Battlefield 3

yesss prone is back!

from the bf3 forum

Battlefield 3 allows you to feel the full impact of battle like never before. Powered by Frostbite 2, the next generation of DICE’s cutting-edge gaming engine, Battlefield 3 delivers spectacular visuals, earth-shattering destruction and real as hell combat gameplay providing a dramatic immersive First Person Shooter experience. One moment you may be marching down a hilltop listening to the hypnotic sound of a firefight in the distance or admiring the way the light reflects off the smoke plumes of ground to air missiles rising from the city you’re about to engage. The next you’re on an urban street, surrounded, claustrophobic, fighting for your life and looking eight ways at once with all your senses on high alert, chilled at the knowledge that the building you’re hiding behind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Welcome to Battlefield 3.
Rather have something with substance then stuff like that...

Don't know who Trent Reznor is? Must have never played Doom 1 or 2 and/or listened to good music before.
Rather have something with substance then stuff like that...

Don't know who Trent Reznor is? Must have never played Doom 1 or 2 and/or listened to good music before.

Oh, he made the music for Doom 1/2? Neat, I've only played Doom 1 though, but that was pretty good music indeed.
No, Trent Reznor had nothing to do with the Doom 1/2 soundtrack. That was Bobby Prince. Reznor did the Quake soundtrack though.
Meh, that teaser did nothing for me. Didn't really do anything to prove it was Battlefield. Didn't even have the classic "dun dun DUN DUN DUN" sound.
I'm completely satisfied so far. The teaser trailer wasn't much to shake a stick at, but at least it confirmed that jets are back. 64 player multiplayer PC? Check. Prone returns? Check. Trent Reznor doing the soundtrack? A little weird, but totally awesome in my book (as long as he incorporates some of the old BF1942/BF2 theme melodies, you know what I'm talking about).

Does anybody actually have a source saying Trent is doing the music though? All I've seen is multiple news sites saying that the trailer music "sounds like Trent Reznor", like they're parroting each other because nobody is sure if the original source was just making a statement of opinion or had some kind of info that Reznor was working on the soundtrack. I'd be happy either way.
Lack of original Battlefield song made it feel nothing like a a true BF sequel to me.

edit: Actually, listening a little closer it does have the BF theme... it's just more buzzier.
Guys... I was joking. I was riffing on the fact that the music was heavily distorted and had a wide volume dynamic :V
Battlefield: With Teeth!

Yay 64 players again!

Sounds like it could be a good sequal to BF2.
Regardless of how the game will turn out to be, I was hoping for a good trailer/teaser, as I usually enjoyed the trailers made for the Battlefield games, but this one was pretty shit :|
Lack of original Battlefield song made it feel nothing like a a true BF sequel to me.

edit: Actually, listening a little closer it does have the BF theme... it's just more buzzier.

the last few notes of the song are quite clearly the dramatic notes from the original theme, how are people not hearing this right away?

the whole trailer reeked of one-trick-trent throughout but honestly, the soundtrack to a battlefield game? the battefield titles had soundtracks? i mean loading music/ambience sure but why make a big deal out of this? oh yeah right its because there's **** all else to make a big deal out of because it's going to be ****ing AIDs anyway so lets highlight the soundtrack of all things.

actually that's a little too bitter of me, like said earlier i'm still a bit giddy for this but eh, skeptical as ****, too.

edit: ****ing laughing my ass off at disturbeds post about 'liking good music' and getting his fact about reznor and doom wrong anyway :LOL: i think you mean quake.
Head like an F16! :V

**** it..

Battlefield: The Downward Spiral

01) Mr. Self Destruct
02) nothing rhymes with piggy
03) this isn't going to work
04) **** it
Battlefield 3: Further Down the Spiral
FTDS is by far the most underrated NIN album.

Changed the thread title to reflect that it's more of a general BF3 thread at this point.

I hope the "new level of destructability" or whatever that is promised is significant. I LOVE the Frostbite 1.5 engine that BC2 uses... it's simply beautiful, and I don't mean just visually. I've always wished for a more significant level of deformation/destructibility though, since really all BC2 has are a lot of fracturable static meshes everywhere and psuedo-deformable terrain that really just "dents".

I am also extremely pumped about jets because that also means it'll be more vehicle focused in general, and as much as I love the squad level infantry combat in BF2 or BC2 the vehicle aspect has always been a strong point of the Battlefield franchise for me. I miss jets dearly, too.

I'm relatively confident about liking this game. Not terribly hyped (I sort of pledged never to hype myself sideways for anything ever again after HL2 came out, a pledge I only partially broke with SC2 coming out this past year) but certainly looking forward to it. I think it has potential to be an excellent sequel and if it isn't I at least think they probably won't screw it up too bad.

