Battlefield 3

Below the North American players numbers for BC2 and BC2:V.


And thanks for reminding me to uninstall the game. It has become redundant.


Vietnam is awesome, players or not. I can't play BC2 vanilla anymore, the lack of unlocks spoiled me.
I haven't played BC2 a single time since first playing the BF3 alpha but if I did I highly doubt I would do anything besides either play hardcore Vietnam or hardcore Squad Rush on vanilla. Vietnam was a great expansion, I dunno why it gets all the hate (besides the lack of maps and the fact that some of the maps are poorly balanced).
I really hope DICE nerfs the AA, on Operation Firestorm... I can't stay in the air for more than 30 seconds. I wouldn't mind it being like the FLAK guns from BF1942, meaning you have to time your shots. Also helicopters missles should do a little more damage to tanks and what not. Infact, there was this one round where I fired two missles against infantry, and merely got hit markers... nothing, seems RPG's/SMAW's do more damage than helicopter missles.
Tactical light nerf (they need to nerf bullet damage as well IMO):

Meh, I don't have an issue with the tactical lights. Sure it's not realistic or anything, but it's an interesting gameplay dynamic to counter/use.
Meh, I don't have an issue with the tactical lights. Sure it's not realistic or anything, but it's an interesting gameplay dynamic to counter/use.

Lamer than IR scopes imho. I try and avoid resorting to them. It's always sad when you get bushwacked by some guy with 10 levels on you running around with tactical light on...
I usually win out me vs flashlight.

It's the IRNV that is overpowered.
i am so looking forward to the back to karkand map pack right now because i'm pretty bored of some of these maps already, namely i groan at operation firestorm, noshahr canal and damavand. they aren't nearly as fun as i thought they might be, but again maybe that is just because they are desert maps and are too ****ing bright to really enjoy.

i thought i would be groaning at the likes of operation metro, grand bazaar, tehran and seine but i actually really enjoy them and yeah, it's because of the weather and atmosphere. far more fun for me, personally. i like kharg a lot too, but that feels like a nice mix of the open desert and close quater street fighting... that and the weather isn't far as obnoxious as the other deserts.
I usually win out me vs flashlight.

It's the IRNV that is overpowered.

IR makes sneaking harder, but it's not making it harder to hit the shooter. Where as with the problem is at close range it's easier for the TL user to down you with a HS than it is for you do the same.


A lot depends on whether you're playing solo or with a team tbh. Personally I hated Tehran Highway for ages, but with ppls in mumble I quite enjoy it.
I've found a strange reproducible lock-up crash. Since the R7 server update, I haven't had any crashes that weren't straight to the desktop with a Battlelog error... unless I happen to be piloting a Little Bird, and circle-strafing counterclockwise, in which case the game locks up and I'm forced to open the Task Manager. It's only happened three times so far in my 20-or-so Little Bird runs, but it always happens the same way.
IR makes sneaking harder, but it's not making it harder to hit the shooter. Where as with the problem is at close range it's easier for the TL user to down you with a HS than it is for you do the same.


A lot depends on whether you're playing solo or with a team tbh. Personally I hated Tehran Highway for ages, but with ppls in mumble I quite enjoy it.

this does make all the difference, yeah, and when i play with two good buddies of mine it's often pretty shenanigans, but i think on the whole i'm still not getting that ''umph!'' factor... and i don't know why.

a lot of might be down my distaste towards how many people, on the whole, play as engineers. compared to 90% of the people i've played with, i am a ****ing medic-machine with the amount of health i throw down or people i pick up. sometimes i feel like i'm the only person looking at the squad list and thinking ''right, we've got one engineer and one support, i'll go assault so we have a good all round base'' or i'll go support if they've got a different selection. i guess i'm just all-round just playing for the greater good sometimes, when i see a lot of people rocking engineer on infantry maps for the close-quater weapons and ability to put rpgs into tight corridors. the worst part is is that sometimes, their scores are higher even though i'm hoofing it around trying to keep them up to speed or knee deep in ammo!

the cheek of it!
Teamspeak, Vent, Mumble, Battlelog's voice chat, whatever your choice, I would say completely changes the way you play and how much fun you have.

Even better on hardcore servers too, where you rely on your eyes and senses rather than spotting.
really getting into the swing of this now that i've unlocked some weapons that don't look or act basically the same as the starting US rifles, though i am really enjoying the m16a4 regardless of what i just said. starting to play a bit more engineer for anti-air roles but - as i predicted! - barely anyone ever drops me some ****ing ammo. back to support i go to drop it for all the other engineers...

finally got some good unlocks to give my time in the air as a jet pilot some actual defence ala the flares, heat seekers and stealth. it's lucky i was a pretty damn good pilot in bf1943 because i've taken to flying the jets with relative ease to a point where i feel comfortable to be able to shake missiles without using flares sometimes. getting a successful lock and kill on a plane is good, but personally nothing beats lining up a gun run with the a10 and coming in low miniguns blaring on ground targets.
What's the difference between the m16a3 and m16a4? They seem the same to me.

