Because we love Alyx...

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Except it's not going to happen. At least not in any game we play.

In fact, I hope there is never an overtly romantic relationship with Alyx. It should all be kept fairly low-key.
No its just a weird idea, I mean who would look after em for starters, I mean while these two are gallavanting off, who knows what might happen to them. I sound like some relative don't I, just refer to me as Aunty Freeman from now on. I wouldn't mind if they had kids and that would be the end of that, maybe if there is going to be a happy ending to the series thats what they should do, but only at the very end.
In the end it will happen, Valve said they will further develop her, on her character, but they dont to force anything upon the player.

Don't ignore it, Every hero needs a woman.
Yup I think your right though some time, in the end IT WILL happen, they are fleshing her out, more like somethings emerging from the flesh.
Here's a quote from PC Gamer magazine about the present and future of ALyx in HL universe-----------------"She's at gordon's side for most in ep1, though she's seen less in ep2, her Role remains important, and her character continue's to enjoy a deeper level of development Than any other in the game-including Gordon himself. The Chalenge has to make Alyx a character that feels Important to you, in the story and during gameplay".

We'll see.
Yes we do realise that the *UK* pc gamer is very unreliable but we can only hope that she doesn't die and that her character develops even more and she plays an active role still in the story but we have to realise that PCgamer mistook the energy bridges for a gmods gravity gun and said we might play as Alyx in the EP, at this stage it is hard to tell what is going to happen with her it seems she dies in the trailer but that would give too much away for a trailer and magazines tell us that she still plays an active role within ep 2.

Maybe she does a Ben Kenobi on us and uses the force to live on lol.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Here's a quote from PC Gamer magazine about the present and future of ALyx in HL universe-----------------"She's at gordon's side for most in ep1, though she's seen less in ep2, her Role remains important, and her character continue's to enjoy a deeper level of development Than any other in the game-including Gordon himself. The Chalenge has to make Alyx a character that feels Important to you, in the story and during gameplay".

We'll see.

This doesn't mean she's going to be screaming "GORDON, I LOVE YOU" at any point, let alone child birth. As I said, I think it's always going to be hinted at or played at a low key. Anything overt really kills it for me.
Says you, and Valve said thats she's more a story element than a hint delivery system.

and becides Valve know what the community wants eh, but in the end it will eventually happen, and her "character continue's to enjoy a deeper level of development" (key words). But we cant predict the future but every one think that it will happen, its in reviews among other thing.

We dont know for sure, but I asure you 80-97% of the HL2 community wither hope or is Certain it will happen.

We will never know fore certain, and it will remain a mystery until it either happens, or THe end of the Half-Life saga.

We'll see.......About That!!!!!
I was thought about the relationship between alyx and Gordon how it would continue:

During Gordon's war with the Combine, Gordon was fighting some Giant Octipus creature(sound cheesy & lame) with tentacles, It had Gordon by the limbs scretching him, and eventually It tore off One of his arms, and one of his legs, and then its tentacles had gordon by the neck and was tossing him around like a doll, Alyx saw that she became very upset and she could sand and watch him die, she wanted to help badly, but Gordon screamed for her To get the hell out of here. The things Tentacles Had Gordon by the neck in such a way That it made him pass out, ALyx thought he died, she was like GORDON!!!!!!!!.

Well, later on the Vorts later teamed up with other vorts to kill the beast that Gordon accidently ran into and Got him self into that mess, They were able to do it. Gordon was dead, but they picked him up Brought him back to a place where they could work on him, then later on He was brought back to life, But he had no leg and no Arm, and was in no ways shape to fight the Combine and becides his Hazard suit was All cracked and messed up, it was a good as garabage. It was sent back for repairs to some scientists, and made it even better than before, It was also included with a helmet, like the H.E.V mark IV.

In the midst of Gordons absince, The rebels and the combine were in sort of a stalemate with out Gordons help, It was lagging in the absence of Gordon Freeman. Alyx was also not the same person, She was very depressed, she misses Gordon very much.

Luckly Gordon Got Some type of Andriod'ish arm and leg over living tissue over metal(cheesy I know), it matched gordon, You could'nt even tell, No crappy prostetic.

For 1-6 months gordon was missing, the vorts wanted to keep it secret to suprise every one, Then after recovering Nicely, Gordon was Given his new HEV suit w/ High tech Helment, and Got a new crowbar sharpened for his needs :) .

