Battlefield 3

i think one of the biggest problems with the vanilla maps is the aesthetic, or moreover the necessity for a realistic visual language that makes the locations believable. they all look beautiful and i might almost believe they could of been rendered from real photographs or google earth images of actual locations, but they don't play as fun as they should. on many occasions it looks like the map designers went for a feeling of hurried-abandon in the maps, in which factory workers, border officers, dock workers, metro attendants and refinery engineers might of only half an hour ago just left the environments in haste, and as far as atmosphere goes that's pretty well done, but for overall gameplay and the ''fun factor'', it's a little lacking.

i'd love to write up more on this but my laptop is making my typing super laggy and it's a real difficult to get a good stream of conscious going when half the text is taking forver to catch up with itself.
I think the problem with the vanilla BF3 maps is that they are all either in a strait line or bunched together. I'd even venture to say that Wake is better than any vanilla Bf3 map, currently makes flanking with the stock maps rather pointless.

Also, Rush is completely broken in the vanilla maps... goodness grief, the USMC team always loses. :p
I think the problem with the vanilla BF3 maps is that they are all either in a strait line or bunched together. I'd even venture to say that Wake is better than any vanilla Bf3 map, currently makes flanking with the stock maps rather pointless.

Also, Rush is completely broken in the vanilla maps... goodness grief, the USMC team always loses. :p

not sure what you mean here, i've had no particular moments where i have ever felt outgunned or given an unfair advantage when it comes to advancing and attacking. some maps are harder than others, sure, and i've had my fair share of games of utter stonewalling the attackers and likewise i've had a fair share of games where our team have rolled right through the defense or they have done so to us, it all just comes down to how your team works with the resources given to them. have you any particular examples?

the only problem i've ever seen with the USMC is conquest on operation metro. those guys are ****ed 9 times out of 10.
Managed to play Sharqi and Wake last night along with another round on Oman, still to play Karkand though!

But damn, these maps are so much better than BF3's maps, and I enjoyed the BF3 maps! Sharqi is excellent with infantry combat and the Russian chopper (MEC) doesn't just tear the map up anymore since infantry have AA. Wake Island, seems they've made it a bit wider so you've got a bit more room to move now, I had fun on it with my friends but I wish they'd have chose a different BF map!

My only gripe with B2K is the amount of control points makes it hard to figure out whats going on on the map. I'm sure in time I'll get used to it and be able to call out targets/objectives nice and quickly again.
There is nothing wrong with any of the maps. Other then AA being over powered and making choppers.

I dont see why people have complaints.
I love how many people are complaining about the new F22 or whatever it is jet. Though it is quite funny how braking during a turn causes it to hover.

Personally I think the maps are great. Conquest Assault is fun and adds more flags to the mix which makes the maps feel bigger. The maps seem to be bigger in general than the stock BF3 maps, and definitely make it feel more like Battlefield. Some would say it's still just big CoD maps, but you cant please everyone. Especially gamers.

Stability seems better too. Maps run smoother, and the loading times are lightning fast compared to before the patch. Maybe it's just those maps, but usually I browse the web when I click Join and wait for the BF screen to pop up. Now, I've hardly loaded a few pages and I'm in. Great!

I think people are just nit-picking as they feel so disappointed by BF3 overall. '"Zomfg, infantry now spawn on the island instead of the ships in Wake. DICE are the devil! Burn heathens!!!''

Oh shut up. It's hardly made the map ***t.

Nothing but whining bitches lately, like I was with the IRNV I guess.
Got to play all of the new maps. Awesome across the board, except for Wake which was always pretty "meh" to me.
squad deathmatch is ****ing terrible btw for anyone wanting to unlock the SA80 - Had to force my self to play for hours to get the 5 wins. With 4 squads all compeating for the win its pretty hard to come top.

But yes very very very boring.

