Bayonetta review. Oh my ..

Also, that link. Don't dare show me a 2D sidescroller unless you've played Tyrian. And if you haven't played Tyrian, GO PLAY TYRIAN.

Carrot ship FTW.

**** yes Tyrian.
Having played both a good amount of both Bayonetta and Darksiders now, I can definitely say I'm enjoying Darksiders a lot more. It's a shame they decided to release it alongside a flurry of more hyped games.
On one of my visits to the Gates of Hell, the shop-keeper in this game said, "Check it out: 'Whaddya buyin?' Heh heh. I heard that in a game once"

I lol'ed.
The story line of Bayonetta is like watching your professor from India teaching you Calculus in Chinese. I'm sure it makes sense to somebody, but it's not doing me any good. The parts I was able to piece together strangled each other to death in confusion with unexplained time travel and flashback sequences. However it did make the escort sequence makes sense. I think. O_O

As for whatsernames character, she sums up that happy little demographic of women that MAKES YOU WANT TO KILL YOURSELF WITH A MALLET. She is femme fatale. If you've ever been with a women whose gotten you into more trouble than you could have possibly conceived was possible, you'd understand the metaphor. She pretty much a representation of the dame. And that's both a compliment and an insult comin' from me. The kind of comment that says, "Ok, you're pretty useful and sure you're hot, but I know that if I turn my back on you for an instant, you've got the kind of mind that'll break my spine in a game of chess, and THEN you'll shoot me in the dick." Just the way you say that, 'ususal hot babe wearing ridiculous outfits', reveals exactly whats going on at work in your head. You see the beautiful women in your life, ridiculous or no, and immediately shuffle them into the category of usual. Sure, for the mass majority of pretty girls, they are vapid little crazy mindless tubes of meat, but believe it or not, there are some actually interesting women out there in the world. Maybe one or two. And maybe, just for once, I think a game has captured some of the essence of what makes those one or two interesting. And plastered a ridiculous outfit on top of it. Sigh. God damn it. She acts as a freaking quasi-mother figure for the last half of the game for heavens sake.

As for the rest of your post... what? What? First you tell me that you don't have a high opinion on the state of the games industry... and then you prattle off some excellent games as evidence of what is going on? What?

Also, that link. Don't dare show me a 2D sidescroller unless you've played Tyrian. And if you haven't played Tyrian, GO PLAY TYRIAN.

Carrot ship FTW.

tyrian was awesome really, for a 2d arcade game. but it wasn't that overblown like the game i've posted (the japanese one)

i don't know what the **** are you talking about the women part?

the games i've mentioned are few and far in between... the vast majority is oral diarrhea. Prototype for instance, shit.

i still don't know what your opinion of Bayonetta is?
It's alright. Not nearly as good as Half-Life by any means though.
It's alright. Not nearly as good as Half-Life by any means though.
comparing Bayonetta to Half-Life

MFL and Vegeta897 said:
Oh my, is it casual hour already?

Imperishable. Night. Extra stage.
Don't make that face at me, I was trying to find the easiest way to answer his damn question. I'm well aware that any actual comparison between the two is a futile and pointless endeavor. Remember who I was talking to.

As for you're casual comment, eat me, Tyrian is a great game. It has it's merits, just like the bullet hell's do. One plays them for different reasons. Sometimes you want to relax. Sometimes you want to beat Battletoads. Sometimes a snake is just a snake, not a god damn penis.

Thanks to you I'm still trying to find a copy of God Hand. I hope you're happy, bastard.
It's means you're a lovely productive member of society and are deserving of all of our respect and appreciation. Snookums.
This has got to be one of the best games I have ever played. Buy it. It's better than hl2DM!
Sometimes a snake is just a snake, not a god damn penis.
But a snake always has two penises!

Yeah I don't know where I was going with that either.

