Because we love Alyx...

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Crowbar-at-hand said:
To me, Alyx's mainly shows the asian characteristics. She looks more like her mother than her father. Like Dr. Wally Breen said "Alyx my dear, you have your mothers eyes, but your fathers stuborn nature." I always thought the Male's genes are more dominant than female's, guess not.

'Mongoloid' is an offensive term? I always thought 'chink' was but I never use that term, Lets just use "asian" or "Oriental".

Genes don't care what sex you are. I don't even know where you would get that idea.

Mongoloid literally refers to the people of Mongolia. It was commonly believed, back when the term was invented, that Asian/African people were sub-human to Europeans.
Mongoloid is just a Old outdated forensic's-science term. Alyx got more of the best side, Asian. Asian women are Lookers if you know what I mean and that does NOT include Japanese Cartoons and Sh*t.

Lets Get back On topic shall we, this Science talk is making me nervous even though Gordon is a Scientist but not that type of scientist.

I like when Alyx says " Gordon, Dont Leave me" awww how cute, I wish I could've hold her hand and Give her a hug, she was so adorable.

Also When You get stuck on a Barnacle's tongue, she's says "GORDON, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I know I keep saying that But I just cant get over it. Especially When before I go to the Core, alyx says "Gordon I.........." What was she going to say but then she says something else "I wish there was something else I could do to help".
Aww come'on, btw I dont go that way even though she is attractive , isnt this thread called Because We love alyx, well thats how I like her in HL2Ep1, hope the "character" continues to build like Valve promises, I think.
She's cute, just not "marry me or I'll jump off a bridge cute". :p
Inyssius Grey said:


make babies with me
If you are both indeed male, this may prove hard to accomplish.
Thats a pic from the movie Junior, were Arnold is the test subject for a procedure that makes a man, pregent. Quite sick really.
Im realistic when I say, I dont go that way after all its just freakin' game. her teeth does look bigger than in hl2.

Damnit my keyboard is F**ked up again, now for the time being, I have to use the on screen keyboard.
--------------EPISODE TWO SPOILERS-LOLZ---------------------------

About to ****

MUAHAHAHAha, well actually this is'nt from EP2 but its still great to see, its from Gmod.

P.S. I did not pose them, so dont give me any credit, I just though how great to imagine it, and A little funny.
Imagine me repeating the same thing I said in my last post. :|
Well at least it Is'nt as bad as talking about a man being pregnant (arnold).

And you guys are too stiff and dont know how to lighten up, Life is too short....sugestion-A vacation like a Cruise or of some sort, a Stroll on a beach or what ever floats your boat
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