After 2 hours of spamming its ruined my stats and bored the crap out of me. Wont be playing it ever again.
yeah i'm really peeved that the only way to the SA80 is through squad deathmatch. really want that gun.

thoughts on what i have unlocked: famas has one of those ''can be used from the hip in tight quarters'' feel to it which i wasn't expecting, also that gun has come a long way in it's identity since the last time i saw it... in metal gear solid. seriously, looks nothing like it anymore! the HK53 feels nice and tight but i've found myself really getting caught out by it's recoil. also, did anyone else's come pre-equipped with a ballistic scope? i thought that was really odd, and i tried to use it a few times but it's such a massive thing to have on your screen and for a weapon with such compact firepower i ended up missing so many dudes up close. removed right away. can't quite understand why it was unlocked straight away for a weapon like that.
Yeah. the FAMAS comes standard with the ballistic scope for whatever reason. My actual response was a vocal "wat" when I saw it taking up half my screen. Makes no shens at all.
the HK53 feels nice and tight but i've found myself really getting caught out by it's recoil. also, did anyone else's come pre-equipped with a ballistic scope? i thought that was really odd, and i tried to use it a few times but it's such a massive thing to have on your screen and for a weapon with such compact firepower i ended up missing so many dudes up close. removed right away. can't quite understand why it was unlocked straight away for a weapon like that.

I have, I would imagine (but have no way of proving it or being sure) that its a coding foul-up regarding the "DICE employee exclusive" attachments (which are strangely not listed any more) as the only way to get a 12x scope on any of the other carbines was to be a DICE employee. Either that or its someone's idea of a joke. :p

Its a beast of a thing in close quaters though. Havent unlocked any of the other B2K weapons yet as I've only played today and an awful lot of that was trying to weld people to death (because while it isn't an MP5, its close enough.)
Played BF3 for the first time today and had a good time. Perhaps it's because some time had passed since release, but I haven't experienced (almost) any problems - game ran well, played around 2 hours total with no disconnects. The only little bug (?) I'm getting is a weird quite loud beep when the round ends - I also heard it 2-3 times during Kharg Island - I have no idea why it occurs.

Despite all the hate towards Origin, I was quite pleased with how it functions. I really like that it loads the game in the background and lets you know when it's ready, so you don't have to stare at the loading screen. Also, finally there are queues - I'm not sure if BC2 had them, but I always missed them in BF2 and BF2142. Thanks to the fact that everything loads in the browser, it's responsive and convenient to use.

Also, I saw some teamplay on the servers, which was nice. Of course there was some lonewolfing, but there were quite a few moments where people were working together and I also got the jump on a few squads. I surprised myself with my first round - admittedly lonewolfing around the objective we were defending (not sure which map it was), but I got 9 kills in before I was killed - ~4 with the assault rifle, 1-2 with a picked up sniper rifle, ~2 with the pistol and one knife. Good start ;)
The loud beeps are sounds from Battlelog (it beeps when it receives your last round stats etc) I think you can turn them off at the bottom right corner of Battlelog :)

I noticed earlier today something interesting. On Gulf of Oman, the large building under construction in the middle of the map covered in tarps partly. About halfway up the tarps you can see some flickering light and some shadows. To me it looks like something big being welded (blue light/sparks).

Then my friend came online saying there are rumours of a Battlefield 2143 since the numbers are on some boxes? Maybe it's one of those big walkers you could get in on 2142?

It's on the "A" side of the building, about half way up.
2142: Humanity fights over the Earth's last remaining resources, to fuel...

2143: Dinosaur cloning for wartime purposes.
There are 6 dinosaurs on the island in hidden places.

Probably posted already though?

There's also a document that hints at a dino mode. Or so I'd like to habeeb.

You realise that translates to:

''There's also a document that hints at a dino mode. Or so I'd like to my friend.''...which makes no real sense?
The loud beeps are sounds from Battlelog (it beeps when it receives your last round stats etc) I think you can turn them off at the bottom right corner of Battlelog :).

LOL, really? If we are talking about the same sound, then they went a little too far with the glitchy style of the game IMHO :p I thought that either my integrated sound card has problems handling all the sounds or that it's some sort of overheating alert, so I alttabbed to check my temps :LOL:

You realise that translates to:

''There's also a document that hints at a dino mode. Or so I'd like to my friend.''...which makes no real sense?

I believe he's talking Internets (possibly 4chan dialect) instead of Arabic, in which case it means "(...) or so I'd like to believe".
Lol at the illogical slang of 'teh internets', and whatever the frack 4chan is.

Habeeb = or so I'd like to believe.
How am I supposed to care about these other machine guns there are to unlock when the Pecheneg is working so damn well? Also, how's everyone doing on the asschievements?
Lol at the illogical slang of 'teh internets', and whatever the frack 4chan is.

Habeeb = or so I'd like to believe.