Sometimes you want to beat Battletoads.
Nobody can just "beat" Battletoads, or suddenly decide they want to beat Battletoads as your "sometimes" comment would imply. Battletoads has six stages, and each stage takes 11 years to master. The only way to beat Battletoads is by calling together the people who've dedicated countless hours to beat each stage and have them rotate out. It is the only way to beat the Dark Queen.

Thanks to you I'm still trying to find a copy of God Hand. I hope you're happy, bastard.
You will NEVER find it in a store. I'm already telling you now. I got my copy at a trucker station in a truckstop town in the middle of nowhere. Like the whole town was just to facilitate this one lonely truck stop, and I found a copy there among the racks of DVDs and books on tape. If you're looking for it in a game store, you won't find it.

Thankfully you can pick it up on eBay for about $12, shipping included.
I wish I could have found Ico that cheap.
I'm a few chapters in and loving it
it's exceeded my expectations thus far
the controls/combat feel SO RIGHT!
Did you really have to do that?
Reminds me of dogaroo.
Anyone else playing this? Surely someone else on!

I'm just starting the second play through - now on hard /o\ - and am trying to build on the embarrassingly low number of techniques and weapons unlocked first time around. It feels like the tutorial is over and the game proper has begun. My only criticisms are the odd bit of screen tearing and the frequency and duration of the cutscenes, which do break up the combat and flow of the game. Otherwise Bayonetta has delivered as promised. The combat is a clear leap up from the God of Wars and Ninja Gaidens of this world and if anything is overly daunting - weapon/item/technique combinations give rise to a silly number of possibilities. The best thing, however, is its Seganess. If Bayonetta had a smell, it'd be that of a freshly opened Dreamcast.
I beat the game today on 360. It's pretty good but I wouldn't say the combat is a clear step up from either God of War or the Ninja Gaiden series at all.

Edit: Actually, it is a big step up from the God of War series but not Ninja Gaiden.

All it does it give more combos and there is really only one, maybe two fights in the game that are on par with the awesomeness that is Ninja Gaiden Black. It's still a pretty damn good game with some great boss fights (that are repeated way too much towards the end) but it's nowhere near the revelation that Edge claim it to be. The boss fights towards the end are fantastic and there is one fight between normal enemies that's one of the hardest and best fights of the game

It's as if they successfully merged Ninja Gaiden with Devil May Cry and made the protagonist get almost naked at every conceivable opportunity. Nothing new but it's sure tons of fun, and unlike the DMC series I can see myself playing this again soon.
the game is really fun to play though. i stopped for one day though and i just hope to god i remember the combos! i suck at memorization unless its an NES game i played to death
ok just finished:


This was a difficult game for me on Normal. the game played at a really good framerate, graphics were pleasing, story was simple and the action was top notch. For me to be good at this game I had to backtrack a lot, focus on staying alive, and use my power ups sparingly. my grievances with the game are lack of checkpoints during the hardest parts of the game, sloppy platforming, bad camera angles at times, and overpowered bosses that are unforgiving. also it would have been nice to have the store to buy items readily available at the start of each level. but other than that I'm looking to the sequel if they make one and hopefully some of these issues would be addressed. in total i put 15 hrs into this wondrous game
Ive bought it for PS3 but cant play it as its back in the UK.

Nesstled amongst the other pre-orders it will sit, waiting to consume my life.

I did, somehow, manage to download the demo (if you knew where I was, you'd understand. Lets just say I get 20kb/sec on a good day!) of Bayonetta.

Played it through once, and it blew my mind at how, frankly, chaotic it was. I think I'm gonna have to learn the combos and start playing the demo again. I believe I can just sit in the tutorial and practice. Gonna need it in this game, otherwise its just a button-masher.
Played it through once, and it blew my mind at how, frankly, chaotic it was.

It continues to get crazier and crazier. This is one of the reasons Bayonetta stands out - the action is so fast and there's so much going on that your perception is tested more than is comfortable! You'll be surrounded by different enemy types - each with their own various tells - and you have to react to who's doing what, often in a split second, while simultaneaously trying to unleash stiletto healed misery. Then, once you finish the game on normal (which is basically the tutorial) and unlock hard, it goes ****ing mental. I'm trying to get pure platinum on hard - not brave enough for the hardest setting yet - and find it requires zen like moments of oneness with the pad to get close.