My main fear is that it will become too much like Call of Duty since they are trying so hard to make it a "COD killer" or at least serious competition. That would be a bad thing, the Call of Duty franchise has taken a nosedive into a sewage pit as far as I'm concerned.
I'm not too worried about that direction. The language they use (aside from probably being a hype-line from the magazine itself) makes it sound like they're trying to out-compete the franchise rather than replace it with an identical one. DICE has plenty of financial evidence towards not needing to copy Activision in order to stay in business.
Apparently there will be a singleplayer campaign AND a coop campaign.

You can pre order the Limited Edition right now, but they haven't revealed the contents (they say it will be announced at/around GDC).

Probably a few extra guns or something ingame.
"Several standout features that defined Battlefield 2 return to the fold, including 64-player multiplayer on PC, jets, and the ability to go prone."

so far so good!
BF2 is one of my all-time favs so I'm definitely gettin hyped about this
Since Paris is one of the locales I hope we get to use a Leclerc or Leopard, I'm getting tired of the Abrams.
• Urban Combat — Take the fight to iconic and unexpected places in the USA, Middle East, and Europe including claustrophobic streets, metropolitan downtowns, and open, vehicle-friendly landscapes as you fight your way through the war of tomorrow.

• Feel the Battle — Feel the impact of bullets and explosions, drag your fallen comrades into safety, and mount your weapon on almost any part of the terrain. Battlefield 3’s cutting edge animation, spectacular visuals and real as hell battle gameplay attack your senses and make you feel the visceral warriors experience like no other FPS.

You know in BF2 when you saw artillery coming down or a jet coming and you saw a building so you ran inside to avoid getting blow up? Not so in BF3. I am so happy right now!
What i want it to be like:
>new york
>2 squads fighting head on at an intersection
>grenades everywhere, rpgs flying over head.
>dat sound of gunfire flying past your head
>get shot a couple times
>duck behind an abandoned car
>look up and see a jet fly past you at mach speed
>wing clips a building
>crashed into the 3rd story of a sky scraper
huge explosion and jet fuel rain down
>large chunks of building crumble down upon the road
>everything goes silent for a few second
>both squads are temp deaf.
>sound fades back in
>remember you're at war.
>flash bangs in
>rush the enemy

What it probably will be like:
>Start game, crash
>Troubleshoot for 20 minutes, fix it
>Logging in to EA servers
>Cant connect, please try again
>Do this for 30 minutes, finally works after messing with router
>Create a soldier
>Connection lost
>Try to relog, works after 15 minutes
>Click server browser
>Retrieving list
>Retrieving list
>Retrieving list
>Retrieving list
>No servers found
>Restart game
>Retrieving list
>Finds servers, however there are no filter settings so each server is located in south africa with a ping of 1231512
>Try join server
>Game freezes
>Redo everything, finally in the server!!
>Netcode is horrible, hitboxes are way off
>punkbuster not working, cheaters, cheaters everywhere
>Game crashes again

Just like BC2 all over again, i cant wait to throw my money at DICE!!!! :rolleyes:
so thats the new call of duty modern warfare 3 eh?
No, but that'll be out this year aswell.
What i want it to be like:
>new york
>2 squads fighting head on at an intersection
>grenades everywhere, rpgs flying over head.
>dat sound of gunfire flying past your head
>get shot a couple times
>duck behind an abandoned car
>look up and see a jet fly past you at mach speed
>wing clips a building
>crashed into the 3rd story of a sky scraper
huge explosion and jet fuel rain down
>large chunks of building crumble down upon the road
>everything goes silent for a few second
>both squads are temp deaf.
>sound fades back in
>remember you're at war.
>flash bangs in
>rush the enemy

What it probably will be like:
>Start game, crash
>Troubleshoot for 20 minutes, fix it
>Logging in to EA servers
>Cant connect, please try again
>Do this for 30 minutes, finally works after messing with router
>Create a soldier
>Connection lost
>Try to relog, works after 15 minutes
>Click server browser
>Retrieving list
>Retrieving list
>Retrieving list
>Retrieving list
>No servers found
>Restart game
>Retrieving list
>Finds servers, however there are no filter settings so each server is located in south africa with a ping of 1231512
>Try join server
>Game freezes
>Redo everything, finally in the server!!
>Netcode is horrible, hitboxes are way off
>punkbuster not working, cheaters, cheaters everywhere
>Game crashes again

Just like BC2 all over again, i cant wait to throw my money at DICE!!!! :rolleyes:

More like "Updating stats..." for 20 minutes.
Guys... I was joking. I was riffing on the fact that the music was heavily distorted and had a wide volume dynamic :V

You've started a rumor that cannot be taken back.

