Battlefield 3

He mad.

Also, best looking dog tags so far.


He actually sounds like me in BF but I still keep playing! :LOL: They did something to the bullet damage seriously! He's also some white guy which actually surprised me. What he had that James Earl Jones voice. :|
All mortars are like is the artillery from BF1942, BF2142 and BF2. Infact, mortars were in BFV. What I do is flank the enemy's ass to prevent him shelling the shit out of me and my team.
christ, anyone in here actually going to talk about the game at all, or is all just faff about modding and what's wrong with the singleplayer from here on? come on folks, what's good? how's the amphibious vehicles? the base jump from damavand? the jets, the new 'copters, weapons and any difference in them from the beta, the mortar, the boat assault on the canal map, the ebb and flow of operation firestorm... et al.

eager to hear good, coherent, informative and well-typed thoughts from folk off of here about the multiplayer!

I dont even know where to start on how many awesome moments I've had.

Shooting a jet with a stinger, thinking ''yeah, ***k you!'' in my mind, only to then think ''Oh shhhhiiiitt...IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR ME!'' as the jet comes flying down into my face, blowing me sky high. A ''Battlefield moment'' as it were.

Blowing up building parts that fall down and crush a guy below.

Best audio in a game ever.

Best graphics by a landslide.


***k me, DICE are in a different league.

Only negative is the damn BF3.exe error. Or ''Battlefield 3 has stopped working'' when I re-login to Battlelog after a break, first time I try and connect, it loads the level, the BF3 game icon appears and it's an instant error. Click join again and it works straight away, provided the server isnt full by then. So weird.

Oh and your camo not saving. Every time I start a match I have to change my appearance because it wont stick. That's annoying.
Only negative is the damn BF3.exe error. Or ''Battlefield 3 has stopped working'' when I re-login to Battlelog after a break, first time I try and connect, it loads the level, the BF3 game icon appears and it's an instant error. Click join again and it works straight away, provided the server isnt full by then. So weird.
I get the same thing. Glad I'm not the only one.
Oh and your camo not saving. Every time I start a match I have to change my appearance because it wont stick. That's annoying.
I was surprised by how much this annoyed the shit out of me. A similar thing happens with pistols. I always equip either the Grach-a-Tac or the M1911, but when sides are switched I somehow always end up with the M9-tac equipped.
With 7 hours behind me now I'm srs starting to get into this its bloody great fun! Had some super epic battles and some great moments. Best so far was shooting an A-10 out the sky with a tank! Kablamo!

Got a few gripes tho that are really annoying me.

-Mortors, this cock suckers are just super annoying and really create these bottle necks you just cant get past. Esp on maps like grand bazar, its so easy to get suck in the tight streets and not be able to do anything. You end up with everyone stuck in the garages hiding.

-Choppers, I want to love them but pretty much as soon as you take off they are dead, just like bc2. Pretty disipointed about this because they have always been my favorate.

-Engineers repairing choppers. Now what is a bit silly is if you have an engineer in the back of a transport chopper they are pretty bloody hard to kill. You sit there for hours pumping ordnance into it with not much happening. Just needs some balancing.

-This mouse sensitivity bug is supper annoying. I bascily cant use any vehicle weapons until its fixed :(
I think the best servers have 24 players or so. It doesn't lag too much or at all. Plus it's not that chaotic as well. is the system battlelog uses for avatars. What you need to do is register and upload an avatar or else you have the default logo.
Also yeah mortars are pretty bullshit right now. You're just sitting there in total silence,
What are you doing sitting in total silence? BF is a fast paced game. Like someone already said, you keep moving and keep your spacing.
I think the best servers have 24 players or so. It doesn't lag too much or at all. Plus it's not that chaotic as well. is the system battlelog uses for avatars. What you need to do is register and upload an avatar or else you have the default logo.

I pretty much don't play on anything except 64 players. Some maps are just annoying with 64 players though... operation metro conquest is one of them. Literally can't get past this one part and it's a guaranteed win for the russians.

One thing I both love and hate... mobile AA can pretty much last the entire round alive... so there's not much of a chance to train in it unless you get lucky and are the first one to get in or the person who was in it sucks quite a bit.

Thankfully I've already unlocked most of the stuff for it.
Metro conquest on 64 players is so pointless. We rushed to B, the ticket place with the escalators, and the second we claimed it, so many people went ''gg''. It's just a mad dash to B, ignore A, some will take it eventually. Equip your sprint perk and nail it.

