Battlefield 3

Lol: tagging vehicles with the SOFLAM makes them feel VERY uncomfortable :) I held off a flag being attacked by a tank as a sniper by only the means of tracking him with a red dot.

Also my EOD bot continues to slake its thirst for blood.
EOD in anything other than Rush seems like a fail.

Arming the Mcom and hiding away, having them disarm, look the other way and then you roll in and arm it again. Hilarious.
But if they're all alone, that's when you STRIKE!! Welding torch to the head!
Theres been alot of complaints about mortars about, but I think they're the most balanced implimentation of artillery in a BF game (of the ones I've played at least). In BF2 the commander had his rain of death that could fall anywhere and was utterly devastating against everything but air targets and could only be disabled by sneaking behind enemy lines and blowing up thier artillery pieces while in BF:BC2 the recon's had thier mortar strike calling binoculars which again brought down a rain of shells to anywhere within thier line of sight but didn't reveal thier position and was available as long as the player was alive (aside from the admittedly long reload time).

In BF3 the mortar can only deliver one bomb at a time, is marked on the map at all times, makes the user incredibly vulnerable to counter battery fire (one hit kill) and can only one hit kill a player at full health (or anything above 50%, for that matter) if it lands directly on thier head. Which is rather difficult. Also its range is limited to something like 250 meters as well as having a short range "dead zone" where it cannot fire within a certain distance, which significantly limits its effectiveness on larger maps like caspian border, while being used the operator can also be locked onto by air-to-ground missiles (at least, don't know about guided missile/guided shell on the IFV/tank or Javelins). Mortars are easily the most simply elimited artillery system implimented in a game set in the modern era. Also, while a mortar is being operated the team gives up a support player, who is also exceedingly useful on the front lines with his LMG, ammo boxes and C4/claymores.
he has a point. when you put it like that, the mortar really isn't all that bad at all.
Mortars are hardly overpowered really. If they sit off the map in an area you die before you can reach them, out of bounds or whatever, then yeah it's hard to get them, but they hardly break the game.
And they're honestly near useless on normal mode. I find it takes way too long to kill someone unless it's on hardcore.
yeah, i'm super stoked for this. this map looks like the absolute one when it comes down to infantry fighting with support from vehicle warfare, proper mix of the playstyles and the town really gives the map the space it needs with mid-to-long range sightlines. i'm thinking something akin to grand bazaar but dropped into the middle of the really quite scarce operation firestorm, and then rotated and multiplied on itself.

cannot wait to get unlocking some of those more unique looking weapons, too. my problem with the weapons at the moment is that it seems from level 1 to 30, all the guns are very formulaic and far too many of them are based around the m4/m16 variant that it just becomes quite dull. these new weapons are a whole different array of shapes and sizes and that distinction in aesthetic and playstyle looks like something i'm really going to enjoy working through. even better is that it's confirmed the weapons will carry over to the other maps, too.
OMFG! Sa80! So happy about that, can't wait. I hope its not shit
OMFG! Sa80! So happy about that, can't wait. I hope its not shit

this is probably one my most looked forward to weapons as well. it'll be nice to see some british representation in a battlefield game, i believe the most recent game to include a british rifle was battlefield modern combat, but i might be wrong.

edit: i saw recently that IFNV scopes are getting nerfed, too. what are peoples thoughts on those scopes? i've been using it when i'm the squad leader as i feel responsible to spot everyone and everything and it feels like a streamlined way of getting the point across, but this was only really in two of three back to back games when i was the squad leader. i might of used it every now and again elsewhere but on the whole i prefer other scopes, but i don't really find it all that bad. i get killed by folk who have it equipped and i've never thought i was being caught out and abused by it. just feels like someone killing me in a regular manner.
Some how I feel Dice implemented team balancing as making the game crash on some players. Just had the most amazing round yet, had good AA and amazing gunner at the attack chopper, we kept killing a shit ton of people for a long time, then the damn game just crashes... Feels like this happens every time I'm having an amazing round...

