Battlefield 2 demo - First impressions


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I'm on a shitty internet connection, so I will have to wait for aprox 3 hours to haul in this demo. To make the waiting bearable for me and your other Brothers (and Sisters, you too Ritz) in arms, please post your first impressions and pics in here.
It is terrible, worst game I have ever played. Infact, it is so bad everyone should just cancel their downloads now.
Foxtrot said:
It is terrible, worst game I have ever played. Infact, it is so bad everyone should just cancel their downloads now.

Especially the people downloaidng on US- West
Foxtrot said:
It is terrible, worst game I have ever played. Infact, it is so bad everyone should just cancel their downloads now.
I'm liking the tactics :D
my initial impressions:

wow, this blows anything I have ever played outta the water.
the physics are perfect, the vehicles are fun to drive, the tanks are huge and daunting, the sound effects are BRILLIANT, the movement is about on par, IF NOT BETTER than CS:S/HL2, the graphics are astounding, even in my shitty rez and on med... it's simply perfect

I must play more

pros: everything, I mean everything....

cons: xfire doesnt seem to work ingame (cant scroll lock x to talk)

vehicles are a effing blast to drive, and GUN in
the particle effects are insane, love the ragdolls.. no twitching thus far

I GOT brought back to life via a medic on my team, and I almost shat myself.
so awesome.
Mr. Redundant said:
my initial impressions:

wow, this blows anything I have ever played outta the water.
the physics are perfect, the vehicles are fun to drive, the tanks are huge and daunting, the sound effects are BRILLIANT, the movement is about on par, IF NOT BETTER than CS:S/HL2, the graphics are astounding, even in my shitty rez and on med... it's simply perfect

I must play more

pros: everything, I mean everything....

cons: xfire doesnt seem to work ingame (cant scroll lock x to talk)

vehicles are a effing blast to drive, and GUN in
the particle effects are insane, love the ragdolls.. no twitching thus far

I GOT brought back to life via a medic on my team, and I almost shat myself.
so awesome.

**** YOU!
Mr. Redundant said:
my initial impressions:

wow, this blows anything I have ever played outta the water.
the physics are perfect, the vehicles are fun to drive, the tanks are huge and daunting, the sound effects are BRILLIANT, the movement is about on par, IF NOT BETTER than CS:S/HL2, the graphics are astounding, even in my shitty rez and on med... it's simply perfect

I must play more

pros: everything, I mean everything....

cons: xfire doesnt seem to work ingame (cant scroll lock x to talk)

vehicles are a effing blast to drive, and GUN in
the particle effects are insane, love the ragdolls.. no twitching thus far

I GOT brought back to life via a medic on my team, and I almost shat myself.
so awesome.
72% done!

I can almost taste it.... neeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhhhhhh!!
This blows, my download messed up and I had to restard, but I cant start it again!
I've been crashing all my friend's computers so I get to play it first.
Id love to post what I think, but all the gamespot basic servers are full, and the link also doesnt work. So bollocks to you all :)

I'll edit my post later if I get it.
Mr. Redundant said:
my initial impressions:

wow, this blows anything I have ever played outta the water.
the physics are perfect, the vehicles are fun to drive, the tanks are huge and daunting, the sound effects are BRILLIANT, the movement is about on par, IF NOT BETTER than CS:S/HL2, the graphics are astounding, even in my shitty rez and on med... it's simply perfect

I must play more

pros: everything, I mean everything....

cons: xfire doesnt seem to work ingame (cant scroll lock x to talk)

vehicles are a effing blast to drive, and GUN in
the particle effects are insane, love the ragdolls.. no twitching thus far

I GOT brought back to life via a medic on my team, and I almost shat myself.
so awesome.
What are your specs? Glad to hear it's as good as we all thought! 53 minutes to go :/
37% only one hour left.

Time to watch a movie to pass the time...

You can make it Brian!!!

(Don'tcha love refering to yourself in the 3rd person?)

How are copters/planes??? I must know :D
some more info, I timed it, and it takes me 20 seconds to join a game
this is faster than both BFV, and HL2
Voip does not appear to be working in the demo, I can't confirm this but thus far no one has heard me and I have heard no one, (in squads, and we all had mics)

Im playing in default settings, 800x600 and all options on Medium at a constant 60fps, looks incredible, and more enjoyable than both hl2 and BFV.
Im sure I can push it further, but I havent bothered atm

ok, the combat seems awesome, ironsights rule, the water and shadows are amazing

if you have any questions, feel free.

I took a couple pics, cant find the damn SS dir though...

my specs:

P4 2.6ghz
1gb 3200 ddr
9800 pro 128mb (256 architecture though)
The internet is broken! :( :( :(

My stupid internet connection was not working, otherwise I would have been on 20 minutes ago happily downloading, but now that I see the servers are full I am going to cry! *implodes*

I can't beleive I'm saying this but whoever gets the demo, upload that thing to a bittorrent immediatley! ;)
Mr. Redundant said:
if you have any questions, feel free.

