Battlefield 3

i think the commo rose was made redundant in BC2 - instead of having to manually select ''vehicle spotted'', you would instead just say and highlight on the map that you saw a vehicle via automation. i think it works fine, and i think that people wanting a como-rose are too far into wanting ''authentic'' battlefield 2 items when instead they can't just accept that it was scrapped for a far more durable system in BC2. why have to look at and select something when just looking at them and pressing a button does virtually the same thing?

Because sometimes you didn't have line-of-sight, which means you can be shot by what you're trying to spot.
asking someone for ammo only displayed a glitchy flashing icon above your own head which required the other solider to actually look at you to understand. that or they pay attention to an american soldier shouting ''hey man i need some ammo!'' through your speakers, which is a bit hit and miss, understandably.

Most of the time people got the point when you repeated "requesting ammo/medic" while getting in their face. It's better to have an option to say that than not have one at all (typing takes more time and people outside your squad won't hear you).

The commo-rose was also used for requesting a pick up, thanking, apologising, requesting backup. I'm guessing I used it 50% to spot at 50% to signal other things.

One thing that was almost made redundant is asking for a medic (almost because of the faster regeneration near medpacks).
Because sometimes you didn't have line-of-sight, which means you can be shot by what you're trying to spot.

that doesn't argue anything different, though, because the same applies for trying to spot something through use of the commo-rose, surely? whether or not you have line of sight doesn't matter to this argument, we're discussing the merits of having to either a) bring up a menu and select something, which if anything leaves you exposed to getting shot at more because you have to do it manually or b) simply pressing a button whenever you see something for your soldier to shout ''armour spotted!'' automatically, which i believe makes sense even logically because if you were in the field that is what you would say, you wouldn't stop to think about what it is you saw by going over a list of military vehicles or identifications in your head.

the commo-rose is obsolete. personally i think the spotting in BC2 is much more effective.
I think the como-rose for spotting might be obsolete, but as Unfocused says, it was used for so much more than just spotting. To leave it out completely would be a mistake, not a big one, but a mistake nonetheless.
that doesn't argue anything different, though, because the same applies for trying to spot something through use of the commo-rose, surely? whether or not you have line of sight doesn't matter to this argument, we're discussing the merits of having to either a) bring up a menu and select something, which if anything leaves you exposed to getting shot at more because you have to do it manually or b) simply pressing a button whenever you see something for your soldier to shout ''armour spotted!'' automatically, which i believe makes sense even logically because if you were in the field that is what you would say, you wouldn't stop to think about what it is you saw by going over a list of military vehicles or identifications in your head.

the commo-rose is obsolete. personally i think the spotting in BC2 is much more effective.

But spotting is the ONLY thing the key does now.

Selecting from a list? Did you even play BF2, knut? You see a tank, you place your crosshairs over it, you press Q and you click your mouse button, because "spotted" is the default function.

You can select something specific from the list if you right-click, but you rarely have to do that.

As a reminder:

But spotting is the ONLY thing the key does now.

Selecting from a list? Did you even play BF2, knut? You see a tank, you place your crosshairs over it, you press Q and you click your mouse button, because "spotted" is the default function.

You can select something specific from the list if you right-click, but you rarely have to do that.

As a reminder:


i had a bit of a lapse, forgetting that the spotted key was the one in the middle, so that's my bad. for some reason i was thinking it was a bit more in depth than that. it's been a while!

to reiterate then, spotting is really the only necessity there, and you don't need that big ugly menu selection coming up whenever you spot things. if anything, you are more likely to get shot having a big clunky menu come up then you are to simply look at things with your crosshairs. i don't believe things like ''thanks'', ''follow me'', ''go go go'', ''roger'', ''sorry'' and ''need backup'' are important. everything else you can say in BC2 by pressing spot on a certain vehicle, object or person.
To me, little things like "thank you" "sorry" "I need a pick" were all very necessary tactically speaking, but considering BC2 is a simplified and CoD'ified version of Battlefield - it's understandable. Just the spotting button, and less commands is an immersion breaker for me.
Commo Rose is clunky when compared to BC2's context sensitive 'q' button. I'd much rather see them leave it out of bf3 because it would serve no advantage over the current 'q' system from bc2.
commo rose becomes redundant when you're using voice chat.

Spotting is all you really need.
I think the como-rose for spotting might be obsolete, but as Unfocused says, it was used for so much more than just spotting. To leave it out completely would be a mistake, not a big one, but a mistake nonetheless.