Then Gordon returned but the helmet didnt show his identity. Then later Gordon was fighting the combine, He later came accross alyx, she was like "Gordon? Is that you" then he replyed "I'am not Freeman, but he is still out there, you will see him". ALyx asked him for his real identity, he denyed, and said "Its not who I'am underneath, Its what I do that define's Me." (sound Familiar?) Oh yeah Since Gordon was missing He Grown long hair, but trimed his signature goatee.

Late On when gordon was going into battle, He showed his face Alyx was So happy that he was alive she gave him a big hug, and said I missed you so Much Gordon!!!!!(while keeping it low key) and she giggled like in ep1, Gordon touched gently on the cheak, and said take good care of yourself, kid!, Gordon made the piece side and jumped off the roof, using his Crowbar to Slide down a Clothesline.

I know I know, WAyyyy to imaginative, I get this often, I'am too good Of a story teller, P.S I had no intentions of over writing the HL story.

Edit: Sorry bout that double post ppl, but this tpic looks like its going to die so I thought.
... Wow, I was more thinking their relationship could more happen off-camera and such, like at the end of the game, once you've done whatever needs to be done, Alyx just gives you "that look" and the screen blacks out after a little bit of other stuff, letting the fans decide where they take "that" next.
Nah, I bet alot ppl would be annoyed if that were to happen like what your saying. obviously there was no "off camera' during episode 1 when Alyx hugged you. and wha tis a little bit of other stuff? I'am curious

If anything more serious than a hug, or subtle remarks happen, I will cry, because that isnt valves style, so far at least.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
The entire little tale Crow-bar just wove.

That was indeed the most interesting puréed of story mixing I’ve ever read. Why, it was so corny if I held it over heat it may start popping.

And here I thought you could never blend the story-lines of Robo-cop, Terminator, and V for Vendetta together in such a way…

.... I'm sorry Crow-bar. I just can’t get over that four or more paragraphs of what had to be the most poorly written fan fiction I've ever read...
I told You That I have a wierd mind, and thanks.

And about the grammar, sorry, but this is the internet is it not?

your aloud to use words like, LOL, OMFG, wtf, Pwned, uber, leet, Hax, ftw, and other ones used, and do all respects who made you grammer nazi.

Forgive my little imagination, I could help but make something of these confusing endings in HL. and as I sated it earlier I told you it was going to sound cheesy, I know crititics, would comment on my Wierdness, I admit it, My own family tells me it too, your not the first.

But lets get back on topic Shall we?

How do you think the alyx-Gordon relationship end, will she finally admit it, or will it contunue be confusing hint flirtyness.

IF i didnt state my self clearer, For get about that story I wrote, OK.

EDIT: I dont wish to be flamed any time today, thank you.

Have you guys ever get "stuck" after the train crashed when Alyx and I... Gordon moved out of the train? Alyx was sobbing and she said she need some rest. In the game, I am supposed to move on (crawling through the hole under those wrack). However, seeing Alyx was so sad, I decided to stay there and try to comfort her. So I refused to go on and stayed beside Alyx for several minutes, until I found that it was a bit pointless.

Afterall, it is rather inconceivable that HL serises end with the marriage of Gordon and Alyx, or the born of their child, or something similar. 'Cause these old endings are silly. They should not be the ending unless the entire Valve goes mad. In my opinion, the ending will be good enough if it is implicative, not too direct. Just makes Gordon and Alyx get together in final, but not to go too far.

At last, if Alyx dies, I am sure I will sue Valve for ehhh... for being a murderer.
Can Alyx die if you leave her alone under attack? I suppose they developers would have made her invincible to save us getting frustrated at her.
Praetorius said:
Can Alyx die if you leave her alone under attack? I suppose they developers would have made her invincible to save us getting frustrated at her.
I can't find a single sound file of the death of Alyx
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Says you, and Valve said thats she's more a story element than a hint delivery system.

Yes, because the only way for somebody to be a story element is if they want to **** the player.

and becides Valve know what the community wants eh, but in the end it will eventually happen,

Don't confuse what you want with what the rest of the community wants.
Praetorius said:
Can Alyx die if you leave her alone under attack? I suppose they developers would have made her invincible to save us getting frustrated at her.
She can die. She died on me once waiting for the elevator. My HEV suit lost its battery and I got lost and they killed her. I myself died like 6 times in that part though, she is pretty tough.

