Batman Begins

operative x said:
I hope the actor that is going to play as joker can live up to the role.

Mark Hamil is one of the people auditioning for Joker. I hope he gets the part; he does an extremely good voice of playing Joker in the animated series.
Harryz said:
Mark Hamil is one of the people auditioning for Joker. I hope he gets the part; he does an extremely good voice of playing Joker in the animated series.
He was great for the animated series, but he's way too old looking to be the joker, i mean he has the perfect voice for the role, but just not the right look imo. I hope they don't make the new joker this goofy villain but rather some kind of sick and twisted clown.
I just saw it again for the third time. It kicks my ass all over the place.
IMHO the best Batman movie ever :)
its like...finally someone did some justice for the Batman movies after all the crap ones which were made previously (the ones with George Clooney and Jim Carrey).
anyway, is Christopher Nolan directing the next few Batman movies as well? i hope so.
Just watched it again, but this time on IMAX!! Muhahaha, awesome. 120,000 watt of sound = Teh win
I thought this was going to suck, but it really was fantastic, firstly an excelent explanation for batmans ability to disapear, he knows ninjitsu!

Another thing, I got so excited everytime I saw the cool actors in this movie, Morgan Freeman, Micheal Caine, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, I love this.

I can't get over the fact that batman is a ninja!
i went to see it yesterday, and it really wasn't my cup of tea. i don't know what is.
Shodan said:
I thought this was going to suck, but it really was fantastic, firstly an excelent explanation for batmans ability to disapear, he knows ninjitsu!

Another thing, I got so excited everytime I saw the cool actors in this movie, Morgan Freeman, Micheal Caine, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, I love this.

I can't get over the fact that batman is a ninja!
*Ahem* Liam Neeson... :p
if you love your DC comic batman, this is spot on.. its so much darker, and batman is so much more scary which is exactley how hes portrayed in the first place, hes not supposed to be a loveable kinda guy *cough* george clooney, the origional batman truely is my hero. best movie of the year so far in my opinion.
clarky003 said:
if you love your DC comic batman, this is spot on.. its so much darker, and batman is so much more scary which is exactley how hes portrayed in the first place, hes not supposed to be a loveable kinda guy *cough* george clooney, the origional batman truely is my hero. best movie of the year so far in my opinion.

I agree, they really captured what the comics are about. It was practically Batman: Year One. Simply amazing. Now for the sequel, I think Goyer and Nolan should look at Batman: The Killing Joke since we're expected to see the Joker. It'll explain the Joker's origins and have amazing twists. And for what I think should be the final Batman movie, only one possible choice: Batman: Dark Knight Returns. An aging Bruce Wayne past his prime in a city full of chaos sees that there is no escaping who he is and his duty. And hell, he fights Superman. That's something I have to see on the big screen.
I recall a serie were batman was old and there was this younger batman in a futuristic city.
Christian Bale proves once again how great of an actor he is. Simply amazing movie.

Gunner said:
I saw it last night, it was okay but it had a few problems:

-action scenes are horrible, too zoomed in, can barely tell what's going on.
-batman's voice was lame, sounded like he had throat cancer.
-too many gay one-liners, and bad acting, example: "can you at least tell me what it looks like? oh nevermind" referring to the batmobile.
-too much emphasis on "fear", almost bordering on plagiarism of Yoda's anger/fear/hate routine.

Other than that it's still an entertaining movie, much better than the previous ones with Kilmer & Clooney, but that's not saying much :LOL:

Bad acting? You just proved to this whole forum you dont know what good acting is. Enough said.
Fantastic film, everything that needed to be in the film, was. I loved the ending..
Hmmm, I'm not a huge fan of Batman movies, but since most of you seem to have liked it, I guess If I have nothing better to do tomorrow I will go see it. Atleast it will give me something to watch untill War Of The Worlds is released. :)
I will post my review tomorrow...
Im not a big fan of batman at all, but I am a big fan of War of the worlds.

I thought the trailers for Batman looks crap... But the films great, I think the War of the worlds trailer is good.. so maybe the film will be bad? Hope not.
Adrien C said:
I recall a serie were batman was old and there was this younger batman in a futuristic city.

Yeah Batman Beyond. It was alright...nothing beats the original Batman cartoon from the 90s.
Ritz said:
I thought the trailers for Batman looks crap... But the films great, I think the War of the worlds trailer is good.. so maybe the film will be bad? Hope not.
How dare you say such things!
Good going now you've gone and jinxed it. :p

BTW, you said you really liked the end of the movie, and the quote in your sig sounds like an end-of-movie line... so did you semi-giveaway the ending? :O
Datrix said:
How dare you say such things!
Good going now you've gone and jinxed it. :p

BTW, you said you really liked the end of the movie, and the quote in your sig sounds like an end-of-movie line... so did you semi-giveaway the ending? :O

The last bit in the film, you will see when you go watch the film :p.
DeusExMachinia said:
Yeah Batman Beyond. It was alright...nothing beats the original Batman cartoon from the 90s.

True, got the original Batman Animated series on DVD (apart from Season 3 which I'll be buying soon).

Just watched it again, but this time on IMAX!:E:E

120,000 watt of sound, hehehe.
Gunner said:
I saw it last night, it was okay but it had a few problems:

-action scenes are horrible, too zoomed in, can barely tell what's going on.
I only noticed that during the prison fight scene in the beginning, and I
got the impression that was the whole idea, you're almost seeing it from his POV because the camera is shaking and moving around so much.

