Bayonetta review. Oh my ..


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Edge say 10/10

'Bayonetta is nearly flawless. We're not talking about the witch herself, though that's also true. Bayonetta is the kind of game you dream of playing, the kind of game every platform needs, and the kind of game any developer with ambition would fantasise about having on their CV. From start to finish its intricate and intuitive fighting system is a masterclass, and it even finds time to reclaim vehicle levels. This is about as good as it gets.'

Stand aside Devil May Cry and grovel on your knees God of War, it looks like there's a new daddy in town, and he's a she :eek:

**** YOU SEGA. We don't want your shit on the PC anyway - except Condemned 2 and Bayonetta, etc.
games can be a 10/10...thats fine by mean but there is not such thing as a perfect game
Eurogamer gave it a a 9. So it must be pretty good. Wonder is it GOTY quality? 2 Japanese games for GOTY? Demon's Souls and Bayonetta? :D
"inconsistent frame rates, duller graphics, and technical issues in its PS3 port"
there's a new daddy in town, and he's a she :eek:
I've seen pictures that would prove you wrong.
there is not such thing as a perfect game

Which, btw, is one of the reasons I have a chip on my shoulder about this game. Clover games releases perfect beat 'em up: gets shitty reviews. Clover becomes Platinum Games, releases Devil May Cry clone with a female protagonist: TEN OUT OF TEN GAME OF THE YEAR

I suppose I shouldn't hold it against Bayonetta, but I just can't help it. I look at the game and get mad.
Wow, that suit makes Wolverine's outfit look tasteful.
Don't be sad Darky - DMC never looked as good as this.
The Eurogamer review is interesting. They grade pretty hard.
Could've sworn I heard people find it dull when the demo came out.
10/10 for Devil May Cry with an ugly whore protagonist?

I hate reviewers. I've yet to see one who wasnt a hypocritical dillweed or a unabashed sellout. Or just an idiot.
Devil May Cry [1] was kinda good, the rest of the series was terrible IMHO, but I thought Viewtiful Joe was critically acclaimed. (never played it personally)
Viewtiful Joe was very good. The fighting system was excellent and it oozed style. It was a highlight of that gen for me and hopefully Bayonetta will be for this one.
Viewtiful Joe was very good. The fighting system was excellent and it oozed style. It was a highlight of that gen for me and hopefully Bayonetta will be for this one.
I loved Viewtiful Joe, but I don't understand why everyone is drooling over this game.
Yup, nothing's changed. Every time I look at her I still want to puke.
Looks like DMC and sounds like it plays exactly the same.

Which means if you like racking up huge combos with multiple weapons over actually consistently challenging and interesting gameplay, you'll like this.

Why can't Team Ninja make anything as good as Ninja Gaiden Black again?
Her proportions kind of weird me out. Her head, feet and hands are all tiny as hell and her arms and legs are so ridiculously long they could be support structures for a bridge.
According to the review, moves and hits come with audio cues that help teach you the timing and rythm to the Bayonetta's fighting system. Strikes automatically string together into combos and so rather than learning long chains of input commands the emphasis is on intuitively working out new ways of dealing pain. Weapons/items add further to your options - e.g. finding a sword will allow you to add charge attacks Ninja Gaiden stylee - which you can blend in with everything else. Dodging attacks at the last second slows the game down and lets you pull of particularly nasty attacks. Apparently these simple rules allow for 'the greatest battles video games have yet seen'. I guess we'll fine out son :)

A carbon copy of DMC/NG/GoW this is not.
Maybe. Maybe it will allow us to fight with real flair. You know it looks good - you just don't want to jump in in case it becomes popular. Easier to champion God Hand ;)
Sounds like the average hype that comes with one of these games.

"It's THE BEST FIGHTING GAME EVER because YOU DO THE SAME THINGS AS BEFORE, only THERE'S MORE OF IT!!! Also, instead of waiting for the cutscenes to see huge-chested women YOU ARE ONE AND DOING A COMBO MAKES YOU ALMOST NAKED!!! 10/10/10/10 FAMITSU!!!"

Obviously I'm skeptical, but after hearing how good DMC3 was after playing Ninja Gaiden Black, forgive me if I don't buy the hype. I suppose I just like my fighting games with enemies who aren't the equivalent of cannon fodder.
I have become rather apathetic to DMC over the years (I never even played DMC 4 until a couple of months ago and I wasn't blown away) and never liked Ninja Gaiden because of its design around its ridiculous difficulty curve and was NOT interested for this either; it just seemed like a DMC clone with a chick. However given the ridiculous amount of praise this has gotten I might need to check it out :)

*adds to list of games to check out with borderlands and dragon age*
Too many games :(
However given the ridiculous amount of praise this has gotten I might need to check it out :)

That's the thing. If Bayonetta was simply dmc with tits it wouldn't be getting this much recognition. Combat aside, the fact that it runs at 60fps and looks stunning has me interested. It's the polar opposite to the drab browns and boring level design we gto too often these days.
I'll pass on a game with tits that big. Jealousy can be expensive.
This doesn't top Six Axis Boob Physics though.