And with the dog tags, anyone know how to get those tags that update in real time with your stats? Had one guy running around with PKP Perching 745 kills or something. And it was updating in the game, every time he killed me it was a higher number. Clever. I want them...
Is it just me or do air vehicles seem crunched in arbitrarily and act as little more than glorified suicide transports? The maps just seem too small and console oriented and you go down like a paper crane. It seems as if things would have been better if they'd left them out altogether, especially jets.

I won't touch 64 player servers with a 10 foot pole, the game just isn't ****ing tuned for that. Much as I hate to say it.
Bums keep bumping this thread to the headline of the Gaming forum. So having only read the past two pages of BF anything ever, you guys make it seem at most like a 'meh' game.
Nah, it's amazing, just a few kinks need ironing out is all.

Patch in like a month or so I bet. And yeah, I generally stay away from 64 player servers. 40-odd ones are fine though. I find the 64 player ones have too much chaos unless you're in a squad on teamspeak or vent or whatever. By yourself in a random squad is a slow, painful road to ''Your team lost''. Sometimes it all works well and you win though.

But yeah, 64 servers are lag heaven. Boinging around everywhere, shoot at someone and they teleport forward or back. Fun times...
Ah yes, assault smoke. SO under-rated in almost every Battlefield game. Started using it in Bad Company 2 RUSH modes. Works wonders when you pepper the area infront of the m-com in smoke, run in, arm, then keep dumping smoke ahead of it so you can still see the station, but they cant see it fully unless they run through the smoke.

Oh, and anyone having a hard time spotting people; get the IRNV scope for your weapon of choice. Wondering if it's overpowered myself, but you can spot people an alarmingly large distance away, and through bushes and partly through trees. Very hard to escape someone with an IRNV, works at night and daytime, no change to the colouring. They stand out in bright orange. Bit noobish, but hey, my kill streaks are going through the roof using it. IRNV + Caspian = win.
Oh, and anyone having a hard time spotting people; get the IRNV scope for your weapon of choice. Wondering if it's overpowered myself, but you can spot people an alarmingly large distance away, and through bushes and partly through trees. Very hard to escape someone with an IRNV, works at night and daytime, no change to the colouring. They stand out in bright orange. Bit noobish, but hey, my kill streaks are going through the roof using it. IRNV + Caspian = win.

Seconded. The IRNV scope is very handy. Some footage for those who haven't unlocked it yet:

Has anyone else noticed that very few people seem to play as support? I very often run out of ammo and cannot for the life of me find any ammo! It seems mad because if someone picked support they would get so many points! I keep ending up having to take kits off dead folk to keep the battle going.
And those that do are blissfully unaware when you're sat infront of then hammering Q. ''I need some ***king ammo!''. ''I'm outta clips!''. ''Gimme some ammo!''

They look around like they'r in Disneyland, realise what you're asking for, then either you or they get shot.

*throws arms up and walks away*
This game is positively great. As many have said it's not perfect, and that is completely true. However, many of the issues are simple fixes that just need to be worked in from feedback from the community.
I play mostly as support, I just forget to give out ammo lol.
Has anyone else noticed that very few people seem to play as support? I very often run out of ammo and cannot for the life of me find any ammo! It seems mad because if someone picked support they would get so many points! I keep ending up having to take kits off dead folk to keep the battle going.

when i play a battlefield game, as either a class that can dole out ammo or health, there isn't a second where i am not throwing out crates of either and it does my head in when people don't think the same mentality as me. i almost think that some folk only give out the crates when they themselves need it, whereas i am throwing them down near enough every time i come around a corner.

then again, i guess that's why i almost come out in the top three players. and that isn't bragging - i only ever play for the team, not for the kills. alright yeah, sometimes i come out with an amazing k/d, too, but more times than none i'm playing for the support.
I cant get over how simply awesome the knife kills are. Anyone lying down is a personal favourite; hand on his shoulder, roll him sideways and stab down grabbing the tags with the other hand. You can almost see the surprise on their face. Yeah, how's your lucky sniper spot now?

Saw a good one earlier; guy gets his feet kicked out from under him, and as he slams on his back the knife comes down into his chest/neck.

