which was a lot) I would get distracted, it would remind me that its just a special effect and wasn't really there walking around. I had the same issue with some scenes in the first LotR, as well as the cgi Neo and Agent Smiths in the Matrix sequels. But Avatar has definitely raised the bar for cgi characters. Sort of. While the world and the Navi were beautifully rendered, the mechs looked less than stellar. The overall effect was wonky looking, especially when you saw a person inside while it was moving around.

One thing I gotta praise Cameron on is how he handle the big action set pieces. Despite things going at a frantic pace with so much on the screen, never once was I confused at to what I was seeing (something that Bay should learn)
plus the whole destruction of Naboo's forest is pretty similar to the tree being knocked down in Avatar
Yea I can see that now that you mentioned it.
I definitely agree with the "breakthrough for its time", but with one major exception: every cgi character just looked too much like a "special effect" (jarjar, oto, and pretty much all the aliens). Every scene with one of them in it (which was a lot) I would get distracted, it would remind me that its just a special effect and wasn't really there walking around.

Oddly enough, there actually were actors on-set playing most of those important cgi roles. It was just that the way the eyes were animated and their positioning that really causes the viewer to think otherwise.

David.Seth2 said:
One thing I gotta praise Cameron on is how he handle the big action set pieces. Despite things going at a frantic pace with so much on the screen, never once was I confused at to what I was seeing (something that Bay should learn)

Yeah he's quite competent at that, but I was pretty disappointed at...
how quickly the good guys got wiped out in the space of... what... 30 seconds? That was cheesy
if Im lucky I work 730 to 1230 today...meaning I have the whole day to get to an Imax theater.
That will make it viewing nr.3 for me.
I'm glad someone else noticed the Mechs not being as convincing as the rest. Also if you want to see special effects REALLY blended in with verisimilitude, watch Pan's Labyrinth. Especially the part where that guy's cheek is sliced open. Cringe worthy! That also leaves me with high hopes for the new Hobbit movie with Guillermo del Toro directing and Peter Jackson producing. Should have truly great special effects blended in.
Saw this tonight in glorious 3D and really enjoyed it. Cliche story, sure but I loved the CGI. Some of the environments were beautiful and I liked the music too. I suspect we have pages of people picking holes in small inconsistencies which always baffles me, I'm not bothered if something had a low poly render. You have to a mood on a knife edge for that to bother you.

The flora and fauna were interesting and I especially liked the bio-luminescence. Grew to really like the Naytiri character too. Liked Sigourney Weaver being in it, especially since she basically played Diane Fossey from Gorillas in the Mist which I only saw recently.

A friend of mine had a copy he was going to give me, but I'm really glad I went to see this in 3D at the cinema. It was really enjoyable and its rare there is ever a film I'm interested in enough to go see it. No regrets, loved it.
I was going to see this, but then I realized it was only in 3D. **** that.
It's actually pretty well done 3D, unlike...well... pretty much every other 3d film I've ever seen.
blah blah blah Sigourney Weaver

Holy shit, I just remembered I had a dream last night where I was working on the oddly low budget production of Alien 5 and Sigourney Weaver for some reason couldn't act like Ripley any more, and the director got so pissed off that the whole film was cancelled.

If the first Avatar is like Return of the Jedi, then the second one should be about humans coming back and rape horribly.

the Empire Strikes Back, baby.
When Sully and Naytiri were hunting, there was this hilarious zoom-in shot of an alien deer that looked extremely dorky and cute at the same time, with its large bug eyes. Both times I saw this, I laughed out loud.

Do not laugh!
I don't know if it's been brought up before, but it sort of annoyed me how

the na'vi didn't just drop rocks into the airship's propellers for the ending fight sequence.

I also wished the final-final fight between jake and the colonel in the mech suit lasted about 3 seconds, I wanted the mech suit to lunge, jack would dodge then cut some hydraulic line leaving the mech useless.

Which is oddly similar to how I felt about a fight sequence in batman begins; batman is talking to ducard under the runaway train and batman says something like, "I can take you" so ducard says, "as you wish" and like 5 ninjas appear from nowhere. So they all jump down off the ledge and go into a big fight sequence. I wish batman jumped down, then used his grappling hook to fly right back up...leaving all the ninjas down there.
It's actually pretty well done 3D, unlike...well... pretty much every other 3d film I've ever seen.

3D adds nothing to a movie, other than a pointless and gimmicky crowd pleaser that pretty much confirms the movie will be less intelligent. I have never seen any application of 3D and said, "Well that certainly made for a better movie!"

there is a 2d version.

Not near me.
Movie was awesome, 10/10.
Saw in 3d, while that was neat, it's pretty much unnecessary. (You really do forget it's 3d after a while). While there's a number of things to complain about, they're just nitpicks that don't really matter to me. The good guys took their losses, the bad guys had their laughs, then they got their asses kicked by the Toruk rider. Also hot humanoid sex ftw.
3D adds nothing to a movie, other than a pointless and gimmicky crowd pleaser that pretty much confirms the movie will be less intelligent. I have never seen any application of 3D and said, "Well that certainly made for a better movie!"
I have to agree. While 3D is entertaining, it didn't really add a whole lot to the viewing experience. I saw Avatar first in 2D, and I loved it. Since then I have seen it in 3D at the IMAX, and while the effect was nice, it didn't make it a whole new experience. Plus since my friend was late, we got the worst seats in the theater, almost front row all the way to the left side. So a lot of the 3D stuff that was towards the right side of the screen appeared doubled (as if you weren't wearing your glasses at all). I then took my dad to a 3D showing at my local theater, and while we got good seats, the screen seemed really dark and it started to give me a headache (it could have been that the projector was turned down, but who knows). Plus the glasses at that theater were a bit bulkier than the ones at IMAX. They kept slipping down my nose and it almost looked like there were smudge marks on the inside of the lenses which kinda gave the movie a hazy look. Here is the kind im talking about:

Not near me.
That really sucks. I'm surprised it isn't playing because every theater in my area is showing both versions.

I don't know if it's been brought up before, but it sort of annoyed me how
the na'vi didn't just drop rocks into the airship's propellers for the ending fight sequence.
I was thinking the exact same thing. I'm sure it was thought of during development, but maybe they didn't go in that direction because
they wanted the Na'vi to really struggle with this battle, and had they just wiped out the entire fleet with falling rocks, it would have been a bit anti-climatic. Dunno.
I saw it today and enjoyed it. As has already been said, there are a lot of cliches, but the movie is gripping, there is not one dull moment. Plus it looks really nice.

Also, I laughed with my friend at the similarities it had to the game Borderlands. Same planet name, some flying creatures similar to Rakk and the tunnel animation which occured while connecting/disconnecting from the avatars was very much similar to the one playing when you spawn in Borderlands.

Do not laugh!

"You promised us Senator Amidala would die, kill her now!"

Edit: Saw this today, story is a bit predictable but the visuals are stunning it looks solid and its not a bad story. I love how there was a trailer right before it for what seemed the exact same premise though but with more kiddier graphics. And I thought the Vampire movie craze was derivative.

I saw it in 3D and TBH I thought the 3D was a bit of a pointless gimmick, it was a good movie and didn't need it.