behind the walls



we know the citidels walls are "eating" teh city, but what is being built behind them
143,086 boxes full of novelty bumper stickers from the year 1984.
razorblade kiss said:
All the X800 Platinum Editions that are back ordered...

realy? *cancles plans to raid ATI and makes new plans to attack the citidel*
It's the replicators. They are consuming everything metal on the planet before they can continue on to the next planet. Their sole objective is to copy eachother, and not to die.
razorblade kiss said:
All the X800 Platinum Editions that are back ordered...

That's not an actual quote in your sig is it? Because that would just be hilarious.
Reaperman said:
.... destroyed rubble of the city?
Can you plz explain to me how you can build destroyed rubble? :E Doesn't make sense.

Anyway. I agree with Maxikana. Replicators :thumbs:
A new City17, of course.
The Combine are leveling cities to get rid of the ghettos and slums, then they'll rebuild a better city and move everyone back in! Thank you Combine!

No...but seriously, it's gotta be a giant trampoline, why else would it be round? (It is round, isn't it?)
They leave everything intact. Its a stupid way to make a fence.

By eating outward from the centre(without actually doing structural damage), the combine will continue to eat the city until it is surrounded by teeth.
Rootbeer for everyone!! :thumbs:

I'm not a HL2 scientist, but maybe Nova Prospekt is inside the wall?
Intamin said:
A new City17, of course.
The Combine are leveling cities to get rid of the ghettos and slums, then they'll rebuild a better city and move everyone back in! Thank you Combine!

No...but seriously, it's gotta be a giant trampoline, why else would it be round? (It is round, isn't it?)

You might not be far from the truth. Think about it, the whole reason for the Combine placing the world under a translucent martial law and limiting the birth of new humans is to change and reshape the world as they want. What better way to improve it than demolish the old and replace it with the new?
Maybe it's a harvester.

9/10 people won't understand the joke, of those who do, 9/10 will think it unfunny.

edit: unfunny is a word... well it is now.
Half-Life 2.

The game will exist inside itself behind the walls, which is the kind of paradox that makes the universe implode when you see it. Just Valve's way of dealing with noclip-ers.
Only the most important thing in life...marijuana crops.
what's behind the walls? truth. you want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!
Wraithen said:
Maybe it's a harvester.

9/10 people won't understand the joke, of those who do, 9/10 will think it unfunny.

edit: unfunny is a word... well it is now.

I understand it, and it's not funny, but rest assured, assuming there will be a 1000 people reading this thread, there are 10 that will think your joke was funny ;)
It's the machine world. The construct. The Matrix. Everything. Nothing. Everywhere. Nowhere.
Someone else would be insulted by those odds, but for me, that's actually above average! :)

I'd like to say it's getting late, and that's my excuse, but the clock on this computer says 1:44AM and my watch is broked... so I don't know what time it is.... ah... time stamps.

PS: relevant posts only... erm... maybe they're teraforming parts of the planet to be habitable for them. They can't get much of a tan in those environment suits.
Hello, all of you are making no sence whatsoever.

I say its an army. They are slowly eating thier way in, taking supplies, reqruiting people, turning people into cyborg type things to take over the world. For example, I think striders where once human.

And, in one of the videos, if you listen to the TV, its talking about how the colombine will take care of everything for you. They have made a dictatorship, and no-one can stop them.

I agree partly with the replicator theory, but I personally think that its more of a giant factory type thing, sucking up the earths resources and enslaving the population.

The "Police" Come and take people away, turning them into combine soldiers, and equiping them using the factory.
When I noclipped on those maps with the eating fence there was nothing on the other side it was the end of the map
the combine wall is secrectly called the anti-world destruction device, it starts at one point then geos all the way around the world destroying everything then when it meets up again it dissapeares, meanwhile inside the wall the have thousands of factories making dvds of invader zim, he's their rolemodel.