Handy tips that aren't in the manual - pushing the back button (probably select on PS3) during the loading screen practise mode allows you to practise indefinitely, and pressing back and right trigger allows you to skip cutscenes (this becomes essential after the first play through as there are a million sodding cutscenes).
I enjoyed the game but never really found it to be hard. The only enemies or fights that i've found more challenging than other games (or fights that at least stood out) were the fights against Gracious and Glorious. But with that said, games like Ninja Gaiden Black basically train the shit out of you for those kind of fights.
I enjoyed the game but never really found it to be hard.


What difficulty level did you play on?! Normal (game mechanics tutorial) isn't too challenging, but hard and infinite climax! Given that continues are infinite and the game saves at different points during boss encounters, it's not difficult to scrape from start to finish, but that's not the point. It's about the awards. Every time you get a stone award the game is flipping you the bird and saying you're shit! Even when you're getting golds and platinums the difference between that and pure platinum on infitine climax is HUGE. You can't get hit, at all, or use witch time. Enemies now have a crazy combo break stun they can use seemingly at any time! You can't use items. The combo meter cannot be reset - using taunting and shooting effectively becomes mandatory. And you have to do this in every single verse. It's ridiculous and requires 3 hands and two heads to even attempt it! Ninja Gaiden has nothing on that :p

Being a mere mortal i'll settle for less, but it's nice knowing the challenge is there. I most like the change of pace and the different encounters you get on the harder settings. The first level in the cemetery becomes utterly glorious on hard and trying to keep that sodding combo meter going becomes an obsession /o\

What difficulty level did you play on?! Normal (game mechanics tutorial) isn't too challenging, but hard and infinite climax! Given that continues are infinite and the game saves at different points during boss encounters, it's not difficult to scrape from start to finish, but that's not the point. It's about the awards. Every time you get a stone award the game is flipping you the bird and saying you're shit! Even when you're getting golds and platinums the difference between that and pure platinum on infitine climax is HUGE. You can't get hit, at all, or use witch time. Enemies now have a crazy combo break stun they can use seemingly at any time! You can't use items. The combo meter cannot be reset - using taunting and shooting effectively becomes mandatory. And you have to do this in every single verse. It's ridiculous and requires 3 hands and two heads to even attempt it! Ninja Gaiden has nothing on that :p

Being a mere mortal i'll settle for less, but it's nice knowing the challenge is there. I most like the change of pace and the different encounters you get on the harder settings. The first level in the cemetery becomes utterly glorious on hard and trying to keep that sodding combo meter going becomes an obsession /o\

You say all this like I haven't actually played the game on infinite climax. I just honestly found the insta-dodge button combined with witch time almost game-breaking and by the time you get to infinite climax mode, you've already got that witch-time accessory that activates when you get hit, so there is almost no way to lose. I've never cared for getting Triple S or Pure Platinum in any of these DMC like games (although for some reason I enjoyed getting Master Ninja on Master Ninja in Ninja Gaiden Black) so going back and playing it for achievements sake isn't an incentive for me. Killing enemies without being hit is a lot of fun, but by that time I've already done that a ridiculous amount of times in the game and I just don't care for it.

I never found hard hard to be honest. With infinite climax things got harder but I didn't really care by that stage as I'd pretty much almost mastered the game. Or at least in my sense of the word. Like I said, I don't care for trophy hunting.
You say all this like I haven't actually played the game on infinite climax.

That's why I asked :p

I've never cared for getting Triple S or Pure Platinum in any of these DMC like games (although for some reason I enjoyed getting Master Ninja on Master Ninja in Ninja Gaiden Black)

Fair enough. You're probably not as insecure as me - I need a game to say 'hey, you're awesome'!