And I loved the movie, it's the first action movie I really enjoyed in a looong while.
JellyWorld said:
And I loved the movie, it's the first action movie I really enjoyed in a looong while.

Agreed, I can't really remember enjoying an action movie since Bourne Supremacy.
What I didn't like was...

When he revealed his true identity to Katie Holme's character, kind of lame.

But other than that it was a terrific movie.

And also...

I read in an interview that Chris Nolan really wants to tell the Joker story, so it as almost 100% guaranteed that he will be in the next.
I also didnt like that abit.

The only one who should know who he is, is his buttler, its the rules!

On the topic of the other spoiler..

Good, and considering just how fantasticly dark this film was, and the brill casting for it, Joker should be very cool, but I dunno.. I didnt like the joker in the old batman films, at least it was better then Mr Freeze and the Riddler.. Ugh
Just got back from seeing it. Great acting, loved Nolan's vision of Gotham. I liked how this movie explained how all of his technology came to be (I found myself actually liking the Batmobile; I dismissed it when I first saw it last year), and finally getting to see Ra's in a movie. I do have two nitpicks about him though...first off, when I first heard them say "Rahz Al Ghul," instead of "Rache"; and secondly, not once do I recall him calling Batman "detective." It would've been cool to hear
Liam Neeson
call him Detective at least once.

Also like a couple people have mentioned, the fight scenes shouldn't have been filmed so all seemed like a blur of movement, having the audience guess what was going on. While that might've worked for some scenes, like Batman's initial fight (just to show how fast he was, and the thugs' confusion), having every single fightscene like that got old real fast.

As much as I liked this movie though (especially the cast; I can't give enough praise to Cillian Murphy and Gary Oldman), I still hold Burton's Batman movies above all others. I don't like the fact that the next Batman Begins movie will be infringing on the first Batman movie, what with the Joker being in it. I really can't see how anyone could portray the Joker as well as Nicholson.
i loved it, very dark and mature tone to it... i love how it portraied batman to where he had flaws, to many times are there movies with characters that are flawless... that's why batman is my favorite hero, he's flawed, and has many different layers to him, also he doesn't need a stupid side-kick like robin, why did they introduce him anyway? ROBIN IS A DUMBASS
Ra's also knew in the comics, and the Riddler knows now, since Hush.
Pretty good flim if you ask me, although no comic book movie has ever surpassed Batman Returns.
Mechagodzilla said:
Pretty good flim if you ask me, although no comic book movie has ever surpassed Batman Returns.

See I liked Batman Returns as well but I seem to always hear people say they hated it. I don't understand why.
Not understanding one thing mentioned earlier:

If Batman is given the jokers card at the end, without ever meeting the guy, how does it follow on that in Batman one he creates the joker? Or is there going to be a follow up to Batman Begins that is essentially a remake of Batman one? Confused
It may be that the joker is prowling about as a criminal already, but isn't really "The Joker" as we know him.
Direwolf said:
*What dire said*

Keep it in spoiler tags!

And to answer MrMan, this film is totally apart from the others, its a different (And better imo) take on Batman.
Burn got it. Batman Begins restarts the franchise as if the other 4 never happened.
Great movie. As long as Nolan keeps directing and Bale keeps starring, the sequels will probably still be good. I really hope they keep the same realistic feel though. Someone mentioned earlier that Batman fights Superman in one of the comics ... see I think that's just stupid. Fortunately I highly doubt anything like that will be in the new movies, at least as long as Nolan is directing it. Batman is the only "superhero" I can stomach and that's because he really is just an ordinary man. They don't need to add anything supernatural into the new movies.
smwScott said:
Great movie. As long as Nolan keeps directing and Bale keeps starring, the sequels will probably still be good. I really hope they keep the same realistic feel though. Someone mentioned earlier that Batman fights Superman in one of the comics ... see I think that's just stupid. Fortunately I highly doubt anything like that will be in the new movies, at least as long as Nolan is directing it. Batman is the only "superhero" I can stomach and that's because he really is just an ordinary man. They don't need to add anything supernatural into the new movies.

yup, agree! i say: "KEEP IT REAL!"
smwScott said:
Great movie. As long as Nolan keeps directing and Bale keeps starring, the sequels will probably still be good. I really hope they keep the same realistic feel though. Someone mentioned earlier that Batman fights Superman in one of the comics ... see I think that's just stupid. Fortunately I highly doubt anything like that will be in the new movies, at least as long as Nolan is directing it. Batman is the only "superhero" I can stomach and that's because he really is just an ordinary man. They don't need to add anything supernatural into the new movies.

Of course, that's why Batman is my favorite "superhero". It doesn't have powers.

And the comic where he fights Superman is even darker than the me its not stupid.
I just saw this! There were a lot of one-liners but they were the decent kind, not too cheesy. It managed to not use any bullet-time effects, and although the fight scenes used the old "zoom the camera in a waggle it around" they still seemed realistic and cool.

Hopefully Bale and Nolan do the sequel.

chu said:
What I didn't like was...

When he revealed his true identity to Katie Holme's character, kind of lame.
I actually liked how he revealed his identity, at least is wasn't some sad de-masking thing I was dreading.

It gave me one of those weird "heart moments" when he said the words - a bit like when Neo started to become The One in the Matrix, one of those moments where you just think "awesome".