To summarize: Battlefield 3: Modern Crashing 24/7
yeah, i know that feeling. sucks.

what's worse is the feeling you get when you play an amazing round with a load of random people but the entire team has a sort of bond going on with how they play or how they cooperate together and you absolutely storm the opposition even though there might not be any talking going on - shit just clicks together, and you play a few games with the same result then one game comes along, you check the scoreboard and half of your team have left to go continue their lives elsewhere or the worst one of all: being moved to the other team.

shit is so sad :(
this is probably one my most looked forward to weapons as well. it'll be nice to see some british representation in a battlefield game, i believe the most recent game to include a british rifle was battlefield modern combat, but i might be wrong.

edit: i saw recently that IFNV scopes are getting nerfed, too. what are peoples thoughts on those scopes? i've been using it when i'm the squad leader as i feel responsible to spot everyone and everything and it feels like a streamlined way of getting the point across, but this was only really in two of three back to back games when i was the squad leader. i might of used it every now and again elsewhere but on the whole i prefer other scopes, but i don't really find it all that bad. i get killed by folk who have it equipped and i've never thought i was being caught out and abused by it. just feels like someone killing me in a regular manner.

It's about time they got nerfed. And I use them, but I don't wanna feel like it's the only thing I can use without missing out on points. It really is massively overpowered, you can see things you would otherwise miss at a glance. Not only that, but things like AT mines also become *very* visible. I hope they way they nerf it is to make them less useful in broad daylight, maybe make them overexposed for 2 seconds until your eyes adjust. Right now, it's hands down the best sight to use on any weapon but sniper rifles. Like, there is NO reason to use anything else.
Christ I cant wait for the IRNV nerf. Been pissing alot of people off by being sarcastic about them every time they kill me with an IRNV.

''Holy crap, mad skills there with the IRNV. We are not worthy of your presence!'' etc etc.

Annoys people, which is great, as they sometimes stop using it. ***king worst scope ever added to a game.

Makes me a dick, but hey, ***k you if you're pathetic enough to use it.
eh, it's not that bad. i don't think it's anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be but then again i felt like that with the ump in the beta. guess folk like you dynasty just die a lot to acknowledge people using it all the time, eh? :p
My only problem with mortars is that people spam the shit out of them and camp. ****ing nice.
eh, it's not that bad. i don't think it's anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be but then again i felt like that with the ump in the beta. guess folk like you dynasty just die a lot to acknowledge people using it all the time, eh? :p

Ironically that's the comment most people make.

And then again, irony kicking in, I usually finish with a better score than them.

Cant wait to see these guys who use it the whole time suddenly get raged at how shit they actually are when the scope becomes useless. I swear, if DICE make some pathetic change like ''Err, we reduced the FOV.'', I'm done.
i think you are greatly overestimating people in this game. if the scope becomes useless people will just go back to using regular scopes, like 90% of the people use anyway. seriously, maybe it's just a PC thing with people coupling a easy to detect-enemies-scope with easy-to-kill-precision mouse controls that makes it such a bad combo? shit is fine on the console/

patch notes

Not sure when its getting implemented. Just reading through it now!

• Increased the damage of Helicopter Miniguns, AA guns, and Jet Cannons against infantry

They already seemed super powerful vs troops so now they are even more over powered?

• Reduced the physics impact of AA guns and Jet Cannons, players under attack from these weapons should no longer lose control.
• Reduced the damage from FIM-92 and SA-18 IGLA missiles against aircraft.

These should help when sitting around in the choppers :D

Didnt see anything on there about the nightvision scopes! :eek:
Just played a round with the new fixes, they still didn't fix the thermal scopes and that flashlight... mother ****ing bullshit.
They're not listed so isnt changed.

I feel really ***ked over by DICE on this one.

I mean, REDUCING the stinger damage when it's almost impossible to hit a jet/chopper due to flares and everyone maxing stealth perks? However, I guess, that's bad for solo players. Its a team game, so one guy fires, the guy pops flares, then the other guy fires like straight after and he cant pop flares again...hmm, might actually be the right decision after all to reduce stinger damage.

Reducing the G3 and Scar damage is retarded.

INCREASING buck shot damage and range? Ahahaha. Seriously, fire whoever thought of that.

Squad changes are pointless, the whole idea is we WANT MORE SQUADS PER MATCH AND AN ABILITY TO CREATE OUR OWN! We dont want a new look to the system and some changes you say work, but probably wont.