> detest use of internet slang
> drop slang from battlestar galatica in post

for the record i got what willeh was saying straight away. they both roll off the tongue pretty easy, hardly ''illogical'' as it's just a bit of silliness at the end of the day.
Ugh. These assignments are crap. I got the G53 and the FAMAS easily, but being forced to play certain game modes and perform an absurd number of difficult objectives made me give up on the rest for the time being. It's not fun. So in the meantime I'm pretty much just rocking the 870MCS and MP412 REX. Which reminds me, I have a really bad joke.

Why do I call my Rex "Magnitude"?
Pop POP!
There are 6 dinosaurs on the island in hidden places.

Probably posted already though?

You realise that translates to:

''There's also a document that hints at a dino mode. Or so I'd like to my friend.''...which makes no real sense?
I was quoting a comic that was fixated for quite some time. Get my dick out of your ass it doesn't belong there.

Hummm the L85A2 needs a bit off a buff... RoF is low and it dont have much stopping power! Annoying!
Sharqi rightly deserved my "Looking forward to" vote. It's my favorite right now.
yeah, big big fan of sharqi. holding the tv tower is still just as fun as back in the day, if not more. played a game with my pal the other night, we got pushed back into the lobby, then upstairs. they started scaling the ladders and were relentless through the door, we get pushed even further up into the stairwall. then ensues a frantic backwards-retreating firefight as more and more enemy spawn off of each other as i drop ammo and lay continuous claymores on the stairs, we eventually fall back onto the rooftop, hold the doorway then we fold as my friend quickly has to answer his phone and i run out of ammo and have to switch to my sidearm as they come tumbling through the door. managed to drop two or three with pistol, but it's all over from there.

end result of tv tower defence - 14 kills between us, two for them. we still win the round. YES!

currently rocking the QBB 95, ****ing love this gun. it's got real stability, just like the famas, and using it in single shot form is a blessing i've really missed when it comes to using LMG's. also, famas with acog single shot is basically the most accurate sniper rifle ever.
Shit, anyone I try to join through friends is playing the Return to Karkand expansion - I have no money for it now! It's not expensive, but I splashed out on the new PC and BF3 itself and now came expenses associated with Christmas! :p
Sorry I stabbed you in the chest, Unfocused... But you shouldn't have sniped me ;)
They really need to fix being able to repair transport helis if you're in a passenger seat. Was just on Wake and the US team had two people repairing it. I would hit it with stinger after stinger and they would repair repair repair and it was impossible to bring it down. I even hit it with a damn tank shell and then a stinger and it didn't go down.
I generally have mixed feelings about the amount of damage vehicles can take. I think it used to be easier to bring them down in BF2 and definitely in BF2142 (where one well placed shot to the rear could blow up a tank). Now it seems it not only takes more shots, but there's a good chance you won't get a kill with that, because the driver has plenty of time to bail.

Also, a few days ago I hit a low hovering small helicopter (dunno what's the proper term for that, I generally call them Littlebirds, but it could've been the other team's one) with a rocket and it didn't blow up; flew away badly damaged :? That's pretty bullshit IMHO.

Also, cool thing I just watched. Got to watch some of the other episodes; I like how the commentator isn't an annoying twat (and that's not always the case with videos like this).

EDIT: Shit, I just bought BtK, but I tried connecting 3 times (twice to same server, once to different) and I keep getting kicked after a few seconds, with the message "Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Unf0cused' (for 5 minutes) ... Ignoring MD5Tool Queries". I tried restarting Origin, didn't help :|
I'd like for non-guideable rockets to have a damage boost vs. air vehicles.
$40 today at Gamersgate. Wonder if this is the time to pick it up. Hmmmm.

It seems it's 50% off (!) for two days on Origin - what's the normal US price?
Doesn't appear 50% off on Origin for me. Normal US price is $60
How do you deploy into a squad? :( I've been trying to deploy in squads with free slots but it wont let me.
What do you mean by deploy? Do you mean spawn on your squad members? That depends on the server, there are setting they can change that dictate whether you can spawn on anyone in your squad or only the squad leader. If it's squad leader only and he's dead you'll have to spawn elsewhere or wait for him to respawn. The squad leader can spawn on anyone in the squad though!

If you mean join a squad, there is a join button to the bottom right of the list of squads (to the right of hotel squad). Highlight and squad with space and it should say join down there and when you press that you'll be in the squad.