Because we love Alyx...

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I have to agree completely. I too care for Alyx when playing the game even though she is just an NPC. Valve did an amazing job creating such a realistic character that most will find them selves too running back to Alyx after being separated by falling through a floor. The teaser for episode 2 foreshadows something bad happening to Alyx that I truely hope won't happen. Those of you who have seen the teaser know what I am talking about.
Well, I jut found her slightly less annoying and more tolerable in episode 1. I just don't like her voice, or her model, or her skin tone, and the way she smiles is just UGLY! But her AI was pretty good, and every now and then the comments she made were funny. Overall I prefer Barney as a sidekick. Nothing beats a dimwitted security guard constantly wisecracking about the situation.
Ahh yes! 'Hitbox'! Thank you! ..Now that I think of it, it all makes perfect sense...

And if you seem to distaste Alyx so much, then dare I ask why are you playing Aftermath?

Now don't take me the wrong way, I'm not intending to be rude, However I do see the ..Oh.. What would you say? Irony? No... That’s not the proper word... Or, maybe... Oh well. It's the only one I can think of at 2 in the morning…

Yes, Ironic how you yourself set out to buy a game with a character in it you Know you don't like? Knowing full and well that Alyx is a major part of its plot?

..Hmm… Perhaps 'Ironic' was the word I was looking for..
Yeah, the best showing of her emotion was in the train wreck. After she stepped out, you could just feel the despair and grief. You really felt as if you were alongside her in that bad situation.
Just wanted to show a little something to other people. Recently read something on Alyx, nothing official, but it makes a lot of sense, and gives a good bit more hope on her outcome being a good one. (=

Wikipedia said:
Although her fate is currently unknown, it is suggested that she may die in Episode Two. The teaser trailer shows Alyx hanging above a cliff and asking Gordon for help, before presumably losing her grip. A Vortigaunt is later seen carrying Alyx while uttering "This is more than anyone can bear, but we will persevere." Her body, however, is free of any injuries consistent with a traumatic fall from a cliff. Aside from being limp and unreposive in the Vortigaunt's arms, there is no apparant sign of any trauma whatsoever. Therefore, two possibilities are most likely: Valve is not revealing some key information about Alyx's fate, or a model of Alyx's dead body was not created in time for the teaser video.
Spoilers end here.

Personally, I really don't think the second theory is possible, considering all that Valve puts in their games, I don't think they'd overlook something like that. And again, while it's not official, I do feel a good bit more hopeful with this.

Full article on Alyx here.
Maybe we should start a petition to force Valve not to let her die...

Btw: People say there was one scene where Alyx says something like
"if there would be room for two in Gordon's hazard suit"

I never heard this comment in my experience, when did she say that?
In recent games ive played were you have had a companion at your side the first thing i ALWAYS do shoot them just for a laugh just to see what happens, this is the first game ive played where ive never had the urge to turn and attack the npc. I find that strange :cheese:
holyfetzer said:
Maybe we should start a petition to force Valve not to let her die...

Btw: People say there was one scene where Alyx says something like
"if there would be room for two in Gordon's hazard suit"

I never heard this comment in my experience, when did she say that?

Alyx says that in... "Lowlife", while the two of you reach the bottom of the flooded room, and are walking through it.
comoxer said:
In recent games ive played were you have had a companion at your side the first thing i ALWAYS do shoot them just for a laugh just to see what happens, this is the first game ive played where ive never had the urge to turn and attack the npc. I find that strange :cheese:
That wasn't simply because you knew that if you did so, nothing would happen because Gordon's bullets are magically tempered with a special aura that makes them pass straight thorugh people with pure souls?
I want Alyx to be in future episodes...she's one of the best female characters in gaming. I'd rank her up there with Kerrigan (StarCraft), Annah (planescape) and Shodan (System Shock 2) in terms of greatness.
When Alyx asked if there was room for two in my suit I replied “I could carry you if you'd like Hun." In which case Gordon blushes profusely after realizing he called Alyx 'Hun'. Alyx looks at Gordon and blush like she dose (Looks to the side and brushes her finger in her hair, fiddles with her necklace) and looks away. I’ve actually seen her do this in the game at moments in which I’ve glanced at her a few seconds longer then necessary to check up on her

…Am I the only one who puts in dialoged and actions throughout the game for Gordon?