Dont like the standing behind animation where you just stab the front of his neck from behind and then tear the dog tags out with the knife. Doesnt seem possible. Prefer the animations where you stab with your right hand and grab the tags with your left.
Is Battlefield 3 experiencing downtime, can't get on to the game

[edit] okay it has an error message with something like "unable to play game, ensure it is installed correctly", which I did; 3 times. So now I have decided to reinstall the game, but now when choosing a directory it is coming up with some piffle about needing administrator priveleges to install the game. I AM THE F*CKING ADMINISTRATOR!!!

When will I get a break?
I'm really not sure about knife kills. I mean it looks frigging cool but it takes SOOO long to play out the animation that you just get capped. You cant do it and run, you get stuck standing around. It'd be good if the animations were just in single player and online was much faster.

BTW anyone know whats going on with the Reviving of fallen team mates. Some times it just dose not work, does it depend on what they have been killed with or can they only be revived once? or once every 30 seconds... its frustrating when you dash out, defib and nothing happens!
BTW anyone know whats going on with the Reviving of fallen team mates. Some times it just dose not work, does it depend on what they have been killed with or can they only be revived once? or once every 30 seconds... its frustrating when you dash out, defib and nothing happens!

I have wondered about this too. It's not like they died a while ago, some times it doesn't work immediately after they've died.
I play mostly as support, I just forget to give out ammo lol.

No shit, I think me and 3 others were standing in front of you SCREAMING for ammo, typing in squad chat, shooting at your feet, and you would just kind of look at us, go "wtf?" and run into the next bush at full speed.

I considered killing you, and then reviving you, so I could kill you again, then taking your kit and dropping ammo for myself.

No shit, I think me and 3 others were standing in front of you SCREAMING for ammo, typing in squad chat, shooting at your feet, and you would just kind of look at us, go "wtf?" and run into the next bush at full speed.

I considered killing you, and then reviving you, so I could kill you again, then taking your kit and dropping ammo for myself.


Like I said before I started, I don't know much about the game. Once you typed in squad chat I did it. But shouting on the mic was next to useless because when it's all kicking off you can't hear voice chat for shit. I'll have to try harder to remember but simply typing stemot ammo will do, no need for shooting at feet and what not, didn't even notice that ;)

Did enjoy blowing up unsuspecting mother****ers tanks up with C4 though :).
I'm really not sure about knife kills. I mean it looks frigging cool but it takes SOOO long to play out the animation that you just get capped. You cant do it and run, you get stuck standing around. It'd be good if the animations were just in single player and online was much faster.

BTW anyone know whats going on with the Reviving of fallen team mates. Some times it just dose not work, does it depend on what they have been killed with or can they only be revived once? or once every 30 seconds... its frustrating when you dash out, defib and nothing happens!

Don't knife somebody if you don't think you can get away with it then.

It's a tradeoff. You want their dogtags and the glory of the kill(i've done it quite a few times, it is satisfying), but you also don't want to die. Sometimes you just need to shoot them in the back. Animation doesn't need to be changed... takes time to rip dogtags off somebody after stabbing em!

Also maybe they're refusing the revive?
you could only revive once in the beta, someone confirm if thats the same now? that'll probably explain it, or that or they refuse the revive.

possibly also just a glitch.
you could only revive once in the beta, someone confirm if thats the same now? that'll probably explain it, or that or they refuse the revive.

possibly also just a glitch.

There's a time limit on it. If they get revived, accept, and then die immediately, they cannot be revived. But if you revive them, they accept, and they go off to fight for like 30 seconds or more, then they can be revived again.
When ever I have been revived I've never been asked to accept or decline. I just get up.

Why would I even want to Decline? :eek:
When ever I have been revived I've never been asked to accept or decline. I just get up.

Why would I even want to Decline? :eek:

Couple of reasons. Because you're getting revived in a position where you will die again anyway. Because you want to change your load-out. Because you want to change class.
I play mostly as support, I just forget to give out ammo lol.
lol ya, you do
I followed you around for a good 3 or 4 minutes trying to get some ammo out of you yesterday :p
don't worry, you're not the only one
they don't exactly make it easy to know when your mates are asking for some
they don't exactly make it easy to know when your mates are asking for some

Exactly. I do miss the indicators both on-map and in the HUD for teammates' needs you can fulfill. I hope it's just a missing/de-prioritized feature, not one they "play-tested out" or some shit meaning they decided to throw it out. Just another "little thing" that makes BF3's multiplayer lack some of the good old cooperative spirit from BF2.
When you die, you have ~8 seconds to be revived. If you are not, you respawn.
If you are revived, but die before accepting the revive, you respawn.
If you accept the revive, you can die and be revived again.