Battlefield 3

I have finally found an Origin feature that is better than the one in Steam: download speed. Pre-loading at 3.5 mb/s atm. On a good day that's 1.6 for Steam.
Download the 60fps 1080p ultra quality version from Fileplanet, I've just been drooling over it. Seeing a few glimpses of wartorn Karkand in fully modern Frostbite 2 glory has me absolutely giddy about the expansion pack. I can't wait to see the new Oman and Wake :D

Speaking of which, when they have a trailer of BTK, I hope my beloved AK-101 from BF2 makes a return. I loved the sound of it back in BF2.
What the **** are you even talking about?

i basically feel like this everytime i read dynastys rambles, don't worry

i think what he's basically trying to say is that... it looks like it will be better than cod, even though it looks like cod, but it looks better to him than cod does, therefore it will be better. if you follow.

(i don't)
He has a good point - it looks like a spit shined turd with some lamination applied this time. It won't be exciting for more than a brief playthrough. The previews already indicate this, and the reviews will reflect it, and he (we) think that sucks.

I personally will play the MP of both and essentially ignore their SP short of maybe the respective game's first chapters. :|

And it's talk like that which will cause BF3 to get an 8.5.

I couldnt care less about the review scores (as much as I like to use them in debates), but will watch them on monday/tuesday, and will of course buy this anyway, but unfortunately I think ALOT of people are going to be put off buying it if it gets knocked down for the SP 'being too much like CoD.' (but if BF3 gets a 9.5+, you wont hear the end of it from me in a CoD argument. Maybe Im actually a fanboy for Battlefield after all?)

Still think this will blow CoD's SP away. I saw the jet level where you start on the aircraft carrier, and the little details make it so much better. Such as stoping to physically put your helmet on. The smudges and scratches on the canopy. The 'dust' on the lens of the 'camera' in the talking sections as seen in that launch trailer. The ripping off of the guy's mask in the bank scene. All stuff that hasnt been done so well before.

But being compared is unavoidable. And is ammo for the CoD fans.

Luckily, our MP is a sledgehammer to their chizzles. Chizels...Chi...Chiz...***k it.

So, CoD gets high review scores from journalists and has a legion of fans who love it for what it is, but both of the above will score it down for being too much like CoD? Okey dokey broseph.

He has a good point - it looks like a spit shined turd with some lamination applied this time. It won't be exciting for more than a brief playthrough. The previews already indicate this, and the reviews will reflect it, and he (we) think that sucks.

I personally will play the MP of both and essentially ignore their SP short of maybe the respective game's first chapters. :|

I know I play this card way too often, but you liked Medal of Honor. How does your brain even work?
That launch trailer is jaw-dropping, but it makes me sad to know that the game will never ever look like that on my PC.
i basically feel like this everytime i read dynastys rambles, don't worry

i think what he's basically trying to say is that... it looks like it will be better than cod, even though it looks like cod, but it looks better to him than cod does, therefore it will be better. if you follow.

(i don't)

I dont see how it's hard to understand.

Battlefield 3 will be compared to CoD in every review it gets, inevitably. ''Who cares about Singleplayer in a Battlefield game?'' Alot of people, as there are plenty of people around that only play Singleplayer.

Battlefield 3 has singleplayer, so that has to be reviewed. For a modern day fps, and DICE looking at every fps they can get their hands on and saying ''that's cool, we can use that, but then remove that'' etc. Because CoD is everywhere and is so popular, it's going to be one of the biggest influences. That and EA blatantly wanting this BF game to take down CoD or atleast give it a serious run for it's money. So, DICE either chose or most likely have been forced to add some 'CoD-ness' to the new game, because that's what EA think we want, due to CoD selling so well. And that launch trailer confirms the CoD influence.

So, yeah, Battlefield 3's singleplayer will look and feel like a shiny, prettier version of CoD with fast paced action and some stealth etc. It's hard to be unique. And for that reason, scores will be lowered. I can just see every '-ve' being ''Singleplayer feels too much like CoD.'' or ''Singleplayer doesn't do anything that CoD hasn't done''. Even though it's inevitable, it makes me furious, maybe passionate about Battlefield. You could argue that's fanboyism, and yeah maybe it is, but I wont go screaming it from the rooftops like a Halo fan. As much as it seems like I lack it, I do try and apply logic.

But the multiplayer will shine through of course.

Some games I buy based on reviews, some I dont. Battlefield 3 is the latter.

''Why do you care about reviews though?''

Well because reviews can certainly make or break a game, and more importantly therefore influence a potential future release. We are a culture OBSESSED with reviewing. Tech reviews, Which? reviews, Amazon, holidays, X-factor, Big Brother etc etc etc. We like to know how good something is before we part cash.