This is my viewpoint on the issue as well. The como-rose had a bunch of commands that I personally never used, and I do think that hotkey spotting is normally far more convenient in the middle of the game. With that said the como-rose should be left in as it can fill in for all the times that the hotkey isnt useful (when something is not in line of sight, or for simple banter between soldiers).
To me, little things like "thank you" "sorry" "I need a pick" were all very necessary tactically speaking, but considering BC2 is a simplified and CoD'ified version of Battlefield - it's understandable. Just the spotting button, and less commands is an immersion breaker for me.

but even less tactical than actually saying those things through a mic, which is a large majority of console players. using a mic for pc games requires all sorts of nonsense like vent so the commo-rose makes sense there, it's a work around, but now there simply isn't really the need for it. perhaps the PC version will get it, but personally i'm all for people actually talking through a mic.
but even less tactical than actually saying those things through a mic, which is a large majority of console players. using a mic for pc games requires all sorts of nonsense like vent so the commo-rose makes sense there, it's a work around, but now there simply isn't really the need for it. perhaps the PC version will get it, but personally i'm all for people actually talking through a mic.

I'm talking about in terms of the PC version which is the lead platform, and not every player can speak in english or has a mic. That's another reason why commo rose is very useful.
I'm talking about in terms of the PC version which is the lead platform, and not every player can speak in english or has a mic. That's another reason why commo rose is very useful.

Plus voice chat in Battlefield only works for your squad.
The commorose just needs to be laid out a bit more intuitively, and made a little simpler as some of the commands are redundant. So obviously I made a thing about it!


Translation: we're too lazy.

Tactical things like killing the squad leader! Ho boy!
The commorose just needs to be laid out a bit more intuitively, and made a little simpler as some of the commands are redundant. So obviously I made a thing about it!

I think some cleanup as you said, plus a feature where you tap the commorose key and it just spots, without you having to actually open the commorose would work. Hold the key to open the commorose for the other functions.
All this rhetoric about "not doing the game just our way, but doing it the fans' way" should have resulted in a god damn commander.
*mod tools. Then we could have as many commanders as we wanted!
I think some cleanup as you said, plus a feature where you tap the commorose key and it just spots, without you having to actually open the commorose would work. Hold the key to open the commorose for the other functions.

This sounds like a good idea to me. Keep the smart spot/request button in as a tap input, and the more versatile comorose as the hold function.
Daniel Matros (DICE Community Manager) has been talking in a podcast by Dont Revive Me Bro. He has recently confirmed that snipers will get scope reflection & scope sway to balance out the addition of prone. Snipers that lay still for a certain amount of time will have a reflection in their scope that will give away their position (appears as a small flash to the enemy). Snipers will also have scope sway to stop people from overusing them. Scope sway ensures the constant movement of the cross-hair so its not as simple as “aim and shoot”.

These features have been added to balance the addition of prone to Battlefield 3 gameplay. It will prevent snipers from being overused and stops snipers from constantly camping.

Listen to the full podcast from Dont Revive Me Bro: Here
He talks about a lot of stuff incl. Beta news in a few weeks, quick scoping, female soldiers...

*shameless copy/paste from neogaf
To me, little things like "thank you" "sorry" "I need a pick" were all very necessary tactically speaking, but considering BC2 is a simplified and CoD'ified version of Battlefield - it's understandable. Just the spotting button, and less commands is an immersion breaker for me.

I don't know about you, but I found it pretty hard to be immersed when I had people dolphin diving everywhere, spamming canned voice overs through the commo rose, and shooting at their teammates whenever they took a vehicle they wanted.

Not exactly immersive, knowwhatimean?
I don't know about you, but I found it pretty hard to be immersed when I had people dolphin diving everywhere, spamming canned voice overs through the commo rose, and shooting at their teammates whenever they took a vehicle they wanted.

Not exactly immersive, knowwhatimean?
LOL for real. TBH being pinned down near an objective with the remnants of your squad in BC2 during an intense firefight, with bullets whistling past your cover and explosions going off all over the place and teammates falling all around gives me a much higher immersion factor than BF2 usually did with all the dolphin diving and voice comms spamming.

Sure, BF2 certainly had its moments - running across an open area towards an objective with your whole squad, getting ambushed by an enemy squad - the guy on point gets blown up by a grenade, the rest of you hit the dirt and frantically return fire - but BC2 does too. A lot of you have rose-colored nostalgiagoggles on I think.
Listen to the full podcast from Dont Revive Me Bro: Here
He talks about a lot of stuff incl. Beta news in a few weeks, quick scoping, female soldiers...