It's very frustrating that weapons have no stats like in bc2 such as damage, rof, bullet spread etc because its hard to know which weapon to pick
Think the M16a4 is 3-shot-burst and single shot, whereas the M16a3 is full auto and single shot. I think it's that way round.
the m16a4 also comes equipped with a foregrip and a scope out of the door, making it much more tolerable to use when first unlocking it. i thought this was quite odd, though - do any other weapons do this, or is it really just the staple of how a4's come these days?

either way, i'm enjoying it a lot and am working on getting a rifle scope at the moment. i love my m416 with a bipod and rifle scope for playing marksman with, but i reckon i could do with that extra range and stability of the a4 for larger maps. **** your recon class!
like a like a G(3)6

G36c, M240E, AEK-971 are my best weapons currently. My Recon service star progression has been at 2% since release day and that's the way it's gonna stay!
My Recon service star progression has been at 2% since release day and that's the way it's gonna stay!

yeah, i've done sod all for recon but i started playing some earlier because i really want to unlock SOFLAM so i can give all these engineers something productive to do, but ****ing hell the progression is so slow. all you can do is kill, and where's the fun in that?
Sounds interesting, going to have to give the m16a4 a go! But so close to having a 1000 kills with the m416 now so totaly going to have to get that first before moving on to other weapons :D

I've also started to have no add on in the third slot (i think) I was using the heavy barrel but it gives you tons of kickback and seems all the other mods give you some draw back else where so thought it would be best taking nothing and having no advantage or disadvantage.

One thing I really think the game needs tho is perhaps 5 favorited slots for each class. So you can go in, customize a class, camo, weapon mods etc and select it quickly at the start of a map. It really does take quite a wile to go in and fiddle with each class between maps and I really cant be assed even though I would give an advantage customizing per map.
One thing I really think the game needs tho is perhaps 5 favorited slots for each class. So you can go in, customize a class, camo, weapon mods etc and select it quickly at the start of a map. It really does take quite a wile to go in and fiddle with each class between maps and I really cant be assed even though I would give an advantage customizing per map.

yeah, the game really does need this. i don't care if it's COD-like, that was a good feature.

if not that, then you should really have the ability to customize your soldier/kits during the post-game stats at the end. there's like 40 seconds of nothing during those times.

also i wasn't aware the heavy barrel gave kickback, i'll probably remove it if thats the case. on all my rifles it's the only ever mod i've got on the underbarrel as i'm not one for lasers or tactical lights, so it's just heavy barrels everywhere.
My Recon service star progression has been at 2% since release day and that's the way it's gonna stay!

I have noticed that none of you guys whom I have on my friends list have much time in recon. Interesting trend to say the least, especially due to the number of snipers I encounter in-game.

EDIT: My strong desire to be lulzy with the EOD bot does not jibe with score accumulation.
It's kind of weird, during the beta I was all over recon, but now I hardly ever choose it, and generally if I do it's simply with a view to put a mobile spawn point down somewhere useful for the team. Snipers are just .. irritating really. They're the guys who shoot you in the back just as you're about to knife some unsuspecting fool, or even worse shoot the unsuspecting fool before you can tag him (if they are on your team). Even worse they're generally content to camp for kills and rarely bother doing any of the heavy lifting like capturing points. No joke I was on Bazaar conquest earlier today and there were 2 guys in my team sniping, both loitering on the stepped ramp area near the highway point, which was under enemy control and the lazy tards didn't even have the wits to move the requisite 4 feet necessary to capture the point, even though our team was bleeding tickets at the time. I wish I had the patience & skillz of WGBVDS to grief the f**k out of them tbh: -

Did the drivers make the game run better?
I can't try it right now STEAM is downloading skyrim at full speed.
Team Deathmatch is riddled with Claymores now. Shame, seeing as it;s the best way to level your weapons.
It's kind of weird, during the beta I was all over recon, but now I hardly ever choose it, and generally if I do it's simply with a view to put a mobile spawn point down somewhere useful for the team. Snipers are just .. irritating really. They're the guys who shoot you in the back just as you're about to knife some unsuspecting fool, or even worse shoot the unsuspecting fool before you can tag him (if they are on your team). Even worse they're generally content to camp for kills and rarely bother doing any of the heavy lifting like capturing points. No joke I was on Bazaar conquest earlier today and there were 2 guys in my team sniping, both loitering on the stepped ramp area near the highway point, which was under enemy control and the lazy tards didn't even have the wits to move the requisite 4 feet necessary to capture the point, even though our team was bleeding tickets at the time. I wish I had the patience & skillz of WGBVDS to grief the f**k out of them tbh: -

the majority of snipers that kill me, i can be almost assured that they will be a really low rank like 2 to 4, and i just know that they've jumped into the game thinking ''welp time to get some kills'' and nothing more. i might even be blunt/ignorant/sweeping enough to say that i don't think they are aware of the potential of the other classes, and as i said before with regards to my marksmen rifle, you can play a successful long range soldier with assault and support if you tweak the kits right. i'm sure you could probably do it with engineer too, really.