- How do the vehicles handle compared to BF:42/BF:V?
- How fluent is the online play?
- How detailed are the maps compared to BF:42/BF:V?
- What kind of 'feel' do the weapons have?

Oh man, I'm jealous. 2 hours and 26 mins left ....
Mr. Redundant said:
some more info, I timed it, and it takes me 20 seconds to join a game
this is faster than both BFV, and HL2
Voip does not appear to be working in the demo, I can't confirm this but thus far no one has heard me and I have heard no one, (in squads, and we all had mics)

Im playing in default settings, 800x600 and all options on Medium at a constant 60fps, looks incredible, and more enjoyable than both hl2 and BFV.
Im sure I can push it further, but I havent bothered atm

ok, the combat seems awesome, ironsights rule, the water and shadows are amazing

if you have any questions, feel free.

I took a couple pics, cant find the damn SS dir though...

my specs:

P4 2.6ghz
1gb 3200 ddr
9800 pro 128mb (256 architecture though)

Don't worry about it, just enjoy the game :thumbs:
Mr. Redundant said:
some more info, I timed it, and it takes me 20 seconds to join a game
this is faster than both BFV, and HL2
Voip does not appear to be working in the demo, I can't confirm this but thus far no one has heard me and I have heard no one, (in squads, and we all had mics)

Im playing in default settings, 800x600 and all options on Medium at a constant 60fps, looks incredible, and more enjoyable than both hl2 and BFV.
Im sure I can push it further, but I havent bothered atm

ok, the combat seems awesome, ironsights rule, the water and shadows are amazing

if you have any questions, feel free.

I took a couple pics, cant find the damn SS dir though...

my specs:

P4 2.6ghz
1gb 3200 ddr
9800 pro 128mb (256 architecture though)
Hmm, I'd say push it further. Would have thought you could achieve a bit more than that with a 9800.

We are unable to complete your download at this time, as we are experiencing an unusually high volume of download requests. Please try again later.

/me stabs at
Axyon said:
Hmm, I'd say push it further. Would have thought you could achieve a bit more than that with a 9800.
I am suprised actually, after hearing the stories of needing an SLI system for high lol
Mine is slowing down more and more! I had 2:30 left now its 3:10. WTF!
Shodan said:
Is it legal to use the torrent to download?

Torrents aren't illegal. Downloaded copyrighted material is. The demo isn't illegal to download.
man, 4.5 hours on torrent.

I can't wait to run this game on my SLI+FX System :D
I payed money to go from 6 hours to 1 hour sweet it was worth it cant wait anymore
Alan Freeman said:
I payed money to go from 6 hours to 1 hour sweet it was worth it cant wait anymore

How so; became a full Gamespot member?
I have it as well. This is the first time I actually closed it.

Specs are:

AMD 2000+
1gb pc3200 ram
9600 256mb

Load times are fast. The very first load (after changing gfx options) is a couple min. After that they're nice and fast :)

I'm running textures low everything else med and getting smooth play.

The first thing I tried was a jet. Having played DC a TON (with inverted mouse) I almost crashed immediately because the mouse is not inverted - Same with helos.

Helo's are different from DC. The same control style is there. They are much less forgiving when swooping in. No longer can you just point straight down and recover at the last second. They'll take a little while to get a hang of but control is good.

Everything feels great. I dunno if voip works. There's a mic test in game and when you install but I have yet to hear anybody talk or reply to me talking.

Commander mode is in. It seems not many want to play commander. I played it and handed out some orders to squads. Scanning comes back every 20-30 seconds. Arty comes back every 45 seconds maybe.

Well.. back to it :)
Wow... Im downloading at 23kps, on a 2mb line, I paid money for this.


edit: 17kps, wow. edit again: 3kps. Die.
I played it and I love it, It's great fun!

I got a question though, Are my shadows supposed to look like this … all blocky and weird, is there something wrong? Maybe I need to update my drivers? I’ve got a x800xt using the catalyst 5.5 drivers.
Ritz said:
Wow... Im downloading at 23kps, on a 2mb line, I paid money for this.


edit: 17kps, wow.

well I m downloading at 65Kbyte torrent from p2p site and for FREE :LOL:

if you want the torrent link click my name and view all post made by me, then scroll down a bit, and its there :D

VOIP works, I was talking to a guy a couple mins ago, increased my rez to 1280x960 works perfectly, no slow down... still looking for the SS directory.

this game is mind blowing. being a medic is effing fun I swear.
oh boy, I found a torrent and Im getting 2 kbps! I should be done by monday :LOL:

0 seeds and like 3000 peers
Damnit...I just finished downloading from said the .zip folder was 'invalid/corupted'. I'm trying again on FileFront, it should be another 20 min before it starts...anybody have problems after downloading it from there?