Jet cannon damage against infantry, yes, that was required. As are rocket pods. But helo cannon damage as well? Oh ffs.

Increased pistol damages, thats cool.

''You should no longer be able to damage a friendly vehicle when sitting in an open position'' WTF does that even mean?

''Grenades now drop to ground if you get killed while attempting to throw it(note the affect this will have on Hardcore mode!)'' Oh god, someone's been playing too much CoD!

Seems that yes, they've fixed some stuff that was needed. But they've seriously, seriously ****ed up elsewhere. Ignoring the IRNV and flashlight complaints, THE NUMBER ONE COMPLAINTS, and making seemingly random changes to weapons that didnt need changing, tweaking what didnt need to be tweaked..I mean come on DICE. Wake the **** up.

It's like these changes have been made by someone who doesnt play the game that much.
I see probably one person a week using the IRNV. It doesn't bother me. It's not THAT overpowered. It's hard to tell friend from foe and you don't get any magnification so it's only useful in close quarters really.
Seriously? One a WEEK? I see atleast half a dozen every game.
thats because you die a lot

learn to play logistics/supporting role
Is there any way of turning off the bloom / sun glare? Its pretty annoying dyeing because you cant see who the shizzle is shooting at you!
i wish. that's probably my number one complaint with this game. it's ludicrously bright. i groan whenever noshahr canals comes up because defending downrange to the aircraft carrier is just ridiculous sometimes.
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh come on DICE/EA

Where is the tac-light nerf? Why is the chat box STILL AN UNCHANGED ISSUE SINCE THE GOD DAMN BETA? Where are custom squads? Where are the jeep horns we were directly promised?

Why did they go to all the effort of explaining PS3/360 certification delays, only to delay the PC patch so both could be released on consecutive days?
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh come on DICE/EA

Where is the tac-light nerf? Why is the chat box STILL AN UNCHANGED ISSUE SINCE THE GOD DAMN BETA? Where are custom squads? Where are the jeep horns we were directly promised?

Why did they go to all the effort of explaining PS3/360 certification delays, only to delay the PC patch so both could be released on consecutive days?
they claim that most of that stuff is coming in later patches
didn't make it in this one because they "didn't have time" and wanted to get this one out the door
The only things they fixed was the Jet vs AA balancing issues, everything else is rather pointless.

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh come on DICE/EA

Where is the tac-light nerf? Why is the chat box STILL AN UNCHANGED ISSUE SINCE THE GOD DAMN BETA? Where are custom squads? Where are the jeep horns we were directly promised?

Why did they go to all the effort of explaining PS3/360 certification delays, only to delay the PC patch so both could be released on consecutive days?

To add to that, that UI and the commo rose, both need to be overhauled. And the small ****ing map sizes, flags in a strait line, etc.
***king **ck-sucking helos!


I wanted to grab my team last game and smash their heads into the ground over and over for being so ***king retarded. Getting dominated by that ***king Viper and I was the only one trying to shoot him down with stingers.

But nooOOOOoooo, cant do that now that the ****-tards at DICE have NERFED THE STINGERS! WHY THE ****!!????

All helo pilots do is pop flares over and over, and with stealth, by the time you lock on again they can pop flares again, so that rules out using 'team mates' as they cant lock on quick enough after they pop flares BECAUSE OF STEALTH.

I was fine with stingers getting a nerf, before they were so OP. With mobile AA, one man army engie's, Centurion C-RAM AA and enemy jets... transport heli's and Jets before were completely ****ing useless.
just played a couple of rounds, disabled three jets and took four helicopters out of the sky between two games. no problems here, game still feels fine.
does anyone have an extra discount code that'll work to buy bf3 on Origin? I have a friend that's on the fence and I know it would seal the deal

apparently he couldn't wait... so it's no longer needed
blurgh, snipers. i don't get constantly harassed by them, but whenever a kill is made by a SVD of MK11 or whatever it's just... groan, really? like, what do snipers do? i've tried playing recon now to get benefits out of the spawn beacon but it's just such an underwhelming addition to a team. i mean, i complain about the amount of engineers sometimes but then without them we would up to necks in tanks, but snipers... they just do what an assault soldier does with a scope, or a support gunner with an acog, except from afar. actually no, scratch that - i NEVER see snipers operate from afar in this. it's people just milling about in close quarters.