Also, I'm kinda annoyed how they put "Pre-order today" at the end of the very first legitimate release of anything about the game. I think its a bit early to be begging for pre-orders already.
You've started a rumor that cannot be taken back.

Also, I'm kinda annoyed how they put "Pre-order today" at the end of the very first legitimate release of anything about the game. I think its a bit early to be begging for pre-orders already.

Kind of to be expected, seeing as how the video game industry is commercial and revolves around the fact that people are willing give dollars in return for vicarious gaming experience.

That rumor isn't Stigmata based, it's been reported on a number of news sites that the music sounds like Trent Reznor made it, although as far as I can tell he has nothing to do with the project and did not make the teaser music.
Kind of to be expected, seeing as how the video game industry is commercial and revolves around the fact that people are willing give dollars in return for vicarious gaming experience.

Yeah, but this is like if Honda made a really vague, hard to see anything video of the new Civic where they don't show anything but the wheels, and say its got comfy seats, so pre-order now! I mean, at least the video confirms it still has four wheels, right? Its gotta be good enough to put money down in advance!

That rumor isn't Stigmata based, it's been reported on a number of news sites that the music sounds like Trent Reznor made it,

Yeah, but they all heard it from Stigmata.
I just got really excited. With a little more information, I just might preorder. I just might do it.

Also, A+ to Stig for derailing a page and a half.

The Battlefield 3 Limited Edition includes Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand at no extra charge*

This themed expansion pack features four legendary maps from Battlefield 2 boldly re-imagined with Frostbite 2 physics, destruction and visuals. Completing the package are classic Battlefield 2 weapons and vehicles, unique rewards, new achievements / trophies, and more. For those who don't pre-order to secure the limited edition, Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand expansion content will be available for purchase approximately one month after the game's release.

Not a Photoshopped image btw!
Wait.. So they're releasing an expansion for hte game complete with "new" weapons/vehicles/achievements etc for the game.. when the game itself is released?

Okay, that sounds good to me. I'm irritated by the whole nature of DLC (just give it all to us in the game instead of chopping off 1/4th of the game and selling it for $10 as DLC) but 4 BF2 maps in Frostbite 2 sounds awesome. Karkand is obviously certain, I'm guessing we'll also see Oman, what else do you guys think?

Krynn your analogy is kind of good, except that people are generally going to be willing to buy a car largely based on its history and the line's reputation, not the specific appearance or features of that car. I share your frustration over the teaser trailer's lack of any gameplay footage at all, but it is a teaser trailer, so you can't possibly expect more... movie teaser trailers don't even do anything but hint at the plotline, why should a video game teaser do anything more than "tease" a few features (like basically... jets)? It's the first official video released about BF3, it seems kind of silly to expect it to be more meaty than that.
I'll probably be there day one, fighting through the nigh-unplayable lag while trying to find servers with fellow HL2.NETers and eventually re-honing my heli skills :)
Wait.. So they're releasing an expansion for hte game complete with "new" weapons/vehicles/achievements etc for the game.. when the game itself is released?

No it's free if you pre-order it or somehow get the LE version in retail. If you don't though it's DLC after 1 month after launch.
Okay, that sounds good to me. I'm irritated by the whole nature of DLC (just give it all to us in the game instead of chopping off 1/4th of the game and selling it for $10 as DLC) but 4 BF2 maps in Frostbite 2 sounds awesome. Karkand is obviously certain, I'm guessing we'll also see Oman, what else do you guys think?
No doubt, that map was legendary. Excluding Gulf of Oman from Back to Karkand DLC would be like excluding Wake Island from 1943. I would love for the other two maps to be Mashtuur City and Sharqi Peninsula, as they had vehicles but were also predominantly urban and favoured infantry combat overall.

I think Back to Karkand will be a little like BC2 Vietnam, in that it's a self-contained sort of satellite game with its own maps, weapons, vehicles, and set of art assets. If that's the case then I'm down for buying it. I always felt that most BF2 maps would have benefited from destructible environments and more responsive infantry combat.
Hype-o-meter peaking. Awesome news this, especially the remade BF2 maps. I can't wait to blow Karkand to smithereens.
Stigmata: If it has a different set of loadouts and vehicles like Vietnam I'd consider that an expansion not DLC, and agree with you. But I think this will just be 4 BF2 maps with the BF3 weapons and vehicles. I guess we'll see.