hell, the worst part is when they aren't even making good use of the recon only abilities like the spawn beacon and that little motion deely thing (is that what it is?) - the former of which can be so, so useful when attacking on rush if you manage to get behind the enemies lines. you can really play havoc with a team by getting on their flanks from where they least expect it.

It's uncanny, but Dynasty does sound exactly like cookie monster on mumble ;)

the majority of snipers that kill me, i can be almost assured that they will be a really low rank like 2 to 4, and i just know that they've jumped into the game thinking ''welp time to get some kills'' and nothing more. i might even be blunt/ignorant/sweeping enough to say that i don't think they are aware of the potential of the other classes, and as i said before with regards to my marksmen rifle, you can play a successful long range soldier with assault and support if you tweak the kits right. i'm sure you could probably do it with engineer too, really.

hell, the worst part is when they aren't even making good use of the recon only abilities like the spawn beacon and that little motion deely thing (is that what it is?) - the former of which can be so, so useful when attacking on rush if you manage to get behind the enemies lines. you can really play havoc with a team by getting on their flanks from where they least expect it.

I do run up against high level recon occasionally. My approach is to to tag them find cover, then mortar them into fish paste.
It's uncanny, but Dynasty does sound exactly like cookie monster on mumble ;)

Jesus. Okay. Caps lock was unintentional. Not fixing it. Meh.
I do run up against high level recon occasionally. My approach is to to tag them find cover, then mortar them into fish paste.

sure, it's inevitable, but the majority i've come across are low rank.

anyone have any experience with the an-94? that's my next assault unlock but i don't think i've been killed by one at all in my 23 hours of play time, so i'm wondering if it's any good. right now my assault and support unlock progress are head and head (next support weapon being the m240) and i'm just wondering where to invest a lot of my time, though that said i usually play the both of them pretty equally in games, maybe more-so assault.
I haven't unlocked the AN-94 yet, but the M240B is a beast. Far and away my favourite Support weapon.
Yeah M240B is pretty evil. I quite liked the M60E4, but others says it's slow to react. About to unlock the AN-94 myself and I quite fancy giving it a spin, though atm I'm really into the PDW-R as it's super accurate.

I haven't had a MP consume me like this since the TF2 beta (which I sunk 200 hours into and never touched again). I've both LA Noire & Skyrim sat on my steam account and have only given LA Noire a glance. With everyone else Skyrimming it up I've been on my Todd a lot of the time, and it's been quite interesting just getting to know the maps better, as well as their idiosyncraties. Albeit I liked it at first I'm kind of done with Daravand peak as invariably it's more a case of dropping people behind enemy lines than pushing through the tunnels, and there's not much points value in defending your base from interlopers. Really into Bazaar, Krang & Caspian though, as they're all fairly evenly balanced, and there's a lot of fun to be had as a ground unit.

Will give a report on the AN tomorrow.
I'm not too into the AN-94. I like the F2000 a lot more. I think the AN could be pretty good if you bother to train yourself with it extensively, but the F2000 is just better than it (although I'm thinking the F2000 might get nerfed because it's SO good).
Agreed about the M240B, with foregrip and holographic sight... its an absolute monster.

I've tried liking the AN-94, but it has far too much recoil for a 5.45x39 assault rifle. Its completely different from its BC2 counterpart.

Jesus. Okay. Caps lock was unintentional. Not fixing it. Meh.

I seem to be the only one who DOESNT complain about jets, other than those damn flares, seeing as not many people we all play with can fly them except Nazruda and myself.

It's uncanny, but Dynasty does sound exactly like cookie monster on mumble ;)

Oh god. Sure it's not an echo or something?
I gave the F2000 a go over the weekend and didnt like it much at all. It just seems to vomit up fart and not do enough damage to kill anyone. I much perfer a slower RoF and more damage with the assault rifles. I wanted to also reach the 1000 kill mark with the m416 hoping for some kind of gold combat star but that did not happen. Going to try out the M16A3 now for a wile tho, although its a starter weapon it seems to pack quite a punch and was getting a bunch of kills with it.
The M16A3 is an amazing rifle, and its ****ing deadly in hardcore.

I would use it if I didn't love the AK-74M rifle.
the f2000 is alright but i hate the way it looks. i saw a foregrip on one the other day and it was just like what how why. blurgh.