Even if I am however, I don’t think I’ll apologize. I’ll just call myself a hopeless romantic..
Well, I did yell, "Oh crap!" when I realised Alyx was in trouble, and blasted away all the baddies with the ever-awesome shotgun alt-fire.

EDIT: 5 more posts...
The time when she said "Of course you have that hazard suit" about going into the core I said "Oh, **** you"
Valve introduced Alyx in Episode 1 as an person who has real feelings, as a person who posseses the same fears and emotions like normal people.
They did it so good that i cannot imagine that Valve will let her die and that's it...
I am optimisic. We will see Ms. Vance in future epsiodes although her part will probably not be so important like in Episode 1..but it won't be the end.

I mean half of the Episode 2 trailer deals with her...
Hello all.
Well I have just now finished Ep1 and find myself in love with Alyx. Not in a touchy feely way you understand but in love with the character.
Top moments for me include.
When she made the zombie noises, as someone mentioned earlier, I spun round gun ready for the kill only for her to laugh at me.
Shine the light in her face when in a dark area and she shields her eyes.
Her eye movement in general was top notch. She could be looking at something, you stare at her, she glances at you then looks back at whatever she was looking at in the first place. All with her eyes.
When Dr K (think that's his name) was giving the speech on tv about pro creation and the rebels joke about him asking people to 'get busy' I tried to get it on with Alyx but she only gave me a smile. Very hard to make the first move without dialogue.
If I could ask whoever for just one thing in ep2 could Alyx have the top of her thong showing above her waistline. Thanks everso. :cheese:
Alyx is the most realized, lifelike, and empathetic character I've ever played with. She definitely did pull the heart-strings and offered an emotional connection. Not in some stupid lovey-dovey way, but in that there just seemed be a strong feeling of trust and care between the player and the NPC. Of course, it helps that she was a competent aid, as well as being easy on the eyes. But there was just more to it than that.

To all the people saying "omg it's just a game": grow up. There's nothing perverted, wrong, or abnormal with developing an affection for a fictional character, regardless of the medium.
The Fitter said:
If I could ask whoever for just one thing in ep2 could Alyx have the top of her thong showing above her waistline.
You can see it in Half-Life 2 if you stay behind her and closeup. :)
Neko! said:
…Am I the only one who puts in dialoged and actions throughout the game for Gordon?
Indeed I do. For instance every time I give a squad order I think what I'd actualy be saying "Take cover" "Get the hell back here" "Run!" "Get the f*ck away from the strider" etc.
I liked Alyx in EP1... She is definetly improved from HL2. However I'm still not that attatched to her. When I take the role of Gordon Freeman, he and Alyx shall have no romance. That shotgun wielding medic you come across in Anticitzen One is the NPC for me...:frown:
A memorable moment was when my torch ran out and while it was charging I could hear zombies appoaching, Alyx says " Gordon? Are you still there?" or words to the effect in a frigtened voice. And when a put the light on again a zombie is right next to alyx and takes a swing for her, she blocks it, throws the zombie away and then pumps a bullet into its head :E

Also on the train wreck, look at her face, nuff said.
Those bloody geniuses at Valve have done it again.
Made an absolutely wonderful part of the game...
... then try to kill it.

First thing I saw after the almighty cacophoney of the train explosion and the following credits, I nearly burst into tears. "Alyx?... Alyx! ALYYYYYYYYYX!! NOOOOOooooooo" could almost swear I said it out aloud. Friend and I were discussing, and we hope that the Vorts somehow manage to bring her back, or some funky shiz-nit like that. I am gonna sue Valve if they kill her off. First ever likable npc since Barney, and she carks it.