i played a game of damavand earlier and me and my squad mates couldn't seem to get the mcom A, there was just too much defense concentrated on our squad route of attack. i thought it a bit odd that we weren't piling into their front line when i realized everyone else was just sitting up in the rocks sniping and it just makes me want to get on the mic to the whole team and just yell PULL YOUR WEIGHT. this game isn't about kills, it's about getting the objective - you just kill anyone that gets in your way. unless a group of snipers are working coherently and cooperatively to take out other snipers or a guy repairing an enemy tank, whats the point? it's just killing, and killing don't get mcoms/flags!*

* i suppose technically it does, but... you know what i mean.
blurgh, snipers. i don't get constantly harassed by them, but whenever a kill is made by a SVD of MK11 or whatever it's just... groan, really? like, what do snipers do? i've tried playing recon now to get benefits out of the spawn beacon but it's just such an underwhelming addition to a team. i mean, i complain about the amount of engineers sometimes but then without them we would up to necks in tanks, but snipers... they just do what an assault soldier does with a scope, or a support gunner with an acog, except from afar. actually no, scratch that - i NEVER see snipers operate from afar in this. it's people just milling about in close quarters.

i played a game of damavand earlier and me and my squad mates couldn't seem to get the mcom A, there was just too much defense concentrated on our squad route of attack. i thought it a bit odd that we weren't piling into their front line when i realized everyone else was just sitting up in the rocks sniping and it just makes me want to get on the mic to the whole team and just yell PULL YOUR WEIGHT. this game isn't about kills, it's about getting the objective - you just kill anyone that gets in your way. unless a group of snipers are working coherently and cooperatively to take out other snipers or a guy repairing an enemy tank, whats the point? it's just killing, and killing don't get mcoms/flags!*

* i suppose technically it does, but... you know what i mean.

I agree, in my opinion... snipers make BF3 game breaking. Like you said, Damavand Peak (rush) and Op Metro (rush) its nearly impossible to get past the first objective. There's wookies covering the entire first stage of the map, and when your on the USMC side... its a guaranteed loss. Right now, Rush is completely broken on those two maps.

Sigh, I wish it was like Forgotten Hope... no snipers kits can be spawnable, have to be found on the ground.
Bah, sniping. The Recon class is clearly designed for close quaters - TUGS to show you where all the bad guys in the building are, mobile spawn to get you (and your squad) back into action ASAP and a shotgun to blast anyone you run across. When it comes to clearing out structures, especially those multi-floor buildings in the maps set in Paris, the recon has no equal.

Also, tag-teaming with an engineer who has a Javelin and Recon with a SOFLAM they absolutely decimate air targets (and ground targets, when the guidance system doesn't screw up and slam the missile into the ground rather than the roof of the tank) as once a missile is away from a javelin on a designated target the only thing the victim can do is attempt to manuver in such a way as to force it into the ground/obstacle. Flares don't work against it and ECM only works prior to launch.
see, i think soflam is probably the best thing recon has going for it but i've seen it used like... once, and i know for a goddamn fact that when i eventually unlock it NO ONE will assist me, regardless of how many people are engineer.

it's funny how often i see people as engineer on kharg island yet i see next to no-one getting rockets away on the landing IFVs/AMTRACS, just people milling about, like usual! and damaged vehicles, is it too difficult to see when a vehicle needs repairing sometimes? oh wait no it's just most people can't heal tanks because they've chosen landmines instead of repair tool because KILLS KILLS KILLS of course.
it's funny how often i see people as engineer on kharg island yet i see next to no-one getting rockets away on the landing IFVs/AMTRACS, just people milling about, like usual! and damaged vehicles, is it too difficult to see when a vehicle needs repairing sometimes? oh wait no it's just most people can't heal tanks because they've chosen landmines instead of repair tool because KILLS KILLS KILLS of course.

Weirdly enough, getting kills does win you the game. Unless you're actually part of a tank crew there's zero point taking repair Vs taking mines and restricting the advance of the oppositions tanks & APCs.