*shameless copy/paste from neogaf

Now I'm no gun expert, but something tells me there's no scope sway when you're proned. Do you know what is a balance for camping snipers? A COMMANDER.
GameStar: Will there be modding tools?

Söderlund: Well, as of now, we are not going to make any modding tools, no.

GameStar: Okay, why?

Söderlund: Because if you look at the Frostbite engine, and how complex it is, it’s going to be very difficult for people to mod the game, because of the nature of the set up of levels, of the destruction and all those things… it’s quite tricky. So we think it’s going to be too big of a challenge for people to make a mod.

What a load of horseshit!
Now I'm no gun expert, but something tells me there's no scope sway when you're proned. Do you know what is a balance for camping snipers? A COMMANDER.
There won't be any sway, at least not if you have a bipod, I imagine. But when you're prone, sniper scopes will reflect glare into the eyes of enemies it faces, on top of having restricted movement and a decently strong stand/prone delay. That seems pretty reasonable to me. Honestly, I barely miss Commander mode. The idea is fantastic, but because of its numerous functions and concentration of control, it just does not work outside of straight-up competitive matches.
Now I'm no gun expert, but something tells me there's no scope sway when you're proned. Do you know what is a balance for camping snipers? A COMMANDER.

You still breathe and stuff :P

I would like commander though, simply because when you DID have a good commander, he was super useful just because he was the only way to coordinate multiple squads (Squads can only voice comms with themselves, but Squad leaders can talk to the Commander and vice versa).
What a load of horseshit!

That's pretty much the most pathetic excuse to justify not releasing mod tools I've ever heard.

Basically this.

I find it pretty insulting that they've said that modders would not be able to produce anything of quality. The mod community produces some awesome work and some of the greatest games ever started out as mods (Team Frotress, Counter-Strike). I know it'd be slightly more complex to create custom maps/props and possibly vehicles due to the level of destruction in the game, but I'm sure if the tools were available the mod community would be able to create some awesome stuff.

Basically, they don't want people to get new maps for free. They want to be able to sell things like that. With mod tools they can't really sell stuff like that.
Man, that sucks. Some of my best Battlefield moments were from mods. Desert Combat, Point of Existence, Eve of Destruction, Forgotten Hope. I never got into Project Reality but that community for that mod is huge. And the excuse is indeed bs.
Man, that sucks. Some of my best Battlefield moments were from mods. Desert Combat, Point of Existence, Eve of Destruction, Forgotten Hope. I never got into Project Reality but that community for that mod is huge. And the excuse is indeed bs.

Don't forget the Galactic Conquest mod. A mod that received a cease and desist from Lucasarts for producing a far better mod than their shitty game.

Looks like my money will be going towards the purchase of Red Orchestra 2 instead. A game by a developer that knows how to treat its user base. Nicely done, DICE! You have managed to insult the people that made your games successful in the first place.
They're justified I guess. But it's definitely weird. I mean, Crytek released their engine up for modding, granted a bit later.

If DICE had any plan, they will release it after BF3 is released, a month or two I'd imagine. Maybe even 6. They'll have too many people screaming for it.

Unless the PC version is being made a hybrid for consoles and has ***ked over the engine's ability to be modded or something. I dunno how it works.

My only real concern I have now is CoD fans jumping off the CoD wagon straight onto the BF wagon and trying to blend in. They're just going to ruin everything with their 'not like CoD' statements, and if enough jump over, Im slightly worried DICE will hear them and take action and ***k the whole game up.
So no mod support (because players are too dumb) and now they say BF3 won't be on Steam because "Valve won't let us update our game" basically.

Leave it to EA to bust out a competing title that outclasses MW3 in every way, then start eroding the goodwill they've generated.
I'm just happy that the Battlefield community hasn't been entirely overrun by "you can't criticise business decisions!" apologists. There's still time for EA to be stubbornly ground down.
What a load of horseshit!

I don't believe it's too complicated, and I'm not sure whether they actually believe that or not. They probably don't want to come out and say it's possible to create and release modding tools and then not work on them for a while, leaving people disappointed.

Here's relevant information on modding (or why modding is impractical) with Frostbite 1.5. Many issues which make it difficult or problematic are explained, but it's also mentioned that many of them are supposed to be solved or improved on with Frostbite 2. This is why I am optimistic that we will see modding tools for Battlefield 3 ...eventually.