Please save Alyx!
Combined (no pun intended) with the Source engine animation system and the great voice acting, the Alyx character really appears to have genuine emotions which the player can sense, too. I was just amazed how, example the "So, that makes it a... Zombine? *giggle*" joke was so lifelike.

I would really like to see Alyx in the following episodes.
We don't know if she's going to die. She's certainly not killed at the end of Episode 1 because you see her in the teaser for Episode 2. Of course it looks like she's going to fall to her doom, but I'm guessing that bit is intentionally misleading us. I reckon that if any harm comes to her, it's going to involve a pissed off G-Man.
Where is the part where alyx makes zombie noises because I dont remember seeing it or hearing it.
It's when you're in the parking garage/subway.

She'll only do it if you turn out your flashlight. And do also make sure there are no Zombies still about, As this will only prompt her to say things like "There’s something still lurking in here"

So yes, No zombies and turning off your flashlight (As opposed to it running out of energy) will result in Alyx playing a joke on you.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Where is the part where alyx makes zombie noises because I dont remember seeing it or hearing it.
At any-time in Lowlife, you may hear this growling noise. Sounds more like a growling stomach than a zombie tbh, but it's actually quite effective at getting you to turn round and look for the source :)
:O The Hug



I swear that made me blush
She was a good shot, sure. But I honestly would not care if she was killed off.

Infact, I hope it happens.
If you dont like Alyx, why are you posting here?
Well yes, I would normally agree, however this thread is not labeled 'discuss your feelings one Alyx' but is instead called 'Because we Love Alyx'.

Not 'Why most of use love Alyx and the other three who don’t'.

If it where called otherwise I would see no reason in talking about why you do or don’t enjoy Alyx’s company, however since this is indeed a thread about loving her, not hating her, I see and feel no need for anyone to deviate from such as the original topic of conversation.

Far be it for me to take to place of the Moderators, however I do believe they would agree with my argument.

If you wish to talk hateful of Alyx, then by all means make a new thread for it, but this is not place for it.

You see, if you ever do make a thread about hating Alyx, You wont see me posting and preaching about why you should love her, as it’s no ones rightful place to ‘bash’ Alyx in a thread that was made to complement her.

… Mmm.. My rant is finished for the day.

… Oh yes! I love Alyx.
She did the zombie joke on me as we entered the area where you see the first 2 zombines.
Amen Neko!
And while we're at it, shouldn't there be a separate thread for Alyx's fate? Discussing her death on a we-love-alyx thread seems a liiittle bit inapropriate.

And that hug scene worked for me too :p
I liked that Hug scene too, hehe.

It was like this:

Alyx: He has to be around Here somewhere, just gotta be.
(Dog pulls Gordon out of the debris.)
Alyx: Oh My God! GORDON!!!!!(Gives Gordon a Hug).
Alyx: I was so worried.
Alyx: (Chuckles).
Alyx: Oh the Gravity gun give it to him dog.
Alyx: Dog's happy to see you I can tell.

I have to admit I blushed alot there, because alyx is soo adoreable.

Anyways about alyx blushing, then fiddling with her necklace, then brushing her hair wit hher finger, Can some one tell me what part(s) of ep1 this happened I curious to know, because I breezed by the episode to quick.
She doesn’t really do it in a particular chapter. It's just something she'll do randomly if you look at her for too long or 'talk' to her. I didn’t personally have to talk to her.

We where wading around in the ‘Nasty’ water and when I turned to check on her after a Zombie horde attack, I guess my look strayed too long and she blushed.

All the more things that make her seem human.
Alyx haters phail :sniper:

And will Alyx level AI ever become a FPS standard (for NPCs and enemies)?
Alyx was way relaxed in this episode, joking and her low tune relaxed voice as if she was high. she was good in the episode tho.
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