Anyhow, who else thinks that the G-Man will/could have Gordon in stasis again at the beginning of HL2: Episode 2 ? I'm not sure myself, but after reading the summary by Samon, could the "Gordon..." from Alyx really be "Gordon...?", as in G-Man took him and she doesn't know what happened to him? Where'd he go?

Or she could be just scared and saying "Gordon..." . I don't know, but it's a possibility.
Ludah said:
Don't confuse what you want with what the rest of the community wants.

Im sure at least 75%-88% wants to see it eventually happen, but thats what YOU DONT want, I know the maker of this topic would agree with me, IF you didnt know I'am NOT the author of this topic.

And why are alyx hater's here? It baffle's me.
Nah. Too cheesy and, quite frankly too creepy for them to fall madly in love while Gordon never talks. A good ending would be after a large battle Alyx says: "Gordon, there's something I've been meaning to tell you... I'm-"
*sv_freezetime_1 npc_create npc_gman*
"Time to say bye-bye, Missster Freeman..."
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Im sure at least 75%-88% wants to see it eventually happen, but thats what YOU DONT want, I know the maker of this topic would agree with me, IF you didnt know I'am NOT the author of this topic.

That's quite an assumption. I'm sure most would like to see hints at such a thing, but wouldn't want it to go into full-fledged romance because of the cheese factor. I personally don't need proclamations of love when it's obvious Alyx cares deeply for Gordon.

And the the whole Alyx/Freeman children thing... Not going to happen, people.
Well....If alyx has real feeling for Gordon, and Thinks of him more than just a friend, ITs gotta happen. If she thinks of him as just a friend, well let it just be that....FRIENDS.

VALVe said about ep2 that they're really making them characters this time around, and alyx continue's to enjoy a deeper level of developement, and She was not intended to be a HINT system.

and Gman taking Gordon away just before Alyx was going to to tell Gordon her real feelings.....nah, because Gordon and Alyx will team up with Crowbars, wrenches, and Pipes to take down Gman
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Well....If alyx has real feeling for Gordon, and Thinks of him more than just a friend, ITs gotta happen. If she thinks of him as just a friend, well let it just be that....FRIENDS.

VALVe said about ep2 that they're really making them characters this time around, and alyx continue's to enjoy a deeper level of developement, and She was not intended to be a HINT system.

and Gman taking Gordon away just before Alyx was going to to tell Gordon her real feelings.....nah, because Gordon and Alyx will team up with Crowbars, wrenches, and Pipes to take down Gman

So a sort of **** you Gman we love eachother and are moving in together *machine gun chatter*. Whoops. Now Gordon lets go and engage in a rather large snogging session.

Cool can't wait for it lol. Wouldn't it be a great ending if the camera zooms in on Alyx's eyes and you just see a pair of spectacles on the bedside table
Crowbar-at-hand said:
VALVe said about ep2 that they're really making them characters this time around, and alyx continue's to enjoy a deeper level of developement, and She was not intended to be a HINT system.
I think you're misunderstanding the hint system they were talking about. Not a hint system as in hinting her "love" for Gordon, but a hint system for what to do in the game. Example: Alyx was never a hint system in telling you to cover up the Antlion burrows with cars, but if you "ask her" (click on her) she might say "Cover up the burrows".
Crowbar-at-hand said:
Well....If alyx has real feeling for Gordon, and Thinks of him more than just a friend, ITs gotta happen. If she thinks of him as just a friend, well let it just be that....FRIENDS.

Or not, because attempting romance with the player would be ****ing stupid considering you have no way to respond.

VALVe said about ep2 that they're really making them characters this time around, and alyx continue's to enjoy a deeper level of developement, and She was not intended to be a HINT system.

What Vass said. And I don't understand what you mean by "this time around". They already were characters. And again, a deeper level of development does not automatically mean love.
Lets be honest ppl, We all or most of us want to see Gordon hook up with Alyx, it does'nt have to be a kissing scene, imo.

Also, For the ppl that dont want a little love in it, you know what! F**k em' you cant please them all, but due all respects...most people I know or allot people in general would for this to happen.

But there will be those critic's out there that will.....well critisize(I mispelled it?), Like I said you cant please them all, well at least please the majority of fans.

Also like I said, its does NOT have to have kissing, extreme huging, touching of explicit body parts, secks, or just touching ingeneral...but let it have just the little simple things not too far or corny, keep it simple.