Do you think if Batman Arkham Asylum hadn't gotten huge reviews everywhere that it would have sold anywhere near as well as it did? And because of that, Arkham City will be hugely popular, as it's showing so far, so Rocksteady will get the go ahead to make a new one.

Maybe I constantly have a poor choice of words or something each time I try to explain myself, I dunno, and I probably lose sight of my own argument which makes it impossible to understand what I'm on about. I just dont want to see a great company like DICE get hit with reviews of 8 because of ***king CoD, and suffer as a result as the reviews are what is going to tip people over the edge of buy or not to buy.

They're celebrating that BF3 has 2 million pre-orders. BlackOps sold 7 million in it's opening weekend. 2 millions vs a minimum of around 6 million, and MW3 will break the record for most money made, AGAIN. DICE are clearly losing out because people want CoD, would like Battlefield but are probably waiting for the reviews to come out, as financial times are hard so we have to pick and choose what we buy, and they are undecided whether to get Battlefield 3 or not. I would love to read that their pre-orders shoot through the roof after the reviews come out.

DICE need all the help they can get right now, and I want to see more people in Battlefield that haven't played it before thinking it's amazing, to keep the community alive and make it bigger for the next in the series a few years away.
So, yeah, Battlefield 3's singleplayer will look and feel like a shiny, prettier version of CoD with fast paced action and some stealth etc. It's hard to be unique. And for that reason, scores will be lowered.
DICE are clearly losing out because people want CoD, would like Battlefield but are probably waiting for the reviews to come out, as financial times are hard so we have to pick and choose what we buy, and they are undecided whether to get Battlefield 3 or not. I would love to read that their pre-orders shoot through the roof after the reviews come out.

I have no idea how to take these two comments in conjunction. The reviews will say it's just like CoD, which will dissuade the people who... want a game just like CoD? Gnuh, my brain.

I wont go screaming it from the rooftops like a Halo fan.

Are you aware of how often you talk about CoD/Halo fans? I think it qualifies as rooftop screaming at this point. :P
All the people posting on Reddit that they're a fresh convert to BF3 after watching the release trailer (or playing the Beta) kind of throws a wrench in his hypothesis :p
For all my skepticism about this game, it is a really great trailer.
I can't believe Console tards are already playing this and all we can do twiddle our thumbs.

I was just pointing it out, the quality of the SP isn't really a factor in my decision. I won't complain that the side dish was a little tasteless, if the main dish is outstanding.

you do realize that if battlefield 3 gets hit with reviews of 8 it is going to be their own fault, right? it isn't ''the peoples'' fault for marking it down for being like a COD game, it's the ****ing developers fault for building a game that is like COD

i get it, you like the company. i do too - they make great multiplayer games. but you are allowed to criticize them for some aspects of their product. i think at this point everybody and their mother knows that BF3 is going to be a multiplayer game, so i really wouldn't worry about their community right now because heck, even bc2 had a incredibly strong player base and that was up against both MW2 and BLOPS. if it doesn't make as much money as MW3 does, who gives a shit? dice aren't going to go bust over it, BF3 will still be a great game regardless.
This is actually a surprisingly clever pun, and I'm sure you didn't intend it.

Haha, that is pretty good.

My pre-load is done, its maddening to think that its all sitting there but I cant play it :<
I swear that Battlefield 3 icon is staring at me and cackling...
I swear that Battlefield 3 icon is staring at me and cackling...

I love when people get offended on behalf of other people...gdiaf
Comparison shots of the console texture pack in action.

With texture pack:

Without texture pack:

The console people might want to make some room on their HDs. Big difference.
Huge difference!

Preloaded now. Why can't I just load it up! :'(
Probably better to throw everything on the hdd for 360, might melt it otherwise lol
I love when people get offended on behalf of other people...gdiaf

didn't you just call out when someone called you a shithead? it's the same thing

it's probably worth noting that there's nothing remotely 'tard' like about console players who just happened to get their game early. big deal, get over it.
Because this time there is actually a tangible, playable SP that DICE has obviously invested a tremendous amount of time into.


Though I am confused by the title, specifically the title that suggests this is the 3rd battlefield game. Though if I remember correctly the original game wasn't called Battlefield, it was Battlefield 1942, and after Battlefield 1942, Vietnam came out.

Just look at the list, and you will understand what I mean
Sequel numbering in general doesn't mean much any more. Just be thankful it's not Battl3field.
I feel bad for those playing without the texture pack on consoles. It looks absolutely terrible, much worse than your average console game.
Yeah I'm pretty surprised at how poor the non-HD textures are. With that said, the vast majority of console gamers should be able to install the texture pack.
I can see myself playing the campaign on the lowest settings for some N64-era nostalgia.
Sup Bros I work at Best Buy. Here's some pictures I probably shouldn't have been taking from inside the warehouse. (Puss in Boots confirmed on DSi)



Do you work at a warehouse or something, or are all those copies for one store?