Avatar: FernGully 2: Pocahontas Dances With Smurfs In Space In 3D On Ice

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I don't give a ****!
Saw it last night. Agree with what everyone else is saying, I suppose - some hammy lines and contrived set-pieces (knife fight? really?) fail to dent the overall experience, which is pretty astonishing.

The 3D screening was booked out, so I'm going out next week to watch in in 3D :3
OMG PEOPLE HAVE PROBLEMS WITH PARTS OF THE MOVIE!!! no one should ever question the quality of big blockbuster moive that other people seem to like. EVER!!!

it was one dimensional plotwise and the acting was about par with the typical reality show. doesnt mean it had NO redeeming qualities or wasnt entertaining. so is candy floss but you wouldnt eat it for dinner

Just saw, a very good film. 8/10 probably. Saw it in 3D (not IMAX, we don't have that shit here), but it was a bit ruined as we sat on the edge of the row, I think it works better if you're sitting in the middle. Certainly a very obvious anti-imperialism theme to the movie, I felt that the alien were a bit inspired by native american culture. Cameron succeeded in making a very believable and wonderful world, and the visuals were stunning. That being said, it was very predictable at times, and no actor really stood out (in fact, the main actor actually gave a pretty weak performance).

It's a mix of a lot of cultures... then again, tribal communities with a strong connection to nature tend to be pretty similiar.

My biggest problem with the plot was the fact that the big evil mining corporations was the only one interested in the new planet. Wouldn't national governments, international organisations and other corporations be stationed there too?

Costs. It costs million dollars per pound to send something to Pandora and without a high rate of return, it'd be the perfect bankrupcy.

[*]The umbilical chord thing. Why do all creatures have a power chord to make them your "bitch"? I actually compare this to Pokemon or slavery.

It's not an umbilical cord, it's an extension of the nervous system. Basically, you interface with the animals, bond with them. There's nothing currently that I can compare it to, except for connecting two computers via cable. I guess it's something like... well, having a twin all of a sudden.

[*]When Jake gets his first bird, he almost gets eaten by a WAY more cooler evolved Pokemon. Luckily he abandons his first flying mount and makes the way cooler bird his new mount. Later furry girl with her small breasts loves him again because of his new epic mount. :naughty:

I smell a WoW expansion.

So really the movie is great but the real underlying fact about this movie is about the birds and the bees.

My biggest problem with the plot was the fact that the big evil mining corporations was the only one interested in the new planet. Wouldn't national governments, international organisations and other corporations be stationed there too?
Back on Earth it's probably pretty bleak cyberpunk society, governments and international organizations are weak, poor and useless - only corporations like RDA have money and technology for the space exploration and exploitation.
Mikael putting his cable where it shouldn't belong. Bow chicka wow wow. :p I really have to stress though that the movie was great and you should see it. Don't go in there expecting to think, or base something on a critic like Ebert, go to see it for what it is.
Looking back, this is a film my friends and I would have loved if we were about 12.

I loved Col. Miles Quaritch for his absurdly static/cliche Marine-badass personality, and of course that retardedly giant scoped magnum.

Typical, but fun character.

You should watch The Men Who Stare At Goats. The film itself is alright, but Stephen Lang is a scene-stealer every time he appears.
He was in Public Enemies as well! The world needs more Stephen Lang.
I loved how his rage shooting at the 'copter actually landed a kill.
I hope it reaches the top. We need more serious sci-fi movies.
It makes me violently ill that this thread has gotten so many replies.
Bleh, saw it a few weeks ago - 5/10. The only redeeming factor was Sigourney Weaver <3
I can only hope that it annoys every single one of you how much me and my friends enjoyed Avatar

feed me your hatred

goood, goood

I hope it dies and Cameron accidentally lights all the money it made on fire. We need more serious sci-fi movies.


I can only hope that it annoys every single one of you how much me and my friends enjoyed Avatar

feed me your hatred


If people enjoyed it, good for them. It felt like it was aiming at a younger audience to me...it reminded me of Star Wars.
huh, turns out the cinema down here is showing avatar. i think maybe i'm going this weekend.
^It certainly wasn't, but it was not great either. However, as time passes on I feel like Avatar is growing on me, not in a deep sort of way, but the same way Star Wars Episode 3 grew on me; it's ridiculous, often lame, and silly, but just like a dancing monkey, I can't stop watching.

^ not it's proudest moment one must admit

What are jujubes?
The lamest part of the film is definitely when that rogue mercenary chick FLIES IN WITH A PAINTED HELICOPTER WITH CLICHE "TRIBAL" WAR PAINT, LOOKIN' LIKE ADAM ANT. Then she shoots a giant ship with a few bullets and is like "Heheh, muther****ers!" and then gets her ass annihilated by said giant ship.

The lamest part of the film is definitely when that rogue mercenary chick FLIES IN WITH A PAINTED HELICOPTER WITH CLICHE "TRIBAL" WAR PAINT, LOOKIN' LIKE ADAM ANT. Then she shoots a giant ship with a few bullets and is like "Heheh, muther****ers!" and then gets her ass annihilated by said giant ship.

It was especially dumb 'cos without all her tribal bullshit she could have sharked up inside the fleet and no-one would have known it was her being a massive ****ing traitor
Yeah because in the future they'll identify craft simply by visuals like in WW2, right?
Yeah because in the future they'll identify craft simply by visuals like in WW2, right?

Look you monster I'm thinking in film-dumb mode right now and you've put me completely off my stride.

In any case all their instruments were douched up by the weird floating mountains, so I'm going to go ahead and ret-con my original post in my mind as if I'd thought of that back then.
The lamest part of the film is definitely when that rogue mercenary chick FLIES IN WITH A PAINTED HELICOPTER WITH CLICHE "TRIBAL" WAR PAINT, LOOKIN' LIKE ADAM ANT. Then she shoots a giant ship with a few bullets and is like "Heheh, muther****ers!" and then gets her ass annihilated by said giant ship.

That's actually the point. Chacon's personality is gung-ho and it doesn't exactly work.
Anybody know whether IMAX 3D has a higher resolution than the RealD showings? I'm trying to decide between "The IMAX Experience" with a higher ticket price, huge screen, and possibly higher definition image and the RealD standard theater with more comfortable, more effective circularly-polarized glasses.
RealD was way better. IMAX was good, but if you slightly tilted your head the image became blurred, and the image wasn't as sharp as RealD. Still awesome seeing it on IMAX though.