Edit: Its about time she says the truth, no LIE's, thats the most important thing, She really has feels for The One Free-Man...well then let it rip, if its not then oh well.

Cheers :)
This is the ending, regarding the entire saga, and the love between Gordon and Alyx, that i envision:
The combine have been defeated. After Gordon killed the Council Of Combining Combiners, and the G-Man had been encarcerated in an anti-time-space-bending cell, the High Human & Other Species Universal Protectorate was formed. Gordon is seriously wounded, and is resting in a ultra modern, highly technological human hospital (h and more h's...). When he regains conciousness, he finds that Alyx walks, saying "Gordon, your ok!", and then jump-hugs him on the bed. All the other remaining characters arrive, and each one congratulates him for a job well done. After a small explanation on what everyone will do from now on (Barney is seriously thinking into becoming a Yoga teacher), they all walk out, and Gordon is alone. When he starts to get sleepy, Alyx walks back in, closes and locks the door, turns around slowly, and with a very sexy and hungry look in her eyes, says:

About time, that we had a bit of privacy.

She starts walking to him, as she says:

This time, you are all mine... forever.

Fade out. And that is how the epic story of Gordon Freeman, ends. Of course, if you want an exact recount of his long bloodline, check back later...
You have no idea how hard it is to name sons when you cant talk.
Mark Laidlaw, please forgive me for deforming this great story. I hope you dont murder me.
And, topic related, Alyx is the best character i have ever had the pleasure to interact with...
Some one is spending a little to much time thinking about video games.

I think it was already mentioned, but I like the fact that Alyx is one of the only main female game characters that is not a sex symbol or what ever. Cudos to Valve for upping the maturity of the Game Developer.
Seriously, i doubt anything graphic will happen during the game, but there might be hints of the future at the end of HL2.
to Opheli@r: I love your Idea lol, would be nice.

But let it not be to sexually, because of 18 rating which valve wants to avoid, lets keep it simple, Let alyx tell the truth, its ABOUT FREAKIN' TIME!!!!!

Valve know we want to see The One Free-Man hook up with alyx Come On, You know you want to!
To reply Crow-bar, No. Just because you’re on a computer gives no one a right to massacre our language. Improper English is a pet peeve of mine, incase you haven’t taken note yet.

And I do ask you refrain from harming anyone’s ego too much Crow-bar. Just because individuals dislike the ideal of Gordon and Alyx together does not directly lead to an ‘I hate Alyx’ form of conversation.

And while I do also enjoy the ideal of Alyx and Gordon together, I would have to agree. It would be hard to pull off. But if anyone can do so I do believe Valve can.
They have shown they are capable of a deep meaningful relationship despite the fact that you as Gordon never says a word. It’s not what Gordon may or may not say, its what you as the player reacts to and thinks about while playing. Gordon never replies when Alyx asks if there is room for two in his suit, but you As Gordon said something, did you not?

But I do suppose it’s not Alyx who loves Gordon, it is us who loves Alyx.

On another note: Whilst true, Valve is managing the rating of their game well, they're walking right into toughening the rating without our help. Be it with Kleiner’s procreation speech of the other little sex hints given throughout the game. Like it or not, reproduction may become a big part of Half-Life’s story.
To neko: Did i say that i wanted it to be a sex thing, no I think not. I said keep it simple, I'd love Gordon & alyx to have relationship, but keep it in the confine's of a 17 rating. keep it simple, play it safe.

Oh Gordon does I believe, because during HL2 beta e3 2003 video Gordon stares at alyx and she says "Gordon, snap out of it your stare'ing a me again!". Even Barney know that Alyx loves Gordon, barney says "Go ahead Gordon she's waiting for you at the other side, You lucky dog you".

Valve wants us to get attached to alyx for some reason, Because Valve wants to do something next idk.

And it not being cheesy would have to mean Gordon Being a Martyr shorty after Alyx showing her true feelings. Its the only way to please most audience's including myself. Gordon would have to die very heroicly Sort of like Bruce Willis being a martyr in Armegedon, That was touching.

Even though I respect you neko, but I have to say this once, I dont like grammar nazi's there always picking apart my human mistakes, and After all I had a tough New York State Regents Exam that I bleeded my freakin' brains out, its not pleasant, so just for now, please :)

Yeah maybe I was Little over reacting, I 'll respect anyones opinion.

Cheers :)
If she was a real chick she'd be pretty hot too. just my input
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